The Mystery of September 23: Why Does 9/23 Keep Popping Up All Over the Place?

50  2015-08-20 by axolotl_peyotl


What is going to happen on September 23rd, 2015?

For months, there has been an incredible amount of buzz on the Internet about the month of September, and in particular there has been a tremendous amount of speculation about the date of September 23rd.

For a long time I didn’t pay much attention to all of this chatter, because I like to stick to things that I can prove. In law school, I was trained to be very analytical and to greatly value hard evidence.

If you follow my articles regularly, you have probably noticed those traits reflected in my writing. Well, today I am going to discuss some things that I cannot prove. I am going to share with you some things that other people are reporting, and I humbly submit them for your consideration.

Personally, I do not know what is going to happen on September 23rd, but I have come to the conclusion that there are just way too many “coincidences” to ignore. Ultimately, you need to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

There are a couple of things about September 23 that we can say that we know for sure. First of all, Yom Kippur falls on that day. It is the most solemn of all of the holy days in the Bible, and it is commonly connected with the judgment of God.

Secondly, we know that Pope Francis will be arriving at the White House to meet with Barack Obama on September 23.

But both of those events are not that unusual. Yom Kippur happens every year, and U.S. presidents have met with popes quite often in the past.

So why is everyone getting so excited?

Well, when you couple the amazing confluence of events that we are going to witness in September 2015 with the unprecedented warnings and cryptic messages about the three day period of September 22nd to September 24th that seem to be popping up all over the place, it is enough to cause any rational person to stop and reflect on what might happen.

If you are not familiar with what I am talking about, I encourage you to watch the three YouTube videos that I have posted below.

I want to make it clear that I do not agree with everything in these videos.

Again, I do not agree with everything in these videos.

But all three of them do contain some incredible “coincidences” that I cannot explain away.

In this first video, we see that the numbers “9/23″ just keep occurring over and over again during recent global catastrophes…

In this next video, we see that the date of “9/23″ has been repeatedly embedded in popular movies and television shows…

Lastly, I want to share with you an extraordinary message by Jim Staley entitled “September 23rd, 2015 – The Convergence” in which he discusses all of the things that are going to happen on and around this date…

Did watching those three videos change your perspective on this?

I have to admit that they shook me up. And when you combine all of this information with dreams and visions that people have been having about September, it starts to become difficult to ignore this phenomenon.

Just yesterday, I was alerted to the following message that Dr. Patricia Green just recently released…

This is a message from the LORD given to Patricia Green on July 29, 2015.

“September 23rd is the day Obama makes a pact with the devil. It was not by chance that the Pope and Obama are meeting on the Day of Atonement. (September 23, 2015) They will make a pact that will seal the fate of the United States of America. My vengeance will be poured out from this point forward. (September 23rd) There is no turning back.

Tell My people to draw close to Me in these last days. Tell them to purify their hearts by the washing of the water of My Word. Tell them to ask My Spirit to expose any wickedness within themselves, so they can repent and be clean.

I am returning for My Bride without spot or wrinkle. I am coming for a pure Bride. Only those who are purified by My Spirit and My Word are My Bride. There will be no pretending when I return. Many will say, “LORD, LORD, did I not prophesy in Your Name, heal the sick, cast out demons, and bring people into Your kingdom?” And I will say to those who had impure hearts, “Get from Me, I never knew you.”

This is the time for self-reflection. If you judge yourself in this season and repent of your hidden sin, your sin will not be exposed to your shame.

Now is the time to purify your own hearts. Now is the time before My vengeance is poured out.”

Once again, I do not personally know what will happen on September 23rd.

If I did, I would tell you.

I am just reporting what others are saying. Use discernment and decide for yourself if there is anything to all of this.

But without a doubt, the month of September does appear to be extremely significant. In a recent article, I detailed some of the things that will be happening next month…

  • September 14th – Rosh Hashanah

  • September 15th – The Jade Helm military exercises are scheduled to end.

  • September 15th – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on this date. It has been widely reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which will give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state shortly after the new session begins. Up until now, the U.S. has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama has already indicated that things may be different this time around. If alarm bells are going off in your head as you read this, then you probably already understand how significant this event could potentially be.

  • September 20th to September 26th – The “World Week For Peace in Palestine Israel” sponsored by the World Council of Churches.

  • September 21st – The UN International Day Of Peace. Could this be the day when the UN Security Council resolution establishing a Palestinian state is actually adopted?

  • September 23rd – Yom Kippur

  • September 23rd – Pope Francis arrives at the White House to meet with Barack Obama. Some have suggested that the timing of this event is highly unusual…

Francis is the 266th pope who will be meeting with President Obama on the 266th day of the year, leading one Internet preacher to wonder if “something is being birthed” on that day, since 266 days is the typical human gestation period from conception to birth.

  • September 24th – The Pope addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress.

  • September 25th to September 27th – The United Nations is going to launch a brand new sustainable development agenda called “The 2030 Agenda“. The following is an excerpt from an article that I just wrote about this insidious new plan…

If you didn’t like “Agenda 21″, then you really are not going to like “The 2030 Agenda”. Next month, the United Nations is going to launch “The 2030 Agenda” at a major conference that will be held from September 25th to September 27th in New York City. The Pope is actually traveling to New York to deliver an address which will kick off this conference. Unlike Agenda 21, which primarily focused on the environment, the 2030 Agenda is truly a template for governing the entire planet. In addition to addressing climate change, it also sets ambitious goals for areas such as economics, health, energy, education, agriculture, gender equality and a whole host of other issues. As you will see below, this global initiative is being billed as a “new universal Agenda” for humanity. If you are anything like me, alarm bells are going off in your head right about now.

  • September 28th – This is the date when the Feast of Tabernacles begins. It is also the date for the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.

This blood moon falls on the very first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, it will be a “supermoon”, and it will be clearly visible from the city of Jerusalem. There are many that dismiss the blood moon phenomenon, but we have seen similar patterns before. For example, a similar pattern of eclipses happened just before and just after the destruction of the Jewish temple by the Romans in 70 AD.

I want to make it clear that I am not claiming that anything specific will happen on any particular date.

But I am not claiming that nothing will happen on any of these days either.

I do believe that September will be an extremely significant month, and without a doubt I do believe that we are currently living in the last days of normal life in America.

So what do you think is about to happen?


I have been seeing one to two days a year, since 2008 (definitely happening longer than I have noticed) that are selected and promoted as a date to keep an eye out for. A few months prior, a random date gets picked up by different conspiracy blogs and sites as being a mystery event or even end times. I used to get really fired up about what could be happening, but after the fifth date passed with nothing happening, I trumped it up to me being gullible.

We shouldn't discredit anything immediately but this just feels like so many other posts I have seen that hint at something big happening based on unrelated information. Just my two cents.

The interesting thing is that, for instance, after Dec 21 2012, all those who were preaching on it kind of just, shut the fuck up. Like it never happened.

I'm tagging users who are pushing the 9/23 thing this year. I want to casually remind them in a few months that they were participating in blatant fear mongering.

FTR I'm not fear-mongering, just trying to generate discussion (none of this is my original material, it's just being shared on several alternative sites right now).

I enjoy having fun with numbers, but I never try to read too much into it.

Edit: Full disclosure, this was written under the incorrect assumption that /u/axolotl_peyotl wrote the post. He did not. While none of the words posted are his, he did post it though, and thus I still assert he's just mongering some fear for a few karma points. I don't think he appreciates all discussion on it – especially the kind that I'm having. That being said, some of the accusations below are just a bit off-target, but again: I don't think it's that off target. Still, I'm trying to be as honest and open as I can, being that I get called a shill here every damn day.

Let me be blunt: You maybe are not trying to fear monger, but you aboslutely are contributing to the irrational fear mongery that countless people before you have done. Bottom line: History tells us that not one, single, solitary prediction claiming the end of the world has ever come true. Case in point: We're right here.

Just like those people who were pushing the Dec 2012 thing. They might have just been having a good time, making their awful documentaries and word-soup vomit articles complete with every other word being a link to give the air of 'references'... but in the end, a lot of people around the world were scared by it all, and a lot of people around the world did some very stupid things because of it.

I'm sorry if this is rude, but I really have a problem with you asserting you're not fear mongering after having said things like this...

"without a doubt I do believe that we are currently living in the last days of normal life in America."

And further, considering every other sentence in your post is basically "I don't know! I can't prove it! I'm just thinking out loud!", it seems to me that you really, really don't want to be called a fear monger. You know what you're doing. You know it's scaring some people. You know how stupidly similar this whole concept is to the 12/2012 thing, and you know people are going to call you on it. This is why you also give yourself that wiggle room with lines like "I don't believe everything in this video". You're intentionally vague: You won't say what you don't believe about it, but rather simply "not everything".

Finally you also, over and over, state "People should come to their own conclusions". I have: Based on the evidence that not one, single, apocalyptic prediction has ever manifested in reality, that your post is nothing more than one more in a long line fear-mongering apocalyptic predictions, and can be safely ignored.

This is is beautiful

Don't you know? Nestle and other major companies pay me to post rationality and reason. /s

Thanks for saying so. I'm getting extremely disillusioned with this subreddit.

The only thing you can really get from articles like the ones you mentioned, and time in subs like these is undercurrent, and themes.

Any real predictions here are full of it. That said, I've seen GLP call quite a few things over the years. Although, GLP has failed many many many more times than it has succeeded.

All that said, some predictions have come true, just not apocalyptic ones, or not to the same degree people were waving their dicks around about.

Like the original comment, a few date driven hype cycles is all it takes to take a big step back and start furrowing your brow.

edit: teh

Like the original comment, a few date driven hype cycles is all it takes to take a big step back and start furrowing your brow.

It only took an acorn from a tree to convince Chicken Little the sky was falling. There's a big difference between furrowing your brow in question and jumping to conclusions of CERN conspiracy or Hindu gods returning.

People can fear monger, all they like. But until I choose to buy into it, it's just words...

Sure there are gullible people, and some people believe everything they hear. Doesn't mean everyone does or will.

And lastly, aren't we in the last days of normal life in America?

Define Normal, well it depends on who ya talk to... But I hear a lot of people say things aren't normal anymore.

Be Skeptical but also be Observant as well.


Of course, but just because you know you're not a gullible person doesn't mean those gullible people don't exist. Further, gullibility is not something that I think people should suffer for, but then, that's exactly what fear mongery does: Makes the gullible suffer.

aren't we in the last days of normal life in America?

I don't think so. Seems to me the only reason I would think that is if I was... succumbing to fear mongery.

There will always be people talking about the 'good old days'. This is a common phenomenon, and frankly, it's a lie too: The 'good old days' were never as good as we remember them. The fact is we have better healthcare access, better food access, more wealth, more jobs, more of just about everything you could ask for than we ever had in history.

You can choose to see all the bad and pretend it's representative of the whole. I choose not to.

Trust me, I am skeptical, and observant. That's why I'm not moved by trash posts like this. I'm also an advocate for those who aren't participating here: the lurkers. And I know there are a lot of people out there that believe this stuff but don't feel informed enough to post: These are good people, albeit a bit misguided and gullible. Again: I'm posting for them, not to change the mind of you or OP.

As-salamu alaykum.

Thanks for the fair-minded reply.

I see what you mean and understand your position. I think it adds to the discussion as well.


Any time. I appreciate discussing these topics. It's just that most people who 'just want to discuss' really only just want to discuss their view, not the topic as a whole. A lot of people on this sub pretend that any different opinion is just 'shills talking', and thus worthy of ignoring entirely. This mentality is the most effective form of censorship I think I've yet to come across.

Please don't stop being a reasonable piece of the discussion on this subreddit; the sub needs more people like you.

Case in point? OP is a mod.

That is kind of the problem in this subreddit, if you dispute someones claims they will just scream 'shill!' or some other disparaging remark. Most conspiracy theorists never actually recognize or face any sort of significant objective response or subject themselves to considering opposing opinions, they just scream 'YOU ARE A PART OF THE COVER UP!' and continue ranting, which is why they are viewed largely as crazy.

It is also probably also why very few conspiracy theorists have ever managed to drudge up any significant remnants of the 'truth' they so thirst after. The community of conspiracy theorists and 'truth' seekers is so fragmented and segregated, they can not pool their resources or ever hope to stand against something like a corporation or anyone that may actually be seeking to discredit them.

The flip side is those that actually seek to discredit them ironically -are- working together and are -not- segregated, which is why they achieve more and ultimately always seem to win in the end.

TL;DR stop fighting among yourselves and work together to achieve actual discussion and a positive outcome, you damn fuckbois.

That is kind of the problem in this subreddit, if you dispute someones claims they will just scream 'shill!' or some other disparaging remark. Most conspiracy theorists never actually recognize or face any sort of significant objective response or subject themselves to considering opposing opinions, they just scream 'YOU ARE A PART OF THE COVER UP!' and continue ranting, which is why they are viewed largely as crazy.

This hits the nail right on the head, and in fact, at least this subreddit as a superficial solution: It's explicitly against this sub's rules to call someone a shill. #10.

Unfortunately (again, OP is a mod, so that says a lot here...), that rule is not very well enforced. Day before yesterday I was called a shill by no less than 10 people in a single thread. One of their comments was deleted. I reported them all. Suffice it to say the mods only enforce rules when they choose to.

It is also probably also why very few conspiracy theorists have ever managed to drudge up any significant remnants of the 'truth' they so thirst after. The community of conspiracy theorists and 'truth' seekers is so fragmented and segregated, they can not pool their resources or ever hope to stand against something like a corporation or anyone that may actually be seeking to discredit them.

There is a simple solution: Break away from the community. Go research as just 'a guy', not 'a conspiracy theorist'. And do research. When you find something juicy, verify it, twice. Find corroboration. It's crazy, I know, but make a phone call or two and ask some experts. I guarantee you there's some Google tech sitting around who could plainly explain why the CERN institute shows up when Maps search for 9/23/15. But the fact is many people don't want to confirm their theory or test their theory: they just want to spread it.

The flip side is those that actually seek to discredit them ironically -are- working together and are -not- segregated, which is why they achieve more and ultimately always seem to win in the end.

And they can do it easily: They simply have to go about A) purporting absurd theories (like the Flat Earth theory, or the idea that nukes don't actually exist) and then B) call anyone who disagrees with them a shill. That simple tactic keeps 90% of the rationally-minded, scientifically-aware conspiracy theorists busy chasing their tales trying to convince these puppets they're not a shill and their science is bad. They know the science is bunk, that is the point. It's low hanging fruit.

You are totally right about the confirm and test thing, yesterday and days before the CERN thing in particular was multiple times discredited personally;

This already have been discussed multiple times, it is no conspiracy;


Even this;


This was already discussed, someone typed in 09/23/15 and it took them to CERN, the issue is.. this is no conspiracy or anything like that, this is just the fact that especially when a location can not be found, a user can submit information and move a marker to where that location allegedly is and place it there.

This is just most likely someone who has taken terms they figured would be looked up by people seeking 'evidence' and moved the markers wherever they figured they would create the most fear porn. - This is a gif demonstration of exactly that being done.

The guy just responded 'THAT IN ITSELF IS A CONSPIRACY!'

It is no conspiracy that a bunch of kids are changing the damn marker to create fear porn, what the hells? That in itself kinda makes the subreddit look bad.

A lot of people on this sub pretend that any different opinion is just 'shills talking', and thus worthy of ignoring entirely. This mentality is the most effective form of censorship I think I've yet to come across.

In linguistics this is called a "thought-terminating cliche," used to end dissent or dispel cognitive dissonance: "So-and-so disagrees with me; well, he's just a shill anyway, so who cares what he says."

I wouldn't call it fear mongering, if any individual is fearful of any information, that's up to them to percieve it in a negative light. I'm pretty sure OP said he doesn't believe this type of stuff usually, but if you were to let go of the negative connotations you have with false doomsday (or whatever) predictions in the past, and just look at all of the information, there's not a doubt in my mind that something is going on. And just as OP says, any rational person would question all of this. It's his opinion, his guess, and I agree, if you choose to be afraid, then that is up to you, but I am looking forward to whatever is going to happen, be it death, or disclosure, any change is good.

if any individual is fearful of any information, that's up to them to percieve it in a negative light

No: When the 'information' is predictions of apocalypse or otherwise an 'end to life as we know it', you can't say it's just 'perceived in a negative light'. That's a chickenshit attitude.

I could just as easily call someone a 'n*gger', being the white guy I am, and pretend that, if they take it wrong, "oh, you're just perceiving it wrong - I didn't mean it like that". That'd be a total lack of responsibility on my part – I wouldn't be owning my words – just as OP isn't owning his post. When OP says he doesn't believe in this stuff usually, the implication is obvious that he does in this instance, and therefore he's pushing an agenda he believes in, regardless if this isn't his own original material.

there's not a doubt in my mind that something is going on

The thing is though, that there's literally zero evidence that anything is. It's all just loosely associated dots and imaginary connections. The real common thread here is just the whole 'don't trust science' angle, exactly the same way that Flat Earthers push.

On that note: I could make just as many loose associations in exactly the same way and show this whole thing is just barely-concealed anti-semitism, or differently, show that this is just part of the ongoing campaign to undermine scientific advancement (again: these guys have a lot of similar conclusions that Flat Earthers do). But just because I can show those associations wouldn't make them valid all on their own, right? I still wouldn't be able to evidence any of it.

The same is true for the loose associations saying it's all a conspiracy to bring about the end times or some Hindu god of destruction. I mean you said it yourself: Perception. I can perceive (read: come up with an explanation) this 9/23 thing in any number of ways using the same evidence, so why should anyone trust one assertion over another? Simple: They've got preconceptions of overarching conspiracy and global domination, so that's what they see. Same reason why overzealous christians see Jesus in the wood-grain of a door, or the Virgin Mary on a sandwich. Preconceptions.

Closing note: In the story of Chicken Little, the chicken actually believed the sky was falling. It's still a story about the dangers of fear mongering, because Chicken Little was fear mongering. Even if he believed his words.

I understand your point but OP doesn't solely say "THE WORLD IS ENDING, PANIC". He said that may be one of many possibilities, and all is possible. To not look into it would be stupid with all of the coincidence surrounding 9/23.

What's there to look into?

"CERN is going to try to destroy the world" -- why?

"Aliens are going to arrive" -- I don't think aliens are going to arrive and I think the possibility is absurd. This is a wholly different topic, but suffice it to say, the chances that intelligent aliens have ever landed on this planet are effectively nothing, in my view, and that won't change.

"The pope is going to ... something?" -- So what? I don't care what an old man does with the religion he owns. I was raised Catholic, I still couldn't give less a shit what he does.

"Hindu gods will return" -- I don't believe in Gods any more than I believe in aliens visiting Earth. Note: I think intelligent life is out there, but 'out there' is a tremendously vast place that I simply cannot fathom anyone ever traversing, especially with the point of visiting here.

Take all the pretense and the assumptions out and what are we left with? Some creative art projects and the pope visiting the president. And oh, some jewish holidays. Don't even get me started with that. The first time I saw this 9/23 "Shemitah" nonsense it was on some image macro with the stereotypical 'evil jew' face on it. So forgive me if I think there may be another agenda at play.

He's quoting the article. Those aren't his words numbskull

Edit: I was wrong, this quote was taken from the 'Source' article which I didn't note. Still though: The presentation of this to the subreddit is itself, fear mongering, even if the OP didn't write it.


The only thing I quoted was his quote:

without a doubt I do believe that we are currently living in the last days of normal life in America.

Which are his words. You're saying that just because he didn't come up with the material that his presentation is not his presentation? And that presentation isn't at all fear mongering?

Okay. For the record, I'm not responding to you again.

Those are NOT his words dummy. It's not "his presentation" it's a copy paste of an article for fucks sake. Those are directly from the article linked in the OP. The very first link at the top of the OP that says "Source". Fucking a the retardation of some people...

Okay, fair enough. I was mistaken.

You still think that simply copy/pasting this fear-mongering article is itself, not fear-mongering? I disagree. He presented this to the subreddit.

As an aside I reported your vitriolic comment. Please refrain from that in the future. You can disagree and prove people wrong without debasing yourself to petty name calling. All that serves to do is label you as an immature person.

He presented this to the subreddit.


Why on earth does this subreddit exist if not to validate or debunk various conspiracy theories via discussion?

Your attitude in this thread is extremely telling, especially your blatant disregard for the obvious fact that I didn't write a word of this.

(again, OP is a mod, so that says a lot here...)

Your true colors, they're showing.

Since they're so apparent, pray tell: What are my true colors /u/axolotl_peyotl?

You say it's extremely telling: Please, elaborate. What does my attitude tell you?

This ought to be good.

You're playing Eris, sowing the seeds of discord under the pretense of being skeptical.

Can you be a little less metaphorical and a little more literal? I think that's only a fair request, being that you are a mod here, even if you're not speaking as one.

I ask because I'm not familiar with the story of Eris, and it sounds an awful lot like you're saying I'm being some kind of S-H-I-L-L. Tsk tsk.

What evidence do you have of any pretense on my part? Why must there be some ulterior motive I'm hiding? Why can I not simply be taken at my word? Is it that difficult to realize that someone who can form cogent arguments might not agree with you? Because the most important lessons I ever learned was "the more I know, the more I don't" and "Only the stupid ones think they're the smartest in the room".

But you certainly seem to know all you need to about me. Please, again, share that evidence of pretense if you wouldn't mind. We're having a discussion and here to debunk and evidence right? So do that.

I ask because there is none. There is no pretense, because I am simply a skeptic. A diehard, dedicated skeptic. "Rationality and reason above all else." I attempt as best I can to live by these razors (Occam's, Hanlon's, and Hitchens respectively):

  1. When faced with competing hypotheses, select the one that makes the fewest assumptions.

  2. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  3. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Ask any question you will and you'll get my honest and sincere answer. I've got literally nothing at all to hide from this subreddit or you personally or the mods or admins of this site, for that matter.

You came here with an agenda. You jumped to conclusions before assessing all the facts. You're making not-so-subtle jabs at the mods and moderation here.

Do you know how stressful it is to moderate a sub like /r/conspiracy?

I get threats regularly.

I just want to maintain the free flow of information.

There's no fear porn here. Everyone chooses their own path.

I'm not calling you a shill.

However, anyone who questions why certain discussion are even being held on /r/conspiracy is immediately suspect.

I feel very passionately about what I believe /r/conspiracy represents: one of the last places left on reddit where people can truly speak their minds and discuss controversial topics.

If they're wrong or misguided, 99% of the time intelligent folks here (yourself included, I'm sure!) set the record straight, and everyone is wiser.

Anyone who questions why certain topics are "allowed" on /r/conspiracy is my enemy.

You jumped to conclusions before assessing all the facts.

True, and I apologized. You even responded to the comment with the edit where that happened. Doesn't change my argument: You're still spreading fear in an ignorant fashion, in my view.

Do you know how stressful it is to moderate a sub like /r/conspiracy?

Make me a mod, I'd love to find out firsthand.

I get threats regularly.

I'm sorry to hear that; I haven't threatened you at all. Not consciously anyway. If what I say is threatening to your world-view, that's a wholly different thing.

I just want to maintain the free flow of information.

See, to me, a bunch of speculative nonsense does the exact opposite. But we just differ on that note.

There's no fear porn here. Everyone chooses their own path.

I beg to differ, due to the quoted line and overall tone, but again, we can agree to disagree.

I'm not calling you a shill.

What's the deal with the Eris comment then? There's a pretty big difference between 'jumping to conclusions' and 'coming to sow the seeds of discord', and don't think I didn't notice you toned it down and avoided the question.

One is an honest mistake (admitted, no less): The other is an ulterior motive and an agenda. The latter sounds very much like calling me a shill for something. I accept you at your word that you're not, but can you understand why I asked and why I still think you're wrong to say I came to 'sow the seeds of discord'?

However, anyone who questions why certain discussion are even being held on /r/conspiracy is immediately suspect.

Why is this the case? Says who? You? As a mod or as a user? This seems a very paranoid way of going about discussion. "Question our narrative and you're suspect". I recall GWB said something similar in 2001 and again in 2003.

This is absolutely the worst way to foster discussion and discourse, it only serves to create an echo chamber.

I feel very passionately about what I believe /r/conspiracy represents: one of the last places left on reddit where people can truly speak their minds and discuss controversial topics.

This is hyperbole, but I understand it, because this is your baby. Probably the biggest sub you mod, no?

Anyone can make a new subreddit. There's a thousand more 'free' subreddits than this one, they're just not populated very well.

To me, this says it's not about freedom, but rather about opportunity to be heard by a large audience. The two things are not the same.

If they're wrong or misguided, 99% of the time intelligent folks here (yourself included, I'm sure!) set the record straight, and everyone is wiser.

And 99% of the time we get called shills, we get called 'sowers of discord', we get harassed in other subreddits, followed around, brigaded, etc etc. Case in point: Myself, /u/forthouston, /u/billionairebob, and many others. All of us get called shills, every time we post (or damn close to it).

Why do you think I use a throwaway here? I don't want my main account to get harassed when I'm off talking about actual news or actual events outside this subreddit. And it happened, more than once: Hence I made the throwaway. That's not the fault of the subreddit, but yes, it's the fault of a big majority of your subscribers.

If your goal is to make everyone wiser, then please explain why you're coming at me calling me a 'sower of discord' when I start pointing out the logical fallacies and holes in the theory. I'm not trying to cause arguments here. I am arguing the assertion of the post, but there is a difference.

Still, that might not be acceptable to you because...

anyone who questions why certain discussion are even being held on /r/conspiracy is immediately suspect.

Speaking of that:

Anyone who questions why certain topics are "allowed" on /r/conspiracy is my enemy.

So I could start posting about Kim Kardashian's baby then? No suspicions or anything, but just.. ya know, to talk about Yeezy's baby? And when someone says "why did you post this here", that person is your enemy? I mean don't you see the obvious connections?? (Get it? Because Kardashians are trying to cause Shiva the Destroyer to, oh nevermind)

This is an absurdly pig-headed statement on the part of a mod. "My enemy". Talk about hyperbole. Sheesh.

This is Eris. The name does not imply that you are a all. Not one person in this thread actually called you a shill except yourself. I hypothesize that OP was trying to imply that your point of view, instead of informing people like you believe it is doing, is rather causing people to fight amongst each other, which is plainly obvious in this thread. Most of the infighting seems to be due to your haughty and inflammatory responses, as well. Everyone is definitely entitled to their opinions, but you seem to be trying to shut down any mention of these theories surrounding next month (I know because you did it to me here), acting as some sort of protector for the unspoken and essentially trying to create a counter to what you perceive is some nefarious circlejerk that is driving its readers into a fear-ridden stupor.

You state that you're in here to speak for the gullible and those who won't write a comment on these threads. This is a noble cause, surely, but even after reading through the rest of the comments here and on other threads regarding this topic, most people seem to understand that this is all speculation. Most are curious and interested, perhaps even apprehensive...but afraid? Maybe the lurkers are afraid, but does that mean that OP or I or anyone is not allowed to post due to the possibility that someone might get scared when they read our content? The description for this subreddit does not state that we cannot theorize about things like this. It especially does not make accommodations for those who choose fear over contemplation and discernment. In fact, it says that this is a thinking subreddit and it encourages having an open mind. Nowhere in there does it state we must always and only talk about current events and news with hard proof. I'm sure that some people even come here solely for speculative topics like this, aliens, Illuminati, etc (though we end up having to send them to /r/HighStrangeness because /r/conspiracy lately seems to downvote anything that doesn't have concrete evidence). These "out there" subjects will inherently cause instinctive fear in almost every reader who has never before thought about them because they are generally esoteric in nature and not easily explained (especially due to the reality that most of the truths surrounding these topics are kept secret and hidden from public view).

This particular post involves very old prophecies that are coming to a deadline, deeply intricate science-related topics that only a small percentage of quantum scientists are actually educated in (the lack of knowledge will intrinsically create curiosity and fear), and references to mythology/religion/the occult/etc. You might not give a hoot about what the Pope says and does, but a lot of people do, including, apparently, our President, Congressmembers, and the U.N. You might think this is all a bunch of nonsense, but there are quite a number of scholars (and theorists) out there who are genuinely interested. Is it any wonder that we could be interested, too?

You're arguing the assertion of this post, basically stating that it does not belong here, even though there are no rules against it being here. You didn't truly argue or disprove any of the points and ideas made in the post besides claiming that they are fearmongering based on your own opinions of religion, aliens, and the Pope (small edit: we did learn that the 9/23/2015 "anomaly" in Google is benign however, so I am glad to discard that as a computing coincidence). You didn't provide discussion points other than to imply that those who are curious and have information to share are willfully ignorant and aiming to spread lies and fear. The entire first comment thread devolved into generalizations about how absurd you and others think people are for giving any of this attention.

This is absolutely the worst way to foster discussion and discourse, it only serves to create an echo chamber.

Yes, yes it is...and it has become exactly that.

You've made a very detailed post and I thank you for holding back any vitriol you might have. That's commendable. I did read the whole thing, and here's my response:

Regarding Eris/shill: You're right. I never was called a shill. This is a unique thread in that regard, but then, this is about the most speculative topic that's been put forth in a very long time. More on that in a second.

I don't believe I'm causing infighting: People are fighting with my view and I'm defending it. Understandably, I'm attacking some people's views. However, from my understanding of Eris (albeit limited to the page you linked), it seems that the goal was to cause strife. Afterall, she's referred to as Strife. I assume this all stems from the Golden Apple story. In my ignorance I attributed this to being a shill: it's more being called an agent provocateur, no? I disagree: In the story of Eris, she may as well be the Joker - just that person "who wants to watch the world burn":

Fain would she unbar the bolts of the darksome hollows and rouse the Titanes from the nether pit and destroy heaven the seat of Zeus, who rules on high.

Again: I'm not trying to cause argument. I'm simply presenting the very facts. The fact is that in the entire recorded history of mankind, not one 'apocalypse' has taken place which was predicted in plain english. In the same manner that I don't believe in psychics (many have claimed, none have proven), I discard tales of impending apocalypse. Especially when they are steeped in hundreds- or thousand- year old texts.

Regarding my motives and 'the gullible lurker': You seem to think I've painted myself some white knight, protecting the unspoken. Let me be clear: I used to be that person. I lived a very paranoid life for a short time prior to 2012. I admit: a part of me absolutely bought into the fear. And yes, I knew the hopeful alternatives: talks of "awakening" and other new age mumbo jumbo - other unproven crap that doesn't stand up to testing. You might be noticing a pattern here in that scientific vein. The fact is that I too lived as a paranoid nut job, believing every shadow and every action by any group I didn't understand was 'orchestrated'.

Regarding the 'scary' topics: No, I don't think that simply 'causing fear' is a reason not to post. That's just it: There's a lot to actually be a little apprehensive about. A lot. But it's not a bunch of speculation and loosely connected plot points. It's hard, factual evidence of serious corruption and serious problems in our world. Not over-reactions to art projects. That's the difference between a fear monger and someone telling a truly scary story: The fear-monger thrives on it, the latter is simply a person who's concerned. As I've stated, regarding apocalypse, there is no statistical reason to be concerned in the very least with these 'theories', as they never, ever pan out. "Never say never", right? Never.

Regarding proof, evidence, and the topics allowed by this sub: Again, this topic of 9/23 is no more statistically valid than theorizing about the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. And by all means, I will eat any number of unedible things if I'm wrong. I'm not. I'm certain, as certain as I am that the world will still be spinning when I wake up tomorrow. You're right that there are no rules against this type of pure, unabashed story telling, but there's also better subreddits for it, and further, the name of the subreddit implies something wholly different. You admit yourself: there's a growing trend that demands some evidence and demands a bit of rationality. You say that like it's a bad thing. This is a fundamental disagreement that we won't rectify, you and I.

Regarding the 'quantum intricacies', the prophecies, the mythology, the occult: First, you suppose the president is interested in the pope because of this conspiracy, and not because every pope in the modern day has visited the US president. So that's big assumption there that attempts to lend some legitimacy. The next is your reference to scholars and theorists, as if we're talking about anyone other than people who's biggest achievements are youtube hits. Please, name these reputable scholars and reputable theorists, and I do mean in the academic sense. Not the 'conspiracy crowd' level of 'reputable', as in the likes of David Wilcock. These are just 'famous' people at best. Not academics. And the word 'quantum' in this sense that it's being used is about as pseudo-scientific as you can get: I actually do have a general grasp of quantum theory, and this 9/23 story has nothing to do with it. It's a word the new age crowd has adopted, much like 'evolution'. It serves to give weight to the idea that their theories are scientifically legitimate, and they're anything but.

This all happened back in 2012 too: As the date approached, a lot of 'apocalypse' sayers began changing the story to 'awakening' and 'global change'. They began backpeddling, because they knew that they were statistically going to fail in their predictions. Better change it to make something a bit more vague, or as you put it, "deeply intricate science-related topics that only a small percentage of quantum scientists are actually educated in".

I absolutely have addressed at least the main point of the 9/23 predictions: They're apocalypse theory, and as such, they will fail, as all have before. Again, not one has come to pass. Now sure, economic crashes have been predicted, but that was never done using thousand year old mythology and new age jibberish: It was done using economic theory and mathematics. These are things that actually have been evidenced over time. No one has provided tangible evidence for a true God in history either.

To this point:

how absurd you and others think people are for giving any of this attention.

I don't think I've made any personal attacks? I've called the theory stupid. I don't think people are stupid for believing it. The difference is subtle, I admit, but if you're not okay with subtly then I am vastly overestimating you.

I saved the idea of 'shutting down any mention' for the end. The thing is that I'm not. I'm participating. If people want to circlejerk their theories, they can. There are other threadlines here doing that. The fact is I'm just representing that rational, reasonable side of /r/conspiracy in the best way I can: With cogent thoughts, well organized paragraphs, and (I think) a pretty good understanding of the human condition. Ask /u/axolotl_peyotl, or another mod: I don't report posts. I report comments. I know most posts don't break any rules, ergo, there's no reason to delete them. But I will participate and I will voice my opinion so long as it follows those rules. I am as free to do that as you, and yet, you call that "shutting down any mention". If my words have that affect, I guess maybe that means you're feeling a bit uneasy at possibly believing them. If I was so wrong, it should be pretty easy to just ignore my words. So I kind of see this as a compliment. Thanks.

And finally, this isn't an echo chamber. This? This is conversation. This is a dialogue between individuals who disagree. An echo-chamber is a place where you only hear what you want to, and everything else gets drowned out. An echo-chamber is what you get when you run a subreddit on ideology like this:

However, anyone who questions why certain discussion are even being held on /r/conspiracy is immediately suspect.

Read that. Anyone who questions... immediately suspect. So many absolutes. It's this rationality that creates an echo chamber. Perhaps you're just misunderstanding what I mean by 'echo chamber'.

This sub has been an echo chamber, and that growing wave of rational people downvoting this kind of topic and upvoting people like me? They're the people trying to stop the echo chamber. But like I said, that was a mod who has that ideology. It's hard to have that ideology and still be a ground for 'free thought'. It sounds more like 'free thought, if you're a part of the chamber'. And based on the number of downvotes, shill accusations, and otherwise negative remarks about me and my motives, I'd say this place doesn't feel very free for my kind of person. I'm not part of that chamber. If you think I am, then we have a serious misunderstanding on the definition of 'discourse' and 'discuss'.

They're apocalypse theory, and as such, they will fail, as all have before. Again, not one has come to pass.

Have you ever considered that TPTB might try to fool the gullible by taking advantage of nonsense "prophecy" by staging a fake "apocalyptic" event?

I'm concerned about that more than anything.

To what end would a fake apocalypse do anything? Why should I suspect that for even a moment? What precedent is there?

This kind of wild speculation is exactly what I mean. Fear mongering.


"Project Blue Beam" is not recorded by any government agency. MK ULTRA was. Orion was. Northwoods was. Blue Beam is not. There's zero evidence for it.

Blue Beam is the story of one Serge Monast, a conspiracy theorist, who purports that NASA is trying to bring about the anti-christ with an NWO.

Quite literally, Jerry Fletcher (of the film Conspiracy Theory) was modeled after Monast. That's how reputable he is as a kook. But I'm sure that was all just TPTB's way of 'discrediting' him right? Yet more assumptions resting on top of assumptions.

These theories are all houses of cards: Remove one assumption and the rest crumble.

  • I don't believe in aliens visiting earth
  • I don't believe in Gods
  • Which means I don't believe in antichrist.

George W Bush talked about going to Mars and putting a base on the moon. Neither have happened. Reagan also mentioned the idea of an alien invasion to unite the globe (this is what Clinton was referencing) - why didn't you mention him, rather than Clinton?

Further, I've had the thought that an alien landing on the Whitehouse lawn would change the world immediately. Who hasn't thought that? I've expressed that thought. Am I now planning to fake an invasion? Simply for expressing the notion?

"Hints of a fake alien invasion" is ridiculous: There are also hints of an overarching jewish conspiracy to rule the world. I don't believe that either. Pulling off a fake invasion would require so many people 'in on the conspiracy' that it'd be the single greatest jobs program that any government ever pulled off. That's how many people it would need to employ. I'm honestly just a little disappointed in your arguments, but at least you've stopped pretending you don't believe the OP you made and you were just 'putting it out for discussion'. That's a step forward and a step away from having pretense.

And Alex Jones is the prototypical conspiracy fear monger. Alex Jones profits off of fear, quite literally. His entire business structure is built around it. He pushes fear, people buy his shit. Here's a great writeup on the likes of Jones.

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I dont think he is fear mongering at all. He is just presenting ideas which are worth sharing. Whats your problem?

To ask "whats my problem" after reading all that tells me you either didn't read it, or more likely, you're just trolling. If we disagree, fine. But don't ask me "whats my problem".

I skimmed through it and you are one of those people who say much but don't say anything worth of value at all.

Funny, I've read every word of your comments to me and you remind me of exactly the same kind of people.

Ta ta.


I don't think opinions have any value inherent. Opinions are like assholes: everyone's got one. If I gave the same value to all opinions, I might explode from the cognitive dissonance.

And like an asshole, it might be valuable and useful to you, the owner of the asshole, but it isn't worth much to anyone else who has to smell what comes out of it.

To your edit: If what I say is annoying op and other users, and that's wrong, then I warn you that you are annoying me, and thus you're wrong by your own logic. No one is free from being annoyed, I don't care who or where you are.

You replying to anyone that doesn't share your would view is what's wrong. You're here to annoy no one said you have to reply there is a upvote and a down vote for your disposal.

Are you seriously just saying "shut up if you don't agree"?

Yes there's an upvote and a downvote: There's also a reply link. I can use it if I so please until the mods fucking ban me.

Piss off.



OP didn't put hours into this. It was copy/pasted from the article. I admit I didn't realize this at first, but I still hold that his sharing it here is fear mongering.

Further, they are volunteers: If they don't want to deal with the users, they can quit. Great power great responsibility and all that.

I am proud of what I post here.


So, 'not falling in total agreement with someone' is now considered 'harassment'? I'm not spamming replies. I'm replying to people who comment to me (otherwise known as 'engaging in conversation'). I'm not following anyone to other threads or anything remotely close to harassing.

Now surely, if /u/axolotl_peyotl thinks I'm harassing him, he could ban me. He is a mod. And it would be against the rules. But again: I'm not harassing.

Further I encourage sharing ideas. I have some of my own to share. You seem to be telling me I shouldn't. So maybe there's just a bit of hypocrisy here, no?

No I think the thing is that you just don't like what I'm saying.

That's it. Grow up.


I'm not going to engage this little diversion of yours any further. I've been extremely forthcoming with my thoughts and ideas. You can browse my history if you're actually interested, but let's both be honest: You're not. You're trolling here.



Then my dear friend, you're quite illiterate. Ta.


You're stalking my history now? Troll. Case closed. Piss off.

You Sir< Motherloving GLORIOUS

Your tirade exemplifies the overly capricious stigma that has befallen r/conspiracy and honestly, you need to calm the fuck down. Pontificate the differences that should be inherently identifiable between a subreddit where critical thinking, analyzation, and theories are encouraged; to other subreddits which harbor the attacks on such ideologies from being discussed in the first place.

Okay. Calm enough for you?

"Calmer than you are."

Thanks for contributing!

Go away

Obviously you're not a golfer... Or a fan of The Big Lebowski.

It's been over 15 years since I saw the film. Forgive me for not watching it once a month for the past decade as many around here have. Apologies for snapping, you didn't deserve it.

One day, the end of the world will occur. And none of this will matter. But whoever predicts the correct date will have been correct, regardless.

What a useless comment.

I was reflecting your lack of logic: no one has been correct, yet, about the end date; therefore, no one will be correct about it so we should disregard all claims to that effect.

It's a reasonable assumption. Given then there have been, literally, thousands and thousands of end-times prophecies and exactly none have panned out.. I think it's safe to say none will.

Granted I can't prove a negative, but I'm not trying to use proof, I'm using statistics. It is as statistically unlikely as me finding a real, living leprechaun. I can't prove they don't exist – you can't prove negatives – but it's so statistically unlikely that to dedicate any amount of time to the notion would be wasting that amount of time.

TBH I don't believe in this "societal collapse" bullshit, but the system has been "kicking the can" for too long already.

The "reboot" expected in 2008 did not occur, and now after 7 years of zero interest rate, massive capital injections, and of course debt, the (macro) economy is basically in limbo (aside from bubbles).

As of now, we have a major storm up ahead, China devalued their currency (slightly though significantly), all emerging markets are collapsing (from Brazil to Kazakhstan), the Fed is planned to meet on Sept. 16 (if they hike the rates, then the SHTF even faster).

Recently The Telegraph ran a piece on the upcoming "financial doomsday"

Long forgotten Gold is making a comeback as the "safe haven of last resort"

I believe we here on /r/conspiracy care about each other (I certainly do). For this it would be important for us to be aware. If we have saving in the stock market (401(k)) better diversify them the best possible (basket of currency, gold, US bonds ... wtfdik !). Thinking about looking for a new job, investment, mortgage ? Better wait a little. It certainly won't hurt, but maybe its better to let this storm pass by, while under shelter, even if nothing will happen.

If you are right, lol If you are wrong, lol

I need to smoke more weed to belive this.

I lost any and all interest I had in what was going on here when I read the following:

Just yesterday, I was alerted to the following message that Dr. Patricia Green just recently released…

This is a message from the LORD given to Patricia Green on July 29, 2015.


Yep, that's where I skipped to comments too.

Make that 3.

Also, curiously, according to The Prophecy of the Popes we're on the last one.

The Tibetan legends of Shambhala include visions of apocalyptic visions of the end-times, where Rudra Chakrin rides forth with his armies to destroy the barbarians, after which a golden time of peace descends on earth. You might find these tales interesting, if you aren't aware of them.

SNIP The skirmishes of the battle of the last days (in the year 2327) are, according to commentaries upon the Kalachakra Tantra, supposed to reach through Iran into eastern Turkey (Bernbaum, 1982, p. 251). The regions of the Kalachakra Tantra’s origin are also often referred to as the site of the coming eschatological battlefield (the countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan). This has a certain historical justification, since the southern “Islamic” flank of the former Soviet Union counts as one of the most explosive crisis regions of the present day (see in this regard the Spiegel, 20/1998, pp. 160-161). END SNIP

In all honesty, while this comment may spark a mini-frenzy in this sub, visions of apocalyptic end-times appear to be common across cultures and religions. I look at them as myths, or legends, or stories that are not intended to be factual but warnings similar to fairy tales. It's human nature to fear collapse; spending ones life trying to tie together random events is a path to either madness, or a wasted life. Have no fear! The end will come. Do not waste time trying to predict a specific date; focus on preparation, and enjoying life.


Something I found interesting (although I don't necessarily buy into this): When the Pope visits the US on 9/23, he will have been Pope for exactly 2 years 193 days, which totals 923 days.

Conspiracy aside, I think that's a pretty awesome coincidence.


I despise the idea of judgement, it's an elementary school of thought.

People are molded by their environment, not by their "soul". If a "soul" has anything to do with their personality, it takes the back seat to their upbringing, environment, and social status. We can see this easily proven in ghettos where kids join gangs.

Anything "judgement" related is designed to instill fear into the population, because judgement is illogical.

Who knew my 29th birthday was a big deal

Are you the Antichrist ? 10 ways to figure out.

Jesus' hate him!

What I was I thinking. I am an atheist that's probably strike 1

So what about the 6, 7, and 8? Those are just meaningless numbers, but the first one and the last two are significant for some reason?

I was thinking as I read the title and started into your post was, "It's just going to be another Tuesday."

But now I know better. I've done a bit more research. I can say with absolute 100% certainty that September 23, 2015 will absolutely not in any way, shape, manner, or form be a typical Tuesday.

That's because September 23rd is going to be a Wednesday.

DOH! Stop sharin' my secret research! =P


I'm prepping a little bit financially around the 11th. Around the 15th there will most likely be some financial disruption. Don't want to get caught out if it is bad and would like to transition somewhat smoothly if it is good. I think if anything happens on the 23rd, it will be quick and I will have very little time if any to react so just rations and a cool head. Not much more I can do.

He was joking. The 23rd is a Wednesday, not a Tuesday

Lol how's that financial disruption going

I didn't see any major red flags so I did not make any financial changes. Still have my rations though lol. I did not go too crazy with that part. It's enough for an earthquake or grid going down scenario so it is not extreme.
If you have been watching though, the market is still dropping even after the Fed's announcement to hold off on a rate hike.

So what do you think is about to happen?


Mayan 2012 stuff popped up all over the place. The only thing that happened was a lot of people needlessly worried for nothing.

Hey /u/axolotl_peyotl just adding:

Shmitah years are God's seven year cycles which are linked to economic activity, for God commands that in the seventh year all debts are to be forgiven. A calf born just before the start of this Jewish Shemitah Year (which is the seventh year) has the number '7' on its face.

According to Jeff Berwick, every 7 years a major crisis occurs; 2008 (financial crisis), 2001 (tech bubble), 1994 (Bond crash), 1987 (Black Monday)

Adding that the Fed is planned to meet in Sept. 16-17

Anyway it may be coincidental, September is after all when most return from August vacation, reason which so much is awaited for September. I don't subscribe to fearmongering and am doubtful a "societal collapse" will occur, and Jeff Berwick got his idea from Jonatahn Cahn (the Harbinger).

But a major economic-societal reboot is due already now for what ? 7 years.

You're cherry picking events that line up with this though. Looking at a more complete list shows that there isn't really any rhyme or reason.

Also, the financial crisis started at the end of 2007, not 2008.

I'm not saying I subscribe to this, just pointing out.

Fair enough, just pointing out that it doesn't really line up with actual events.

Kinda they don't and I think all the talk about portals or comets or flood or wave x or all that stuff are just people talking so who knows. I don't have enough information and there is too much disinformation to find real truth there. I do find it odd though that all 5 blood moons fall on Jewish holidays. Also, stock traders refer to Shmitah years as Shmitah year because they always have troubles in one form or another that year. Also, the feds are meeting and not just meeting. They have already leaked that they plan to raise rates (how a private company gets away with even having rates with our nation for our own money just blows my mind.) Also, in those last two weeks of Sept. the Pope is coming and even Putin has informally requested to come. Not sure if the whole environmental thing has anything to do with anything besides the environment but if you have been watching the world markets these last few weeks, it is hard not to think that we will not have financial problems heading our way soon. To what extent? Well, hopefully one that does not affect me, ha! least not in a bad way, but I would just rather be prepared either way as long as it does not hinder my daily routine. Plus, it's a fun hobby. :)

So this is from a youtube comment...can someone explain this?

Go to google maps (uk) and search for "9/23/15".

Here's the result.

edit: explained

HL3 confirmed?

Now that is a conspiracy theory.

Maybe someone should email google and ask them why Cern comes up... unless someone knows of course.

Search for "9/21/15" and you'll get the Staples Center in LA.

Search for "7/12/15" and you'll get some road in Maryland.

So what?

I don't have an explanation, but I mention in this comment here that it works on Google Earth too. The rest of my comment corroborates a lot of what you have also found, including the Prophecy of the Popes. Next month is going to be interesting...

It works based on algorithms from google. The same people who have googled 9/23/15 have googled CERN which makes the software connect those two.

Neat, thanks for the explanation.

Yay! Thank you for giving us an answer that actually makes sense.

Weird how that feedback loop works, eh? Kinda the same thing as the right-wing media consistently mentioning that Obama might have been born in Kenya.

When you associate two concepts over and over and over, people have a tough time breaking them apart. Apparently so does Google's algorithm.

ok wut.

"Wut" to it working with Google Earth or "wut" to my comment?

Both :)

Indeed. channels inner Teal'c

Edit: Fixed.

You need http://

Thank you. I always forget that with a mobile link.

Also, your username was perfect for this situation.

It bites me in the ass more than it helps me. But Ive had that same problem too

So regarding the 2030 / Agenda 21 thing...

Whatever happened to Agenda 21? I seem to recall we'd see billions dead? Billions more starving? Billions being told that food was poison? That sort of thing? In fact I believe Zeitgeist,* the first, claimed WWIII would break out by 2012. Strange that it didn't, huh?

Yeah, it never happened. Neither did the 2012 apocalypse of mayan origin. Nor any other predicted apocalypse in history: none of them have happened.

*It's possible I"m thinking of something like Esoteric Agenda, not Zeitgeist.

Apparently it's alive and well, dropping venom here and there. It's funny that Big Oil is actually against Agenda 21 (carbon emission and stuff). This whole thing is really inner-fighting among the elites. It's like ancient folks looking at a thunderstorm and thinking that the gods are in there fighting each other.

iirc 239 is the number for the nuclear isotope (or element or something, I'm not a nuclear physicist) in nuclear bombs. Sept 23rd written in European shorthand is 23/9, thus that is most likely where a lot of this is coming from.

thus that is most likely


Oh, wow, this is really cool material!

Just to be clear: I don't believe aby of this. Not a single word. I've seen enough stories about raptures, comets falling from the skies, world war 3's and other apoicalyptic nonsense that I'm already vaccinated against believing any conspiracy based on numerology. Being agnostic also helps to weed out this stuff (You know, "The Bible says", "The Pope said", "An obscure indoeuropean cult, 2000 years ago said" yeah, riiight).

But hey, this is really well written, and the "signals" really good nitpicked to make sense (although the flanders part was silly), the religious stuff sounds quite religious... it was fun to read, to be honest.


No. Not gonna happen anything (serious, I mean). Its just 3 numbers picked semi randomly and sorted to match some coincidences in some political agendas. Its just putting together some random stuff with no relatin whatsoever and pretending it makes sense. But it doesn't. A pact with the devil? Please. It would be more credible, I don't know, some kind of religious alliance between USA and the Vatican. Maybe dip a bit in the political situation in Europe with Greece and pretend that the russians are angry about it, now that the have a military base in the Baltic sea. All these places are close enough to be affected if there were some kind of situation, and it really links quite good the israel/paslestine stuff with currewnt politics.

But it fails in the most important thing, and it is in giving a purpose. Whats gonna happen 9/23? There's nothing, just a lot of "well, we have this stuff sorted with the pope, and the jews, and the president... something might happen, dudes!" There's no "mayas said it" or "there's going to be a terror attack that will park a(nother) war in middle east", just a "uuh, scary."

Fun read, though.

If you judge yourself in this season and repent of your hidden sin, your sin will not be exposed to your shame.

My hidden sin is that I have a vibrator and I use it. A lot. And no, I won't be repenting of that.

Okay? Go ahead, expose it, I don't care.

But you have to judge yourself. If you don't judge yourself then you are good from the get go. ;)

You know what's interesting about that comment by that lady preacher? She's basically just told us what's frightening to her -- having a secret sin exposed. These people don't realize they're revealing their own pathology when they try to coerce other people using guilt as a manipulation tactic.

I'm an atheist, but I'm far freer of inner demons than she'll ever be.

Tell me this is a joke

Good post.

I've been all of the place with conspiracy stuff over the past 5 years or so. Over a year ago, I was really into it, really believing 'something' was going to happen around every corner. I realized it was killing my mood and interactions in real life, so I got out of it for 6-12 months completely.

Recently got back into it with all this September talk. I dunno, there are too many things all just coming together all at once. Too many dates all at the same time. It's just weird.

That aside, just look at the financial markets currently. The downtrend is starting. Hate to say it, but buckle up. This is going to get interesting.

As far as prophecies and whatnot... yeah, kinda far-fetched. Shemitah, etc... well, there seems to be a track record. I'd at least be on guard for things to come.

I seriously cant wait to come back to these threads and laugh my butt off

Did you get this from SHTF plan? You should attribute them at least. I mean, they put a lot of work into it

Good write-up, thank you for sharing!

The guy standing there with 923 on his traders jacket is some of the most obvious social engineering I have ever witnessed on television.

Here is the timeline

I have a flight from Austin to Atlanta that day... fuuuccckk.

There's also this thing about the same company doing construction works in WTC prior to 9/11 doing some renovation works to the White House/Capitol, don't remember/can't find it on here.

Found it:

My question is this: Can anyone bring forth the same amount of cryptic messages regarding previous 'apocalypses'. I mean, I can find things on 9/11, we all know that (cartoons, comics, and movies either with 9/11 or the twin towers being destroyed). But I can't find anything for December 2012. Hollywood movies weren't pointing at that date because nothing was set to happen. Why is this one so highlighted? And nothing is coincidence, so don't give me that. And if you do decide to argue that point, let us all choose another random date or assortment of numbers and see how many times it pops up in the media.

Let's ask The Universe (TU).

Hey there, how's it going?

TU: Yes. It's going. Total random chaos with some cool lights and gas. Sorry about the cold. Physics, you know.

So what's all this I hear about September 23rd 2015?

TU: Dunno, what planet are you from?


TU: Never heard of it, must be a young one. There are so many.

How many planets are there like earth?

TU: I lost count after several million. I mean why even bother at that point. September 23 2015 there is like 147,345,210,465 in Universe years.

We're worried that something bad will happen.

TU: Looking at my Planet Database Health-O-Meter right now, it's my favorite app. Okay, you earthlings should embrace all the good that's happening and stop all this make-believe and war and fighting and better educate yourselves. It's just not 147,345,203,000 anymore! Looks you guys have it all but don't seem to appreciate it a lot of the time. Go outside. Have fun, be nice to each other, swim, run, play, eat, learn, be kind and love! It's all up to you. Life is what you make it.

nothing is gonna happen

Nope, nothing happened.

September 15th marks the Jubilee Shemitah (every 50 years) after 7 years of 7 year cycles.


I must have read your article on the 2030 Agenda recently because it seems really familiar in my adhd/ms fogged brain.

What's your thought on the Shemitah cycle ending in all of this? I've only started reading more into this recently, and had never even heard of Shemitah until the first time I heard something about 9/23 and decided to start digging.

The whole idea of something happening in September worries me, as it does seem like there are way too many 'coincidences'. I worry knowing I'll be in Europe the last half of September... What if I can't come back to Canada?!

DOH! Stop sharin' my secret research! =P


Weird how that feedback loop works, eh? Kinda the same thing as the right-wing media consistently mentioning that Obama might have been born in Kenya.

When you associate two concepts over and over and over, people have a tough time breaking them apart. Apparently so does Google's algorithm.

Those are NOT his words dummy. It's not "his presentation" it's a copy paste of an article for fucks sake. Those are directly from the article linked in the OP. The very first link at the top of the OP that says "Source". Fucking a the retardation of some people...

Neat, thanks for the explanation.

Yay! Thank you for giving us an answer that actually makes sense.

You've made a very detailed post and I thank you for holding back any vitriol you might have. That's commendable. I did read the whole thing, and here's my response:

Regarding Eris/shill: You're right. I never was called a shill. This is a unique thread in that regard, but then, this is about the most speculative topic that's been put forth in a very long time. More on that in a second.

I don't believe I'm causing infighting: People are fighting with my view and I'm defending it. Understandably, I'm attacking some people's views. However, from my understanding of Eris (albeit limited to the page you linked), it seems that the goal was to cause strife. Afterall, she's referred to as Strife. I assume this all stems from the Golden Apple story. In my ignorance I attributed this to being a shill: it's more being called an agent provocateur, no? I disagree: In the story of Eris, she may as well be the Joker - just that person "who wants to watch the world burn":

Fain would she unbar the bolts of the darksome hollows and rouse the Titanes from the nether pit and destroy heaven the seat of Zeus, who rules on high.

Again: I'm not trying to cause argument. I'm simply presenting the very facts. The fact is that in the entire recorded history of mankind, not one 'apocalypse' has taken place which was predicted in plain english. In the same manner that I don't believe in psychics (many have claimed, none have proven), I discard tales of impending apocalypse. Especially when they are steeped in hundreds- or thousand- year old texts.

Regarding my motives and 'the gullible lurker': You seem to think I've painted myself some white knight, protecting the unspoken. Let me be clear: I used to be that person. I lived a very paranoid life for a short time prior to 2012. I admit: a part of me absolutely bought into the fear. And yes, I knew the hopeful alternatives: talks of "awakening" and other new age mumbo jumbo - other unproven crap that doesn't stand up to testing. You might be noticing a pattern here in that scientific vein. The fact is that I too lived as a paranoid nut job, believing every shadow and every action by any group I didn't understand was 'orchestrated'.

Regarding the 'scary' topics: No, I don't think that simply 'causing fear' is a reason not to post. That's just it: There's a lot to actually be a little apprehensive about. A lot. But it's not a bunch of speculation and loosely connected plot points. It's hard, factual evidence of serious corruption and serious problems in our world. Not over-reactions to art projects. That's the difference between a fear monger and someone telling a truly scary story: The fear-monger thrives on it, the latter is simply a person who's concerned. As I've stated, regarding apocalypse, there is no statistical reason to be concerned in the very least with these 'theories', as they never, ever pan out. "Never say never", right? Never.

Regarding proof, evidence, and the topics allowed by this sub: Again, this topic of 9/23 is no more statistically valid than theorizing about the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. And by all means, I will eat any number of unedible things if I'm wrong. I'm not. I'm certain, as certain as I am that the world will still be spinning when I wake up tomorrow. You're right that there are no rules against this type of pure, unabashed story telling, but there's also better subreddits for it, and further, the name of the subreddit implies something wholly different. You admit yourself: there's a growing trend that demands some evidence and demands a bit of rationality. You say that like it's a bad thing. This is a fundamental disagreement that we won't rectify, you and I.

Regarding the 'quantum intricacies', the prophecies, the mythology, the occult: First, you suppose the president is interested in the pope because of this conspiracy, and not because every pope in the modern day has visited the US president. So that's big assumption there that attempts to lend some legitimacy. The next is your reference to scholars and theorists, as if we're talking about anyone other than people who's biggest achievements are youtube hits. Please, name these reputable scholars and reputable theorists, and I do mean in the academic sense. Not the 'conspiracy crowd' level of 'reputable', as in the likes of David Wilcock. These are just 'famous' people at best. Not academics. And the word 'quantum' in this sense that it's being used is about as pseudo-scientific as you can get: I actually do have a general grasp of quantum theory, and this 9/23 story has nothing to do with it. It's a word the new age crowd has adopted, much like 'evolution'. It serves to give weight to the idea that their theories are scientifically legitimate, and they're anything but.

This all happened back in 2012 too: As the date approached, a lot of 'apocalypse' sayers began changing the story to 'awakening' and 'global change'. They began backpeddling, because they knew that they were statistically going to fail in their predictions. Better change it to make something a bit more vague, or as you put it, "deeply intricate science-related topics that only a small percentage of quantum scientists are actually educated in".

I absolutely have addressed at least the main point of the 9/23 predictions: They're apocalypse theory, and as such, they will fail, as all have before. Again, not one has come to pass. Now sure, economic crashes have been predicted, but that was never done using thousand year old mythology and new age jibberish: It was done using economic theory and mathematics. These are things that actually have been evidenced over time. No one has provided tangible evidence for a true God in history either.

To this point:

how absurd you and others think people are for giving any of this attention.

I don't think I've made any personal attacks? I've called the theory stupid. I don't think people are stupid for believing it. The difference is subtle, I admit, but if you're not okay with subtly then I am vastly overestimating you.

I saved the idea of 'shutting down any mention' for the end. The thing is that I'm not. I'm participating. If people want to circlejerk their theories, they can. There are other threadlines here doing that. The fact is I'm just representing that rational, reasonable side of /r/conspiracy in the best way I can: With cogent thoughts, well organized paragraphs, and (I think) a pretty good understanding of the human condition. Ask /u/axolotl_peyotl, or another mod: I don't report posts. I report comments. I know most posts don't break any rules, ergo, there's no reason to delete them. But I will participate and I will voice my opinion so long as it follows those rules. I am as free to do that as you, and yet, you call that "shutting down any mention". If my words have that affect, I guess maybe that means you're feeling a bit uneasy at possibly believing them. If I was so wrong, it should be pretty easy to just ignore my words. So I kind of see this as a compliment. Thanks.

And finally, this isn't an echo chamber. This? This is conversation. This is a dialogue between individuals who disagree. An echo-chamber is a place where you only hear what you want to, and everything else gets drowned out. An echo-chamber is what you get when you run a subreddit on ideology like this:

However, anyone who questions why certain discussion are even being held on /r/conspiracy is immediately suspect.

Read that. Anyone who questions... immediately suspect. So many absolutes. It's this rationality that creates an echo chamber. Perhaps you're just misunderstanding what I mean by 'echo chamber'.

This sub has been an echo chamber, and that growing wave of rational people downvoting this kind of topic and upvoting people like me? They're the people trying to stop the echo chamber. But like I said, that was a mod who has that ideology. It's hard to have that ideology and still be a ground for 'free thought'. It sounds more like 'free thought, if you're a part of the chamber'. And based on the number of downvotes, shill accusations, and otherwise negative remarks about me and my motives, I'd say this place doesn't feel very free for my kind of person. I'm not part of that chamber. If you think I am, then we have a serious misunderstanding on the definition of 'discourse' and 'discuss'.