It really pisses me off how I can't accuse anyone of shilling even though its really obvious

12  2015-08-27 by TheCocaineFairy

thanx for the gay rule mods


The only reason it's a rule is because so many here horribly and unintelligently abused it with a never ending stream of shill accusations with anyone and everyone who disagreed. The end result destroyed all of what little credibility this group has. When you scream like a paranoid schizophrenic at everything that blows in the wind you absolutely will be viewed as a paranoid schizophrenic, and rightly so, even if you're right about the original topic. That's not good for you, it's not constructive to discussion, and it's not good for this place, which already suffers with credibility.

There are good ways to say what you want without a direct "shill" accusation. Someone above even has good examples. Even then I hope it's intelligently applied rather than simple dissent in the wind. Remember, people have different experiences, knowledge, and perspective. Disagreement is inevitable. If your world view can't tolerate this fact, you shouldn't make accusations.

I never accused anyone personally of being a shill, but IMO in some threads the comments are more than 50% shill-created and votes are rigged.

On r/conspiracy it is more difficult, because the users tend to be more aware. In other subreddits, you can see scores of shill accounts create an interpretational sovereignty on some topics.

edit: Instead of accusing someone of being a shill, we can criticize the behavior of someone, if it is manipulative.

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies

You just gotta say it in a roundabout non direct way.

For example, "yo dog whether or not it's your intention you seemed to be bias towards x, have you considered y? I ain't calling you a shill just saying you showing some shill-like behavior"

Just be civil and it's all good, at least in my experience.

ahahahaah yea thats a good way to go about it i guess. Im gunna use this tactic, respek

Respek, But listen to lucy, her approach is more subtle and conducive to conversation. My method is more the passive aggressive approach haha


FWIW I wasn't referring to our exchange when I wrote that. And in the thread earlier I first misread your post, apologized and corrected myself, and then all I did was point out how others might perceive what you were saying.

Also I find it hard to believe you're a long time user as you claimed,when you get so offended at my objective points. You also seem pretty damn good at playing victim.


There is an unusual amount of people defending the shooting and saying that we are crazy for thinking its staged. I did some lurking and I noticed a few of those posters had an account that was only 7 days old.


I'm new here too, and I have had the same things happen to me. Shits been crazy here lately. This is naturally what you get when you're in a conspiracy forum and cannot physically see the opposition. You just need to shrug it off and say fuck it. I won't leave because too much crazy shit is popping off in the world and this place helps me process it all, regardless of shills or batshit crazy schitzo's.


but why? what originally ruffled your feathers? What exactly did you say that made someone accuse you of being a shill?


what was racist? Find me a link.


but like what do you deem as racist? When someone points out the correlation between Jews and control of mainstream media is that considered antisemitic to you? I wan't to know exactly what is racist in your opinion. Could you give me an example?


That was me (actually) I be raysis as fuck yo'. Seriously though, you deleted your comments and you and several others recently popped up having 7 day old accounts. A bunch of people who have 7 day old accounts are the ones saying "the shooting was real and everyone who believes otherwise is crazy"


well several 7 day old accounts were the ones going around saying we are all crazy



Just be more subtle, it can be done

e.g. "The majority of people here will assume you have an agenda, but I'm not going to accuse you of that as it's not my style..."

e.g. "most people who say that are paid posters, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you really mean what you're saying..."

e.g. "It really does surprise me to find someone like you in a sub like /conspiracy, it doesn't seem like a place where someone with such pro-corporate beliefs would be found, while lots of people will assume you're a paid poster I don't like to do that, I'll just focus on providing the facts"

will do

they are so obvious.

ignoring them seems best, I think.

No its not. Think off all the new people coming here being dissuaded by retarded posts!

Yes, most new people will assume that shills are real /conspiracy people who have debunked an inaccurate post, especially when they see a comment claiming to have done the debunking which has been (artificially) voted to the top, the noob will believe there is consensus here on the debunking, so it's essential to debunk their debunking and drop a hint about what they are up to


I thought I "got rid of you" yet your still here trying to discredit the entire sub?

I don't find it obvious at all.

they become super easy to spot and ignore after awhile.

I consider them traitors. Accessories to murder even. They are not patriots but sellouts. Fuck them.

I always say something about their polishing skills in relation to the reflection of the storm trooper cod piece many of them wear.

downvote and move on

Shills are a fact of life. You should probably just get used to it. Wait until you discover the professional trolls.

It pisses me off that so many new users here have nothing better to do than bitch and moan about the rules.

will do