I feel like a quiet has come over americans

132  2015-09-04 by [deleted]

Since the revelations about spying things haven't seemed right. I watched so many people tune in and then check out. They stopped talking about the realizations they and all of us have been making that our government has sold us out. After the spying was revealed, it was irrefutable that we live in one of the societies we were taught about in history class - no more rationalizing CIA experiments on us or pentagon weapons research or secrecy for our safety. It's clear that we have given way too much power to some people who are very, very bad. And now what do we do? I'm legitimately scared.

Edit: thanks for gold. this documentary has prevented me from sleeping as I'm putting everything together: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-century-of-the-self/


All you can do for them is be there when they break down.

I'm done trying to wake them up. They want to be asleep.

Still, I'll be the one there when they open their eyes to hold them and tell them to be calm.

It's all you can offer them.

I worry that it could slap them in the face and they still wouldnt see it.

You could scream for years, "A dick will slap your face", and they will laugh at you. Fucking buy advertisements, bastards with spinning signs, and neon advertisements saying, "Dick in your face", and they will doubt it.

Then the dick hits their face.

And they are fucking amazed.

A risky click if ever I saw one.

Lol I fully expected a dick slapping someone's face, I was not disappointed!

FYI it's not a dick slapping a face.

This is why I come to this sub.

No really, the humor and comrade you show here is in-admonishingly effervescent in the face of what many here fear to be some of the great catastrophe ever conducted by the dark side of humanity allowed to fester under the guise of altruism that ultimately only meekly masks those who seek power through any means necessary. I don't like speaking of things only conceptual in nature, I feel this limits my ability (maybe others but I wont speak to ones conscience, only their actions) to properly convey reality. Strange how bizzare our common nomenclature is. "The war on drugs". The war on X. War on a concept is inept, fucking stupid. I dont know.

I feel as though the United States is nothing more than a large out of control social experiment gone horribly awry.

Our "founding fathers" consisted largely of slave owners amd mass murderers and rapists. Christopher Columbus was a slave driver who murder many natives so that he could get gold and be rich and famous in England. The only reason he ended up in the Americas in the first place was because he was a navigational retard. Why is that celebrated in this nation? Imagine if you love in the Britain today and you bought plane tickets to India but somehow ended up in New York. That's not a great discover, you're just a fucking retard. Then because you realize they don't have guns and you do, you decide to shoot and rape them all. That's what your life is, killing people and then fucking women with your dick. Fuck Chrisopher Douchelondus, I'm glad he's dead,I'll be sure to jerk off to the thought of him writhing in agony as he died of syphilis. That's the new narrative.

Anyways, remember the trail of tears kids? I remember we learn that pretty young but we don't really cover it much despite it being one of the most atrocious acts against humanity ever. I mean just the name alone should clue you in on just how shit fucked America is. If you need a refresher, its when they wrassled up all the natives and forced them to walk themselves to death. This isn't in the books but fuck it, they probably raped a bunch of them too, because why not, fuck you they had guns.

Oh, how about all the abuse we did to the mentally ill? Lobotomy was a treatment how exactly? You could make the case that they didn't know better. Still, you'd think the understood jamming peoples brains with a metal bar through their eye is bad. But they don't need the metal bars anymore, now they use pills.

Most families in America originate from 3 places. Either they immigrated on a boat, we're the spawn of these shit fucks who did terrible things to the natives (someone want to see if thr the Bush family has ties? Wouldn't surprise anymore.)

Native Americans are abused and harrased throughout American history than any other race, yes more than African Americans. I'm not saying it's good at all but they at least let them stay as families. They just shoot the Indians. This continues with the prison industrial complex. Also probably the biggest cover up in American history. I digress however.

I guess what I'm saying is nobody alive today is responsible for the crimes of their forefathers. Inherited guilt is the most ass backwards concept ever, and not everyone is a child of rape, but it's a reality the majority population im in America is still mostly not aware of. If they are they mostly don't accept it. I don't blame them. I could go on and on but I think I've written about enough atrocities as is. Nevertheless it's a reality that must be dealt with and accepted. It's the foundation of almost all our problems, truly. Rampant corporate greed, bankster families, prison industrial and military industrial complexes, run by jack boot thugs who literally beleive they have authority ordained by god. I'm sorry about however you feel about the drug war, or people using drugs, or what your respect for peoples values are. I live in a world that will cage you, harras you, ostracize you, or even fucking kill you because of a flower. A fucking flower. There is nothing anyone can say to me that that is anything less than pure insanity the result of a sick and barbaric society.

But then again there's people who deliver weed in the mail. America is such a bizzare place, it's truly become the freak show Carlin always wanted to see.

But yeah, I'm glad this community has stuck through such enormous storms of shit posting. Reminds me of this. Remember that mos of the world's decisions are made by just a few families. But you have the potential to be just as influential.

Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world, for indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Barack Obama

Nice post man.

What sucks about that is... by time the majority wakes up at this rate we are going, we are FUCKED and people finally realizing what is going on around them will be too little too late.

For 'Murica yes its already too late, they missed their window for action around 2012 and so if things continue like they have been in last what 40 years... 'Murica will fall like any other Empire in the near future. For the World on the other had i think it has another 20 years unless 'Murica forces Worlds hand and they all gang up to wipe her out or continue the covert World War. I still think that people all over the World will see the Truth sooner rather then later and take matters in their own hands for the better of mankind and NOT do it by all means necessary or we will lose ourselves.

That's already happened.

Like a person waking from a coma just in time to realize the building is on fire and collapsing all around them.

the one to tell them, I told you so.

I was having an argument with another redditor the other day and the argument boiled down to them proudly ignoring the evidence I presented to assure me that everything was fine and will remain fine ever, all the while launching ad hominem attacks on me for suggesting otherwise.

But it didn't upset me. I didn't get mad. Why? Because it reminded me why I prep. I prep because there are a lot of people like this in the world. And no matter what happens I need to make sure that my family and loved ones are protected from them. I was glad for the reminder of that.

how does one get someone to fill them in on what ever is going on here.... something is

Buy land over a secure aquifer, use solar, and grow food in filtered green houses. Turn off your connection to the world. Read books.

That is the best possible advice anyone could ever give. Unfortunately it takes cash to do all of that, which requires an indefinite amount of connectivity.

Takes an indefinite amount of cash too!

The government could take that cash and land at any point, too. They would claim it's an endangered species habitat, fine you into bankruptcy, or the police could just seize it with false claims you bought it with drug money.... if it's nice enough and they want it.

You would just have to hope the DEA doesn't want a new hunting cabin, because they would seize it, if they wanted.

Ain't that the truth!

This is good advice, but should be done somewhere other than the USA. Once the global economy implodes and they "drop the hammer" with the police state so to speak, individual freedom will be a thing of the past, the government will not stand for those not connected to the grid and part of the "system".

That's already happened. Look how many people go off the grid and end up in trouble.

Oh I know, it's bad enough already. I just mean that as a long term solution, living out on your own land in the US is a pretty bad one.

I agree. I have friends who comfort themselves with the fantasy that when the shit "really" hits the fan (I assume Rex 84 roundups and FEMA camps) they're going to disappear into the Oregon wilderness with guns, ammo, and the family in tow.

I understand the need to have a useful fiction to get through the day (e.g., religion) but it's so far removed from being a strategy that will actually succeed given the future we're facing it makes me sad and frustrated.

So what is a legitimate way to ride out the wave? Assuming a collapse occurs.

I don't fear a collapse to be honest, there have always been cyclical collapses throughout history and humanity has always prevailed. In my opinion the real threat is that technology will allow elites to break-away from their reliance on labor (that is, us) to the extent we are nothing but a burden to them and the planet they'd just as soon have all for themselves without us littering the streets with our despair, destroying their planetary "habitat" in our desperation, and causing all sorts of threatening instability because of the injustice of it all. In this scenario the so-called 1% are no better off than the rest of us. The diminishing remnant of the population clinging like barnacles to the underbelly of elite civilization will form the frightened vassal communities that serve the increasingly rarefied power above them spiraling toward some sort of technological singularity at the center.

I have no solution for this to offer but I'm certain there will be no ground to go to. Those who suffered under Roman rule had some hope they could escape into the wilderness but that option is now off the table. The first step toward a solution is to come to this hard realization.

Thats what I fear as well... One thing that is hopeful is that these "Archon" have been so pampered that they don't have the same evolutionary pressures the rest of us have and might not be evolving intellectually at the same rate others with more challenges are. They have always relied on us to create their technology, we build the weapons they use to control us, our own little prison cells we cherish, and I could assume they will need us to help build and program their spaceships. lmao So ridiculous, we need to refuse on mass to no longer support ANYTHING that we don't agree with or anything that does not meet our moral code. Does the military fight for what we the civilians want? No? Well then lets not support them. Lets fucking SCOLD them. Don't allow your children to join such an evil force. Does congress represent the people? No? Well stop participating in their game. Stop pretending. Lets be in REALITY NOW and withdraw our votes that don't matter. Lets stop paying taxes. I'm serious. We will have to do this now or wait until it gets infinitely worse and as others have said, wake up in a building that is on fire with no way out.

Otherwise, we are paying for our own enslavement. They are perfecting drones as we speak that could be automated to do whatever they want. They can't just nuke the whole world but they can send out swarms of drones and kill dissenters or whatever they want and they won't even have to pay some kids college tuition to have him play the real life murder video game. That's the kind of power we have to make sure no one ever gets or we may be in more trouble than we realize.

Band together

Form local alliances as we will break into clans I figure.

They tend to end up in trouble only if they define "go off the grid" as including "I'm not going to pay my taxes any more" or "I'm going to finance myself with welfare fraud" or something.

Or if they want to do something insane like using sawdust/composting toilets and grey water irrigation rather than a permitted $30,000 septic system.

Sure, zoning and permitting can be a bit slow to catch up to the times. But I think most times when some headline yells "Jackbooted Nazi govt thugs oppress innocent homeowner", the actual story is a bit different.

If we still hold a place in their new system.

Fuck their system. We need to get our own system.

starting NOW

Sure thing pal. There go all my problems.

Who wants to be a farmer ? That's seriously hard work. And you'd be totally bored if you "turn off your connection to the world". Try going without reddit for a month and see how you like it.

It's not a matter of "wanting to be a farmer" it's having to for your survival. And trust me when you're focused on surviving you won't be worried about what's on the front page of Reddit that day. Think man, you can't honestly tell me that if you ran away from society and built everything you need to survive out there that you would get tucking bored. Such a lame excuse

At this point reconnecting with the earth and nature sounds fucking amazing. I relate to the Native Americans FAR more than I do with American culture as it is.

I think farming would be pretty boring, yes.

factory life is boring, people endure the pain during the week then party at the weekends.

farmers do the same, maybe just one party night per week, but what a night.

Holy shit.

What is that? Pol?

Can someone explain the 4chan link to me please?

Of all the stuff surrounding September this is the most alarming....

Seriously the ADS-B devices on aircraft won't be functioning? So it's pretty much entirely up to ATC's to navigate the airspace???

This seems prime for confusion and a false flag..

When the New World Order is fully underway, these people will still be laughing at us -- telling us how modern it is, or how "there's nothing we can do about it anyway," and telling us we are Bible fundamentalist types (because of Revelation).

My point being, this is how strong the programming is. I believe very strongly in a lot of alternative thought, yet even still, I have a hard time bringing myself to do anything about it. Cognitive dissonance, even in myself. I think we are all that way to some degree. We don't know how to act any other way than to (at least somewhat) conform to everyone else's expectations. Then again, we are at a loss WHAT to do -- except start learning serious survivalist skills and move to a remote location. But am I? Cognitive dissonance, again?

What makes The Century of the Self so frightening is that you begin to realize that the practice of manipulating the thoughts of large groups of people began as a theoretical science in the late 1800's, it's continuously being honed to perfection, and through recent industry consolidation, it has become even easier and more effective to the point where it could blunt all but the most serious of uprisings. And even those (through the science of calculating statistical tipping points) can be headed off as soon as they're detected. From what I could tell, it culminated in, and we lost control, with the selling of the last gulf war. After that they knew they could get away with pretty much anything - and they did. The march to war was unabashed and brazen knowing they would win the statistical opinion battle being in firm control of the lowest common denominator. They've got it to the point where they can piss on Americans' shoes, look them in the eye, and tell them it's raining and nothing will happen but a bunch of complaining which won't amount to anything politically.

Edit: "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."— George Bush - Greece, N.Y. May 24, 2005

Yeah. It's bad. Most people aren't aware, and they will be fucked.

Many people do know something is up, and they try to prep. Even if it's just a little bit.

These average-aware people feel hopeless about changing society for the better. They are just an average person going about their day to day life. They know shit is bad, but can do nothing about it as their time is spent working 40hrs/week and all the other shit they have to do just to get by.

Once they talk to their friends and coworkers about the most recent revelation in the news, they don't have the time to dwell on it, to do more research, etc. It kinda fades away. Not by choice, but just because more immediate things are affecting them personally.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

This quote really applies to these average-awake people. They are aware shit is going down, and its bad. But they don't feel like they have a voice.

don't be scared.. instead, be good and goodness will unravel upon you.

Exactly, we can't be scared, we can't allow ourselves to be fearful of what may come or not come. This goes a lot deeper than just the us gov, or any finacial, fear mongering tyranny. The veil will be lifted, realities will be tuned upside down. It's about to get real, and I welcome it.

I honestly think you will regret saying you welcomed what's coming our way but I hope the outcome is positive and you end up being right.

I don't regret anything because in the end, my choice was my choice at the time. I have enough faith in myself to usually come to te conclusion I did the "right" thing. My message still stands. There's no need to fear what ever is comming, cause that's exactly what they want. You to be afraid, whatever is going to happen no matter what. The end result may vary but it's a pretty interesting time to be alive. Even if shit may be horrible. Do what feels right.

I've speculated that the spying leaks were orchestrated to discourage deviation from MSM lies.

Only America can save America. Good luck from India where we too are continually being screwed by our British installed government.

General overall apathy. Many folks giving up or just ignoring all the signs.

Try to stay positive, loving, and peaceful. Don't be depressed, scared, or angry. Don't give this hopeless scenario any energy. At least until the end of this year. That's just my feeling.

The war on free thinkers is real. Group think is all that is tolerated and the naive lap it up.

For most people, it is too traumatic to consider that they've embraced propaganda for most of their lives.

They're weak! We should embrace the new paradigm and write our own story. I have immense love for the people but they will not see until it is too late; very soon.

We need a 60s movement

We need the intelligent youths to start it.

Then fucking encourage us. I wish the older generations writing books on this topic would give public statements and action items.

What would encourage you? Inspire you to act? I'm not too old yet, but I don't know how to reach the late teens or early twenty some things. I have only experienced an apathetic and hopeless sort, but I am in a small town so that could be a factor.

Too many of the modern youth are scared to their loose social statuses. I also suspect very few even give a shit about it, not just because they were too young to remember, but also because they just wouldn't bother to drop of hours into research into 9/11 on top of the hours of homework every night.

Because that changed so much, right?

It actually did. It did a lot for civil rights, war, politics, etc. Protesters in the 60's had more balls than we do now in the US. It was the smear campaign and infiltration that lead to their demise. We can learn a whole lot from the 60's.

Once rights are granted they can quickly be taken away. Civil rights are slaves rights. My rights do not come from any entity, such as government. Rights are universal and internationally inalienable.

Edit. I give government its right to exist. It does not determine mine.

"My rights do not come from any entity, such as government. Rights are universal and internationally inalienable."

+1 Bravo, BRA-FUKING-VO !!! You brought tears of joy to my eyes with that comment, the sad part is VERY few understand this and i'm not just talking about USA lol

It seems like the whole Planet has been infected with this kind of system, for thousands of years. Perhaps it was always meant to be like that so it would slow us down or maybe even test us... as human beings. As we all know those that don't learn from the past are bound to repeat it.

Many thanks my friend!

My rights do not come from any entity, such as government. Rights are universal and internationally inalienable.

Which is what they were protesting.

You are always so fucking on it, man.

You understand me!! :D

It was the smear campaign and infiltration that lead to their demise

And only every campaign after.

The 60s were awful - the population was tricked by drugs, subculture, and the media. The last thing we need is another 60s.

the 50s were grey and conformist and racist, the 60s a riot of color, all the welfare state and civil rights came out of the colorful 60s life and protest.

The 60s were conformist, everyone followed exactly the trends they were showing on TV.

The 50s were not "grey" - it's just that the TV shows were black and white. You do realize that TV isn't real, right?

The welfare state has existed since the time of FDR.

You are doing a great job of repeating the Baby Boomer fantasy TV world of the 60s though.

Because liberal pacifism and flower power will somehow get us out this mess?

we live in one of the societies we were taught about in history class

Yeah I remember as a kid being taught why Russia/soviets were so bad and every single reason turns out to also be true here, we just pretend that if we choose not to look that it isn't true

At this point it's evident that the game is rigged and that its impossible to reverse our current system. All you can do is gain as much knowledge as possible and prepare yourself and your own circle for what could be coming; I.e. Natural disasters, social revolution, "extraterrestrials", WWIII, zompocolyspe, whatever.. It's all about NOT fearing these things; they may be necessary for our "evolution". Or, maybe everything really is random chance; and it doesn't fucking matter what happens.

I think this is just a bit of a cycle. We had the same with robber-barons and trusts in the late 1800's. Eventually we got Teddy Roosevelt and some reform. It will happen again.

Same with the spying. We civilians will get better tools (encryption, noise generators, laws, etc) and the pendulum will swing back a bit.

I don't know man; I'm of the mindset that's it's always been rigged.

So there's nothing different about today ? It's just rigged, like it always has been ?

I don't think there's anything very different about where we are today. We're not going over a cliff or anything. USA has survived many booms and busts, survived civil war and great depression and two world wars. We always muddle through. We have solutions to our problems, we just need to implement them. Nothing is insoluble.

Your looking at this from the perspective of one nation, one ideology; one that only focuses on these United States. As far as I know, there has ALWAYS been war and there has ALWAYS been calamity for mankind. It IS a cycle, and it's a helluva lot longer of a cycle than we're talking about right here. I'm not trying to lessen your optimism I'm just saying; maybe the world doesn't need saving; I think Earth will be okay, even if theire is a nuclear war...it would just start life anew millions of years later.

Global averages also have violence decreasing, life-expectancy increasing, living standards increasing. World on average is not going over a cliff either. It keeps on going.

Sure, the Earth will be fine even if humans wipe themselves out, and take many species with them.

Again, surface details; and I'd love to see evidence of those claims. The world was really pretty calm in the early 20th Century and then boom; World War I. Things can change in an instant. A handful of people can supposedly blow the world up a thousand times over, in a matter of minutes. That's batshit crazy and everyone's okay with it. Or at least, has to put up with it.

Um, WWI did not arise out of a vacuum. Neither did WWII.

I didn't say that, but the wars leading up to it were very miniscule in comparison; Russo-Japanese War left about 150,000 dead overall. Wars in Eastern Europe and the world abroad were in the low millions yes, but that pales in comparison to the nearly 100 million deaths from WWI & II. What I'm saying is; Iraq(Middle East) yes bad; several million dead...our future? WWIII? Very, very bad.

Try not to miss sleep, it's important.

Secret branches of government and the policies of surveillance and eavesdropping on it's citizens were major contributors to the downfall of the communist rule in East Germany, Romania and many other E. Eur.They didnt learn this lesson when they Should had seen with 20 years ago , similar events will happen.

As for the silence, I myself feel their is little to be said anymore on the matter.

You are fighting a fight that was lost generations ago. That is why so many don't seem to care. All of this began at least around World War 2. J. Edgar Hoover is the father of the modern stuff. He started gaining power and going this route before WW2, but that's when it really took root.

So that's what you are fighting. Fine, people can no longer deny this stuff is happening. Now the next step needs to happen. This didn't start yesterday, it didn't start Sept 11, 2001. You need to explain why they should care about what the government is doing when they've been doing this since their grandparents were kids, and for a good chunk of time things were going well despite that.

This feeling has been reinforced for me when watching Mr. Robot. I honestly can't tell if I'm being played by some media manipulation or if the sense we on /r/conspiracy have that the train is rocking itself off the rails in ever more dangerous and erratic fashion is finally breaking through into the mainstream. Some of my techie friends are clearly addicted to the show but won't really talk about it...it's like they're afraid and, as you point out, society is collectively holding its breath. We live in exciting times. :/

Most people don't care about anything that doesn't interfere with what they like to do. Some people are "onboard" with NWO. A few people are too scared to speak their minds. Fewer still, tell their story until they are blue in the face, to anyone that will listen.

The silence you hear is just the calm before the storm.

This is my interpretation as well. Will there be any solace for those blue faced martyrs; or are we to die with our peers?

It's the silence before the storm. We'll finally pipe up and start to object to the misdirection of our entire national will and most of our better traits, then, BAM! Punch in the Face! No doubt about it the machine is just powering up. I'd say the coupe began during Nixon's presidency. NAFTA was the murder of our productive capacity. Its modern day equivalent is TTIP wherein, post Citizen's United, the oligarchs consolidate control and link up in a web circling the planet, gain control of the currency, declare one-world money. This is why we're trying to bait the last countries that don't want to link up with Rothschild banking. If that leads to mass death, it's ok with them because THAT is the other half of their plan.

It was part of Snowden's limited hangout....


I have to agree with this sentiment, but I am ashamed that I don't really have enough facts to back it up. Any way you could offer a couple links on this spying that is being done, a crash course, so to speak, for those who are curious but somewhat in the dark? Or even a few articles that you find to be very important, so that I may not be so ignorant?

Yes I know it's called Google but there is so much out there I will never quite narrow down the most important stuffs. I suppose the documentary may be a good start.

We knew all this stuff about the spying already. Govt has been spying on us and doing dirty tricks against dissidents since the anarchist and Hoover days, 1920's or whatever. Snowden just added details about the extent of electronic/internet spying.

I think many people are uneasy if it is couched as "govt is spying on YOU", but sign on if it is couched as "govt is trying to stop TERRORISTS". Many, many, many people still subscribe to "do ANYTHING to fight terrorism".

Then fucking encourage us. I wish the older generations writing books on this topic would give public statements and action items.

I think this is just a bit of a cycle. We had the same with robber-barons and trusts in the late 1800's. Eventually we got Teddy Roosevelt and some reform. It will happen again.

Same with the spying. We civilians will get better tools (encryption, noise generators, laws, etc) and the pendulum will swing back a bit.

Too many of the modern youth are scared to their loose social statuses. I also suspect very few even give a shit about it, not just because they were too young to remember, but also because they just wouldn't bother to drop of hours into research into 9/11 on top of the hours of homework every night.