The people who run Reddit are Bernie Sanders fans

11  2015-09-05 by [deleted]



It's quite possible that the millenial generation just really likes him. Ever think of that? Most every friend I have on Facebook close to my age that's not a brainwashed republican goon likes Bernie Sanders.

Right so they're just brainwashed democratic goons.

Sanders is Obama 2.0. Check before Obama was elected and even now, he constantly praises and advocates Sanders.

Not that I support either party, but let's not pretend like the democratic side is any more informed than the republican side. It's different ideologies.

Or, people actually like Sanders.

After all, Reddit has previously been a Ron Paul fan club.

For awhile, subreddits like /r/politics were rife with positive articles about Paul. Nobody was writing code to promote that clown.


You call Paul a clown and have a hardon for Sanders... Why can't you keep yourself in r/politics?

You socialism advocates are delusional if you think the US will ever adopt those politics.

I respect your decision to be a collectivist, why can't you people accept the majorities choice not to be collectivist?

(Serious questions u/FortHouston I am aware you spend a majority of time on r/politics)

Clearly you don't respect anybody's decision to be anything if you're going to call them delusional.

Do you not understand the difference between respect and acceptance?

How do you define collectivism?

With a dictionary.


Also suggests that America are already a collective, just rather than people, it is corporations.

Using the recent legal ruling of United Citizens, corporations are considered people and therefore a collective of people controlling everything.

Point still stands, collectivism is stupid.

I wish the socialists understand that you cant have open borders and socialism. They need to pick one or the other.

True but socialism is a step to communism which is a step to dictatorship.

Trust me ...I agree with you. I have no doubt the redditors have been brainwashed in their high schools and colleges to think Socialism is a good idea. Obama was just the beginning.


I down voted you. I don't work for reddit. I just think you're an idiot.

I've been thinking the same thing. There is no way his ideas could be popular after what his predecessors did in the 30's and 40's using similar rhetoric, albeit in German, Russian Italian or Japanese...

And what about Norway, England, Canada, Sweden, et al.?

Norway, Canada, and Sweden have oil funding their programs. England has severe budget problems and all 4 have sky high taxes. None of them have to pay for a large defense force like the US does.

And no, you can't just cut the military to save money. The US would lose influence and we would go back to being isolationist. There's no middle ground here.

If Sanders is actually elected and somehow manages to convince Congress to pass his bullshit, I guarantee you his approval ratings will take a nosedive as soon as people see their taxes are 2x higher.

Like I actually do not understand how anybody thinks Sanders can actually get done what he promises with 0 support from his party or Congress. We've already seen what lack of control in Congress leads to: budget shutdowns and severely compromised bills. Anything Sanders tries to push through will go through the same process unless by some miracle the democrats win a majority in both house and senate.

I could go on and on about how the various things like free education will only cause taxes to go higher and higher so the overall net effect on the average person is still the same or even worse than before.

You're comparing a candidate with pro-citizen ideals to a dictatorship? Socialism and communism have gotten a terrible reputation thanks to the tyrants that befuddled their definition pre-/post-ww2. I think a lot of Americans really need to open a dictionary and then a book on foreign economic policy. It sounds to me like you don't fully grasp the things he stands for.

Befuddled? Let's just consider each other intellectually 'grasp-less' and move on. I'm sure you're either being dishonest or incapable of understanding how/whether your ideas relate to reality.

Befuddled, that's right. Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini all claimed to be "Socialist/Communist" but nearly zero of their work in office had anything to do with those forms of economic structure. If you actually research the core principles of them, you too would understand the differences.

Take a look at the modern day nations of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, for instance. These are all Democratic nations with Socialist economic structures. Many legislation's are pro-citizen and humanist in nature. For example, Sweden offers paid leave to new parents. That's a Socialist idea; that is to say, it's something that society feels is important for the well-being of the citizens and in no way benefits industry.

There's nothing inherently wrong with either of these policies. It's a matter of whether the leaders implement them correctly or spout the flavor of the month catch phrase just to get elected into power so that they can grow their control further. Mao and Hitler are great examples of such.

Nothing inherently wrong with that? Where do they get that money from? You're ideas that stealing is okay on such mass scale is scary. Peace out

A tax system is pretty different from stealing.

In your 'Opinion'.

Well that is obvious.

Who fucking cares? Would you rather bush/clinton/trump win? Bernie Sanders is all we've got, really.


You know that congress let lapse a bill (Smith-Mundt Act amended) which previously outlawed (made it illegal) for propaganda, right? So, right now, it's absolutely legal for lies (propaganda) to be broadcast thru media. You realize that a war on the mind is now legal. And currently fucking with every US citizen. So really the only question of merit is: why are US citizens not fighting back? They are legally allowed to lie right to our faces - as they do! What the fuck people...


Very. This just blows my mind. To hear people talk about the horrible propaganda of other nations - past and present - and not even realize the hypocrisy and ignorance bestowed upon them. Once upon a time people would fight against this shit. wtf happened.

Um, if you think Sanders being popular on Reddit is propaganda I feel extremely sorry for you. Seriously.


Okay, the fact that most of the people that get on Reddit have certain views that fall in line with sanders' extremely well, is more than enough to support my statement. People get on Reddit. These same people that tend to get on Reddit tend to think a bit more outside the box than the people watching fox news or whatever. These people tend to like Bernie Sanders... So they post about it on Reddit, like alot. Boo hoo, let's cry propaganda. I'm sure if you go to you'll find loads of posts about trump/clinton. Chill.


Never said he was perfect, but it's pretty easy to see that he's the best candidate as of right now. Your theory is a possibility, however highly unlikely. There is a reason that you're seeing mostly positive articles in regards to Bernie on Reddit: the people that post on Reddit tend to be more liberal, and they like him. So you know, go ahead and call it propaganda if you want.

Befuddled, that's right. Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini all claimed to be "Socialist/Communist" but nearly zero of their work in office had anything to do with those forms of economic structure. If you actually research the core principles of them, you too would understand the differences.

Take a look at the modern day nations of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, for instance. These are all Democratic nations with Socialist economic structures. Many legislation's are pro-citizen and humanist in nature. For example, Sweden offers paid leave to new parents. That's a Socialist idea; that is to say, it's something that society feels is important for the well-being of the citizens and in no way benefits industry.

There's nothing inherently wrong with either of these policies. It's a matter of whether the leaders implement them correctly or spout the flavor of the month catch phrase just to get elected into power so that they can grow their control further. Mao and Hitler are great examples of such.