Alert: Air traffic collision warning systems, locators, down off East Coast and 5 states until Oct. 1 – Intellihub

69  2015-09-08 by ichoosejif

Ok, so this concerns me greatly.

The ufo sighting in Florida was coincidentally within a couple hours of the FCC shut down there.

Now, the eastern seaboard.



Article says last time we saw systems similar to these go down was 9/11. And at such a short notice? Anyone got any more information on this? It's pretty interesting

Thanks for saying so. I am on mobile, and I don't think I can link. Also, noone can ignore MSM coverage of ufo's all of a sudden, with a side of flat earth, and a pile of shills.

What do you figure they're distracting us from?

I have no idea. There's so much that's supposed to climax in September it's hard to say...I'm hoping this is all just silly paranoia and nothing drastic will happen, but I feel like we are being prepped for something. Everyone I speak to on the matter, regardless of who they are, what they believe in etc, can feel something brewing.

All we can do is wait and see I guess.

My sentiments exactly. Whatever happens, I hope good prevails over evil

global markets crashing?

They think we don't see that?

"We" are the minority.

Ok. Well, I can see some things people could overlook, can a person not see the economy/markets oil etc..

Because they are focused on their job, car insurance, health insurance, phone bill, electric/gas bill, student loan debt, and Kim Kardashian.

There is a lot of "As long as I can go get food with my car and live pretty comfortably and don't live in fear of dem terrorists terrorizing me I'm fine" going on with it.

Most people just don't give a shit - the same people either don't know millions of people died in Iraq over the years or don't care and think it's collateral excuse for "gettin' dem terrorists"

Great. American idiots.

Can you post a link? I thought it was just Florida.

Man, it really adds confusion to everything else that is going on right now and coming up shortly; plus all the rumors.

Agreed. Thanks for saying it so well.

xx we got this xx

Don't forget the Presidential Proclamation. Things are getting overtly ominous.

Thanks for this information.

Isn't the link there? Ugh. Hold on.

What happened in Florida?

An Atlas V rocket carrying a satellite was launched and it left an odd looking trail that people caught on their dash cams and cellphone cameras. You can consult the launch list here:


I wish I had the link. You tube Florida ufo or - what the f*** is that comet Florida....😀 quality response...I know....

The UFO was confirmed to be an Atlas V rocket launched from cape Canaveral.

Ok, in any case, they blacked out air traffic control 24 hours prior for military training.

Why would this not be news?

Now, the eastern seaboard.

So....what to expect...

Many people in the area, who have lived in that area of FL all their life, say they've never seen anything like that specific launch. source

It was definitely the Atlas V rocket launch. I thought it was something else, too, but was just the dawn's light hitting the trail from the rocket after separation very high up in the atmosphere.

That means approximately nothing. Keep in mind that rocket launches will look different dependent on the atmospheric conditions and the time of day. Just because it LOOKED different to people in the area doesn't mean it was. Non-anecdotal evidence says it was a satellite that was launched with an Atlas V. If you can provide non-anecdotal evidence that it was something else then you'd have room for speculation.

So weird. Fake alien invasion? Engineered asteroid strike?

What's weirder...I was just thinking...well where's /Let'sHackReality...random.

some ufo sightings.. possible Aurora sighting.. Must have some new toys to test out

Will be interesting to see..what happens

why this concerns you. i'm curios.

are you a pilot or are you traveling in the area?

It concerns me because who is controlling air traffic?

ATC is controlling air traffic as they've done for decades. Yet every time I point this out I receive massive down votes. The hysteria here is completely unjustified and most here make it clear absolutely no facts are desired.

Ads-b and tcas are both entirely optional. They are not required equipment and are not required nor necessary for safe air travel. This equipment is relatively new and safe air travel proceeds this equipment for decades. Many aircraft do not even have this equipment which means literally no impact for many pilots.

ATC still uses radar. ATC still used radio. ATC still uses transponders. ATC still controls the airspace. Pilots still file and follow IFR procedures. Navigation devices (vor and ndb) and GPS still function.

Here is the lengthy post I've provided on this before which contains actual facts.

Guys, calm down. Lots of bad information here. Loss of ADS-B and TCAS are no big deal. It's basically yawn worthy. It does, however, increase ATC workload. Regardless, both are newer technologies and loss does not constitute a significant issue. It's an annoyance at worse with only a slight loss of air safety and a higher workload and smaller margins for safety for ATC. TCAS is a collision alert and avoidance system and ADS-B is a radar supplement which frequently provides visibility to pilots rather than just ATC. Transponders are still used/required, which means radar as before. Airspace is still controlled exactly as its always been. Pilots have been flying for decades without this technology and many aircraft still do not have this technology in the cockpit. For many Pilots, there is zero impact.

Bluntly, you do this type of thing as a security measure to prevent position reporting and tracking outside of the radar environment.

To better understand the security point of view look at this video. While it doesn't specifically speak of security issues I trust you'll understand the significance of position reporting VIPs in real-time.

Understand this is less than $40 worth of hardware, plus computer. Barrier to entry It's extremely low. The radio model can be had for $20, delivered and the software is free and open source.

Links to better understand the technology.

Most of the comments here are straight up scaremongering and extremely face palm inducing.

Edit: clarification and additional details

Thanks for the information! Not trying to scaremonger or cause palming of the face, just never seen this before and was curious.

Great post, havnt watched the video or followed you links yet but catch your drift.

Is this a regular thing that happens then? Going off the post 100% it does seem a little coincidental the way it says last time they put these systems down was 9/11...definitely scaremongering, but do you know if they do this often?

Thank you for the reasonable reply. Not sure why you were down voted but I up voted you. See my history (link) for additional details provided in previous exchanges. I posted a link to the original exchange which provides additional details which were allowed because someone desired more information rather than delusional confirmation bias. Sincerely, thank you.

I'm not aware of other tcas or ads-b outages. I wouldn't be surprised if they've happened before. I do know GPS outages have happened before, which is far, far more significant. You will find in the original discussion others noted multiple VIPs travelling during this period. As such a reasonable non-nefarious assumption is as I've outlined above. Which is to say, a reasonable security precaution which carries only minor negative safety implications.

Thank you for this info. As ichoosejif said in the post below, many of us are just trying to put things together. I adamantly admit, that I do not know what half those words mean in the "nbaa" link.
I tried to ignore the article below the "nbaa" link since it was a third party source.
You have to understand that right now there is a build up of information/disinformation far beyond what I have ran into in the past decade plus that I have been trying to find different truths. So I see that the military shut something down and it just adds to the pile.
I do take everything with a grain of salt and I hope I'm just being a paranoid fool.
Anyway, I will research those links you posted so I can be better informed. Thank you. :)

I assume the nbaa reference is actually ads-b. If you check my history you'll find I posted a link to the original discussion. In it I describe how things work with radar and transponders as well as ads-b.

The short version is that ads-b reports the aircraft's GPS position and altitude.

Yeah. Well said. That's the piece that I'm swimming around..military training etc.....why is this space thing so propogandized?

I know they did it in Florida, and conducted military training. Let's all dig more and reassemble later.

Thanks for this information. I do respectfully disagree on a couple points - your reference to predicting the response that "we" have, and stating "we" don't require facts, are two incorrect generalizations. This is /r/conspiracy

There's no we. This is a group (ftmp) of independent thinkers. Unlike the spoon fed public.

Before you face palm, think....I'm just putting thoughts together. I thought we all were.

That's certainly a fair reply. You'll have to forgive me given conspiracy has overwhelmingly spoken in two previous exchanges that only misinformation and scaremongering is desired, facts be damned. This is obviously a generalization (in fairness I predicated with "most") with the assumption there are some dissenters as some up votes were provided in previous exchanges and here. Regardless, on this specific matter conspiracy as a whole has been less than honorable.

You, like the other who politely and respectfully replied, I thank you. Sincerely.

I wish debating in this sub were more like this on a regular basis...Thanks to both of you guys for keeping this place a decent place to consider "what might be"

Thanks for having me.

I cannot agree more. This is some great debate and conversation and the tone is perfect. Seriously rocking cool.

And I thank you again as well.

It's been shilly round these parts, and I don't doubt you came across some bass ackwards ignorance.

I do remain intrigued by the lack of transparency here.

What do you mean when you say "pick up traffic beyond the radar " (not verbatim) could you explain this please? I'm blonde.

Please view my history. I recently posted a link to the original discussion. In that discussion I explain how radar/transponders work as well as ads-b.

Agreed. Thanks for saying it so well.

xx we got this xx