Phoenix is not the only city with random freeway shootings this month.

46  2015-09-10 by [deleted]


They reeeealy want a reason for gun control. If you believe in that sort of thing.

Most of us in this sub do, I'm sure. They do want our guns. One question I have though, is what is the most successful gun grab in history? Something tells me it's a LOT less than 275 million. They'll never be able to get rid of them, the people know that, and that's why they'll have to come up with another plan.

In Phoenix? You've never lived there have you? If you say you believe in gun control there, you'll make zero friends. Guaranteed.

Used to live in Phoenix, can confirm. Also, shootings like this happen "regularly" in the area it's been happening at along I10, just not specifically ON I10. Lower Buckeye is a rough area.

I live in Texas.

Also happening in Detroit as well.

Man, they still haven't caught anyone? That's been going on for sometime now.

San Antonio, as well...

Been going on in Colorado since last year.

They are not random.


How can a series of nationwide freeway shootings be random. I think we've seen shootings in Penn, Michigan, Arizona, Cali and Mississippi. I think this is an orchestrated effort to terrorize and frustrate the American people. Whether, the work's being done by the Muzzies, the Joos, or the Black Panthers; I do not know?

There's been some in michigan also Gainesville, Fl too. Was stuck in this traffic for 3 hours.

I remember seeing them on local news in both Coachella valley and Chicago.

San Antonio. I posted this a few days ago. Thanks for gathering way more info. It's crazy. I live in Hawaii and heard some military guys talking about these robots armed with facial recognition and guns.... maybe testing? Or could be a double agenda boost for automated cars and gun laws? Obama's greatest frustration is violating the Constitution and taking our guns.

Is it a coincidence? Its hard to say. I dont know much about all the cases, but i know some about what happened in KC. The car that was shot was letting another car pass, the car passing shot as the went past, bullets hitting a child and father with the mom and a kid in the car as well. Only description was a dark sedan. If the family had a fire arm themselves, and they returned fire, would this kind of thing keep happening? No, it wouldnt. Responsible gun owners are criminals worst fear.

But this really is not new. Last year in KC there was a string of about 10 or so different incidents of highway shootings at random. I dont think there were deaths iirc. If this shit is happening its to get surveillance on all the highways. Probabaly license plates readers too. Funny to think the highways are made for the military to transport their vehicles en masse when martial law gets put out. We'll see what comes of this shit

That could be one of their agendas, to have

license plates readers too

yep, definitely on their agenda, and you've fallen for it by suggesting it. Mass surveillance huh hmm your account history though.. leads me to believe other things

lol what did my account history lead you to believe

Ya get the feeling people are pissed off all over the country?

Nah, I get the feeling that this is coordinated.


Maybe a little of both?

there are no coincidences. these are deliberate.

I don't get it ... Some people on reddit here are so skeptical of damn near anything , but when it comes to conspiracy theories or the government doing crazy shit ... It's like people then instantly will believe the government and discount anyone who says otherwise.

It's not all people , but I've definitely noticed a lot of people are really skeptical here of all the wrong things or things that don't really matter.

I'am almost sure reddit is full of shills who's agenda it is to sow decoration and confusion anywhere and everywhere . Maybe it's just me , but anyone else feel this way ?

Man, they still haven't caught anyone? That's been going on for sometime now.