Tomorrow, 9/11/15, the three-week fuse begins. If the Cryptocracy is truly rooted in a Supernatural Conspiracy, they have no choice but act during the coming occult dates and events.

45  2015-09-10 by IanPhlegming

As far as I'm concerned, this is it.

We’ve all seen the relentless posts here for months about Shmita and the end of the 7th cycle of 7-year cycles, a rare Blood Moon with sobering precedent, the Pope coming to America to address Congress for the first time, China and the dollar, the Fed and interest rates, CERN and Shiva, the Number 23 and so on and so on.

Too much is converging to be ignored. Now we will see if this is really an Occult Conspiracy or just a conspiracy that uses the Occult as a cover. For if the Occult Conspiracy is real, then the players have no choice but to play their Tarot cards.

Things like the seven-year cycle, Shmita, the portent of Red Moons, these are critical numerological, astrological, lunar, etc., dates and their occurrences must be chronicled, planned for, acknowledged. They cannot be ignored, and if they are, they are ignored at the peril of those who don’t grasp the moment (as the vast majority of the uninitiated continually discover, except they don’t actually discover).

So if the Occult Conspiracy is real, the dates begin clicking into place on Friday, the 14th Anniversary of September 11, 2001. From there on out, September is one hot spot date after another, through September 28th, when Obama meets the Pope and CERN reaches critical mass on the same day.

Not all has been revealed, but much of it has for those who pay attention and have the gift of discernment. Unless, of course, it is madness and not discernment. If all this be madness, we will know soon enough as well.

But my personal feeling is the Hidden Hand may well be pleased that a small number of us have figured it all out, self-initiates. The Cryptocracy will enjoy making it all play out anyway, knowing the vast majority of the world will stumble on cluelessly. Until, perhaps, they don’t…one way or another.

If nothing happens, however, I will likely take a break from this subreddit for a few months, because it has driven me past the edge of madness and delusion.


THIS is exactly how I feel brother! If everything normal by end of sep, and nothing has happened to the market, then i will also take a break from here.

I've been shmitahfagging a lot this past month.

It's not just this subreddit people are talking about this stuff all over the net. You cannot escape it. This is bigger than 2012 I beleive. Something is definitely on its way. We will only know when more pieces fit together

Being that 2012 was nothing, I would expect this to be bigger, if anything.

Not trying to fullfil a prophecy here - but the changes could be subtle - just like the immigration thing. That, in one fell action, is completing a LOT of the process for an actual NWO.

I'm sorry. I'm a cynical skeptical bastard. I see this whole September fiasco as another 2012 or jade helm type non event.

Hopefully I'm wrong and some big changes are coming. Until then, I'll see you down the line at the next big non event.

Don't forget Jade Helm ends September 15, so whatever they were training for they are prepared for.

The military prepares for every eventuality. I'm sure that they are prepared for damn near anything.

Have you been to Earth in the last 3 years? How can you say 2012 was a non event? Are you seriously suggesting that there has been absolutely no major changes happening in the world in the past 5 years? No arab spring happening? No economic troubles since 2008? No increased militarization of police? No attempts to turn citizenry against each other (blacks against whites, women against men, etc) with lies and propaganda?

You are delusional if you do not see the massive restructuring of society and international affairs that has been stepped up in the last 5 years.

Or maybe you just saw that stupid film version of 2012 and when Dec 21 2012 came you sat there with crossed fingers and then when the sun went down you got all mad. "I didn't see the highway topple over in the earthquake! I didn't see the plane fly through the building! I didn't see Woody Harrelson die on top of a mountian!!! THIS MEANS 2012 IS FAKE OMG!!!!!!!!"

You do understand it was only hollywood and the media that promoted the idea that it would be the apocalypse? Anyone actually familiar with the 2012 concept knew it was only a marker of an age of transition, not the end of the world or any of the other stupid shit that people like you interpreted it as.

As for jade helm, that EX supposedly ends on the 15th. The soldiers have had like 2 or 3 months building their CPs and getting to know the lay of the land and keeping tabs on local populations. If economic collapse or event happens the troops will already be deployed and trained to go live. Again the media makes up this story that there will be military rounding up and killing people all summer. The summer was just positioning the pieces like in a chess game. You want to have your pieces in place when you execute the checkmate move.

Thanks for your insight Amy. I view 2012 as nothing but meaningless hype over the end of a calendar that repeats itself. You're correct. Many things have happened since. Many things have happened since 2000.

As for jade helm, the military prepares for everything. Apparently they are preparing for civil unrest. Does that mean that there will be civil unrest because the military prepares for it? The average American is entirely too distracted by every day life, sports, TV, etc. Bread and circuses.

Sorry if I sounded rude I wrote that before I had to go to work so I was tired and pissy.

The beauty of calling something an exercise is that it could either mean that it is just training operations where the troops will pack up their kit at the end and go back to their home bases with it, OR they could be put in place to set up for potential orders to go live.

It is true there are thousands of exercises conducted by the military every year. But consider things like the major NATO exercises going on in Ukraine and all over eastern Europe. They started as a response to Russia annexing Crimea. They are obviously not just training there at random, they are training there because they may have to go live there if Russia continues acting belligerent.

Consider the constant exercises or "war games" conducted in both North and South Korea. Its all political grandstanding and show of force on both sides. Demonstration of military forces because you know your enemy wants to gather whatever info they can about your force strength and tactics.

The weird thing about Shimita is that I happened on it by accident, just back in June when typing in "September 2015" into youtube. I type in "August 2015" and nothing special, but "Sept 2015" all sorts of crazy videos about Shimita from all sorts of people.

It seems like a lot of the videos have the same guy promoting his book, but the weird thing is back in June a lot of the videos were about EMP strikes and the solar maxim and sun spots or high altitude nuclear detonations to collapse the power grid on the east coast. Since August and definitely if you look now it seems to be all about economic collapse.

Maybe its just super obvious that the writing is on the wall about the future of the financial system. Maybe its a self fulfilling prophecy. Any kind of weird event can happen in the next few weeks and the markets are so skittish that it could trigger a cascade into collapse. I think a lot of economy people know this and will be quick to sell off and try and cash out which could inflate the problems.

The global trends in the world are trending towards more chaos and disorder not more stability and order.

No worries mate! The world is going to hell and we are living through it.I haven't looked too far into the schemita. I hate to say it, but I disregarded it before I did any proper research. I'll look into it though.

As for military operations and exercises, you are correct. It's more often than not a giant dick measuring competition.

Economically, it looks like we are fucked no matter what. Another housing bubble is building. Cons is selling off US bonds.

Add to that the cyber warfare and constant real-time war and we have major global fuckery.

Whatever you are expecting to happen will happen when it happens. Enough is enough with all these dates and predictions.

Live your life man, you are not doing this world any service by worrying this much.

If only we could, man...

And the big pagan ceremony, TommorowWorld, is Sept 25-27.

Too much is converging to be ignored. Now we will see if this is really an Occult Conspiracy or just a conspiracy that uses the Occult as a cover. For if the Occult Conspiracy is real, then the players have no choice but to play their Tarot cards.

At this point, even if it's just a big band of criminals, I think everybody is too far committed to back out and/or blow whistles. Nobody has the stones to step forward and say, "Yeah I helped killed a few million people. Sorry bout that. Please execute me." Hell, they'd probably be tortured to death before making it to trial, Spanish Inquisition style -- wouldn't surprise me if they still had the original torture devices on-hand.

Yeah I think we're about to see some beyond-the-most-dystopian-movie level shit rolled out. I don't fear it, really; I've already had a better life than I probably deserve. It just makes me incredibly sad. I hope I have the courage and will to help some people through whatever comes.

Here are some links for context for those who aren't familiar with the Tomorrowland/Tomorrowworld festivals and the ideas surrounding mass mind control using music:

For more on why the Pope was mentioned and how this all relates to the 23rd, please see my comment here. Keep in mind that the Vatican City is shaped like a keyhole and Tomorrowworld's main symbol is a giant key (to happiness, supposedly, though the key is much more important than that...note that Tomorrowworld's key is golden).

Have you considered the notion that your current avatar (body) isn't your soul's first experience on this planet? I'm a Christian myself, but I do believe in reincarnation. Pretty sure Jesus and his disciples did too. The whole "born again" thing...

As a Christian, if you think that "born again" means reincarnation in the traditional sense you are sadly mistaken.

This is correct; "born again" does not mean reincarnation.

But there is a school of theological thought that Jesus was talking about reincarnation when he talked of burning for your sins. The translation is wrong -- Jesus is talking about burning OFF your sins, having to come back for further karmic balancing.

Thanks. As a conspiracy theory enthusiast, I'm very interested in that. :-)

Will some elaborate about cerns critical mass, shiva, and the number 23?

Here are a few comments of mine specifically about the events surrounding the 23rd that might help bring you up to speed:

Here are some other comments that are semi-related to the 23rd and provide context for why the previous comments are of note:

Edit: Also see my comment here in response to /u/LetsHackReality's comment regarding the Tomorrowworld festival and how it relates to all of this as well. Also, check out the sub /r/RomeRules if this kind of papal information interests you).

You are a kind sir

I won the shivabowl and our next draft location is a conCERN for the pope

i feel you. imo, we live in a world created/controlled by satanists; hell, we're part of the 'ritual' without being aware of it (fetal cells in vaccines, perpetual wars, etc).

all that we've learned/discussed seems to be climaxing, we can only hope it comes to nothing.

The painful truth is that the spectacle is only in your head.

Tyranny is really rather banal for the most part. If you're a good serf it will never touch you. Only those who are sensitive enough to feel it are harassed; particularly those who speak out.

The great big show?

I don't buy it.

I seriously doubt we're going to see some big time event or whatever. These things have been predicted a thousand times and they've failed to come true a thousand times.

Take heart. The one thing they can't stand is non-participation. They need our cooperation in order to do their wars and corporate welfare and so on. The moment you stop cooperating is the moment you're free and they tremble. Don't look to unknown events that may or may not happen. You can't control them and it doesn't even matter anyway.

What can you control?

Your participation in their schemes.

Think on that and then decide how you're going to truly live.

"The ultimate weapon has always existed. Every man, every woman, and every child owns it. It's the ability to say No and take the consequences." - Hagbard Celine


Refusal to participate is their Achilles Heel.

When I tell people I neither vote nor pay taxes people practically faint!

Omg!!! How do you not pay taxes? Do you still use money? I've always thought of this, but I have a lot of fear of incarceration :))

I don't care what happens so long as the electrical grid and internet remain up.

Haha that's a big part of the problem I think, so I doubt you have to worry about that happening... as long as people have their netflix, videogames and social media they don't give a damn about anything else; it would seem counterproductive for anyone in power to let the internet die.

I'm just worried about losing information awareness. For example: if this nation ever does experience some sort of rounding up of dissidents, they will first kill the grid..

and then the conspiracy nuts... im going to the hills

Really? With everything that is going on? This is what you're putting all your quarters into?

I have had strong feelings about the end of July to the end of this year, and I want big changes to happen too, but I'm not going to leave if I'm wrong about them. However, my feelings are mostly positive about the way things will end, but with some crazy negativity to get there. Still, there are many things here to discuss and put your energy into.

I don't know much about this occult business, but from observing your perspective on it, it seems to look like a trigger to lose hope.

I think you completely missed the point of the entire post.

Exactly. Thank you.

I wasn't addressing the point. I was addressing his feelings about it.

If nothing happens, however, I will likely take a break from this subreddit for a few months, because it has driven me past the edge of madness and delusion.

I've got to agree with you there - while the world will continue to be ground into dust regardless of what happens this month, if all of the "signs" turn out to be false then there is no point in (me) being here.

Since no one is actively doing anything to prevent any of these conspiracies from continuing on/being acted out or bringing any of the world's real criminals to justice the best you can get from this sub is a warning of what may be coming... but if nothing comes of any of it then what's the point?

I'm at the point where I just want to focus on my own life rather than keep wasting my thoughts on the problems of the world... I feel like as long as I live the best life I can that's all I can do, and if the world falls down around me so be it; I'll deal with the shit if and when it's at my doorstep.

i am with you. :)

I saved this thread just so I can come back on this day and let you're all fucking nuts.

Well, either no occult conspiracy or the good guys are winning. Either way, thanks for returning!

Did you build a bunker to retreat into? lol

I did not. Honestly, once all the banking and finance stuff got pushed off, I began to have my doubts it would happen. I never thought asteroid, solar flare, Yellowstone caldera, etc.

What if shit gets delayed for a month or so by the incompetence of uninitiates?

Ill buy all your shit for pennies on the dollar since you wont be needing it anymore.

If the Cryptocracy is truly rooted in a Supernatural Conspiracy

it's not.


Please read the rules on the sidebar and keep shitposts like this out of the sub. This is your warning.

The military prepares for every eventuality. I'm sure that they are prepared for damn near anything.

Omg!!! How do you not pay taxes? Do you still use money? I've always thought of this, but I have a lot of fear of incarceration :))