/r/news mods remove this thread right after I give examples of psychiatric fraud and abuse on the top of the thread. This happens quite a lot. If they can't control the comments, a post will be removed silently.

37  2015-09-11 by [deleted]



I see this as pretty common practice now on any politicized high number sub, if the top comment is contrary to the propaganda dialog on certain topics, the posts vanish and only sometimes with a flag. Most common flag of course is "off topic." and or already posted, even as we watch some links have many lives.

Remember some of the lame excuses for some of the removals when this kind of sub moderation or front page moderation became noticeable.

It is a private for profit business with a purpose like any other, it is now functioning as publication and there is some message and dialog control and with dual sources other publishers-sites and the users and the middle, reddit, has the right to control both sides of the input and outputs.

As long as the isp provider also co-operates, and search engines, and........

What was your comment?

The comment. OP posted just underneath the top comment. Just check the usernames.

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