Hi guys. We need to talk about ae911truth and potential payments to an organization of which a moderator of this subreddit works. Accordingly, we have removed the mod pending an internal investigation by both the reddit admins and our mod team. Until further notice, ae911truth is banned on this sub.

22  2015-09-12 by AssuredlyAThrowAway



Readers: AssuredlyAThrowAway has unilaterally banned Orangutan after calling for a vote of the mod team to occur this coming Monday.

He has also unilaterally banned AE911Truth posts unilaterally without any discussion of the matter with the rest of the mod team.

I've protested to him in modmail and do NOT approve of this post or AATA's actions. Looks like he and I are going to go round and round again. Damn.

Holy shit. Isn't AATA the guy who set up that podcast disaster?

Now he's banning AE911Truth entirely?

That's super lame :( On 9/11 too? Wow.

Edit: pls don't delete my billboard post because of this new rule!


It was for a while but they got reinstated.

Can you confirm they have been taken away again?

Yes they have. And Orangutan has been reinstated with no permissions too so that he can defend himself in modmail.

I still don't have access to mod mail. At this point anyway.

Try now.

I don't either...you muted me to give your buddy an artifical edge in modmail.

I see through you SM.

You're too loyal to ae911.

Sarah and I will reconvene today in our email chain with flytape and make a statement.

We will not allow ANYONE involved with ae911truth to have a say in how this sub is run.

Sorry, not sorry.

Chill out please.

assuredly grumbles

I have the data.

It cannot be shared as it doxxes someone.

SM refuses to join IRC to see it.

Readers, he cannot mod and refuse to talk with other mods on IRC.

He must make a choice.

I've now gone to IRC and seen the 'data'. That does not excuse your actions here. It should have been done in modmail with a vote of the mod team.

I waited 30 minutes. Silence.

We have to mod sometimes. We don't vote on comment removals, but we do when a user asks us too.

We do not need a hard and fast rule for when a post should be stickyed.

Don't like a sticky? Remove it and send a modmail.

How dare you email sarah and pull my perms during this shitstorm?

Who do you think you are to make that kind of judgement call?

I made an easily reversible sticky.

You fucked up big time.

There seems to be a schism between the mods of this subreddit. You appear to be the one moderator with his ass directly positioned on his face. I really do hope you are kicked from the mod team. Nothing is worse than a corporate shill among free thinking skeptics.

There's a schism because only two of us had the source files as it contained doxx.

Now the admins, and all of our mods, have the files.

You have stared too long into the abyss and are looking like a parody of the bush administration.

We have proof but it is classified. Because of this we will take unilateral action without the consent of the governed or even the government.

Jesus Christ lol

You have stared too long into the abyss and are looking like a parody of the bush administration. We have proof but it is classified.

This part makes no sense. It's not him that doesn't allow doxxing, it's the site's rules. What would you expect him to do, reveal the info and get permanently shadowbanned?

As for the rest he said right in the title that he removed him temporarily pending an investigation by both the mods and admins...

Didn't aata quit reddit?

For the record. I make no money from AE911Truth or 911Blogger. My activism is entirely and strictly on a voluntary basis, just like this mod position here. This was a witch hunt against me by mods who have tried to get me off the mod team for awhile now. I was a good mod who represented the users of this subreddit first and foremost and didn't overly try to make friends with the mods to keep my impartiality. I brought us good legitimate AMA's from people such as James Corbett, Russ Baker and Bill Still.

Keep an eye on the mod team : ) and Thanks for voting me on as a mod and an eye on there for as long as I was!! It was no problem.

After being here for almost 6 years, I absolutely agree. He's a plant, if anyone, and I have a very good idea who he really represents. They've been trying to take over this sub for years, and he managed to squeeze in pretending to be one of us. He clearly isn't.


What has happened to you?

Uhhh....are you aware how much I truly detest payola?

This obviously is not your motive, this is an answer to a question you have given me, this is not the reason for what you are doing.


I catch you doin that shit and I'll ruin your life.

No words.

Wasn't it AATA that swore to leave reddit forever about a month ago?

Well that new documentary was pretty good.....

Can you talk about (or do you know) what ae911truth was expecting from this mod?

Was there a thread that was pinned which contained ae911truth or something?

Well, he has gone crazy.


Thank you for catching this. 👍👏👊

I will never understand why people don't remain anonymous

/u/Orangutan has 948,780 link karma and submits A LOT. If a few of those posts are from ae911 Truth, so what. AE911 Truth is the most effective of the 911 Truth organizations and the one the real conspirators would most like to suppress.

I have given them money myself. There is no one who believes in 911 truth who doesn't appreciate and respect them and the work they have done. Just as I respect the work /user/Orangutan has done on Reddit.

The killers who organized 911 must be celebrating the suppression of this source of information. And on 911, what a triumph for them.

Just as the banning of http://www.bradblog.com/ was a triumph for those that have fixed our voting system.

This is wrong!

Edit: Attack of the shills trying suppress the truth about 911.

"Shills are ok if they promote my beliefs!"

The killers who organized 911 must be celebrating

Actually, Osama bin Laden is dead and at the bottom of the ocean.

Actually, Osama bin Laden is dead and at the bottom of the ocean


Go on, link me up for the lols.

Actually Khalid Sheik Mohammad is rotting in a prison cell without trial.

Or so fools believe.

They bribed someone allie.

Not allowed.

And you have proof?

Yes, and it is now in the hands of the admins.

Either you're being used or you're one of them.

You don't find it suspicious that suddenly, on 911, you get this doxx information? Which I don't even know what it is. Just some vague accusation.

It's not a vague accusation.

The timing was weird, certainlty.

Flytape found the docs after years of digging.

They're 1099's which link ae911truth to 911bogger directly. Tens of thousands of dollars allie. This is real.

The timing was deliberate, certainly.

So? People work for a living. Orangutan posts so much that what he/she has posted on 911 is a minor thing. But this is clearly an op to attack the 911 truth movement and to block the information they produce. How else does someone get someone else's 1099, except as a deep, state back op? Especially someone as private as Orangutan. Hell, I don't even know his/her gender.

Hell, we have journalists who come to reddit and post their own articles. But "Feel free to post links to your own content (within reason). But if that's all you ever post, or it always seems to get voted down, take a good hard look in the mirror — you just might be a spammer. A widely used rule of thumb is the 9:1 ratio, i.e. only 1 out of every 10 of your submissions should be your own content."

So there was no problem with Orangutan posting as little 911 info as he/she has.

You have let yourself be used. For evil purposes.

I appreciate your cunning wit and intellect allie but I think you're wrong.

IMO the black op is the ae folks.

Maybe not originally, but I'm seeing some monetary patterns that reflect a LARGE influx of cash recently. 400k-850k in a few months after years of stagnation? Nahhh

So? I think it was last year I gave them $50. There are people, maybe even affluent people, who believe 911 was an engineered event and still want information about it spread. If you feel that way and look around for who to fund, it's AE911 truth that is the best organization. If I was rich, I'd give them money too. And that we know about their funding, doesn't that mean there are moles in their organization? And who would be funding these moles but states that want to suppress this information?

So you object to someone rich giving them money? Or what? Do you think they've put out any information that isn't true? Or just that you disagree with. I've bought CDs from Ryan Dawson even thought I often disagree with what he says (He's a bit too "the Joos did it" for me). But often he makes good points. I don't have to agree with everything some one or some group thinks to support them.

This is an op to hurt AE911Truth and block them from /r/conspiracy and reddit. And in the process hurts Orangutan.

And if I could work for them I would. Though they wouldn't have to pay me. They are an honorable group who have done great work.

What next, they go after the Sanders candidacy as it exists on Reddit?

This was wrong for you to do.

Allie, it is possible this was a black op to discredit them.

We will review all data to ensure we have come to the correct conclusion.

O's behavior in recent months has lead to suspicion. That's why flytape started digging.

Flytape! Is behind this? Can get the 1099's for people on reddit he's never met?



It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms.

Yes indeed he can.

Public records of a 501c3.

A 501c3 posts the 1099s of their employees? And does the 1099 say "Orangutan"?

They have to file all of their documents, which can be "inspected" by the public.

Clearly flytape went to the fucking records and made copies of everything.

He has five years of their shit.

This is pure doxxing. Of the most malicious kind.

Bribery on reddit is not allowed, allie.

We cannot maximize that principle, and the admins will always remove anyone who takes money to be on reddit.

I don't care if someone shills for monsanto or ae911truth, I will find them and I will stop them.

How about working for media? Is that allowed? Cause we've had a lot of journalists come on Reddit. Hell, /r/politics is nothing but a feeder site for corporate media. And you've done a piss poor job of getting rid of shills.

I just came from a thread that was 90% shills.

I don't mod /r/politics.

But I will if /u/hansjens47 wants me to :)

That said, allie I can't stop the DoD. I can't stop k street. I can't stop Alexis.

This is a puzzle I wanted to solve, nothing more.

The event happened for a few hours, the cover-up must last forever.

I waited 30 minutes. Silence.

We have to mod sometimes. We don't vote on comment removals, but we do when a user asks us too.

We do not need a hard and fast rule for when a post should be stickyed.

Don't like a sticky? Remove it and send a modmail.

How dare you email sarah and pull my perms during this shitstorm?

Who do you think you are to make that kind of judgement call?

I made an easily reversible sticky.

You fucked up big time.

Uhhh....are you aware how much I truly detest payola?

Yes they have. And Orangutan has been reinstated with no permissions too so that he can defend himself in modmail.

Chill out please.