9 Liberties Lost Since 9/11

50  2015-09-13 by [deleted]




It's true that some of these programs were already in place but you have to admit, the Government was not so in your face about it. They were behind the scenes programs but post-9/11, they've come right out and blatantly stated that they have taken our rights because it's for our own good and it's to stop terrorists and if you aren't doing anything wrong then you have nothing to hide.

Since 9/11 and because of 9/11, the police forces across the nation have been transformed into para-military outfits. They train with the IDF and the US Military. The US Military and Police have been participating in joint training exercises in major cities all across the country and Jade Helm recently locked down several states. The US Military assassinated an American Citizen. Something else that has never been done pre-9/11. Secret Rendition, Indefinite detention, torture, all post 9/11. The US Military is increasingly being used in domestic unrest like Boston and Ferguson. And now Obama wants to be able to use the military inside the United States whenever he feels like it. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/28/inside-the-ring-directive-outlines-obamas-policy-t/?page=all

Edward Snowden revealed that the spying programs were already in place but since 9/11, they've been turned up to 11. The Patriot Act gave the intelligence agencies permission to spy on Americans, bypassing warrants where in the past, those programs were secret. The fact that they've been found out and American's pretty much acquiesced, they've been given permission to violate American Citizens privacy at every level.

The right to free movement has drastically changed since 9/11. The TSA, security screening, terrorist watch list. Full body screenings, All because of 9/11.

Government transparency and prosecuting whistleblowers has all gotten worse since 9/11. And again, the Government is blatantly prosecuting people for revealing their own criminal activity while not prosecuting the criminals. What kind of message is that sending about the Government?

As far as economic freedom, I'd say the most alarming change after 9/11 has been the Government's ability to look at your financial affairs without getting a warrant. Bank Account, Credit Cards, Stocks, Bonds, Expenditures, taxes, etc. You have no expectation of privacy from the Government anymore. Also, if you get more than $5,000 in cash, the Government will be notified. There's all kinds of limitations to accessing cash now.

Not sure about the right to your own body having anything to do with 9/11 although they do now collect your DNA and provide it to the government. If you are arrested for any reason, they will try and take a sample of your DNA. Even some doctors are providing it to the Government without a warrant and without telling you.

Right to a Fair Trial. Cops are executing people on the streets now for missing license plates, not signaling a turn, no drivers license, selling cigarettes on the street. No fair trial for these guys. The US Military or the CIA assassinated an American Citizen. Chelsea Manning was held in detention for years before given a military trial. He was tortured, stripped naked and forced to stay awake by keeping the lights on and blasting music and when he did sleep, he slept on a concrete slab with no blanket or pillow. The so-called masterminds of 9/11 have been in prison for over 10 years without a trial. They can't give them a trial because they were tortured. The Military can hold anyone for any length of time as Guantanamo shows. And if they deem any American Citizen a terrorist, they can lock you up indefinitely without a trial.

Only a fool thinks these issues weren't a problem before 9/11.