Why does it feel like we have to struggle to get our government to advocate for us and not just tell us what's going on, but stop fucking us over at every chance?

88  2015-09-16 by [deleted]


Because the mafia has taken control of our government.

(Oversimplification, but essentially true.)

A particularly vicious mafia at that. Think fukushima and BP. Our government had their hands tied.

I suspect Katrina too, but I've never really dug into it. :Googles "katrina conspiracy": ... Well lookie here:

It makes one see the presidency in a whole new perspective. It's no wonder they are gray haired by the end of their term!

The Rich Man's Trick really opened my eyes. A must watch for any critical thinker.

Do you have any other evidence besides a YouTube video

Why is YouTube conspiracys journal of choice?

Youtube is great for being a more independent medium of video distribution. Do you prefer your documentaries from more tightly controlled sources such as TV?

But sure! Here's a nice article, originally in the German magazine NEXUS:

And here's a rather large (1091 page) book:


I prefer articles from reputable sources or peer reviewed journals

"I prefer articles approved by my government and corporate overlords. The same ones that lie to us to wage imperialistic wars of aggression. Yep. :blink:"

the problem goes all the way down i think

Voting according their damaged emotional egos, and making themselves sicker.


I was granting you the wisdom that allowed you to understand it is us who have allowed ourselves to surrender the power of our vote. Based on the obvious evidence large numbers of people have been voting against themselves because they hate someone or lots of someones.

Your comment: "The problem goes all the way down, I think. This way. "down" meaning us the voters. It is true to me and to me the root of our problem.

another truth may be that the solution will come from the bottom up

It is the ONLY place the solution can come from. I don't think the billionaire club worries much about the seven billion of us except to keep us from hanging them.

There is a reason they don't want any more people than absolutely necessary to gain a good education and that is silly as the upper classes vote as stupidly as the peons.

Example, it is now our true middle class, the professional college/university degreed and successfully self employed. That are having their pay lowered and their jobs shipped away.

Doctors, going on salary for practices owned by private equity money and HMOS.

Professors, it has become nearly impossible to get tenure and the teaching assistants/adjuncts are paid in sunflower seeds.

Mid level industrial/corporate management: See you in China, India, Taiwan and other lowest wage nations.

Engineers and their partners, technicians. . . . computers, robots and cheap offshore labor.

Small business have mostly disappeared into the bellies of those big box stores.

A wal-mart out there in the fly over states can close down nearly all small businesses for an entire county.

The problem is they don't really need us for labor, only a few personal servants. Machines, robots, computers will do the "labor."

I have noticed this too which leads me to wonder if they are aware they are creating a self fulfilled prophesy. By fucking over the middle class they end up getting what they feared. I don't think anything severe will happen until maybe 100 years from now.

Oh, much, MUCH sooner.

I think the lid is about to blow.

The war between those who want a more "harmonious" planet, lots of cooperation and not so much nationalism but still nations, like EU.

And those who want no government only the oligarchs and their corporations.

Is occurring right now.

Also just look how few people actually vote.

You are only partly correct in that you point out correctly that people vote against their own interests. However, you miss the fact that there are rigged elections, the most egregious of which was bush v gore. There is no debate that collusion in the SC, forgeries of absentee ballots, suppression of votes, and the media all played a role in this. The bottom line is despite their crony treachery, Gore won the popular vote, which means necessarily, trickery or not, your vote doesn't count anyway. Our vote comes from the electoral college...have you ever known an elector? Maybe you have. Do you trust them to vote on your behalf? Because that's what they do.

So at the end of the day, we call ourselves a democracy, but that's wrong. There's never been a democracy except maybe a prefect in greece a long time ago. We have a republic, we hire representatives to represent us (which they don't, because they are paid indirectly by corporations to keep them having a job and are expected in that arrangement to fulfill wishes). So then, when sponsorship becomes a problem (which it has--unlimited political money), then it's safe to say that corporations influence is so strong that they are now our government (oligarchy). But that's not right either because they can be destroyed if they don't give their information over to the intelligence community (lavabit--snowden).

So at the end of the day, the IC is actually running the government (cryptocracy). Who else could have managed all that covert coordination to steal votes and perform these other large psyops projects (here and abroad) if not for them? That said, most of the IC are skillful people hired from specialty miliitary positions focused on humanint and data analysis, so that's not right either otherwise you'd see many more whistleblowers if they saw strategy that goes remarkably against the constitution and american people.

Thus, only the high ups in IC where strategy is formed are actually coordinating, and these low-level people don't have clearance to share this. How do I know that? Snowden. He was not CIA or NSA, he was a contractor for a defense company that worked for the NSA and thus he had strangely a higher clearance level than even people in the NSA (seems like a flaw). Because of this he was able to know things the lowers didn't (by role elevation / hacking). What he uncovered were strategies that are clearly treating americans as if they are criminals, enemy combatants and dissidents. Every single one. Why is the NSA / CIA at war with americans? We thought they were americans!

The only conclusion I can come to is there's a global agenda and information network at play here and the only networks that operate irrespective of governments is actually secret society networks such as freemasons. So it's government by freemasons. Sorry.

Summary Axis

What we think ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What is real

Democracy >> Republic >> Oligarchy >> Cryptocracy >> Freemasons >> (???)

Jesuits>>Vatican>>*Royal Bloodline>>???

*currently represented by the British Crown.

I feel like because if they were transparent with us, there would be no end to actually knew our policies and what goes on, thus defeating the purpose of enacting said policies.

Because they fucking do.

Because money.

Because it's not "our" government. Never was.

taxation without representation.


our interests are not being looked after, yet we foot the bill.

Exactly this. Knowing what you mean now, I agree much. Very, very unfortunate. Ultimately, it's our own fault because we're not coming together as one people, standing up against it, and putting a stop to it together - which we absolutely could if we did come together as one and moved against it.

It's, of course, a purposeful thing that tptb in keeping us separated and antagonistic toward one another using faux racial divides, etc. It's unfortunate that so many of us actually fall for the lies and the instigation. We end up all being worse off because of it as a result.

It's Plato's Noble Lie. It works well.

The Noble Lie and the cave analogy mixing together all for the benefit of the elite and the detriment of the citizenry.

Yup. The elite must proliferate "necessary falsehoods" to maintain social harmony but it's really so they can keep their position at the top.

If we could all get together and direct our anger where it belongs, they'd be royally fucked.

The elite must proliferate "necessary falsehoods" to maintain social harmony but it's really so they can keep their position at the top.

They indoctrinate the population from birth to believe that this is the “best of all worlds” and this society - the way it’s structured, even with all its faults and iniquities - is still the most ideal of all scenarios. Very little could be further from the truth, however, and we live in a fabricated world for the benefit of a few at the expense and the downfall of the many. What’s worse is that a lot of the people responsible for maintaining this debilitating status quo come from the ranks of the very citizenry that are being debilitated and taken advantage of by the system. The sheep police the sheep.

If we could all get together and direct our anger where it belongs, they'd be royally fucked.

Could not agree more. Unfortunately, they know this too, and great, great efforts are made on an almost constant basis to bombard the public with the lies necessary to keep everyone fast asleep.

The supreme court rules that money is "speech" and Citizens United that gave a voice to CORPORATIONS saying they are PERSONS. After that, those Oligarchs who OWN the Federal Reserve (a private bank), who are able to print unlimited money, to manipulate the media and ABSOLUTELY corrupt and control the electoral process. Finally, it is undo influence of AIPAC who has a vice grip on academia, the press, and the congress.

Because people are self interested, even in government.

Because you are not rich

Hmmm maybe cause they don't give a shit?

Because it's very easy not to give a fuck about someone after they're not useful to you any more.

Because, despite what we're led to believe, it's not our government at all. It belongs to a tiny minority of wealthy interests and it is in those interests that it acts.

Because someone elected officials with just enough private interests in mind to want to sell out the people for benefit of the elite.

Their yacht isn't big enough, have some compassion, jeez.

Obama is racist and socialist (and his real father Frank Marshall Davis was a Communist). Obama is certainly not going to preserve the America you know. He's all about "change", but not for the good of traditional white Americans.

Obama is neither of those things. When you look at what has resulted, it's very obvious that he is making everyone happy with handouts from wall st to main street...everyone's happy except those out of a job, those being dronekilled on foreign lands; and all-the-while running up overdraft fees like crazy. 8T of crazy and counting. Shits gonna break.

Oh, much, MUCH sooner.

I think the lid is about to blow.

The war between those who want a more "harmonious" planet, lots of cooperation and not so much nationalism but still nations, like EU.

And those who want no government only the oligarchs and their corporations.

Is occurring right now.