Clock boy is kinda blowing up

9  2015-09-17 by Balthanos

Seriously guys, a kid gets in trouble for a clock and next thing you know it's on Times Square billboards (Figuratively).


America is better at propaganda then Hitler and Mao combined China has a very nice Commey protegy sell out, America was over when Kennedy died.

maaaan i didn't want to tear up tonight...jerk.


Fucking Psy-op!

Right. It must be a psy-op because it is not at all possible that some school officials and police officers are paranoid dumb asses.

Teachers, school officials, and police officers make stupid decisions on a daily basis... the vast majority of which go unreported.

For some reason the U.S. media goes crazy over this story and leaves untouched the story of a Jewish terrorist actively recruiting, educating, and provoking Arabs to attack Kansas City, Kansas 9-11 Memorial ceremonies in 2015.

Pople act like this is an isolated incident, or the most extreme.

Remember this?

This is the first time in our nation that a kid was stupidly arrested at school for a clock in pencil case.

I think it's just shocking that people call this news..let alone some type of political statement.

I think the fact that his father ran for prez of Sudan in 2010 somehow plays into it...


Isn't this his father? It does look like him...


That's what you get when you drink 3 bottles of sake and sit down to a keyboard.

I don't know, I saw the images of his clock and I would have shat myself too. Either you are vigilant or you trust everybody and one day get shafted. Just after 7/7 here in the UK, I found a strange square sports bag unattended in my place of work, just sitting there in the ladies loo. I felt extremely scared and told the boss in front of others and was laughed at. An hour later some chubby lady told me how silly i was because it was only her sports bag.

How on earth am I to know? It had no name nor nothing on it. I hate it, especially here in the UK were bombs [first form the IRA] have been going off for a long time and once in the same block where we lived [our lampshades were swinging from the force and I ended up with shell shock later that day - shivering and pale], I do take lonely bags quite seriously.

I could have just ignored it. But I don't think that is what we should do. I also think this kid and his dad should try and be a bit more understanding as to the reason people might be suspicious. It's not that no muslim ever has made a bomb...

It's about "time".

I think we are running out..

no its all Irans fault they hate America, now everyone loves China they are the new bad boy on the block, everyone wants alaska anyway, communism defeats a country from the inside out, it has rotted america, like a plauge

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. But what idea could they be pushing? Don't be wary of objects and then something gets slipped in and then we have 9/11 times 100?

In reality, in this country, we need to grow some fucking balls. There are other countries that are war zones. That we are messing with. If we keep doing this we will get retaliation. I really find it amazing that some Iraqi or some Afghani hasn't yet. But it will happen. 9/11 has taught us one of two things, We can become grossly incompetent and allow planes to be hijacked with box cutters, that this break through in human creativity will happen again. Or of course two, that we are actively participating in a war, that instead of having protesters, we have nothing but support, because we were attack, and this is " The New Pearl Harbor".

What I see as the "9/11 times 100" narrative:

Obama promised to take in 10,000 "Syrian" refugees and whoopsie! A bunch of 'em turned out to be ISIS, oh well.

I'm thinking that will be the narrative, very soon.

Yea, they already planted the narrative when they said they were in Mexico.

That's what I see coming, man, a big whoopsie, even though ISIS is funded, trained, and armed by the US anyway.

But that's the narrative I see playing out.

But that's the narrative I see playing out.

Me too. These politicians are nothing but traitors.

Isn't it funny that it takes an outsider like Putin to give us truth, as in when Putin had proven that Kerry was lying about Assad using chemical weapons, and Putin exposed something else as well.

I think he has some sattelite imagery proven 9/11 was done by our dear leaders as well.

Fucking warmongers, man.

America has hit rock bottom. Putin brokers a deal with Assad and is called evil. Poor warmongers didn't get their war. Now, there is ISIS. TPTB have gone full retard, you never go full retard.

Fucking warmongers, man.


Whadaya think?????

Syrian Refugees. Yeah.

I'm sure their families are just outside of the picture. /s

Order out of chaos and TPTB want a hell storm of chaos.

Trojan Horse, bitches!!!

No offense but, are you by chance a commenter on zerohedge?

what is zerohedge?

The most recent "world event" is the war refugee crisis. Those guys are all Muslim. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I was thinking that. I was also thinking hey look not all Muslims drop bombs and either trying to break that stereotype or have us look away and then have another 9/11 but this time times thousand.

Trojan Horse. Fer reals.

That's what you get when you drink 3 bottles of sake and sit down to a keyboard.