[Discussion] /r/conspiracy/ is a psy-op unto itself; new posts that do not fit the sold-out mods agenda are instantly zeroed out and upvotes will not bring the post above zero, keeping it from appearing otherwise, limiting open discussion.

95  2015-09-18 by [deleted]


I also think the systematic infanticide of new posts relating to "forbidden issues" is a real phenomenon, but it isn't the mods who are responsible.

I think we know which sub provides those downvotes too, along with a few employed bootlickers selling out their fellow humans.


Is there a site where people actually point this stuff out and show evidence. I don't doubt it happens, but I like to look at conglomerated info. Anything would be awesome. Grazi

What issues do you think are forbidden to discuss here on r/conspiracy?

Forbidden from the perspective of those downvoting.

Flat eart theory, NASA/space agency frauds

Flat Earth is disinfo. It will be downvoted because reasonable conspirators recognise it and downvote it any time it's posted in /r/new.

I know I do.

Send a balloon up into the sky, asshole.

You think NASA can't do any better than a kid with 30 dollars worth of equipment?

You sound like the kid here. Tone down the vitriol.

You sound like the idiot that can't create a better experiment than a kid.

Although I do not and will not subscribe to the Flat Earth bullshit, flying a balloon to the lower, or even upper atmosphere, will not show the curvature of earth, it's usually too low.

WTC nuclear demolition seems to be #1 on the shit list -- seems to have mod support in suppressing, too

edit: Haha woww lookit this voting pattern.

I don't know why you are downvoted, bro.

You are one of the voices of reason around here.

No, he's a naive young kid at best or purposely pushes disinfo at worst. Why do the official story people and space beams/nuke theory people both attack the controlled demo theory? Because they are both on the same side. Most people have been researching 9/11 for years before these theories came out to discredit the truth movement and have seen what it has done to it. Its gone from knowledgeable people looking for real truth to disinfo agents pushing narratives that naive kids and young adults run with like its fact. Its pushed away a lot of older conspiracy researchers because there is no reasoning with mini nukers or the judy woods fan club. Its ok if you want to research it but there's very little information and a lot of fact claiming. Look at your boy he talks like it was fact that the towers were nuked. Where's the proof? There is none. There's plenty of evidence for controlled demo. Its already created division in the truth seekers, just like they wanted.

You always use that word 'infanticide'. You're a hyperbolic idiot for it. I already have you tagged as 'called you a baby murderer'. Because you called me a baby murderer with the same word.

Point 1 - I used the word "infanticide" as a metaphor (I told you to look that word up, and you clearly haven't). It alludes to the action of people killing posts in the new queue.

Point 2 - I am sorry. Sorry that you're too stupid to understand point 1.

To point 1:

You're a hyperbolic idiot for it

So are you asking if this subreddit is "free" when the whole reedit website is a propaganda tool?

Because if yes then your question is a bit retarded.

This sub is part of website that each fucking day applies top notch propaganda and psyops techniques. Off course is fucking controlled.

I will go and say that is a major focus even if is not listed in the main reddits.


...and, "Long Live Big Brother!"

Hook me up a some sites that are opposite of this please.

don't know any that i can recommend as clean. sorry

Anything that amasses a certain level of social influence will be infiltrated and either controlled or destroyed. Simple as that. You could probably run a group of <10 people if you knew them all, rolled your own forum code and encryption, etc. -- but even then you'll probably be monitored. Keyloggers for all!

Sad but true. But I do think this sub has potential for a little damage

It does. That's why I'm still here. And I learn a lot in the "fight" -- even if it's against users that are only interested in discrediting and suppressing ideas, rather than collaboratively learning.

Man, how cool would this place be without shills. Just all real people... talking... learning.

edit: Fucking downvoted. Jesus..

I remember when reddit was just that. It was an amazing source of information and community. Sadly the one thing that the 0.01%ers can't allow is the truth to be known. If the truth got out they would be in jail. Truth is their biggest enemy in my opinion.

What's crazy to think about is that they have so much power, that no matter where we commune to discuss the truth, they will find us, infiltrate us, and ultimately disrupt close to all meaningful discourse. That is how powerful these people are. I feel like I do not even own my own thoughts anymore, because as hard as I try, I am still influenced by TPTB. What hope do we have? All we can do is meet in person, but even that could be infiltrated.

Yeah, it can be overwhelming at times. My strategy is to get somewhere physically safe, then fight the information war with every fiber of my being. Actually that's what I'm doing now.

I know -- I see you everywhere, and to me it's clear you're one of the good guys. Keep on fighting the good fight.

Thanks, I do appreciate it.

no need to despair, use this a s a tool to understand how the psyops work.

Before she took down her site, anolen.com had posted a significant amount of research suggesting that reddit.com itself is a CIA front to a certain degree. It's a propaganda outfit to control the public mind. Just like Operation Mockingbird paid a lot of mainstream journalists in the various newspapers, during the internet age the CIA funds online news sites to push their propaganda.

/r/conspiracy isn't a default sub, so it's essentially unimportant. EXCEPT that /r/conspiracy has grown enough that it somewhat counters the CIA approved narrative.

So, we have this group of people trying to take control of the mod team so they can discredit the sub with Flat Earthers, Illuminatis, and 9/11 disinformation.

Very plausible. This cannot turn into a bigger platform or else!

Of course r/conspiracy is going to suspect r/conspiracy of conspiracy!!

you have a point there.

I do have trust issues.

Oh please...

The mods don't do that. Maybe the admins may step in if the gov asks, but the mods have no hand in such foolery.

Thank you for your voice on this.

I wasn't sure if it were admins or mods.

So the "Admins" sold their souls and are traitors, and admins and shills, therefore, are complicit in the murder of 2976 Americans.

Soulless fucks.

Sorry if I came off a bit rude. After years of being a mod here I have learned that the majority of people disdain you for almost no reason at all, and a lot of people will start to make up reasons to dislike us. I assure you that the mods not only lack the power to change any votes, we also do not influence what topics are discussed here.

Who zeroes out?

And it's great to finally see a post from you.

And sorry if I came off a bit rude! I'm trying to figure out the vote manipulation, etc., as some posts zero out within SECONDS of being posted and freeze at zero.

Usually trolls and shills. There is a strong presence here from those who wish to manipulate opinions.

This post reeks of pro-Israel butthurt.

This is the method they use. In conjunction with flood posting much garbage, and super heavily uovote to control the front page and /New.

And conflicting opinions to keep readers confused

Guys, it was never about the upvotes. It is obvious to say the least, that when you have a voting system, that system will become corrupted. It is about the information. You can do the research yourself. You do not need posts of endless links and discussion. You must read and attain information. Then what you do with it is up to you. You can post it here so some other individual can discover it for the first time, and entertain the ideas.

Where tho? Im curious as hell about a lot of stuff but I want the truth. Seems like its just really hard to find facts anywhere.

No one will ever tell you what is accurate and what is not. You are the observer who decides.

Yes, but when a post is zeroed out to remain at zero, it only shows in new and won't make it to the front pare of /r/conspiracy where it would be much more visible.

So you just think it's upvotes? If this was a professional psyop, the organizers would generate all.or most of the content (and carefully select what they didn't produce) and you wouldn't be able to talk to the other people being mindfucked. I assume there is a lot of this going on, but not complete. Mostly because I hope at least a handful of you are real people lying in bed or momentarily escaping your corporate shackles and not an army of sycophants in an all beige and grey temple to technocracy. If this is all for show, like each of us sees our own personal tailored version of the psyop, then cool. Congrats on that...

The ideal people to spread disinformation are those that don't know they're doing it because you don't need to be paid to be a shill, you just have to be a believer. One need only look at the climate science "debate" to see this in action, but if that isn't enough, think about what those two Mormon guys are doing knocking on people's doors.

I get that. I just think it's a good idea to seed the disinfo in a relatively closed and one-on-one environment. Schools are pretty good, too, as the children are totally ignorant, the teenagers are conditioned, and the college students are utterly indoctrinated and there is heavy bias against info that doesn't come from the indoctrination system.

But it would be interesting if one site is used as the seeding ground and then the implanted then transfer that info to other spaces, like reddit is just the seed disinfo and people naturally spread it to facebook, real life, buzzfeed, etc. I understand that you don't necessarily need closed, personalized environments to achieve that, climate science as you stated being a great example, but it probably helps gather data on what propaganda techniques work best on which personality types/demographic profiles.

I still learn new shit all the time thanks to this sub reddit the best was this book http://freepdfhosting.com/28a68f3405.pdf

Note: Apology to mods, must be the admins. ; )~

This sub is a joke lately with the exception that I haven't seen a flat earth post in a while.

The zeroing out has been happening for a very long time. If a post gets a downvote before any upvotes, it's impossible for it to make the front page or all.

That's not true, I've down voted shitty posts before anyone up voted and they still managed to reach the front page.

That's because they're only shitty to you, maybe you should just stop.

You've never seen posts on the front page that made you cringe?

Yes, totally idiotic even, but I don't consider myself the sole arbiter of what people should believe. You're even welcome to believe in flat earth if you like but there's no discernable conspiracy there (apart from the disinfo/psy-op angle) so maybe keep it in your own subs.

You are right to call out Rockran, but you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Feel free to take over then :)

There's a few misleading things here.

1) Front page or front page of /r/conspiracy? It doesn't take much to make the front page of /r/conspiracy, but the top post does appear on the main front page of all subscribers.

2) Saying "not true" doesn't mean early downvotes have zero effect. I just wanted to make that clear. An early downvote will almost guarantee that a post will never hit the top of this sub (not front page, but top post on front page). You are correct that an enormous amount of upvotes can result in a ship not sinking, but the earlier the downvote, the bigger the hole in the ship.

We need to train users that a post with 0 upvotes and many comments is a topic that's being suppressed -- and it's likely something they should look into, likely more important than a thread with 3000 upvotes.


Here's one in progress:

Or this one is amazing. Nearly 120 comments, 0 karma:

edit2: This very comment, downvoted straight to hell. Looks like we found your weakness.

Bad examples. These are just shit post with no evidence. I can't believe you are pushing the nuke theory. Making us all look bad.

Let him. If he's right, he'll come up with evidence evidence eventually.

But I agree, it would be smarter to throw all the weight into debunking the "official science" to reinforce the call for a real investigation instead of coming up with speculative hypotheses left and right to divide the movement.

Evidence, briefly:

Here's an article explaining the demolition, originally in the German magazine NEXUS:

And here's a brief video that explains everything:

That should get you started. Let me know where you have questions.

Nano-thermite alone cannot explain the lack of rubble and total pulverization of steel, office furniture, bathroom fixtures, and human bodies. The buildings turned to dust -- not piles of rubble, but dust 100 microns in size. How did the nanothermite completely reduce the buildings to microscopic dust? Only a nuclear device is capable of that.

That's not how you approach a subject objectively and honestly, Hacker. You make an observation: all the shit got pulverized and turned to dust. Not all of it, btw, to particles 100 microns in size, there's a wide range of other sizes the debris took. And there was lots of debris, and mangled steel, and the sintered "meteorites" and so on.

Then you formulate the question: what could pulverize all the shit?

One hypothesis says "gravity" and I find it as laughable as you do, and as it is the official theory everyone with a spark of intellect left in his brain disagrees with, we both should stand shoulder to shoulder in breaking up that misconception where it still has foothold.

One hypothesis says "nanothermite" and I find it as non-explanatory as you do, because the experts that put forward that hypothesis never gave us a "model", a feasibility study, a "plan" on how and where and in which sequence this stuff was applied and ignited to make the collapse look like it did with the effects that are observed. And I am at least as paranoid about that organization being controlled opposition as you are. I do however acknowledge that they found stuff in the dust that simply does not belong there, after they predicted they would have to find something, and it is the best science in the sense of scientific method we have to date.

One hypothesis says "Directed Energy Weapon" and I don't know what you think about it but in my book, if John Hutchinson and Judy Wood manage to dustify a 2 meter WTC model, a piece of steel beam or a chunk of concrete to prove their theory in principle, I'm all aboard the hype train. Choo choo!

Your hypothesis says "only a nuclear device is capable of that" and that is exactly what "jumping to conclusions" was probably invented for. I don't rule it out, but I find it highly, highly unlikely for many, many reasons, the first and foremost of which is that the towers collapsed from top to bottom. The other major problem is that you do not have many nuclear explosions to compare effects and after-effects with - so many assumptions must be made that this hypothesis requires a HUGE amount of evidence.

1,100% elevated incidences of thyroid cancer in WTC recovery workers -- thyroid cancer is caused by exposure to "radioactive iodine released during nuclear disasters"

It makes sense to take from the links you provided that the recovery workers show symptoms normally associated with great amounts of radiation, for example, the Chernobyl disaster, and that warrants deeper examination, no question. But it still takes a huge leap from the rescue workers' illness to a nuclear device, at least not until other causes (incorporation of dust particles, toxic fumes and gases etc.) have been investigated and excluded.

You can clearly see the nuclear detonation points in satellite imagery and the hotspots, where steel glowed red-hot for months

Sorry, man, I tried, but I don't. I saw a schematic of the complex with three red dots and a photo of the steaming rubble - nothing what would qualify as a "nuclear detonation point", especially since we're operating in a complete information vacuum, as we both have no clue how the typical "nuclear detonation point" is supposed to look like.

For those having trouble visualizing an underground nuke, here's an excellent video example. First, notice the detonation causing a ground-based blast wave -- i.e., earthquake. Then about 10 seconds later, the ground collapses. Imagine one of these under each WTC building.

First of all, we have no confirmation that these are nuclear explosions in the first place. Secondly, we have no idea what exactly happens underground. Thirdly, the ground clearly is deformed in a rapidly expanding concentric pattern on a plane. I can easily see the whole complex being swallowed by a circular hole in the ground - but not a bathtub staying intact, nor the Twins disintegrating from top to bottom and ejaculating all their shit over the place.

With that test footage in mind, watch the WTC ground shaking at detonation roughly 10 seconds before collapse.

That's quite interesting indeed. Is that pattern consistent throughout all the footage (not counting the one from the newscopters)? Could it be explained with more conventional explosives?

Here's an article explaining the demolition, originally in the German magazine NEXUS:

  • Ground Zero – Nuclear Demolition of the World Trade Center

Not just am I German, there was a time also when I read stuff like NEXUS and MATRIX 3000 because I was disappointed by Der Spiegel's treatment of 9/11 - until I gave those up too. There is some interesting stuff in-between, but there are only so many pseudo-scientific articles about séances and ghost sightings one wants to have his monthly dose of alternative reality theories filled with.

And believe it or not, I am familiar with Khalezov's theory, and re-read the article before I dismissed his theory again for the same reasons as the first time: the schematics do not explain how the destruction wave is supposed to run from below the tower, invisibly up the whole tower, and then initiate an obvious, smooth, linear motion running from the top down through an already fractured structure. It would be expected that such a mode of destruction would force the whole tower to be compressed uniformly, and synchronously, leading even to the tower toppling, not an axially symmetric avalanche from the top down.

The glacial pothole in the Manhattan Schist Khalezov cites as evidence ("molten rock") was clearly situated under WTC4, even outside the bath tub, btw.

And here's a brief video that explains everything:

  • WTC1 & 2 Were Constructed to be Nuclear Device Chimneys -- Explains nuclear demolition, explains secondary explosions, explains Israeli art students

That should get you started. Let me know where you have questions.

Yes. Why do you link me to a video of a computer voice reading an on-screen article on youtube? It's just a waste of bandwidth. Blind and visually impaired people have their own screenreaders. Forgive me for not sitting through this.

In brief, you've narrowed down the "dustification" issue to either nukes or Judy Woods' energy beam. That's an excellent first step, and it strongly suggests (as I have) that AE911Truth is a limited hangout operation, intended to keep us from researching beyond thermite. Something to take note of.

Also, there is FAR more evidence, as I've presented, to suggest nukes than energy beam. Almost all of the energy beam support comes from this one person, interpreting collapse videos within her own frame -- careful not to mention nuclear possibilities. This suggests that Judy Woods is a disinformation agent, intended to explain the near-total pulverization of the steel structures.

But look: If you fail to provide ANY supporting references for your negative claims (glacial pothole?? They'd really build the tallest buildings on the planet on a glacial pothole??), and you discredit information simply based on its presentation (you don't like the voice?? If I read it to you will that make it better?), I think your role here is clear for all to see. You're not interested in collaboratively arriving at truth. You're pushing an agenda, steering people away from something they're not supposed to see.

You guys are really circling the wagons on this one, huh? I just got my first threat! Tell me, why would I receive a threat to my physical person over this if I was not on the right track?

In brief, you've narrowed down the "dustification" issue to either nukes or Judy Woods' energy beam. There is far more evidence, as I've presented, to suggest nukes than energy beam.

If you fail to provide supporting references and discredit information based on its presentation, I think your role here is clear for all to see.

You guys are really circling the wagons on this one, huh? I just got my first threat!

You know what? I hoped for the best and that you just had a bad day the last time I dared to put your hypothesis to the test. As an amateur scientist, I'll touch the paper clip in the power socket a second time to see if it still zaps me - just to ascertain it was not just a coincidence.

Your disruptive tactics, your unwillingness or inability to make your case and defend your theory in a civilized manner, your closed-mindedness, and your paranoid insults - which, on reddit, I have so far only witnessed coming from faithers, debunksters, trusters, and scientifically illiterate reality deniers - too obviously are a systemic attempt at sowing discord; even the flat-earthers were more friendly forwarding their theories, but I'm sure you are too well aware of that, so: shame on you for playing the divide et impera game.

Badda bing there it is. When nothing else works, DISCREDIT DISCREDIT DISCREDIT!

You're accusing me of divide and conquer. Okay, we're narrowed 9/11 down to either nuclear detonation devices or energy beams, by your own logic. That's what you're accusing me of dividing and conquering between. So buddy if you want to carry the energy beam torch, be my guest. But we are in agreement that AE911Truth is, at the very least, way off base -- if not intentionally misleading, if not maliciously misleading.

I see very little evidence to support the energy beam theory -- really, just a lady talking. I see quite a lot of evidence to support the nuclear demolition. All the talking, mocking, and discrediting shills in the world can't make it go away. But if you want to beat that energy beam drum... nobody gonna stop you.

"Scientifically illiterate" - don't make me laugh. I worked my ass off for that piece of paper. And this was before Common Core. Too much damn calculus if you ask me.

In closing, it's clear what your role is here. There is a world of difference between a person who is interested in collaboratively arriving at truth and one who is simply focused on discrediting a targeted narrative. Shame on you for helping cover for mass murder. They deliberately let thousands of heroes GET CANCER because they would not tell the truth. A simple potassium iodide tablet would be prevented most of it. And here you are continuing the lie. Absolutely disgusting.

These people and their families will have justice. Mark my words.


Lots of edits you inserted after the fact. Here, let me address you one more time:


Quite the contrary. I gave you the opportunity, AGAIN, to make your case. You failed miserably. You refused to engage in a civil debate. You addressed not a single of my objections. If any discrediting went on here, it was your own. To speak truth to power, one needs not resort to the shabby insults, insinuations, sophistry and twisting of words you managed to cram into just one little post.

You're accusing me of divide and conquer.

Yes. I accuse you of not being able to put your own little pet theory BEHIND our common and legitimate interest: the push for a new, independent investigation that deserves that name. I disagree with A&E on a lot of things, especially their approach and policies. I have my very own, one-man conspiracy theory about the Twins. Have you ever seen me randomly attacking fellow truthers for being A&E fans? I'm certain you haven't. Have you seen me criticize A&E for one or another decision/policy/approach/action, even call them limited hangout? If not, I'm certain you'll find quite a few in my post history.

Okay, we're narrowed 9/11 down to either nuclear detonation devices or energy beams, by your own logic.

Then you did not understand my post at all and it is no surprise you react the way you do.

That's what you're accusing me of dividing and conquering between.

I'm accusing you of dividing the effort for a new, independent investigation, which you DISCREDIT DISCREDIT DISCREDIT by pushing your preconceived conclusions. Let there be a true investigation first, and THEN we'll see whether Dimitri, Richard, Judy, Zdenek or my own favourite pet theory were right the whole time.

So buddy if you want to carry the energy beam torch, be my guest.

I carry the torch of the scientific method, of Archimedes, Galileo and Newton. And Reich, Schauberger, Tesla and Feynman too, but that's for other darknesses.

But we are in agreement that AE911Truth is, at the very least, way off base -- if not intentionally misleading, if not maliciously misleading.

I believe their mandated tunnel vision does not serve the cause, that is all.

I see very little evidence to support the energy beam theory -- really, just a lady talking.

I see very little evidence to support the nuclear device theory -- really, just a Russian talking.

I see quite a lot of evidence to support the nuclear demolition.

I see quite a lot of evidence to support a magic collapse.

All the talking, mocking, and discrediting shills in the world can't make it go away.

That's your way of stating that you're immune to reason and logic, I guess.

But if you want to beat that energy beam drum... nobody gonna stop you.

What a shabby strawman you built there :(

"Scientifically illiterate" - don't make me laugh. I worked my ass off for that piece of paper. And this was before Common Core. Too much damn calculus if you ask me.

Do I expect too much if I demand some scientific curiosity and a dose of healthy skepticism?

In closing, it's clear what your role is here. There is a world of difference between a person who is interested in collaboratively arriving at truth and one who is simply focused on discrediting a targeted narrative.

If a fellow truther, who goes out of his way to assure you of his good and honest intentions, already gets you all worked up and paranoid and toxic and mean and abusive - how are you going to win the hearts and minds of those who still think towers just disintegrate an hour after being hit by an airplane? Have I some bad news for you.

Shame on you for helping cover for mass murder.

Way to win friends.

They deliberately let thousands of heroes GET CANCER because they would not tell the truth.

Tell me something I don't know yet.

A simple potassium iodide tablet would be prevented most of it. And here you are continuing the lie. Absolutely disgusting.

Shall we talk about lies?

Here is a lie: nuclear weapons, as described in scientific literature, exist.

And this is the truth: all you have is the word of a bunch of "scientists" and historical footage of big, dramatic explosions to convince us nuclear weapons, as described in pop culture, are a thing at all.

These people and their families will have justice.

I very much hope so.

Mark my words.

I had to. For the quotation C&P.

You're wasting my time, MR DISCREDIT BOT.


Psst: Your account is compromised. Because YOU are compromised.

I hope I'm on your jury.


You don't agree with him, so he's calling you a shill. It's his MO.

These people and their families will have justice. Mark my words.

Amen, brother, I feel the same way. I believe.

On the contrary, MR DISCREDIT BOT, there's enough evidence there to keep you busy for a week.

Correct. Their primary mission appears to be supporting AE911Truth, which is itself a limited hangout government operation designed to keep people from learning about the nuclear demolition of WTC1, 2, & 7 on 9/11. Yeah.. They fucking nuked us. Three times.

I actually like AE911Truth. I think they're waking people up to the fact that their own government would attack them. I mean, that's a big damn deal in and of itself. But they're actively concealing the fact that three 150KT nuclear devices were set off in the middle of NYC.

That deception has led to nearly 4,000 first responders getting leukemia, thyroid cancer, and prostate cancer -- all from radiation. (The media spins it as lung cancer from asbestos to conceal the radiation problem.) Much of this have been prevented with simple potassium iodide tablets.

And their cries for a new investigation will never amount to anything. They're gathering up all the truthers into a net of false hope and impotence, while TPTB carry out their plans unhindered.

There's a lot of hate for vaccines and GMO threads too, but the anti-nuclear detonation sentiment appears to have mod support. I almost got banned for talking about it. Whole damn team turned on me at once. It was quite stunning, and it laid bare what this sub is all about. I ain't mad at em. If I get banned, that's what's up -- no matter how many of them band together to weave their own narrative. Anyhow, I think that's unlikely, but if that does happen, you can find me over at /r/C_S_T for the time being.

And, when you stop and think about it, is it even possible that a forum with this much influence among truth seekers (over 330,000 subscribers!) would not be controlled?

Good times. :)

This post epitomizes how crazy you all are.

There is no psy-op or anything like that. Why can't you believe realize there's no one controlling anything behind the scenes? You all sound like a bunch of paranoid schizophrenics.

I'll be sure to save this comment when you get busted like Goldberg.

God you people are truly, truly pathetic.

Have you ever heard of a website called Digg?

Point 1 - I used the word "infanticide" as a metaphor (I told you to look that word up, and you clearly haven't). It alludes to the action of people killing posts in the new queue.

Point 2 - I am sorry. Sorry that you're too stupid to understand point 1.

It does. That's why I'm still here. And I learn a lot in the "fight" -- even if it's against users that are only interested in discrediting and suppressing ideas, rather than collaboratively learning.

Man, how cool would this place be without shills. Just all real people... talking... learning.

edit: Fucking downvoted. Jesus..