The holocaust was a hoax, wasn't it?

0  2015-09-20 by [deleted]

I never thought I'd be a holocaust denier, but the more independent studies I've done, the more it seems obvious that the holocaust was an amazing propaganda piece, just like most of history is. And the fact that it's illegal to deny the holocaust in some countries? I was just telling my little brother yesterday that it's the questions you're not supposed to ask that matter the most.

My head is spinning and I'm looking for input, not judgments. I'm not anti-Semitic (although I'm anti-abrahamic religions in general) I'm just looking for the truth. I'm open minded either way.

Tell me why I'm right or wrong.


It was called WWII and a lot of people died from a wide range of ethnicities and cultures. The Jewish deaths were by no means the highest number of deaths.

Mother russia was.

Mother russia was. But they weren't exterminated because of their orthodoxy

There's still time.

There is no proof whatsoever of three main claims regarding the Holocaust---that (a) six million jews were killed, (b) many in gas chambers, (c) due to an order by Hitler.

It appears these three claims were wartime propaganda.

No proof, as in the hundred of pictures of theses camps taken upon discovery? The people who survived emaciated and devastated, a look in their eyes that couldn't possibly mirror some several countries wide conspiracy to just make up some stuff and get a German war-monger in a little trouble? Sure, maybe you can't make an exact number of the deaths, but you at least know it happened.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure you can't fake that. There have even been pictures of the interior walls of the gas chambers covered in claw marks from people trying to escape or otherwise panicking as they lived their last moments.

To create a conspiracy on that scale would simply be nearly impossible, much less managing to maintain the veil of secrecy for years afterwards.

No proof, as in the hundred of pictures of theses camps taken upon discovery?

Hundreds of pictures that don't show (a) six million dead jewish people (b) being killed in gas chambers (c) due to an order by Hitler.

(Regarding the gas chambers, please watch this video made by a young jewish man who went to Auschwitz with questions. The truth really will set you free.)

You people are all fucknut tinfoil wearers.

I've never worn tin-foil for any reason. But I do use my nuts for fucking.

And your logical fallacy is ad hominem.

Yes. You are correct. This was the toughest one for me to swallow by far IMO and actually almost made me go a little insane. However you are right, in the sense that this poster outlined:

"There is no proof whatsoever of three main claims regarding the Holocaust---that (a) six million jews were killed, (b) many in gas chambers, (c) due to an order by Hitler."

Bingo. This is totally true. 100%. Even Ellie Wisel says the 11 million number is fake, but this will basically get you crucified out in the streets.

Like I said this is a big pill to swallow so don't rush it. You will come out the otherside better than before. Stay safe brother and godspeed.

Just remember, this is the lynchpin of modern society, so fight your urge to tell the others. They won't understand and this WILL get you dismissed as insane. Just a warning from someone a little further down the road.

P.S. Read Mein Kampf.

Mein Kampf wasn't written by Hitler.

Please elaborate.

Hard to explain and work in 4 David Irving. He basically attributes it to propaganda.

Wouldn't Hitler have denied it at some point then?

I'll look into it, but that would surprise me immensely. I would suspect if it was propaganda it would be a lot more explicitly insane.

Like I said this is a big pill to swallow so don't rush it. You will come out the otherside better than before. Stay safe brother and godspeed.

Thanks. It is crazy, isn't it? Reality is at least 80% fundamental bullshit, and most people will never ever see that.

Just remember, this is the lynchpin of modern society, so fight your urge to tell the others. They won't understand and this WILL get you dismissed as insane. Just a warning from someone a little further down the road.

Thanks for the warning. I understand the societal consequences. I was raised Mormon and tried to share the truth when I was a kid haha...

Plato's Cave has more significance than any other parable I've ever heard, because ultimately people really would prefer to kill you for sharing the truth than allow you to save them from the lies.

P.S. Read Mein Kampf.

Will do

Word. I mean honestly just since you posted this here and I guess are looking for some perspective...

The Holocaust is easily the defining event bar none of our society. Hitler is our devil and the Nuremberg trials were where modern man made the devil real. That is essentially what defines modern times. For example, someone I know studies theology, and they now define modern theology as post-holocaust theology. Go up to someone in the street and say, there's never been an evil man alive, everyone is good.

What will they say? "Well what about Hitler?". In this way, you are checking into literally THE DEFINING MYTHOLOGY OF MODERN MAN, the Holocaust. That is why I said take it slow, it is literally a whole nother world once you see that the biggest dragons of modern times do not actually exist.

Don't get me wrong, the Nazis did some bad stuff, but it's nowhere near the putting cigarettes out in babies eyes image that the media portrays.

Yet we live in the shadows of the Nazis, in the shadow of this myth. I could go on forever about this so feel free to hit me up if you want to talk, but I'll just say that this myth of complete evil manifest that is the Nazi myth defines modern man and society, and we live under it's tyranny MORE than any society you could ever imagine being oppressed by any ideology. Catholicism, fundamentaist Islam, ANY IDEOLOGY YOU COULD THINK OF will never hold a candle to the level of slavery that exists between us and the myth of the Holocaust.

Just saying. Fun to connect to a fellow truth seeker. It's a strange ride but it's the only game in town, most nights I enjoy it - just for the record.

that this myth of complete evil manifest that is the Nazi myth defines modern man and society, and we live under it's tyranny MORE than any society you could ever imagine being oppressed by any ideology. Catholicism, fundamentaist Islam, ANY IDEOLOGY YOU COULD THINK OF will never hold a candle to the level of slavery that exists between us and the myth of the Holocaust.

It's true though. The only boogie man to rival Hitler is Satan himself. And I learned a long time ago that boogie men aren't real. I just had never applied that to Hitler. I think that's why I'm honestly not that surprised to learn what I'm learning... although it obviously does shake my paradigm to the core.

It's still up on youtube. It's called the greatest story never told. It's a Hitler documentary that should be seen by any history buffs. It seems lots of things never made it to history class.

Chief among the things that never made it to history class are the people that made that documentary

Most of it did seem like bullshit. Some of it got verified by Wikipedia.

I think the consensus is there was an event, but the numbers might be exaggerated.

Exactly. To deny its existence is ridiculous, to ignore the suffering of other groups (from Romas to Soviet POWs) is criminal

Yeah, and the consensus is that 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

Clearly, as has been stated, there were bodies.

But that's far cry from a systematic genocide, isn't it?

Care to dispute that?

EDIT: Or did you and everyone else who downvoted that comment completely miss the point?

Hitler killed a lot of people, there's no question about that. But whether he killed them specifically because they were Jewish is something there really isn't any hard evidence to support. He had over 100,000 partial Jews fighting for him in the German army so his policy on Jews can't have been that bad. Communism, on the other hand, is something he openly called for the extermination of. When the Reichstag was burned down, for example, it was Communists he blamed.

I have no particular expertise in that part of history, but if I had to make an educated guess I'd say there was a real genocide which was then exploited by Zionist Jews looking for more power.

This here:-

the fact that it's illegal to deny the holocaust in some countries?

Is reason alone to question the story in the history books. If it really happened the way they say, then why is fascism still legal, but questioning the Holocaust illegal? What? You can do it again, but you can't deny it happened the first time?

He had over 100,000 partial Jews fighting for him in the German army so his policy on Jews can't have been that bad

Ignoring of course that these either needed some kind of special exemption or needed to cover it up....

Ignoring of course that these either needed some kind of special exemption or needed to cover it up....

I see you have spectacularly ignored the point. Why would Jews want to fight for Hitler if Hitler was exterminating all the Jews? That makes absolutely no sense. Some of these guys earned medals fighting for Germany.

I don't know why you even bothered to comment. Oh wait, yes I do. It was to try to merge the established fact that Hitler persecuted Jews with the myth that he intended to exterminate them all.

Oh I don't know, because they were German? And yet despite this, they needed a special exemption or a lot of lying to fight for Germany. Under the Nazis it was your jewishness that generally superceded everything else. It didn't matter what your views were or if you even practiced. And that's the whole point. Yes some Germans who may have had some "Jewish blood" in them earned accolade digging for Nazi Germany.

So you're surprised that a hypocritical, narrow minded regime was..gasp hypocrtical and narrow minded?

They also had thousands of slavic untermensch fight for them, when it suited them (when they started running out of Germans).

Allowing someone to die in your army isn't the same as affording them basic civil rights and freedoms.

Oh I don't know, because they were German?

Just what the fuck. You're saying that 100,000 Jews decided to fight for Hitler's plan to kill all the Jews, because they were German Jews?

That's... Difficult to believe.

And yet despite this, they needed a special exemption or a lot of lying to fight for Germany.

A special exemption from what exactly? Twice you've made this deliberately vague claim, without explaining what the fuck you mean, or how it disproves that, according to the history books, over 100,000 Jews joined in the genocide against their own race.

It didn't matter what your views were or if you even practiced.

Well, you seem to have pretty thorough knowledge of Hitler's philosophy. Especially for a man who has never met fucking Hitler.

Strange though, how it "didn't matter what your views were or even if you practiced" and yet they let 100,000 Jews join the military anyway. In fact, I'd go so far as to say these two claims contradict one another.

So you're surprised that a hypocritical, narrow minded regime was..gasp hypocrtical and narrow minded?

Hang on, you're the one arguing that we shouldn't question the motive for the Holocaust, even when it emerges that Hitler had over 100,000 Jews fighting for him. Exactly how the fuck can you accuse anybody else of being "narrow-minded" and, for that matter, "hypocritical"?

Just what the fuck. You're saying that 100,000 Jews decided to fight for Hitler's plan to kill all the Jews, because they were German Jews?

Yes, around 100,000 people, probably more fought for Nazi Germany, who had at least some jewish blood. Most had little to no interest in Judaism.

A special exemption from what exactly?

A special exemption to serving in the military, as non aryans were banned from doing so as of 1935.

Twice you've made this deliberately vague claim, without explaining what the fuck you mean,

Did you actually read Bryan Rigg's book or are you just regurgitated stormfront talking points? Because Nazi racial laws are a major focus in his, and numerous other works on people with jewish blood fighting for Nazi Germany. Of course, I'm sure you're well aware of the various distinctions about what amount of jewish blood was acceptable for a German?

over 100,000 Jews joined in the genocide against their own race.

And of course, as many stated in the same book you drew that figure from, they did so to protect not only themselves but their families.

And of course that someone who had some distant claim to being related to someone who was Jewish doesn't subscribe them to some monumental, immediate identity. Many couldn't care less abot Judaism. They were Germans first and always.

Or, as also stated in Rigg's book, many did it to prove their Aryan blood was stronger than their Jewish blood. Those were the lucky ones of course.

Well, you seem to have pretty thorough knowledge of Hitler's philosophy. Especially for a man who has never met fucking Hitler.

Well, unlike you, I've actually read the book(s) in question. Here's an interesting article about Crimean Jews being allowed to continue practicing their religion

In fact, a number were given the okay to do so directly by Himmler when the served in an SS unit.

Hang on, you're the one arguing that we shouldn't question the motive for the Holocaust,


even when it emerges that Hitler had over 100,000 Jews fighting for him

How is a self-serving, hyptocritcal fool doing something self-serving, hypocritical and foolish surprising?

Most had little to no interest in Judaism.

This conversation isn't going to go very far if you literally just make your own information up.

Go away please. It is lies like this which really fucking irritate me. How could you possibly be aware of the private thoughts of 100,000 different Jews who lived 75 years ago in a different country? Are you saying you time-travelled and mentally tapped into to their most private thoughts about Judaism?

No, you're simply speaking out of your fucking arse, which I am assuming you do a lot, given the length of your reply.

You're free to read the source material instead of just mindlessly parroting some talking points you saw on the internet


It's in the book from where you keep quoting the 150, 000 number. The one you've never read. It's best to actually read up on the things you try to spout off, it keeps you from looking silly

It's in the book from where you keep quoting the 150, 000 number.

If you intend to show source material then show it. Give me a link to the dedicated psychological study which was done of the Jews in Hitler's army, and their attitude to their own faith.

If such a study exists, I would love to see it. What I don't particularly want to see are more of your deceitful, empty and self-absorbant words.

Ah, i see, i didn't think you'd actually read Rigg's book, nor the others which discuss similar topics. That would take too much effort and literacy on your part

Not a "hoax", per se, but twisted to hide the true intent. They were labor camps, not death camps. Still a crime against humanity, but there's a very different narrative: People were rounded up against their will into labor camps, which worked like labor franchises for hire.

It's another iteration of slavery - extracting the maximum labor out of the public at the minimum cost. The first third of this excellent documentary explains this very well:

The US prison industry is the modern version of this. Put you in prison for possessing or selling the wrong plant, then pimp you out to corporations at a cost of pennies per hour. Stack em 5 to a cell, feed em the cheapest food available. Very efficient.

not right or wrong but I will give a different view maybe?

A lot of new Arab and African nations were developing a Fascist system which scared the British powers at the time. So there was a push for a Jewish Nation to keep a regional allied power in the middle east. To do this, you have to highlight the cruelty of mankind which was pretty easy given the German treatment of the Jewish people.

I say this because there isn't a Gypsy nation, or a Gay nation or a Free-mason nation even though they got the gas shower too.

Look at groups that everyone knows about and still no nation: Kurds, Hmong?

Look at genocides that don't get get much mention: Armenian, Pl Pots various?

out of almost nowhere, a nation can form in an already populated area but we cant stop slaughters like in Rwanda. How shitty does that make us look to the survivors of these atrocities?

So I believe the holocaust happened and it was a bad thing but I think it is a marketing scheme now for someone else's agenda and has nothing to do with helping Jewish people. Otherwise we would have just given them central New Jersey and cut down on the bloodshed.

Interesting. Thanks for your insights, and I agree- the holocaust is highlighted whilst other ones are overlooked for political (rather than unbiased, historical) reasons.

So, can I ask- what if the gas chambers weren't real? What if there were no death showers?

We are always finding some cost effective way to kill people we don't like. I think they put in the showers because a couple of guys with a machete is not efficient and when you just try to starve people, real estate cost is major overhead. There is also the problem with vectors of disease and the like. If you want to kill a lot of people ad have the initial resources to get it set up, assembly line murder is the way to go.

If you are implying that the Holocaust was some sort of sandy hook, moon landing staged event....that doesn't change my opinion of anything at all. For me, it isn't a political group killing a religion or a race killing another race. It is people killing people. If I went to kill your spouse, it doesn't matter that your spouse was a certain color or prayed to some Norse god. What matters is that your spouse is gone and now you suffer that loss. That is the great tragedy. But I am a libertarian so I'm against forming any sort of government most of the time. I think governments are just a racket to keep a couple from feeding their children.

So no showers, still the same overall philosophy.

I think they put in the showers because a couple of guys with a machete is not efficient and when you just try to starve people, real estate cost is major overhead. There is also the problem with vectors of disease and the like. If you want to kill a lot of people ad have the initial resources to get it set up, assembly line murder is the way to go.

Right, you think that the reason they put them in the showers is "x." But the presupposition is that there were showers in the first place. You're trying to determine their motive. What I am suggesting is, there was no motive for the showers because the showers weren't real. And that's why I suggest you do some independent digging. The logistics of the "gas shower" narrative makes it seem to me to be fraudulent. Kind of like how the logistics of the official 9/11 narrative don't add up.

If you are implying that the Holocaust was some sort of sandy hook, moon landing staged event.

I'm not suggesting it's the same in that I'm not suggesting it was a staged event. I'm suggesting it never happened, that's totally different. It's like... the difference between putting on a play and telling a lie. Sandy Hook was a skit that was actually acted out vs the Holocaust was just a story that was made up. However, they'd both share the similarity of being falsified narratives used as political propaganda.

If I went to kill your spouse, it doesn't matter that your spouse was a certain color or prayed to some Norse god. What matters is that your spouse is gone and now you suffer that loss. That is the great tragedy.

True, if you killed my spouse, it doesn't matter to me why you did it so much as the fact that you did it. But it makes a very big difference to me whether you killed my spouse or my spouse died due to entirely different causes (i.e. you were falsely accuse, or it was manslaughter vs murder, etc.)

So no showers, still the same overall philosophy.

Only if they were murdered. But what if they weren't murdered?

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that none of them were murdered. They definitely were. But I'm suggesting the systematic mass murder didn't occur. The showers didn't occur. The pits with emaciated bodies? Were they people who starved to death? Or did they die of a disease? That makes a huge difference.

Were the showers used to kill people en masse? Or were they actually de-lousing showers? That makes a huge difference.

You see what I'm saying?

But I am a libertarian so I'm against forming any sort of government most of the time. I think governments are just a racket to keep a couple from feeding their children.

apples not only to Israel but to everything and everyone. You are saying that you find no evidence that the holocaust occurred against the Jewish people. I'm saying I don't believe in a "Jewish people" or a "German People" and that governments are a scam so Obama and Boehner can get payed more than Joe and Ray-Ray down the street even though Joe and Ray-Ray know how to fix your car while Obama and Boehner don't even write their own speeches.

But I am a libertarian so I'm against forming any sort of government most of the time. I think governments are just a racket to keep a couple from feeding their children. apples not only to Israel but to everything and everyone. You are saying that you find no evidence that the holocaust occurred against the Jewish people. I'm saying I don't believe in a "Jewish people" or a "German People" and that governments are a scam so Obama and Boehner can get payed more than Joe and Ray-Ray down the street even though Joe and Ray-Ray know how to fix your car while Obama and Boehner don't even write their own speeches.

I didn't respond to that the first time because it's not relevant to what I was asking. I'm asking about the validity of a historical event, not the validity of the nation-state. No offense. You don't have to believe in the Jewish people but that doesn't affect whether or not the Holocaust happened.

ok, then I what? History is written by the victor and all that jazz. We live in a world of myths. I can't tell you that WWII happened because I wasn't there. I've met people that claimed to be there. I have seen the sites like Suicide and Bonsai Cliffs in Saipan and where they hid Jews at the Vatican. But I wasn't there and like bigfoot plaster of paris casts, I have to entertain the notion that it might be one big hoax. But I choose to live in that myth. I like to think that Andrew Jackson was a badass and that Lenin was true to his ideals living a simple life as head of state. So the detail of a couple million people people living or dying being misrepresented in history is to be accepted.

ok, then I what?

I mean, that's totally your position and I don't begrudge you that.

But for me, I'd rather know the truth even if I can't do anything with it. I choose not to live in myths.

As they say 'those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it.' I don't see how you can learn from the past if you don't know what the past is.

I do respect your opinion and appreciate your input, don't get me wrong.

I thought this video was interesting:

Ignore the interviewer who's sole job is to label this man as anti-semitic.

wtf... that was possibly the most coherent and rational thing I've ever heard a bishop say haha

Thanks for sharing.

Depends on how you look at it. A lot of civilians in German occupied areas starved to death because the the allies chose to include civilian infrastructure in the war; some of those people were trapped in concentration camps. Is that really much different than what the allied propaganda says the Germans did to them?

... Yes? Collateral damage in the process of stopping the nazis versus an organized, industrial extermination campaign? That's extremely different.

Then why did they have to cover it up by inventing an organized, industrial extermination campaign to blame it on. There is no such thing as a "good war."

Maybe they didn't?

It's obvious now that they did, if one cares to look. But it isn't always in one's interest to look, I understand that. People are generally happier if they don't.

Maybe I've weighed the evidence of official sources, personal accounts and historical research and judged it as more reputable than unsourced nonsense from literal neo-nazis?

But I can understand how the world is a scary place and these kinds of revisionist myths might make you feel more secure. It's OK.

Or maybe you didn't.

I understand that the sign at Aushwitz (sp) has been updated to reflect 1M not the previous 4M. Has the sign been updated?

Notice how every post on this page has less than 4 upvotes?

JIDF auto-shill software in da house!

I noticed that this page keeps getting zeroed out.

There are people still alive who survived some of the camps like Auschwitz or Dachau ... why don't you ask them and see for your self?

That's why we have science. Dachau had a similar death rate to concentration camps that existed during the US civil war. Also PS. there is eyewitness testimony for the Dachau gas chambers, yet now mainstream scholars agree there were no gas chambers at Dachau.

I don't know what people agree to these days, 70 years later ... but people who survived it, will tell you first hand, shit was horrible.

I would if I knew any, but I don't.

I wouldn't know how to get in touch with any.

I believe you. I met a few in my days, you know grandpas and grandmas, but I imagine they're rarer in USA, there's more of them in Europe.

Did you ever ask any of them about it?

Just out of curiosity I googled holocaust survivors in my area... there are 4 registered. I'm not sure how much I could trust them, which isn't to say it wouldn't be worth it to hear them out. It just kind of seems like they have an agenda...

If your friends and family were murdered in a state-organized genocide, wouldn't you have an 'agenda' too?

I have friends and family who are jewish, my sephardic orthodox step father thinks we should, "nuke the entire middle east and take their oil".

I have family that's Jewish. They think that the Palestinians deserve self-determination and that the actions of the Israeli government are unconscionable.

Wooo anecdotes

They're not really jewish then perhaps israeli or hebrew, rather they are considered "anti-semetic", because "the promised land" aka zionism is a central tenant of judiasm, and a 'jewish state' isn't possible with full Palestinian rights.

"the promised land" aka zionism.

You doesn't seems to know much about history either.

Whoah cool! So not only do you get to set the meanings of words, but you have the authority to decide who is or isn't Jewish? That's awesome.

Wow, someone who doesn't actually understand what words means, and doesn't even understand the religion they profess to be, I bet you'd argue that you don't have to believe in jesus to be christian.

Of course I would.

The Holocaust IMO was real. But the figures don't seem to match up.

I have a question: Did you ever ask yourself that maybe denial of the holocaust is illegal in many countries, not because it never happened and the shadow masters want to trick us, but rather because many societies have come to the conclusion that any exculpation or romanticization of National Socialism and its gastly legacy are a danger to the very existence of said societies?

Honestly no, I've never asked myself that because I didn't think I'd know the answer.

sarcasm aside, if it is true then whoever came up with the laws had some fucked up reasoning.

Did you ever ask yourself if it's possible to not romanticize national socialism but also not believe everything you hear about them? I saw a documentary once about Nazis where they kidnapped an archaeologist and tried to use the ten commandments to gain the power of God, but I didn't believe that. Doesn't mean I concluded Hitler was a saint. They're two separate things.

Your analogy is really lacking. You're comparing disbelieve in something that is admittedly fiction (a movie) to disbelieve in something that is regarded as proven fact by not only the vast majority of society, but also almost every historian and scholar in the world. While the Holocaust isn't everything, denying that the Nazis were genocidal is not a minute detail, but rather a giant chunk of what is bad about them.

If I, for example, were to deny the existence of the Gulags and claim that the phase of the Stalinist terror is all a giant lie, concucted by anti-Stalinist "reactionaries", would you then defend me from all accusations that I am being lenient and somewhat sympathetic towards totalitarian Stalinism?

Your analogy is really lacking.

Your imagination is perhaps lacking. My point is, I can believe that someone, someones, or somethings are terrible without believing everything about them. I can believe that Ted Bundy was a monstrous necro-rapist-serial killer without believing that he killed JFK. The fact that he didn't kill JFK doesn't make him a goodperson. It just means he didn't happen to do that particular crime.

while the Holocaust isn't everything, denying that the Nazis were genocidal is not a minute detail, but rather a giant chunk of what is bad about them.

So what? That doesn't change the fact that the holocaust did or didn't happen. If it didn't happen, that doesn't mean I'm a Nazi sympathizer. Guess what? Turns out that Sadaam didn't do 9/11. Doesn't mean that I view Sadaam as a good guy.

If I, for example, were to deny the existence of the Gulags and claim that the phase of the Stalinist terror is all a giant lie, concucted by anti-Stalinist "reactionaries",

If you were to do that, I would ask you why and see what sort of reasoning and/or evidence you had.

Truth before ideology.

I beg to differ. One can't deny the arguably biggest, most heinous and most important crimes of an ideology/country/system and at the same time claim that one isn't white-washing or exculpating said ideology. To do one is to do the other, because that's the very definition.

Anyone who says that the Rwandan genocide is a big lie, most likely made up by Tutsies is automatically exculpating the Hutu regime.

Anyone who says that there were no Gulags, that the Red Terror never happened and that the NKVD murders are false propaganda is automatically white-washing Stalinism.

Anyone who says that there was no attempt at a "Endlösung" (final solution), that there were no death camps and no gas chambers is automatically white-washing and exculpating the Third Reich and the hideous ideologies that underpinned it.

it was officially three million Jews according to historians and experts in the UK in 1980, magically during the 1980s due to Spielberg &co, six million Jews is now the official number, in the US at least.

can't beat Hollywood for rewriting or inventing history...

"Six Million" has been the official number since the 1800s.


That's one of the problems; there were no bodies, except the ones who died of typhus.

Ground-penetrating radar has proven this time and again.

The truth is that hundreds of thousands of Jews died while in German hands by disease, shootings, experiments, and more.

There were NO homicidal gas chambers, this has also been proven beyond a doubt.

The "six million" number existed even before WWI.

How come you never hear of the "Bromberg Massacre" (which greatly accelerated WWII) or the "Holdolomor"--the killing of tens of millions of Ukranians (primarily) by Jews in Russia?

Keep searching for the truth and you will find it!

Bromberg Massacre

Literally JUST learned about this from a documentary two hours ago :O

Bromberg Massacre

Literally JUST learned about this from a documentary two hours ago :O

Ground-penetrating radar has proven this time and again.


One guy who had never operated GPR or knew how to look at its results found this. When people who knew how to read GPR results looked at it they found both evidence of human remains and large deposits of ash.

There were NO homicidal gas chambers, this has also been proven beyond a doubt.

It hasn't even been proven by a shadow of a doubt.

Perhaps a few pieces of circumstantial evidence don't result in (dis)proving something beyond a doubt. That's not what those words mean.

The "six million" number existed even before WWI.

Well yes, so did the number four. And the number five million. And the number three hudred and ten thousand. So did the numer nine.

How come you never hear of the "Bromberg Massacre" (which greatly accelerated WWII)

Which happened after WW2 began.

"Holdolomor"--the killing of tens of millions of Ukranians (primarily) by Jews in Russia?

We hear about both Bromberg and Holodomor just about any time Nazis are brought up and some kneejerk nazi apologists are looking for false equivalencies.

what bodies? all i ever saw were select "photos" of random bodies -- no idea who those people ever were -- jews? christians? muslims? atheists? absolutely no clue.

Have you looked into it beyond what you were taught at school/Hollywood? The bodies don't speak for themselves.

EDIT: Dead men tell no tales.

The corpses are not what the argument is about, rather how they came to be and how morally and/or technically different it might or might not be to what Staline or Churchill or Netanyahu (or many more, some of which even have peace nobel prizes...) have done.

jesus christ you people are fucking scary. scary idiots who should be gassed in a fake shower like so many of my grandparents family.

You're the scary one. I may not believe people were gassed, but that doesn't mean I want anyone to be.

You're the one wishing for murder.

Holy damn, great response man.

yes, i want the ones who think the holocaust never happened to die in the manner in which the victims of the holocaust did. for irony's sake

Interesting. Thanks for your insights, and I agree- the holocaust is highlighted whilst other ones are overlooked for political (rather than unbiased, historical) reasons.

So, can I ask- what if the gas chambers weren't real? What if there were no death showers?

No proof, as in the hundred of pictures of theses camps taken upon discovery? The people who survived emaciated and devastated, a look in their eyes that couldn't possibly mirror some several countries wide conspiracy to just make up some stuff and get a German war-monger in a little trouble? Sure, maybe you can't make an exact number of the deaths, but you at least know it happened.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure you can't fake that. There have even been pictures of the interior walls of the gas chambers covered in claw marks from people trying to escape or otherwise panicking as they lived their last moments.

To create a conspiracy on that scale would simply be nearly impossible, much less managing to maintain the veil of secrecy for years afterwards.