Is there anyone today trying to get the message out and make people realize the banks are detrimental to society, and interest on loans don't need to exist other than making bankers richer?

26  2015-09-21 by [deleted]



Call me slow but this weekend I realized bankers loan other people's money

Better late than never...

Aaron Russo

Bill Still

Ellen Brown

That's misleading garbage

The underlying concept of a bank is sound where a bank takes in deposits as savings and pays interest on it, then the bank takes the deposited money and loans it out to a person with a solid business plan to start a business or loans it to a reputable person who will pay it back.

But in today's time, banks are paying zero interest on savings which means that the banks are getting their money from other means, like Fractional Reserve banking which is actually making money out of thin air.

Me. I've been writing long posts about the banking system being a parasite since about 2006. A good year or two before the last financial crisis anyway. It's the power base in countries like America and the UK. Politics is just a circus sideshow.

Look into south Dakota and their state owned bank. Can't recall at the moment but I believe there's an active lobby to get other states to adopt SD's system.

/r/bitcoin is right up your alley

Karen Hudes, but I have this feeling she's controlled opposition.

There is a lawsuit underway against the Bank of Canada due to it's abdication of it's responsibility to be the sole producer of Canadian currency. If the BoC loses it would change the world.

Implying canada is relevent

If you can't grasp the significance of a western nation ousting the leech bankers I'm not going to bother trying to explain it.

Dude, banks need interest even from a completly charitable viewpoint. The fact of the matter is that many people won't pay back their debt. At the very least a bank needs enough interest to stay afloat despite those people. While u could argue for less interest, no interest it a fantasy.

No, this is an entirely original thought that a cursory search on Google would find no evidence of.