So The Tories Protect Paedophiles And Fuck Dead Pigs?

121  2015-09-21 by Quantumhead


Nothing Orwellian to see here. Everybody can just move on. Obviously these are the best people to be running Great Britain.

Any thoughts?


Vote Tory -- We Protect Paedophiles And Fuck Dead Pigs

You gotta admit, it's got a certain ring to it.



You gotta admit, it's got a certain ring to it.


I'm not so shocked by the sexual act with the dead pig (I know some people personally who have done similar things in their fraternities), but rather think its important that the leaders of our countries have been a part of these secretive societies all their lives, and are very far removed from representation of the people (at a minimum).

The former, on the other hand, is a true conspiracy with a deep deep rabbit hole.

are very far removed from representation of the people

You can say that again.

imagine all the things we don't know.

imagine all the things we don't know.

The Tories are just sleazebuckets who make up the rules as they go along. Forget the dead pig. Cameron and his buddies smoked weed and then reclassified it as a class B drug. They still send people to prison for it. You don't get much more Janus-fucking-faced than that.

It was Gordon Brown that reclassified back to B.

It was Gordon Brown that reclassified back to B.

Fair enough. But it makes no real difference because the Tories were the ones who made it a class B in the first place.

I'm with you man i fucking hate the Tories, just pointing out an inaccuracy.

I'm with you man i fucking hate the Tories, just pointing out an inaccuracy.

Yeah, noted. Good spot.

Does the pope's dick fit in a donut?

I don't know... Maybe?


Very pro labour and very much on chose Corbyn, but lets not forget Blair, as much as a c*nty sleeze bag as the rest of them. It's more of a societal (middle/upper class) issue than just the Conservatives unfortunately.

Couldn't agree more. I despise Blair, all the more because I bought into his bullshit at first.

sounds like the brits pissed of someone(likely to the east) and they are data dumping all the dirty secrets.

Fuckin savages

Interestingly, when I was growing up there was a local tramp who was rumoured to have had sex with a dead pig for a bet. The story was enough to make him infamous in his local area, so I'm presuming this latest revelation is not Mr Cameron's idea of a good day.

And that's good enough to bring a smile to this old face.

I'm American. Please explain?

I'm American. Please explain?

The Tories are like the British Republicans. Duplicitous, barefaced pig fuckers.

That's my summary.

Sorta sounds like all politicians to me.

I'm hoping this Corbyn guy is going to be the one who changes things.

This is a pretty good explanation of the situation:

This article covers pretty much all the bases:

Even Orwell couldn't have imagined the truth.

It's the double standard that keeps them in their ivory towers. If anyone so much as breaks wind at work they can get fired, from their zero contract no rights job, but these bastards can literally do anything and there are no repercussions.

It's the double standard that keeps them in their ivory towers. If anyone so much as breaks wind at work they can get fired, from their zero contract no rights job, but these bastards can literally do anything and there are no repercussions.

I know buddy. It's why I hate them so much. They're just sheer filth. One rule for us, another for you.

you are talking about UK a former/still empire run by so called nobility/aristocracy with a german queen.

is what they protect

The way you say it makes it seem so perverted or something.


Not all of them.

Not all of them.

Are you sure about that?

How could anyone fuck all the dead pigs? Sheesh.

Trying to govern the masses could drive anyone to fuck a pig. Face it, the world is stupid, crazy, and chaotic.

The paedophile thing is definitely fucked but honestly, who cares about some guy putting his dick in a dead pig ages ago? And here I thought Americans were the prudes..

Seriously?, this sick fuck is running England. Is it normal for English lads to fuck dead animals?

Only when we're drunk. So yes. /s

His government has installed a porn filter on their internet and required people to opt in to view porn. They've also banned some pretty tame sexual acts from being recorded in the UK. Here is a guy promoting the restriction of pornography, and there's a pornographic picture of him fucking a dead pig's face. So yeah, it matters.

and he condemns weed but did blow.

The pig or Cameron?

And was sent down from Eton for smoking cannabis.

some guy

Translation: the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

And? You ever do anything you regret while in school?

And? You ever do anything you regret while in school?

A) I never fucked a dead pig.

B) I'm not the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

and he condemns weed but did blow.