World War III Will Begin in Syria

109  2015-09-23 by [deleted]



No offense, but I think your article would be even better if you cited your work.

It's almost certainly a word for word copy of an article. He didn't write it, he's just taking credit for it. This user does that all the time. Pick a random sentence and hit Google. Doesn't take long.

Edit: See?


You could've at least added the citation at the end.

That would ruin his 'artistry'.

The user is either mentally unstable or a troll. Take your pick. Act accordingly.


Also too with the current dive in economic markets the price of earth metals and ores have come down. With cheaper ores means cheaper production of arms and apparatus, perfect for fostering war.

The biggest conspiracy here is how plagiarized this is.

Information is free.

Yeah, but presenting it in a manner that alludes that the poster actually did something besides copy and paste the article body without linking it or citing the original author is intellectually dishonest.

That's meaningless outside of Academia.

If that was the case, myself and a few of the other posters here wouldn't find the practice so repugnant. It would be easy to gain a forums trust by posting plagiarized articles to appear genuine, obtain a mod position, then push an agenda.

You're entitled to your opinion, though. Have a great day.

Plenty of people do that. I don't think I've ever seen an original idea posted by an anonymous account for imaginary Internet points


That isn't censorship. Putting a credit at the end would have resulted in perhaps more readers and the conversation would have been in the direction intended. Now it is about your sources. It hurts your credibility. Anyway, if you rather not credit others that is fine. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

Please send me your SSN.


He didn't write it.

This user just copies text from articles. Check his history. First time I've seen him take credit for it though. Not cool.

Edit: The people defending OP in this thread make me want to join TopMindsOfReddit. I just keep telling myself that bullying is no better than trolling. Give me strength.

If he linked the source people would discount the article without reading it.

Edit: In a now deleted post /u/Throwaway4Censorship claimed

It is clear the user wants to take credit for it


Don't you think you would be a better contributor if you dealt with the substance of ideas rather than whining about their source?

If you don't want me to respond to your comments, please feel free not to respond to mine.


provides a link to the source at the end.

Why? Don't you have google? You should be googling any claims you think aren't justified anyway.


It is clear the user wants to take credit for it


Don't you think you would be a better contributor if you dealt with the substance of ideas rather than whining about their source?

If you don't want me to respond to your comments, please feel free not to respond to mine.




nice and civil, even with disagreements. I wish more people were like this

commenting, to follow and reply later

I'm on board. It's funny that Syria was the goal of the whole Iraq war. This is a well planned mission.

While I agree that Syria is a serious flashpoint, there are a number of things that I do not understand in your post.

The Present SituationRussia is bleeding the Petrodollar dry by leading the BRIC nations in the purchase of Iranian oil for gold.

What does this sentence mean? I can't understand it. "bleed the petrodollar dry" = ?

If Ukraine comes under the complete control of the Russians, energy blackmail and the eventual disintegration of NATO will occur.

Why does Russia need to control the Ukraine to perform energy blackmail? Russia controls the flow of gas into the Ukraine, so Russia can just stop the gas at the source. Why would the energy embargo break up NATO? Wouldn't it make the alliance stronger?

There are other examples but I will stop here.

"bleed the petrodollar dry"

Not OP, but I believe this means "not use US currency to purchase oil" (artlcle about Tehran 2012).

that is the biggest issue that noone talks about, it is why hussein was hinting at and then got toppled off, and what kadaffi and ISIS discuss among each other (individually ofc) the rise of the gold dinar or other currency that is not associated with paper money from the american federal reserve or the, petrodollar ofc

Return of the Gold Dinar

Yeah, OK, but I don't see how Russia buying Iranian oil will "bleed the petrodollar dry". Iran was under sanctions and not exporting. The states that were exporting like Canada, Venuzuala, Saudi etc. will continue to use dollars. This will not have much effect.


a lot of people would have to die so a one world gmt could work

Which is why many believe that a fake alien invasion is gonna be orchestrated.

yea i hard that one, dont really know how they wanna pull something like this off though

Search info about it.

Project Blue Beam. But I don't think they're going to fake an alien invasion. That's wishful thinking.

They fake terrorist attacks all the time.

How hard can fooling the masses into thinking aliens are attacking be?

Just unleash the entire fleet of alien reproduction vehicles and have the pilots wear silly antenna.


Why not? Give an argument.

If we rip up the Nuclear deal with Iran at any-point it's like automatically declaring WWIII

I certainly hope it doesn't become ww3 but I'm surprised more people don't make the ISIS - Syria connection. Perhaps what happens Friday at the UN may help clarify the situation.

I think its a mental and global change type of WWIII. Whoever is making these changes are changing the landscape of every part of the planet. If you do not conform, you get labeled "something" and outcast for not following or believing.

Thanks for posting this here Dave, have you considered doing an AMA here?


Huh? I found this online, I am BBBTTTCCC. I am an artist at finding the truth and proffering it. I take pleasure in sharing.

(crowd cheers)

Enjoy the read!

Well damn man, you could at least credit the author. Pretty fucking dick.

No no, he's an artist. That's his art.

Fuck intellectual property. This isn't your authoritarianism scholastic system. This is the free net.

use your fingertips and find the source yourself.

I did find the source, I thought it was posted by the original author. You seem to lack a firm grasp on common sense.

Dave Hodges is the author of the article. He's taking a shot at you. I have no problem that you copied and pasted the article. You should've cited it, but so many users in here are trying to discredit it because it was "plagiarized." Who gives a flying fuck? Especially Throwaway4Censorship. Dude's fake as fuck.

Nice to know I leave impressions on people. I'm a popular guy. You, OP, both know my name by wrote. That means I mean something to you. Enjoy your apocalypse day.

I never thought today was an Apocalypse Day. You annoy me to the extent of /u/HaltNWO. You derail every conversation. For a guy that's married with a newborn and is a web designer, you have an awful lot of time to sit on /r/Conspiracy and basically inform politely that every user is stupid, and half the time you add nothing to the conversation. You're not very open-minded, based on your comment history. You seem to have the answer for everything. You also gloat a lot about your finances and your lifestyle, yet you have so much time to sit on this sub all day. You lie like a mother fucker.

Edit: And you're completely full of yourself to think you mean something to people on here. I've been following this sub for almost 3 years, I've seen you a lot recently. You annoy me to fuckin death.

Nope, I never join the conversation. You're right.

Bye troll.

Not even trolling bruh. it's just that your motives stink to high heaven and every time someone calls you out on anything, you're response is always a retreating one.

Example: I call you out on your free time to post here constantly while maintaining a job, marriage and parenthood, you say "bye troll." You pulled the same shit yesterday. You cannot confront anyone unless it's an attempt to derail their theory or information posted. Like the dude who "plagiarized." All of the stuff he posted should be common knowledge, yet you discredited it because it's plagiarized. Who gives a fuck, information should be free.

What are you calling me out on?

I simply pointed out that a user plagiarized his post here in an effort to take credit for doing something he didn't. FACT. So what else are we talking about here, troll?

If and when I retreat, it's because I have the common sense to not argue with brick walls. People like you and holocauster-ride and yes, even OP, are brick walls. You're about as dense as them and just as good at debating ideas as them.

Also note, the questions above were rhetorical. I don't care about your answers (again, I know the way brick walls answer questions).

I'm just gonna ignore you now. You go ahead and keep talking shit on me any time you see me. Haters are a sign that I'm doing something right ;)

Not really a fact, Dwight.

If and when I retreat, it's because I have the common sense to not argue with brick walls. People like you and holocauster-ride and yes, even OP, are brick walls. You're about as dense as them and just as good at debating ideas as them.

How do you know Im dense? I've rarely commented in the 3 years I've been here. The only interaction you've had with me was yesterday and now. Also, You avoid everything man. Your arguments and rhetoric are exactly like /u/HaltNWO, who was shilltastic as fuck.

Haters are a sign that I'm doing something right ;)

You call other people childish, this is a very childish response lmao

Your arguments and rhetoric are exactly like /u/HaltNWO, who was shilltastic as fuck.

Are you calling me a shill? Sounds like it.

Dude, you've broken rule 10 twice now. Get off you high horse.

Maybe I am. Will I get banned? Probably. Do I care? Not in the slightest. I use another sub for real open-minded conversation. I browse Conspiracy. Banning me will only prevent me from commenting, which is perfectly ok with me, because normally I browse.

Edit: You're also really quick to hit that downvote button lol

Then go to your other sub. Stop harassing me.

You've followed me to this thread today because I pissed you off in another yesterday. That's not just against this sub's rules, it's against reddit's rules. Again: Stop harassing me.

You want to have a conversation? You can. We can. But conversations don't begin with calling one side a shill. You can treat me with respect like another adult, or you can act like and in turn be treated as a child. Your call.

You've followed me to this thread today because I pissed you off in another yesterday. That's not just against this sub's rules, it's against reddit's rules. Again: Stop harassing me.

No actually I didn't. I was browsing the sub and I saw your comment in this thread, derailing it and Im calling you out now.



Rule 2. Removed.

That is not the proper way to report rule violations. Henceforth please click on the 'report' link below comments.

Sorry. I'll get the hang of this, I promise.

Also, you replied to me in which I mentioned you in a comment that you weren't tagged in. So actually you're harassing me. Game. Set. Match.

Edit: Also, anytime someone confronts you, your first response is always "you're acting like a child." Lmao bro you can't be serious. Classic derail tactics.

S'ok. With any luck, sovereignman will ban them for attacking the users here. I reported all their rule violations.

Who? Me or him?

Him. You didn't break rule 10. He flagrantly did at least four times.

Sovereignman taught me how to call out shills without resorting to name calling. I believe you did just that beautifully.

Rule 10 prohibits name calling, so to my understanding a comment such as

OK troll, goodbye.

Would break rule 10 whereas a comment like

I've noticed from your postings that you berate users and derail conversations regularly without ever adding any substance. You're entirely dismissive of credible theories and most of your comments are insults or strawmen arguments that serve to obfuscate the subject. It makes me really question your motives.

Would not break rule 10.

Thank you.

God willing.

I was talking about banning you. I'm case you were confused. Which I doubt. I suspect you're just being cheeky. Which is fine. But apparently calling users "troll" is not. So, hopefully sovereignman will log on later and confirm or deny his impartiality by banning your flagrantly rule breaking ass like he did mine once upon a time.

For the record, I apologized and my ban was rescinded.

So, hopefully sovereignman will log on later and confirm or deny his impartiality by banning your flagrantly rule breaking ass like he did mine once upon a time.

As I said, god willing.

Nobody makes you post here.

You can stop whenever you like. Er, I assume.

Thanks, Captain Obvious.


How endearingly clever.


Isn't spam against the rules too?

Edit: Now you're PMing me this shit. Reported to admins.

So much wrongly interpreted information, and most importantly correlation does not imply causation

And besides OP please give credit when its due, this is not your article (unless you wrote the original piece)

And lastly FFS America and Russia have been caught in proxy wars (and even squirmishes) throughout the Cold War and WWIII never escalated.

The CIA/Mossad created ISIS so that US neocons could put American boots in Syria to take out Assad, while "fighting ISIS" who is actively trying but failing to take out Assad...Enter the Russians and the Chinese and yeah, I whole heartedly agree, the potential hasn't been this strong since the Cuban missile crisis.

The key to this whole picture is the absence of a nuclear war; no one wants that. The United States has either been bamboozled, sold, or has been always a sacrifice, intended to cause enormous amounts of chaos and bloodshed, only to be quickly dismantled; that is our fate. Babylon. Live by the sword, die by the sword. They will shut down our power grid and paralyze our military, likely during a domestic crisis I.e. civil war, racial tension, etc. Obama is likely in cahoots with the BRICS and is and has been preparing America for its downfall all along. It was always meant to be this way.

The smartest person in the world, will be the first to unleash a flurry of Nukes at all critical points in the world, whether it's allied, or not. Even if said person is perished, the motive just needs forward perpetuity, to make the world a better place, even if it will take 100,000 years to start again fresh. But for what, history will simply repeat itself anyhow.

Why wait for such a ridonkulous build up of arsenal...

Let bygones be bygones.

you seem brainwashed to think russia is a threat to the US or global peace, or the one starting things. I'm European and if you check the history of the last 50 years you automatically conclude that the US has started or contributed to almost all conflicts (including the ones in ukraine and syria) and is responsible for more than 30 million deaths. The US sees the EU and Asia region as competition and therefore is trying it's best to divide this region by propagandizing against russia. If there's a united europe (or even eurasia) the US sees themselves threatened by it. Therefore you must divide to rule.

this! USA is always in need of a bad guy too. How else can we spend these DOD trillions.

If there's a united europe (or even eurasia) the US sees themselves threatened by it. Therefore you must divide to rule.

That would explain why all our longest lived and closest allies are in europe.

allies only so much as you can send them to war for you, can spy on their companies and use military bases there to station nuclear weapons closer to russia (and make taxpayers of said countries pay for the bases there).

According to Islamic eschatology Prophet Issa (Jesus) will come back second time in a mosque in Syria.

Also Muslims (Not Zionist Muslims) will make alliance with Rum (Byzantine) modern day Russia.

byzantine isnt even close to russia?

Rum that time was Orthodox Christians. Present day Russia has highest number now.

I'm tempted to ask when is the part where Russia and the U.S. end up allied against China in this war? That was the prediction made by many back in the 1970's "Late Great Planet Earth" era.

You could be right though, and we can almost see and feel the manipulation of world events taking place before our eyes.

Did anyone else notice the 4.0 earthquake in the middle of San Francisco the day after the first chem plant explosion in China. Crazy as it sounds, I kept thinking "we were just reminded that some one else also has a kinetic energy weapon"...

Very well written. Only a few thing I didn't agree with. Well worth my morning read. Thanks.

Upboat 😀

the CIA, in which everyone in the know realizes is sponsored by the CIA.

Finally, a conspiracy theory I can believe in wholeheartedly!

Logical post is logical, checks out.

Interesting and feasible.

commenting, to follow and reply later

Which is why many believe that a fake alien invasion is gonna be orchestrated.

It is clear the user wants to take credit for it


Don't you think you would be a better contributor if you dealt with the substance of ideas rather than whining about their source?

If you don't want me to respond to your comments, please feel free not to respond to mine.

Sorry. I'll get the hang of this, I promise.