What's up with climate change deniers? Seriously what would climate scientist have to gain from lying about climate change? Its the oil companies that make all the money.

33  2015-09-23 by Flytape

http://t.co/W5qd3ZIfBD (PDF WARNING 501C3 TAX DOCS)

That is until you look at the amount of money some of these scientists pay themselves out of government grants (tax payers beware).

And this Jagadish Shukla scientist isn't just some random climate scientist that I'm picking on for no reason. This guy actually started the RICO20 group who's aim is to have climate change deniers or more forthrightly scientists who get grants from companies who don't want AGW to be real, charged with a federal crime.

That's right, this guy who gets paid over 250,000 dollars a year for part time work wants his opponents to be charged with a crime if they take money from a company that isn't pushing the climate change narrative.

250,000 dollars a year for part time works sounds too good to be true, glance down a little further in the payroll and you'll notice that his wife is also paid handsomely. This doesn't even factor in their wages from the university.

Merchants of fear?

So in closing I'm going I'm going to list a few reasons why climate scientist might lie.


$292,688.00 (501c3 salary)

$40,360.00 (listed as other in 501c3 docs)

$250,866.00 (university salary)


$145,045.00 (501c3 salary)

$20,052.00 (listed as other in 501c3 docs)

Grand total income for their household


Cha Ching! $$$$$


Whatever they tell you, it's always about the money. Always.

Thing is, it's money on two fronts. Big Oil is sponsoring climate change deniers, whilst climate change proponents are abusing the government grants. The truth is somewhere in the middle I guess.

The climate has been warming ever since the last glacial age ended. We might have accelerated it slightly, but it would likely still have warmed anyway, it would have gotten to the point where the methane trapped in tundra would be released, furthering the change. Then it would just get warmer, up until a point where the albedo of the ever-present clouds would be too big and the climate would start cooling again. Methane would be trapped, CO2 would be trapped by the photoplankton. ice age would be advanced. Ad Infinitum.

Our existence and the pollution we are spewing is most likely affecting the mechanism, changing the rate at which it was usually advancing. We, as humans, did in fact cut down a lot of the forests (in the ancient times, for example, Australia used to be covered by the forests the men brought down), we're polluting the oceans, disrupting the food chains.

The massive die-off is happening, there's also no denying it - oceans are overfished, wildlife is endangered, not to mention the bees (that have recently been absent from the sub, suspiciously), and other pollinating insects.

To wrap it up, climate is changing, but it was never in an equilibrium to begin with. We are most likely contributing significantly, but at this point there's probably little we can do to stop the changes.

I'd also rather see the money be spent on investigating the changes (even if the conclusion will be further taxation), than have it spent on warfare.

Are there a lot of government grants? You mean research grants? Are there other ways that certain people would benefit from supporting the idea of climate change?

Oh man, and check this - that 100k grant his organization donated to another organization? This person discovered it was to another organization he and his wife own: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.global-warming/Zim4bte7ios

Yeah I see this exact scheme a lot when digging into suspicious looking 501c3s.

A lot of the shilling we see on Reddit and in MSM is funded through 501c3s, actually.

Thanks for posting this one, adding this to my list of tax-exempt org abuses I'm pulling together for some letters-to-congress-critters.

Hey I like the sound of that project!

The government steals our money and gives it to people who go along with them. If you don't believe taxation is theft then I have to assume you want to pay for bombing the middle East, corporate welfare, black budget ops, foreign regime changes, wall street bailouts, small and medium-sized businesses getting g regulated to death and all the other bullshit they spend our money on like police brutality attorney fees and attorney fees for their corruptions.

If anyone wants to scream "muh roads" you can go fuck yourself and kiss my testicles because the public could easily fund everything in the commons indefinitely with voluntary payment of the estimated costs of those services if elected officials actually paid fair market value for them and opened the contract bids to public scrutiny. Our money, our decision.

The deniers of climate change are far more credible because they don't have anything to gain. They risk their careers, income, and credibility on their science. The proponents of global warming risk nothing but instead gain lucrative compensation in the form of grants, funding, academic advancement and consulting gigs.

The assholes in government steal our money and gives it to their "people" while pretending to be a neutral party.

No bid construction contracts to companies that lobby heavily.

The deniers of climate change are far more credible because they don't have anything to gain.

Oil companies and other rich industries which have a large environmental impact and could be harmed by increased regulation have nothing to gain by convincing people that their activities aren't harmful and they don't need to be regulated. Are you fucking serious?

you don't believe taxation is theft then I have to assume you want to pay for bombing the middle East, corporate welfare, black budget ops, foreign regime changes,

Funny, because the rest of the globe seems capable of collecting taxes without resorting to that.

Show me the list of scientists who don't agree with climate change caused by humans that are paid by big oil...

Anybody else here read State of Fear by Michael Crichton?

I did.. Excellent book. The powers that be killed christen, fast acting cancer.

Strong Post, but don't worry, the Climate Change Brigade will be along shortly to Newspeak it off the front page.

The thing is, everyone should be pissed about this, climate change zealots most of all. If they're not, you've got to wonder why the hell not...

Never mind climate change. Is the acidification of our oceans a figment of our collective imagination. Everyone is so preoccupied with global warming, they fail to see the damage we are doing to our oceans. Damage directly attributed to hydrocarbons.

And all the plastics and trash...makes you ashamed to be human.

You haven't lived till you've seen a seagull with a six pack wrapper on its neck.

Nope, shit is real as fuck. Don't mix the two.

Nope to what? What is real a fuck? What do you mean when you say "Don't mix the two"?

Here's a good summary for those who don't wanna dig into the 501C3 docs: http://freebeacon.com/issues/scientist-demands-criminal-investigation-of-climate-change-skeptics/

Who should really be charged with racketeering here? The audacity of these corrupt people pretending to care about the environment and scientific progress...

Thank you kindly, I haven't read this article yet.

i clicked the linked but still waiting for the freebacon, wtf ?

They want you to think you're an accident spinning on an accidentally formed rock in the middle of "outer space" without anybody but our own ignorant species, whom I might add, they want you to think evolved from amoeba (not possible) and have nobody to help them in this accidental vastness of coincidence - on top of that, they want you to think we're ruining the spinning rock and it's getting hotter and hotter because of our activity.

None of it is true- all of it controls you.

(not possible)

But God snapping his fingers and poof creation is totally reasonable.

Start here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D-m09lKtYT4

Here is a hint $$$$

whats up with climate change faithers??? they believe a trace gas that makes up less than 0.04% of our atmosphere including a very small contribution from mankind is destroying our planet?

blind dumb faith

You didn't read my post did you? Hint, the title was /s

seems you didnt read my post

Sorry it seemed a direct retort to my title which was /s

its an addendum not a retort

Fact: Global Warming and now Climate Change is a financial scam run by the global elite to steal from the poor and middle class.

This doesn't mean humans aren't polluting the earth, it just means the system that is going to be setup to supposedly fight Climate Change is a scam; a fraud; a lie!

There is no money to be made in a non emergency situation. Either you say the sky is falling or have your funding removed.

To better understand the agenda of those that push the Coming Ice Age Global Warming Climate Change theory, you need to look beyond their "evidence" and "consensus", and examine the proposed "solutions", and how they will affect the politics and economy of the world.

Scientists once said in the 70's we are going to go into a new ice age. what ever happened to that?

Actually that was mainly the MSM reporting that.

The MSM's reporting of science is particularly bad, more-so than their regular stories.

It is quietly proceeding; the bona-fide science of it being shouted down by the AGW conspiracy.

Allow me to mention the NINE inquiries that found no evidence of wrong-doing.

found no evidence of wrong-doing.

A bunch of corrupt bureaucrats found nothing wrong with scientists colluding to doctor the "97%" bullshit number? Cool story.


So much this...

For the benefit of everyone else, this fellow counts all of the following as corrupt bureaucrats -

  • Pennsylvania State University
  • House of Commons Science and Technology Committee
  • An international Scientific Assessment Panel, in consultation with the Royal Society.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Department of Commerce
  • National Science Foundation

But at any rate you've made a claim that they're all corrupt and that these inquiries are fraudulent.

What evidence do you have to back up that claim?

For the benefit of everyone else, this fellow counts all of the following as corrupt bureaucrats -

I appreciate you pointing them out by name, thank you.

What evidence do you have to back up that claim?

Did you miss the admittedly real emails from my first comment?

I've read enough of similar situations to immediately suspect the intentions of people who show you "excerpts" from people's correspondence.

It's nice that the author of this report is kind enough to "explain" what the meaning of these excerpts is.

TreeRat, is that you?

It's non orat, if you must know. Nothing to do with rats.

Are you TreeRat?

No. I've seen Treerat's posts, but I have no idea who they are. Probably an American.

Would you like to tell me something about yourself now?

Just like the 911 commission and the Warren commission, no wrong doing anywhere! Fuck.

While I agree with you there is also a ton potential money to be made in tightening regulations on oil industries and giving government subsidies to green energy companies. Let's not pretend both sides aren't motivated by money.

And the question becomes the answer.

The Devil.

Do you have any idea how science works? If funding organizations are giving out grants to study climate change, a scientist would make a living by applying for those grants and studying climate change.

Do you have any idea how fraud works? Where in just a few short years you manage to profit 2.5 million dollars from government grants and suspicious 501c³ orgs start popping up owned by your family members and you can cut them checks for 100 grand no problem?

I don't know whether you understood me but what I am saying is that as long as funding sources are handing out money to to study climate change, many people will be more than happy to take that money, even if the work is BS. I was addressing the part of your title, "Seriously what would climate scientists have to gain from lying about climate change?"..The answer, it pays the bills.

EXXON pays under the table to climate change denial scientists. They can only afford to buy 3%. Every denier scientists is getting a check.

Can you prove this with actual documents as I have above?

If your enemy murders someone, that doesn't mean your own murders should go unpunished.

Corruption like this, especially this abuse of tax-exempt organizations for personal enrichment, has got to stop.

The amount of money for salaries vs. actual work/science produced is a sick abuse here.

These people aren't helping the environment or their own purported cause, they're just enriching themselves and causing chaos - their hyperbolic, non-scientific behavior and corruption actually helps the oil companies...

You have made a charge, now prove it.

I think anyone who disagrees that that's fucked up should be charged with a federal crime.

You want to charge someone with a crime for having a particular opinion?

Is it really a surprise that understanding the mechanism of which humanity will either survive or destroy its home is worth a decent income?

Is it possible that some government grant money might actually be useful?

Well, when I want to borrow money from the bank, the bank makes me prove I know what I'm doing, that I have a plan, and that my ideas work.

So... can the gov't trust fund babies live up to that standard, or will it always be "Give me money now or we all will die at a point far enough in the future that it can't be disproved?"

That's not how science works. If the answer was known before the research started then why would they need to fund the research in the first place?

The anti-science ignorance in this sub is disturbing.

Are you implying these scientists don't know what they're doing?

To a certain degree you're right, but if we had the answers we wouldn't be paying people six figures to find them.

I don't know whether you understood me but what I am saying is that as long as funding sources are handing out money to to study climate change, many people will be more than happy to take that money, even if the work is BS. I was addressing the part of your title, "Seriously what would climate scientists have to gain from lying about climate change?"..The answer, it pays the bills.