If the CIA (or other American intelligence agency) really assassinated JFK, do you think they REALLY would declassify documents revealing such? Why wouldn't they just fabricate documents that repeat the official story thus far?

99  2015-09-24 by [deleted]



You might find the third bullet point in the "Declassified Documents" section interesting:


"Training files of the CIA's covert "Operation PBSUCCESS," for the 1954 coup in Guatemala. According to the National Security Archive: "Among the documents found in the training files of Operation PBSUCCESS and declassified by the Agency is a CIA document titled 'A Study of Assassination.' A how-to guide book in the art of political killing, the 19-page manual offers detailed descriptions of the procedures, instruments, and implementation of assassination." The manual states that to provide plausible denial, "no assassination instructions should ever be written or recorded."[14]"

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If the C.I.A. did assassinate J.F.K., I'm sure any documents directly linking the C.I.A. to the assassination would have been destroyed a long time ago.

In fact, say that the C.I.A. did in fact orchestrate the assassination, I don't think anything would have been documented in the run up to the assassination.

Similarly, if 9/11 was a demolition job orchestrated by the U.S. government, I don't think you're going to find any email exchanges between Donald Rumsfeld (or any other official figure) and a demolition company detailing Rumsfeld's request that the towers be destroyed in a massive clandestine operation. Same goes for any financial transaction that may have taken place associated with the individuals or organisation responsible for the alleged demolition job.

I hate it when people say "the US government did 9/11" or "the CIA killed Kennedy." The CIA and the US Government are both enormous in size and scope. These are the actions of a relatively tiny clique of rogue, high-level insiders.

oh too big to blame huh? Sounds familiar..

I don't know, the CIA is very top-down. "The CIA killed Kennedy," imo, is essentially accurate. Or "the intelligence community" killed him. And, indeed, they're the only ones who had and have the power to cover it up.

I agree it was the good ole' boys at the very top that conspired, but it is not accurate to lay the blame upon the entire agency. In doing so, your claims are reflexively dismissed by those who lack understanding of what you're getting at:


Good link. I'm familiar with it. Others should check it out.

It only takes one person inside for it to be an inside job.

Then every crime committed by a government employee is an inside job. Postal worker beats his wife? Inside job.

Yeah, every crime committed by anyone is an inside job, unless it is an outside job, like window washing or gardening or 9/11.

Excellent point. CIA is not one entity, it is a number of groups of people who have various degrees of trust for each other. Not everyone in CIA came from Skull & Bones. Further, not everyone from S&B went on to be part of these groups. Further, not everyone involved with CIA has blatant ties to them.

That being said, it's a little difficult not to paint 'who did it' as "the CIA", considering everyone allegedly involved in the JFK plot was apart of the CIA in some fashion or another, and given the motives the CIA had (JFK had literally said he wanted to shatter the CIA into a 1000 pieces and scatter it to the wind).

Further, it's hard not to see the CIA as at least the gateway to the top, being that (damn near) every president we've had since JFK has had CIA connections.

I'll be honest: I do believe America suffered a serious coup on Nov 22, 1963, and it's one we've been struggling against ever since, and I think the people who put that coup in motion are still in power (or in power by proxy) today.

It's Kerry/Bush all over again: It doesn't matter who wins. Here's how I see it playing out:

  • Trump came in to distract the republicans and cause disarray. He isn't a 'Democrat plant', he's part of the system. He'll bow out when he's told to. Fiorina or Bush will take his place, both have strong CIA ties.

  • Bernie is there but no one is going to vote for him; DNC will put Hilary up. We all know Bernie doesn't even plan on winning, he's just rallying support for the future.

  • We now have a stacked ticket, either Bush v Clinton or more likely, Fiorina v Clinton. Two women on the ticket (hooray! History! ) Two CIA-backed candidates on 'opposing sides' (hooray! Business As Usual!). Queue 8 more years of dark wars.

I agree, if indeed any of those events were in fact inside jobs, it would have been orchestrated by an element within the U.S. government.

And these 28 pages will no doubt come in useful to the US secret services when they'll want to destroy their relationship with Saudi Arabia (not saying they are good guys, just that it's stupid to think they'll be anything of use to 9/11 truth in there).

Yep. The Saudis would be a convenient new scapegoat for war when the defense contractors call for it. And it will probably be released when anyone who still questions what happened on 9/11 is too old.

Might even wait until Cheney's nuclear "prediction" comes to fruition and "find out" the Saudis helped smuggle it in it.

to think they'll be anything of use to 9/11 truth in there

Just for context, FTA:

Undermines the ability of 9/11 family members to achieve courtroom justice against governments who aided and abetted the deaths of their loved ones

Is it too optimistic to suggest that if the families knew what their Government was and is still concealing, it might open them up to wonder what else and why?

No paper trail? What a novel idea!

Oh...except for the missing 2.3 trillion.

Did you formulate this theory all by yourself?

What theory? I just said that I suspect there would not be any official paper work detailing a C.I.A. conspiracy to assassinate the president. And in a similar vain, there wouldn't be any paperwork that shows a link between any U.S. government officials and the alleged demolition company that may have rigged the World Trade Centre.

I'm basically saying that I doubt whoever may have been involved in an alleged plot to demolish the WTC would have schemed via email or any other unsecured communications.

Emails no. Paper trail? You betcha!

The CIA funds and supports all kinds of conspiracy theories. They would love you to keep debating how many bullets hit JFK as long as you don't go and occupy your local center of government.

Correct. A Warren is the central point for a bunch of rabbit holes. What was the report called about jfk? The Warren Report.

Yeah but wasn't that because Earl Warren led the commission?

There can't be multiple reasons they named it that?

A lie is best told sandwiched between two truths.

I prefer open-faced lies. With bacon.

I've always wondered why the CIA commits corrupt and horrible crimes, decades later admits them, then repeats the cycle.

Because the generation they declassify to wont give a shit. FBI.gov recently declassified files on Hitler escaping to Argentina and nobody cares. They declassified documents on "enhanced interrogation" and nobody gives a shit.

Wow, just looked it up, thanks for this.

Why release at all though? Instead of conspiracy theorists and anti-foreign policy historians documenting this, they could just lie. But apparently there are some partially decent people in the CIA.

Also, why would the FBI know about Hitler in Argentina? Don't they operate within the US on domestic activities. Seems like skeptics would have a field day critiquing this evidence.

Because they're cocky. They know we wont care. They know we're stupid. Their illuminati brand is on everything in sports, movies, music, television and people dont notice it. And they laugh at us. We are literally slaves. Slavery never ended. They just found a way to trick us into willingly be slaves and not question it.

Somebody in the comments referenced the wikipedia article on assassination which references: National Security Archive, CIA and Assassinations: The Guatemala 1954 Documents, Document 2: "A Study of Assassination", Unsigned, Undated. Link

I read through the transcription which is dull as you imagine a document written by a government employee could possibly be. Has anybody read the photocopied typewritten document which is much harder to read to verify the accuracy of the transcription? On page ten of that sucker you could bury almost anything and nearly all readers' eyes will be totally glazed by the time they get to it.

The CIA did fabricate other documents, e.g. a letter supposedly written by Oswald in relation to the JFK murder. I can't remember the specific details, unfortunately, but the book in which I read about it, I mean the letter sounded like an obvious forgery. The book, for reference, was JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass.

Uh, as to why it wouldn't declassify those documents, as /u/TheVents pointed out, it's sensible not to write down instructions which order an assassination. If you write it down, you're culpable. It's reasonable to assume that basic protocols applying to one covert operation would apply to other, similar operations.

That's why I'm confused when people like Noam Chomsky seriously argue that there'd be an "internal record" showcasing JFK's murder at the hands of CIA, if they were truly behind it. No, there wouldn't. Our limited knowledge of recognized covert operations mostly comes from heavily redacted, declassified and/or "leaked" documents.

Couple of things. 1. I don't know that anyone has actually made a good case that the CIA proper assassinated John Kennedy. When people say CIA they mean people associated with, or still contracted by the CIA at that time. That may mean people who were high up in the agency, but there is no way that there was a directive that would have been put down on paper, for example. 2. Why would anyone ever put it in writing, and, if so, why wouldn't they just destroy them? I know that there are documents that haven't been released yet, but there isn't a smoking gun in what hasn't been released, IMO. Chances are that everything we would have had has already been destroyed.

Yeah, because they went old school cloak and dagger. No paper trail.

You have to assume that it still exists, otherwise its nihilism

There are no records most probably. Any paper that existed has been destroyed. There may be a scrap of paper in someone's private collection. But, we will not see it for hundreds of years, if at all. The purpose of trying to get the documents is to look for information or clues that may lead to other information etc. until you find something really interesting....

The NSA released documents that proved the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened and nobody cared.

Internal squabbling or personal vendettas could result in leaks, which then could be countered by document dumps of misleading "OMG new facts!" by the other factions, as a distraction.

The spooks have had over 50 years to prepare "declassified documents".

Two things.

  • Documentation = Leverage. If documents are destroyed then leverage is lost. Think of it like how the creation of debt by Central Banks is the "same thing" as the creation of money. Evidence is currency that buys both silence and cooperation, mutual complicity becomes insurance. For further reading on this topic, there's a PBS Frontline Documentary on the Vatican Sex Scandals which outlines how "Documentation = Leverage" makes perfect sense in the halls of power.

  • CIA had already been involved with covert regime change and assassination by the time Kennedy was murdered, and in fact Kennedy made it clear how much he disapproved of what they were doing. If we look at Kennedy as a potentially "Ultimate Whistleblower," then it doesn't seem out of the question for a covert agency, with a history of targetting prominent leaders who were bad for business, to have been involved with his murder.

At some point theres an official investigation. At least SOME member will report truthfully. Those documents now exist, and unless you want to play the cover up card and go nowhere, there has to be as least SOME truthful report.

They do not care at all, that we find out the truth. As they know, there is nothing we can do about it

"nothing we WILL do about it"


There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

- Mario Savio

Nobody with any brain thinks "THE CIA" killed Kennedy.

People who worked there might have.

I think Bigfoot killed Kennedy.

Wow, just looked it up, thanks for this.

It only takes one person inside for it to be an inside job.

Excellent point. CIA is not one entity, it is a number of groups of people who have various degrees of trust for each other. Not everyone in CIA came from Skull & Bones. Further, not everyone from S&B went on to be part of these groups. Further, not everyone involved with CIA has blatant ties to them.

That being said, it's a little difficult not to paint 'who did it' as "the CIA", considering everyone allegedly involved in the JFK plot was apart of the CIA in some fashion or another, and given the motives the CIA had (JFK had literally said he wanted to shatter the CIA into a 1000 pieces and scatter it to the wind).

Further, it's hard not to see the CIA as at least the gateway to the top, being that (damn near) every president we've had since JFK has had CIA connections.

I'll be honest: I do believe America suffered a serious coup on Nov 22, 1963, and it's one we've been struggling against ever since, and I think the people who put that coup in motion are still in power (or in power by proxy) today.

It's Kerry/Bush all over again: It doesn't matter who wins. Here's how I see it playing out:

  • Trump came in to distract the republicans and cause disarray. He isn't a 'Democrat plant', he's part of the system. He'll bow out when he's told to. Fiorina or Bush will take his place, both have strong CIA ties.

  • Bernie is there but no one is going to vote for him; DNC will put Hilary up. We all know Bernie doesn't even plan on winning, he's just rallying support for the future.

  • We now have a stacked ticket, either Bush v Clinton or more likely, Fiorina v Clinton. Two women on the ticket (hooray! History! ) Two CIA-backed candidates on 'opposing sides' (hooray! Business As Usual!). Queue 8 more years of dark wars.

oh too big to blame huh? Sounds familiar..

I don't know, the CIA is very top-down. "The CIA killed Kennedy," imo, is essentially accurate. Or "the intelligence community" killed him. And, indeed, they're the only ones who had and have the power to cover it up.

I agree, if indeed any of those events were in fact inside jobs, it would have been orchestrated by an element within the U.S. government.

Why release at all though? Instead of conspiracy theorists and anti-foreign policy historians documenting this, they could just lie. But apparently there are some partially decent people in the CIA.

Also, why would the FBI know about Hitler in Argentina? Don't they operate within the US on domestic activities. Seems like skeptics would have a field day critiquing this evidence.