Time for some new rules in this subreddit

0  2015-09-25 by sliquidsnake

There should be a rule against posts relating to the "Flat Earth" forum slide topic.

This is a subreddit for discussion of conspiracies, not for the discussion of silly fantasies. The "Flat Earth" topic is not a valid conspiracy. Instead, it's an organized effort to troll this subreddit and cause forum slide.

We need rules in order to create a good environment for discussing conspiracies. This shouldn't be a forum that celebrates ridiculous material in the name of "free speech."


"downvote and move on"

What harm does it cause you personally?

it rustles me jimmies.

Haha, this cracks me up.

This is the only honest answer

It's annoying and takes away from the credibility of this whole sub.

Perhaps you should disconnect your self esteem from the credibility of this sub?

1000 of this.

takes away from the credibility of this whole sub.

One could just as easily argue that since it is always massively downvoted and proven wrong over and over again that it actually adds to the credibility of this sub.

Does it need to harm me personally for me to object to it? No. That is a strawman argument question.

Your attempt to squander discussion about ANYTHING on a discussion based forum is extremely annoying. Should I make a thread proposing a new rule as well?

Where would that take us?

i see why banning the topic just feeds into the exact purpose of this ridiculousness.

All of us who enjoy this place need to make a concerted effort to start down voting and commenting on this. Someone has organized agains r/conspiracy to keep this bullshit coming strong, so we need organize amongst ourselves to combat this attack.

The best we can do is make our feelings known with our votes, and for those of us with a science background, we just have to keep blowing these ideas out of the water.

Or we can start posting round earth threads around the clock.

I for one see this for exactly what the OP does. This flat earth shit came out of no where and is being pushed HARD all over the internet. There is definitely a motive here, and it isn't good for this forum

Honestly, if you want a new rule, how about no more bigotry?

Have you been to Mars? No.

Now while it is likely that we live on a planet, due to the perceivable evidence, it is just as likely that this is something else. A construct, if you will.

Do you trust NASA? I sure as fuck don't.

They lie.

So you have decided the entire topic is bullshit, here to discredit and must be censored. Can you explain how you reached that conclusion?

You want me to explain how I decided the topic of "Is the Earth flat?" is bullshit?

Let's start with you instead: How did you reach the delusion that it is in any way plausible?

just look outside man! there are no curves!

it's flat all the way to the edge! you can SEE IT!


Have you delved into the specifics of the topic or did you make a quick determination because the conclusion is so outlandish?

For it to be possible a couple of prerequisite understandings are required:

(1) Space fraud. NASA and other official agencies must be lying. If we look closely, we see this is the case. Nothing we get from them can be accepted at face value. Why are they producing fraudulent material?

(2) An understanding of the nature of the world power structure. The belief in an East-West oppositional paradigm gives rise to arguments like "the Russians would have said something". The realization that the same groups of people have ruled the majority of the world for a very long time at a level that supercedes nations is needed.

Now we are in a position to give this idea fair consideration. My own position on this topic is that the official spinning ball model is not correct for a number of reasons. I cannot promote the standard flat earth model because it has some problems with it that I don't have a good explanation for. However disproof of any particular model is not direct proof of another. Problems with the standard flat earth model don't excuse problems with the spinning globe. It only requires one solid refutation of a model for it to be incorrect.

This post made yesterday lists some specific problems with the generally accepted cosmology:

Man absolutely none of those arguments are valid in any way shape or form.

Anyone who has flown in a plane has seen that the horizon curves at altitude.

The railroad argument is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. It's not 100 miles of one piece of track. It's pieces of track 12-18 feet long laid one at a time. Curvature is accounted for as you're laying piece by piece.

I don't even know how people can be so determined to see something that's not there.

The theory may very well be completely false, but based on my exploration of the topic, you should not see the curvature of the Earth from a commercial flight.

What makes you so determined to see the curve that's not there?

Because there's a million proven examples from scientific research to actual pictures from outer space and on high altitude planes?

Because literally every single arguement for flat earth either doesn't make sense or is easily disproven?

So your knowledge of pictures from outer space cause you to perceive the curve of the horizon at the altitude of a commercial flight?

"Scientific research" says you should NOT perceive the curve at the altitude of a commercial flight.

Because literally every single arguement for flat earth either doesn't make sense or is easily disproven?

This is ambiguous... Also subjective. The globe model probably wouldn't make sense to an invalid. Does that mean the Earth isn't a globe?

While I agree that flat earth is a silly fantasy, I can't ever stand behind censorship of any kind. Also banning the topic outright would give them all the more ammo (I mean all their ammo is blanks anyway but still). Can you imagine? "oh if it's just a silly fantasy, why ban it?" and "what are they trying to hide by banning it"

Just downvote them, downvote their comments, refute their "proof" with facts, and let's keep this place as censorship free as possible.

bullshit gets posted, off topic gets posted but censorship is censorship

downvote and move on, ridicule if you feel like it

We do not need any such rules. This subreddit only works because we allow the crazy theories to hide the legitimate ones. Why do you think we need to be protected from hearing crazy speculation?

I think when people come here, as newbies, they see material that is laughable and ridiculous. (i.e., New people ridicule conspiracy realists because they form an impression of them from the forum-slide flat earth articles.)

I also think this is an effort by organized shill accounts to degrade the discussion in /r/conspiracy.

In my opinion, the quality of discussion here has gone way down since 2010.

Anyone who is dissuaded by seeing ridiculous things is probably not open minded enough anyway...

Well, if the idea is to open minds, those are the people we'd like to get our foot in the door with. If we want political change IRL, we need more people. If people are barely open-minded enough to be curious, but are then repulsed, I think that's something we want to avoid.

There are a lot more repulsive things than flat Earth theory out here. Where do you propose people post those kinds of outlandish proposals?

Where do you propose people post those kinds of outlandish proposals?

I don't have to take care of that. Not my problem.

There is never any excuse for censorship.

That is a childish belief.

Any topic worth banning is a topic worth discussing in my opinion.

Also nobody should be discussing IRL actions in the vicinity of a computer or smartphone.

Maybe it isn't just a forum slide, maybe they also using it to close the open nature of the sub by driving censorship; agents provocateur, so to speak. Problem, reaction, solution.

Interesting point.


Your username made me do a double take.

Rule 10. Removed.

Shit posts like this should be deleted on the spot.

Seriously, fuck your calls for censorship!

A new and unfamiliar user pops up every week now telling us to ban flat earth discussion.

Your participation here is optional and last time I checked I don't walk around with /r/conspiracy tattooed on my fucking forehead, so you can give the "it's making us look bad" schtick a fucking rest.

A new and unfamiliar user pops up every week now telling us to ban flat earth discussion.

That's an interesting insinuation. An old and familiar users gets popped once a week for getting too heated with the flat earth forum sliders, and changes username.


Think it through. Who is /u/sliquidsnake ? I could go on... I'm not new here, is my point.

Shit posts like this should be deleted on the spot.

And the very next sentence...

Seriously, fuck your calls for censorship!

Oh, the irony!

The theory may very well be completely false, but based on my exploration of the topic, you should not see the curvature of the Earth from a commercial flight.

What makes you so determined to see the curve that's not there?