The timing Mars announcement with the popes meddling in America seems like a nice coincidence to exemplify the dangers of climate change.

0  2015-09-28 by [deleted]



I'm not sure what you're saying... science is a sham?

I'm not saying water wasn't discovered but they waited to release the info for the right moment

It's political

Yeah, undoubtedly it's being used for political gains. That doesn't mean it's not happening.

"Never let a serious crisis go to waste"

I agree. I didn't mean it wasn't happening.

I don't believe we've even been to Mars...

low earth orbit?

When would be a good time to talk about climate change?

Right now of course

So what's the issue?

It's mentioned in the description

I guess I don't get where you're coming from. What's closer to the Sun? Who doesn't care? What does this have to do with communism?

Sorry dude don't think I can help you

You gotta be able to explain yourself in full detail if you ever want people to be open to your ideas. Even if that dude is a troll/shill, I'm still reading your posts.

And instead of helping people understand where you're coming from, you're throwing it back in their face. Think of the lurkers!

I've left posts back and forth with this guy for almost a day I'm burned out right now. I need lurkers to up vote my stuff cause I feel like I'm getting pummeled due to the down votes.

You're in the wrong sub if you're looking for them upvote things, I haven't seen one around these parts.

I'll keep that in mind. I'm new to posting on here.

Oh yeah, people are going to disagree and argue with you all day on shit that seems so obvious to you. But that's perfect because you get to really get your point across in the face of opposition and hopefully provide some insight and perspective.

There's many trolls/shills here though.

Maybe you should go back to where you came from.

So friendly around here.

You can't help me...on your own post? Are you alright?

Yeah OP is ridiculous


It's amazing how you are protected from being called out. I'm sure that's an accident.

I know what you are. Not worth it


Bye bye

I posted an article on Goldman Sachs. Check it out.