
22  2015-09-28 by Drbarke

Has anyone ever experienced a situation in which you are having a regular conversation with someone and then you try and discuss something out of the norm such as a conspiracy you’re interested in, one in which you have invested a lot of time investigating etc. so your enthusiastic about sharing the information, and the individual just sort of shuts down? I notice this all the time. There are only about 4 or 5 people in my life that I can discuss these certain obscure topics with (and they can’t get enough of it), but everyone else seems to just zone out. It’s eerie. They will get this glazed look on their face and just sort of mumble something along the lines of “uh oh yeah I’ve never heard of that” and then they’ll ask zero questions and will sometimes even try and divert the conversation or just get their phone out or something along those lines.

It seems like it happens with any topic that is interesting to me and other like minded people. For example after the announcement regarding water on mars today, I’ve tried to talk 5 different people about the implications of such a find and they all just do this weird thing where they just avoid discussing it. I asked a close friend on our instant messenger here at work if she had heard about it and her response was the following, “yeah I told so and so and we were just like who all the sudden would be like ‘welp time to move to mars,’ LOL,” and then she signed off. I saw her immediately after in person and she was sitting there staring at her phone. I work in medicine as a pharmacist at a rather large clinic so these aren’t dumb people I’m trying to engage. They are mostly nurses, doctors and other pharmacists.

It’s been about a year since I’ve noticed this behavior and I’ve mentioned it to others in my personal life and they have also noticed it. They pointed out that if it’s a relative who knows them very well they will often get somewhat hostile and say something along the lines of “ugghh do we really have to discuss this of all things.” I’ve noticed this from my wife (take that for what it's worth).

I really feel there is a certain percentage of the population that has been brainwashed or programmed through public schools and media to just do exactly what I’ve described and have a mental block when any critical thinking is required on certain topics. I have two kids and I’m already starting to notice that one of them is like me and very interested in esoteric topics while the other will actually get pissed and ignore me when I bring one up.

Some might argue that it’s just the subject matter that certain people are attracted to but something like the mars example should cause everyone to pay attention. Has anyone else noticed this?


Talking to my sister about being indoctrinated by the government through the school systems, she says "Well I went to public school my whole life and I'm not indoctrinated". Total facepalm. She voted for Obama twice.

You're supposed to talk about football and beer. There's the old adage about pearls before swine to consider here.

I know how you feel, it gets frustrating when nobody seems to be interested. I try to talk to members of my family about the cover-ups going on & all they seem to be interested in, is a group of men kicking a bag of wind round a field.

The thing is I also enjoy sports but I do not enjoy them as much as the issues I research on my own time. Most of the major conspiracies that hold any weight are fascinating and I guess I don't understand how sports and T.V. could be more fascinating to people than the slow personal discovery of certain deception.

Edit: or groundbreaking discoveries like water on mars!!

People don't like admitting they where dupped, I believe the behavior is called cognitive dissonance.

Coming to terms with this phenomenon has been a large part of my life this past couple of years. It's alienating when you can't really discuss the world you perceive with those around you.

I've posted this before, but I like it.

Friedrich Nietzsche in “Beyond Good and Evil” holds that only a few people have the fortitude to look in times of distress into what he calls the molten pit of human reality. Most studiously ignore the pit. Artists and philosophers, for Nietzsche, are consumed, however, by an insatiable curiosity, a quest for truth and desire for meaning. They venture down into the bowels of the molten pit. They get as close as they can before the flames and heat drive them back. This intellectual and moral honesty, Nietzsche wrote, comes with a cost. Those singed by the fire of reality become “burnt children,” he wrote, eternal orphans in empires of illusion.

I like it too. What a fantastic analogy.

Sounds like you need to read up on a little topic called cognitive dissonance.

It's a doozy and you'll deal with it all your life if your keen to your surroundings.

For all sad young people reading this thread: the only things my girlfriend and I have ever watched together are conspiracy docs. We have hit basically everything and casually discuss all conspiracies from cosmic to political.

JUST SAYING. I see a lot of pessimism in here, there are awakened people out there you can live your life with, and they're worth looking for.

This has always happened to me, I guess I have kinda given up talking. I think you guys need to meet some different women, we're not ALL obsessed with ourselves! I've been into conspiracies etc since I was about 10. And a Space Science student. With many interests which incidentally does not involve mobile phones or facebook. Wholefools, you been burned recently? Cos what you wrote in your comment was extremely judgemental, and not really what I am used to or expect to find on these boards.

What's interesting to me is the reason why you take it as a personal insult. If you know yourself to be NOT like other women, then you clearly don't fit into the group OP is talking about. Unless OP's quote here...

This is because women are using you to orient their ego - how they know themselves

... applies to you? I'd think you'd disagree. But maybe I'm wrong, especially since you immediately resort to shaming language.

That's awesome! I didn't mean to be offensive and I can't speak for Wholefools but I didn't take his comment that way either, lol. It really does seem like it's hard to find women that are into this stuff. More power to you though and I'm glad I'm not the only one who is frustrated. Don't give up though.

My girlfriend talks with me about most surface stuff, like undeniable crimes committed by the gov, or how all of cable and media is completely manipulated to an eerie extent here in 2015. I'm slowly connecting the dots as they naturally approach me, something like seizing the moment.. But I wouldn't give myself that much credit.

As long as I don't venture too far off, she'll stay interested. A step in the right direction, but I have seen what you are talking about. I have seen it everywhere, the public is just too far gone. If they even had a little intrigue for any of these topics, they would quickly be swallowed up by the super massive vortex we call American society.

I'm not quite sure how to explain the feeling I get when I step back and let that sink in for a moment.

You're a lucky dude. It truly seems like women are even worse than men when it comes to this. Continue to engage her and don't let that feeling hold you down. Try it out on other people too. I started about a year ago and the results have been astonishing. People truly don't want to listen. Hell, you can tell them about conspiracies theories that have been proven fact and they will act like they either don’t believe you or just go into the same mindless state. They damn sure aren’t going to look into it any further.

I’ve tried to tell people about MKUltra and they could care less. I lived in St. Louis for 10 years and tried to tell people there about how during the cold war the army conducted secret chemical testing in low income neighborhoods by spray compounds through motorized blowers atop rooftops and that might explain why several areas had such a sudden surge in cancer related deaths. Not one person was interested. It was as if I had told them in passing it was raining outside.

my girlfriend and I watch conspiracy docs 24/7, while my male roommates play pokemon (we're ~25).

just saying, I haven't noticed a gender discrepancy, it's really everyone.

As a female, I find it hard to find guys (or girls for that matter) interested in "going down the rabbit hole" with me.

Yeah, I guess it's just random. I'll down the rabbit hole with you anytime Kimberly.

Even with the world pond? Most everyone draws the line there.

Even the world pond.

It's refreshing to hear the concern in your tone. I'm the same way with the people/family in my circles. When I try to bring up politics or the economy everybody acts like they could not care less about what is going on. Yes, I understand that these topics are often not interesting, but if someone were to tell you that a group of wealthy individuals was manipulating your entire life while at the same time bombarding you with messages about how free you are to live your own life, you should care. "I don't care because it doesn't affect me," is one of the worst lines out there. Everything affects everything. Just like when they ignore the real political and economic has the effect of allowing corrupt politicians to take office and to either keep it going for themselves or to make it worse for the rest of us. So let's see how it affects you when the dollar fails and all of your hard-earned money that you've put so much faith into obtaining is just a piece of data on some unplugged server somewhere. They will be the ones looking to the American news for answers for why the dollar is now useless. They still won't get it.

Very well said and I completely agree. When that time comes they will be scratching their heads in disbelief. "How could the system fail? Everything was fine," the lack of knowledge and insight is borderline insanity when you stop and think about how unaware people are. If you ask someone right now about the status of Asian markets, i would say there's a 1 in 10 chance they even know what's going on.

Maybe it could be that people don't want to hear any socially awkward near autistic rambling. You can be telling someone the truth, I'm not disputing that, but there's plenty of people I've known who just hijack a conversation and just totally fuck everybody's ear holes with conspiracy ranting. It's like trying to have a conversation about how much I might like the dark Knight rises, and some asshat just starts ranting about the Aurora shooting/mkultra/conspiracy shit. It's like dude I just like the film

Lol, yeah I don't do that. I have good people skills and I just don’t launch into unrelated topics on a whim. I know what you mean though and I could understand if people were put off in a scenario such as that. I’m careful as to how I bring up a given topic. Like I said with the water on mars subject, that’s something that’s exciting and is worldwide news and you should be able to bring up as a topic of conversation and discussion. You can tell people are just thinking “nope” and they get on FB, back to their comfort zone.

I get what you're saying

Here's the thing bud, they can't talk about things that aren't within the safe sphere of some socially-centric "normal". They have been trained since age 5 to know that going outside the boundary of "social normal" will result in immediate social ostracism, so they're being nice to you by listening to you while you think for yourself about serious issues -- but they (especially women) are typically not interested in any of that at all. It scares them and makes them feel uncomfortable -- they think omg someone isn't scared to think outside the box omg why isn't he scared to think or reason beyond the set perimeters like I am, then they get scared and don't want to join you.

Women are all about people (and about themselves), not big issues, unless those issues effect them on a personal level - so never try to get a woman to be an intellectual or interested in anything greater, because 99% of the time, they're not going to be. It annoys and scares them. People talking about unpredictable "weird stuff" or "hard stuff" -- it doesn't give them a chance to make themselves feel smart, because they don't know anything about it, so like you said - your friend said something faux-smart or phony-smart (a glib dismissive joke) and then logged off, even though she was really still on her phone.

This is because women are using you to orient their ego - how they know themselves - and if you are talking about "hard things" or "big things", they can't do anything about it or don't know anything about it, so they don't want to talk about "that stuff". You can always force the conversation but they'll just shut down, like you said. This curiosity you have? Other people have that bred out of them from age 5-18 in their social conditioning called "school" where children are turned into good worker/consumer drones.. so they will have the money for all these cool gadgets for communications like phones, but they won't want to use them in any way that might upset the establishment, like thinking outside the box for themselves.

They become totally centered on themselves and their own ego, and all they are interested in is making themselves feel smart or valuable (especially nurses) - so if you don't give them a chance to do that in their conversation with you - they aren't interested.

As for other men most of them are also within the prison without bars where they don't want to use their own minds to think their own thoughts - and it's almost a faux-pas to even consider - and their ego kicks in and realizes it can't use whatever subject you are talking about to make itself feel smart - unless it's about some subject that they've been trained in by an authority (like their job or profession, or sports).

Your response is both scary and very sad to me at the same time. When you discussed women in the first paragraph, that is pretty much exactly the response I feel I am experiencing without anything being said. Do you know any girls in your personal life that show any type of interests in such topics? I just talked to my friend today, he’s one of the few in my personal life who I can talk to about things of this nature, and he’s only been with his current girlfriend for less than a year. He pretty much admitted that he can tell she currently tolerates him bringing certain topics up but that it will likely change as time goes on. She just gets that look/attitude I tried to describe in my post.

What's "scary" in this comment is this sense of divide and maybe even elitism regarding gender. I am a woman. I am also more interested in and aware of the world's issues and mysteries than anyone else I know, including my husband. He is certainly receptive to most of the info/ideas I present to him, but he has never shown interest in researching any of the topics for himself or taking them past the one discussion. Also, of the friends I do have that like to discuss subjects that are out-of-the-norm, most of them are women. I think it's dangerous to make assumptions like this about the opposite sex. I don't think it has anything to do with one's gender, but rather a whole list of factors that need to be taken into account.

It's not dangerous thinking if it's representative of the whole. Take note - you are an exception, not the norm.

Bingo. We are all experiments.

also you have to remember, some people like to live their lives by pretending they have everything under control and understood -- and nothing is beyond their grasp mentally -- and nothing is beyond their control -- and everything that is, is "just stupid, god, shut up about that already" (because they might not be able to control or intelligently participate in a conversation about aliens, or whatever you are talking about, water on mars, etc. -- but they certainly can control you and their interaction with you, so that's what they do and what they focus on).

Other people are invigorated by new information and new understand about the world. I'm sure there are girls out there who are like this, but even people, man and woman, who are like this - seem to be few and far between. You have to find the type of person who doesn't base their personal comfort and ego on the idea that they've already got most things figured out and locked down and their life is simply consisting of day by day simple challenges and shit that they can handle.

I've known one in my whole life and she was different than other girls in some ways, but then again, lol, she may have just wanted to be with me so she was humoring me and acting excited to know about it. I think she was genuinely interested. So I think it's possible - there are definitely girls out there who defy the norms - but that's why I said 99% of them.

99% of them just don't think the way we do. Not at all. Scary or big issues or something out of the norm of 'preferable to them personally' is not something that most of them want to think about.

One of the only friends in my life who I can discuss this sort of thing with is a woman. She is a lesbian though (and in case it matters, we're both in the 25-30 age range)...

Don't fret, my friend.

You are part of the solution, be that solution.

Thank you. I like that attitude and wouldn't even mess with it all but I know there are others out there like us!

There are! Small in number, great in wisdom; we know that we are being lied to. We see the writing on the wall. We see this world for what it is; an illusion. Our illusion.

You need to listen to the no agenda podcast if you haven't heard of it before. It is for people like the fine folks found in this sub, minus the shills. Fuck off shills.

I hear you loud and clear. I will certainly check it out.

Yes, I've noticed this.

Example: If the government gets shutdown, ~15% of the population will be in danger of starving; the USDA will not have the monies to finance food stamps.

When I talk to people about this they can't comprehend the issue. They literally cannot understand it.

Not everyone is interested in Mars or space. The same way not everyone likes sports or computing or train spotting.

Lack of interest does not mean they are brainwashed.

Yeah I know where you're coming from and until now I used to brush it off as such, but like I said I've noticed it with so many different subjects that I can't attribute it to the subject matter alone.

Yea different people have different intellectual capacities. Sucks If you are smarter than average. Putting up with the dumb ones will literally be your life.