Neo cortex size is correlated with lying and tactical deception in animals. This explains the technique the hierarchy uses to remain in place.

7  2015-09-28 by [deleted]



So the bigger your brain, the better you are at outsmarting others and increasing your odds of survival. Makes sense!

tactical deception is not the same as outsmarting for survival. It involves fooling large groups of individuals from within its population in order to control. So if we look at humans we can see many examples of this such as religion and magic. Science today is a product of the evolution of religion and it is very much a for profit system not one based on altruism.

So fooling is outsmarting.

I guess it depends if you see Intelligence as an ability to discern the truth or an ability to lengthen your own mortality.

Do you like to fool people?

Only if it increases my survival chances. Don't really need to, as I'm married and guaranteed to mate. But I'll fool to get a better job and a better deal on a car and such.

So you are saying that if you are married you don't ever want to fuck other people? I can guarantee that isn't true. So I guess you're trying to fool me with that bullshit answer. I guess I pegged you right. You are a guy out for himself but let's the truth fall to the wayside.

So you are saying that if you are married you don't ever want to fuck other people?

I literally didn't say that.

I can guarantee that isn't true.

That's fine, because I didn't say it, you did. Fight the Strawman!

So I guess you're trying to fool me with that bullshit answer.

Again, it was your answer, not mine. You're trying to fool yourself.

I guess I pegged you right.

I'm not into pegging. Thanks for the offer, though.

let's the truth fall to the wayside

Ah, yes. The "truth". I guess I'm too busy being an alpha male to care for what you're blathering about. Have a nice day!

You are saying that because being married your survival chances are good but if you are with more with one woman and have kids with them survival goes up even more due to higher genetic variation and higher numbers of offspring. So yes in a way you did say that.

Who's to say I haven't been with others? You seem to be making an awful lot of random assumptions while abandoning any reason. I'd suggest you get off the computer for a minute or two and take some deep breaths, as you seem quite mad over nothing.

Are you in a polygamist or open marriage?

Are you coming onto me? ;3

You claim that there is no need for you to fool anyone because you are married except to get a better deal on a car. It seems you are backing away from that claim

Why do you think I'm backing away?

you don't answer the question or don't seem to realize what you've said. Anyways I'm done talking with you for now. I know you are not here for real discussion just wish to keep me going to keep giving me downvotes.

Sorry that imaginary internet points upset you so much. Maybe you should focus more on the content of your comments rather than other peoples' ratings of them.

if they are so insignificant why do you keep down voting me in the first place?

Asserting my male dominance.

I'm getting a little bitchiness from you but there is absolutely no dominance happening from you whatsoever. What a joke.

Whatever you want to believe, you can believe.

You as well

I don't think you get it though

Care to explain it, then?

Tactical deception (also referred to as functional deception) has been defined as "acts from the normal repertoire of [an] agent, deployed such that another individual is likely to misinterpret what acts signify, to the advantage of the agent"[43] In other words, it is the active use of communicative or display skills already employed by the organism in order to mislead another individual. It has been specified in some studies that this is an intraspecific[44] behaviour, meaning that it occurs between members of the same species. Most other kinds of deception are meant to fool members of a different species. Tactical deception can also be achieved when the deceiver withholds information by failing to perform an expected action, such as giving a warning call when danger is observed. This sort of deception can be costly to the user in that tactical deception mostly occurs in social animals which may lose trust of fellow group-members when their deceit is discovered.

Right. It's not a survival adaptation but a sexual one. Being in control of your group offers fantastic DNA propagation. The larger the group, the larger the reward for being smarter, more tactical.

The cost may be physical but once the caste system showed up, larger neocortex size became a successful mutation/adaptation.

It's hard for me to picture dick Cheney getting laid all the time. Quite a few of these guys are homosexuals and pedophiles. They get off on spreading their social memes. Social memes are the seed of the neo cortex.

Your faith in women is somewhat misplaced.

I have my faith in women, however the balance of power in how we live our lives is severely tilted.

I don't think you get it though

tactical deception is not the same as outsmarting for survival. It involves fooling large groups of individuals from within its population in order to control. So if we look at humans we can see many examples of this such as religion and magic. Science today is a product of the evolution of religion and it is very much a for profit system not one based on altruism.