Is anyone else slightly saddened that most of the discussions here are simple facts yet would be labelled as conspiracy theories by most because the general public is so blissfully unaware?

138  2015-09-29 by [deleted]



Yes I am saddened, I lost a friend because I tried to tell him facts about who runs the world and about the economy in USA purposely designed to collapse every seven years or so, I sent him a link to these and shortly after he told me to never contact him again:

“All wars are bankers wars”

John Perkins: Confession of an Economic Hitman

John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire


Yes are correct on that. I guess it's best to just help each other and let the rest fall.

Sidney Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada

i played counter strike with a kid for years - met ingame when I was 14 and played together in a clan up until I went to college. We were probably the best "internet friends" two dudes could have been

He ended up joining the marines to go to Afghanistan... didnt come back :(

Rip Jaster

the video game training and desensitization of the young worked on him, not on you.

Don't be saddened that you lost that "friend". Be happy that you got rid of some dead weight in your life.

Might sound harsh, but that guy was not the friend you thought he was or needed anyway.

Friends like that aren't worth having. The internet is helping to elevate the public's level of consciousness, and some day, many of those people will come around and wonder why they were so stubborn.

I was one of those indignant defenders of the official 9/11 myth. I went back and apologized to a guy I argued about it with years earlier. Felt good. The truth hurts but I like reality.

For people who want to remain blissfully unaware, knock yourselves out.


There seem to be many reasons for no real solutions being offered. One is that people are scared to step out of line or into the spotlight. They know they are being spied on thanks to operative Snowden, and this suppresses the population. Two is that there are many opposing theories and no one seems to agree on what exactly is going on and who exactly is doing it. Look how divided the Occupy protest was. 99 percent of the population cant seem to get it together to do anything about the one percent. The third is that there just arent enough numbers that actually have the will to change anything. Most of the population is under mind control and are hostile to anyone or group trying to change things, and the controlled media can easily warp their perceptions in any way they please. They are also sick and fat from the air, food, water, and pharmaceuticals and too dumb from a deficient education. And others are just comfortable enough to have come to love their slavery just as Huxley predicted. It seems to me that most of the awakened are just waiting for something bad to happen but not knowing what it will be or how it will manifest. In the meantime they go through the motions as the prison bars get stronger and the cell a little smaller.

it always annoys me when people ask me "yeah but what would you do different". I am not a policy maker, I am just pointing out problems, the fact I can't solve the world's issues in a sentence makes no difference whatsoever to the facts or ideas I am talking about.This is a strategy people use to shut down the conversation, if you don't have a solution then you have no right talking about it. False. Through awareness comes change. You can't change something you don't realize is wrong. I am not challenging your post, this just has been on my mind recently. However, this sub is for discussing conspiracies, not necessarily for fixing them, if in fact that is even slightly possible. I like your idea, and I think it could work, but this is not the place for it I don't think.

In all honesty you could drum up a decent following and that can gain momentum. The real issue in that is infiltration. Eventually someone among the ranks will have been put there to help thwart a real movement, or someone will be compromised for a sizeable bribe. If all else fails the leaders will be killed as a reminder not to try again.

Only a few things really upset the one percent, and among those aren't revolt. Returning currency to a gold standard (or any type of limited amount of currency) and unity among all races and types of people really scares them because those are the things that dismantle the system.

I'm all for the fight and willing to sign up, but you have to ask yourself how do you handle the first set of issues while remaining goal oriented on the second set of solutions.

You sound very paranoid... Perhaps rightfully so, but there are much bigger concerns to be shared.

I don't think it's paranoia although I do see how that conclusion can be drawn. What I was eluding to was that government agencies have a history of using those type of tactics in movements that could cause potential change to the status quo. Look at the Black Panthers as an example. Sometimes I wonder about Occupy being infiltrated due to the way it fizzled in the end. Aside from that you know what they did to MLK Jr, JFK, and countless more to maintain their control, infiltration is not above their standards.

You can't design a real-world solution for a wholly fictional problem.

I think the problem getting through to people is a combination of things:

  • We trust authority. We are taught this since childhood and it feels sooo comfortable because it relieves us from having to think or take responsibility.
  • Normalcy Bias. People have a hard time imagining something they have never seen or experienced.
  • Cognitive Dissonance. The discomfort felt when someone is confronted with information that conflicts with one of their beliefs. This is a big one. People feel physical discomfort when you talk about this stuff and they will eventually tell you to shut the fuck up.

The only thing you can do is point them in the right direction and encourage them to do their own research. They have to be open to the Truth and willing to put in the work. We live in a time where almost all written knowledge is now easily available so there isn’t much of an excuse to claim you didn’t know.

Once you wake up, the best thing to do, imo, is to begin work on yourself to raise your consciousness. Focus on yourself. Hopefully one of us will be the 100th monkey to tip the scale and start a mass awakening.

"Conspiracy theory" is not a derogatory term, don't buy into the attempted re-branding of it. Something can be true and a conspiracy.

That being said I understand what you meant and I agree, it is sad that many facts are dismissed as fringe beliefs held by nutjobs.

Yes it is, the "theory" part alludes to pulling shit out your ass without any facts or evidence.

Translation: Is anyone else saddened that we live in such a fucked up world?

Yeah. I'm definitely saddened by that. We are just coming out of the Kali Yuga, which is the darkest, most ignorant, evil time by standards of Eastern philosophical thought. It's a shitty time we live in. Shitty time. :/

The general public is willfully ignorant, they, at least those I have had contact with, refuse to look at the truth, they are happy to live in fantasy land watching sports and reality shows about vapid whores, etc. Its almost as though they are happy to hand over their freedom and power so long as they get to be comfortable. Its a simple question with a complex answer but I just wanted to point out that I can't agree with your assertion that people are blissfully unaware as that implies innocence which I don't believe applies.

IIts one thing for someone to be ignorant on any thing , quite another for someone to choose to remain ignorant. Whether it be out of laziness , stubbornness , or it's just not convenient for them to actually learn and maybe care a littlle beyond their own li9ttle bubble world.

I'm not sure you guys have the same definition of "fact" as the rest of the world does, so that probably explains it.

Anything with 9/11 being an inside job = fact here Michael Hastings being murdered = fact here Sandy Hook/Bostom Bombing hoax = fact here ISIS staged beheadings = fact here

You guys do post factual things though, but what discussion is there in reading something that can be fully explained and proven on a conspiracy theory sub?

"Uhhh yup. That's true alright." - end of discussion.

I really would think that most people don't care. I lurk on this sub for fun, but I really don't care about most of this stuff. What if 9/11 was an inside job? What if bankers control the world? Nothing, because my life goes on the same way anyway.

Excuse the analogy but it often seems like this subreddit is like the concerned citizen who tells everyone who will listen that the local sheriff is also selling pot. Many people won't want to believe it, many people will believe it but not care, many will care but have no idea what they could do, and a shocking number will happily go find the sheriff because they want to buy some pot.

Pretty great analogy.

And while it is true most people do not care. All they need is one really bad day to start caring or start making things worse.

What if you knew someone who worked in one of those buildings on that day? Its not just all about you.