People who source "facts" from are batshit insane and they argue like Zionists.

9  2015-09-30 by [deleted]



Seems to me, that people just called you out on what you were saying. You're clearly new to this. I can tell by your remarks about Icke. Also, as with any news source, there is truth, but you need to find it and take everything with a grain of salt.

OP thinks CNN and Fox are reliable. Intelligent people understand that all humans lie, make mistakes, and tell the truth.

That would be whatcha call some bullshit.

Corporate media is your enemy, but thanks for coming here to prompt me to say it.

Your an weirdo

Lol. "New at this." I've been a professional journalist, I've led a bus to DC to protest the war, but YOU guys can't click a link to verify a reality:

What I am new at, is frustrating the trolls back. Getting pretty good at it though, I can tell by the way they can neither win nor back off.

Alex Jones is a complete shit box and anyone who believes his nonsense needs a kick in the nuts. He is a CIA plant :/

TIL: People sub here that don't know Bill Cooper.

TIL people don't come to /r/conspiracy to get anything done.

Not insane just pushing someone else's agenda.

It's always nice to be disagreed with in a way I can respect. Maybe they're not crazy, maybe just wasting our time all the way to the bank.

You seem like an awesome dude stay cool only you can find the truth listen to no one and stay on the path. Google critical thinking skills and print it out and post it somewhere that after a month you will know it by heart. Study the Trivium, Quadrivium, and the 42 Logical Fallacies, you can buy the poster too which I recommend, if you do as I suggest you will know, not believe or feel or think but know how to find out the truth and be a superman against the trillions of lies this place is immersed in. Everything you know is wrong well maybe 95% at least that's been my experience. Peace bro!

Interesting advice-spiel ya got there, you're probably used to talking to a lot of teenagers. I've watched the younger generation become weirdly obsessed with those logical fallacies as if there is no way to think without formal training. That can be dangerous, but despite that, every brainwashing technique they have used on us over the generations, can be used against them. The generation being forced into the "formal thought or you're doing it wrong" box are certainly victim to one of the more frightening brainwashing techniques I've ever heard of, but it's not surprising: they have to create a way for atheists to believe in wrong-headedness, and this accomplishes that nicely.

You do realize we made thousands of years of human progress prior to telling ourselves we must think in these strict and small terms? Logic is helpful in most, if not all, situations, but to be super cheesy and quote something, logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. I'm not saying believe your gut, more like "'trust, but verify', can also apply to yourself."

Does Alex Jones beleive in aliens?

Let's say it's possible that he's never said one way or anther. Is plausible deniability a respectable way to resolve that question, when he provides such a friendly mouthpiece for David Icke?

Let's take a look at two guests he has had on his show: Noam Chomsky and David Icke.

Noam Chomsky he starts a fight with and calls an NWO plant:

David Icke, on the other hand, he provides a constant mouthpiece for:

Jones's own excuse why he allows Icke on his channel:

Yet he can't find a better source?

Like a politician pretending he didn't run the attack ad. Nobody will ever see the non-retraction of the politician disclaiming the attack ad, and near-nobody will ever see that third link above.

I could have picked on the Jade Helm 15 nonsense or any other flavor of nonsense. Infowars talks about useful idiots A LOT. They protest just enough for us to notice, but not enough for EVERYONE to notice.

Example of business as usual: Alex Jones treating Icke as the go-to credible witness on the topic of alien conspiracies:

IMHO, David Icke is a British version of Infowars. A little more intellectual, a little more nuanced, but still crazy in its own way, and it never digs beyond th first layer of 'conspiracy'

Noam Chomsky, as a highly respected linguist, is deeply involved in the process of culture control and depending on your personal views (like Jones) you might see him as a dangerous secular progressive thinker.

Alex Jones seems like a controlled shade of Bill Cooper, designed to appeal to Americans' less savory nature, and that makes me sad.

never digs beyond the first layer of conspiracy

you need to see this:

If only he would anonymize these saner moments so that nobody would be able to say "oh so you listen to David Icke" in response to literally everything he has ever exposed.

Maybe, he does it to keep himself alive. You do realize when he talks about aliens/reptilians, it's a metaphor, right?


Now, that, above, is talking in metaphor about aliens in charge of government.

David Icke is just misleading the frightened and undereducated in order to prevent them from making anything of themselves.

The Vulcan's were real in the GWB presidency.

David Icke talking about reptilians is also real as a metaphor, which can be traced back to the esoteric teaching of the two bloodlines of Cain and Abel. Elite/powerful people believe in those teachings. Which is why I said before, you are new to this.

Look into the esoteric story of Cain and Abel. Two brothers, with the same mother but different fathers (Serpent and God). This, could also be a metaphor for the reptilian part of the brain. Psychopaths. They have no remorse, no feeling. They only have predatory behavior and survival instincts. Hence, reptilian.

The Vulcan's were real in the GWB presidency.

I wasn't talking about the part that could be called not-retarded.

I was talking about the retarded part. The part that ruins everything else he says.

Making your link a waste of time.

And by excusing the aliens talk via religion? Not less crazy. More crazy.

I don't know how many millennia it has been, since the last time a person who can't make proper distinctions between speaking poetically about aliens vs. exposing matters of life or death, was considered a sane person. And obviously neither does David Icke.

If you need to have things dressed up in cartoon language in order to talk about things, that is pathetic.

I wasn't talking about the part that could be called not-retarded. I was talking about the retarded part.

Which part? You gave me a video of a politician talking about Klingons.

And by excusing the aliens talk via religion? Not less crazy. More crazy.

There is nothing religious about it. You are confusing religion with esoteric teachings. They are very different.

If you need to have things dressed up in cartoon language in order to talk about things, that is pathetic.

Not if you want to continue spreading knowledge and keep your life, it isn't. It may seem so to you, you seem very new and close minded. Good luck seeking the truth and falling down rabbit holes with your state of mind/logic.

You gave me a video of a politician talking about Klingons.

Yes. That is retarded. And yet it is still illustrative so that we don't forget what "speaking in metaphor" looks like. That is to say, teh congressman had a good point and still needed to sit down and shut up until he thought of a way to say it that could be respected.

There is nothing religious about it. You are confusing religion with esoteric teachings. They are very different.

Let's all pointlessly hash semantics as a way of deflecting criticism! Let's defend psychopaths who think that a shell-shocked soldier seeing secret coded messages talking to him in the flicker frequencies of filaments in lighbulbs during interviews, is proof of aliens! No, let's do neither of those things.

Not if you want to continue spreading knowledge and keep your life, it isn't.

He is inoculating the public against the truth. Anyone who agrees with anything he says can be dismissed as insane because they believe anything David Icke says. That is the opposite of helping.

Good luck ... falling down rabbit holes

Says the person defending talk of aliens during a life or death revolution.

during a life or death revolution.

That you are ill equip for. Keep learning. I suggest opening your mind a little.

Those types of comments can be real slam dunks when you have earned the positioning to back it up.

But when you just sling them as bald faced bullshit in an appeal to ignorant posturing, you just help people memorize the username for progressively lesser and lesser giveashit of what you have to say. Soon you'll be ignored.

Soon you'll be ignored.

You will, little lion heart.

More posturing. You clearly have time to harass people and spew useless bafflegab. Do you ever contribute?

Yes, people who listen to Alex Jones and David Icke do have a compulsion to ignore reality if they can't make it go away with bad rumors, pure mythology, or incomprehensible drivel.

Not aware of Bill Cooper but I don't make it my business to catalog morons.

Icke is a real piece of work, ironically for the exact reasons Jones himself states: such valuable information about the global finance conspiracy and yet he has to taint everything he says with the aliens nonsense. It is undoubtedly effective in inoculating a large number of people against ever believing any of the true things Icke says, and that is where I agree thousands and thousands of percent with you: Jones is the same. He is an intellectual vaccine against waking up. His mission is to make every shade of the revolution look stupid by pairing it with some cartoon-brained crap.

Holy shit you gotta check into Cooper if you're serious about seeing the bigger picture. He's like a founding father of conspiracy theory.

Eh you are now up against someone telling me he's worthless in a post containing things I agree with. Sell it to me (and any onlookers).

Eh you are now up against someone telling me he's worthless in a post containing things I agree with. Sell it to me (and any onlookers).


Thing is this. One of the tactics of political trolling, especially paid political trolling, is to waste time via any possible method.

A very popular new way to do this is to imply a person would be negligent for failing to research a topic... without giving them any reason whatsoever to do so and then shaming them for refusing.

Flying spaghetti monster. I do not care about your "omgz you haven't heard of" and for very good reasons. If it's important and you're not a waste of time then just explain.

Talk about "time waste". You could have already been looking up Cooper on your own, instead of typing out 5 sentences, asking for him to be explained to you.

Everything is also for posterity. I could sit alone and read for the rest of my life if that was useful in a vacuum.

You seem not to have any point then?

Thing is this. One of the tactics of political trolling, especially paid political trolling, is to waste time via any possible method.

Like this paragraph?

A very popular new way to do this is to imply a person would be negligent for failing to research a topic... without giving them any reason whatsoever to do so and then shaming them for refusing.

The reason is stated. He can be considered one of the founding Fathers of modern conspiracy theory.

Flying spaghetti monster. I do not care about your "omgz you haven't heard of" and for very good reasons. If it's important and you're not a waste of time then just explain.

Blah blah blah, "I'm intellectually lazy and just want to be told what to do"... I'm not the guys biographer. Look him up or don't.

(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

founding Fathers of modern conspiracy theory

Nobody needs people like that. We have the FOIA and journalists and whistleblowers and even a few honest congress-critters (no, seriously! Al Franken! Jesse Ventura!)

Or, hey, maybe we do, but if you think it's a waste of time to talk about it, you really must not think it's at all important.

You're stupid.

And this is why I've left the subreddit: because the rules are inverted here. Detract from the conversation to get upvoted, contribute and get downvoted. When did people like you learn to read? I blame video games. You should have been left in the animal pen, someday a small dog might need a brain transplant.

Wait, I'm sorry, let me say that on your level: unfff blurrb gerrr hurr

You're a sad thing... Your anger is a sign of weakness in this context. Leave this place again, nobody needs people like you.

anger is a sign of weakness

Spoken like someone who intends to forever sit here being a useless sophist prick and jerking off to conspiracy porn while the world changes for the worse.

Written. I didn't speak to you nor would I. You assume much and know very little, small minded stranger.

Says the guy who's here batting for a weapon of mass distraction.

To anyone who upvoted this post and who is tired of arguing with a circle of ignorant jerks jerking themselves off in a circle: feel free to friend me. I have left the subreddit.

Soon you'll be ignored.

You will, little lion heart.