Honey bees are being targeted

39  2015-09-30 by nevinator23

I just recently saw on the news that there was a semi-truck full of bees that crashed in Oklahoma, U.S., And I swear I've seen multiple stories like this before involving semi-trucks carrying bees crashing. So I did some quick googling and it turns out there have been at least 6 trucks that have crashed so far this year. I have estimated that it's upwards of 100 million bees! Oklahoma, Washington, California, Idaho - Coeur d'Alene, Howe, Pocatello.

edit- list formatting


and the best way to get rid of the bees (for whatever reason) is to kill them in a truck crash made to look like an accident?

Hey it works on journalists...

And certain UK royalties.

100 million bees. Each hive houses about 50,000 bees, that's a total of 2,000 hives.

That's the size of an average honey bee farm. Wouldn't it just be easier, to set a farm ablaze, over taking out multiple trucks?

Setting a farm on fire doesn't look too much like an accident.

Well if you don't want to kill all of them off quickly, so you make it look like an accident. I assume the less bee population there is the harder and more expensive it will be to get your fields pollinated driving up food cost. Then companies that can create self pollinating GMO's can step in and save the day and sell cheaper products. The consumer drives out the competition by going with the cheaper alternative all while becoming reliant on said products. Next thing you know farms that needed bees to pollinate start taking hits. They either 1- downsize crops so they can afford to pollinate them, 2- go out of business due to too much competition, or 3- give in to big corporations and start using their plants that will self-pollinate all while paying them royalties for their patented plant seeds thus putting a choke hold on the industry to where only the biggest of corporations can afford to stay in the business.

edit- typo

What are you talking about? Are you serious with this truck-crash-bees-genocide nonsense?

We are talking about bees. You can smoke them, spray them, trap them in sugary water... You don't have to crash a truck. You don't have to hide the evidence. Hell, bees have been dying off for over a decade. Check colony collapse disorder (CCD). You could spray 200M bees with the poision today and the worse that would happen would be another bullet point in some CCD statistics

If the chemical companies can break the pollination cycle we will have to PAY then to artificially perform the function.

But you do realize that when a truck full of bees crashes, bees don't really die? They escape. Unless there is huge Michael Bay-esque explosion

So rather than a bee elimination conspiracy, this seems to be a conspiracy to release bees from captivity

Well, that was true for a few of the trucks. Some of the bees were recaptured and taken back. However in one of the stories I think they said they sprayed to kill them off to protect the highway, and in another story (I think an Idaho one) they estimated the bees would most likely be dead within a day or two with the certain climate and without their hives.

Shit like this is the reason most people sees this sub as a joke.

That, and the guy who thought the word "harlot" was a signal for the elite because he noticed it a lot on TV.

Leave then.

You're probably right. This is my first time posting here so I'm not too sure on the kind environment this sub has. I think the thing that makes a conspiracy is just enough believablity for it to be true, but still kind of crazy enough for "normal" people to say it's illogical.

~20 mil. per truck seems pretty high

Those numbers got me curious as they seemed a little high, but some Googling (and learning way too much about the transport of bees) shows numbers like that to be reasonable.

This recent story out of Washington State actually included some interesting facts about the transit of bees. Things such as how they are only transported at night when the bees are less active and how this time of year there are massive amounts of bees being moved around for agriculture use, both of which could be contributing factors in the occurrence of accidents.

thanks for sacrificing that time for the googling and learning so i dont have to (luh u 4 dat breh), cause this is probably whats happening

These accidents happened this year in February, April, June, July, Sept.

I was just going off of numbers I could find in the stories. Not all of the bees were a total loss.

What do you think the motive is?

Pollination. Do some googling and you'll figure out just how important bees are.

I know bees are really important. I guess I just wanted to know more of your thoughts.

Ok let me try.

monsanto wants to own our entire food supply.

They have already introduced their poison into farmers fields who do not use their products.

Take corn in Mexico for example, shitty monsanto crap and chemicals get blown/bee'ed/etc to other natural fields. Pesticides are killing off bees, and what happens when there's no more bees? No more food? I don't think so. I think they, or someone owns a patent for plant growing and fertilization by a bee-less method of some type.

So, once bees die off, so do our fields of the past. Now vertical fields can be moved in place.

Those can't have bees, too messy and abnormal of an environment. Instead, you have to use their bee-machine replacement. Oh! forgot to mention, vertical farms only support this tech, not the old bee-less fields we now have.

The new, expensive-to-get-into vertical farming industry. The one where all the established are connected to Montsano, Dupont, etc, coincidentally.

Enjoy your old square land fields you can't farm on with their poison saturated into them, with no bees to carry pollen for you anymore anyway.

Or, I don't know... I'm not /u/Supertact I'm just saying this is /r/conspiracy/ and i think it's ok here to get a bit creative here. :)

Some interesting points you made. I was just trying to spark the conversation about the bees in the first place.

Weeelll there's always that Gmo/Monsanto conspiracy, where they are trying to create plants that will just self pollinate thus ending the need for bees.

Support bee farming!

Recently saw this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbMV9qYIXqM&feature=youtu.be

Keep it real

There are about 5.5 million auto accidents/crashes per year in the U.S.

Is it so hard to believe that 6 of them were trucks carrying bees?

Why would anyone deliberately want to target bees? I don't see how anyone would benefit from that. It would lead to declining food production, but why would anyone want that?

To kill us and make Monsanto food our only choice.

That sounds like a really stupid plan. Are we to believe that TPTB are complete retards?

They are not stupid, just pure evil.

But not all those bees are going to die, and thus be released into nature again... I'd think they'd use a more effective way of getting rid of them.

Do we have any idea how many bees actually died in the wrecks? What...we are worried they aren't wearing seatbelts?

There is a multi-pronged attack on food right now, presumably to drive the prices up, and create a new, more profitable normal for Wall Street, and also to give poor people something to think about besides how and why they have been impoverished.


Those are some good points. I, of course, don't have much info to compare to car crashes in general. Didn't research that much. I'm purely going off of the fact that I've seen so many stories on semis carrying bees crashed. Either i'm watching more news and am better informed than I have been before, or a small pattern is emerging.

Honey bees are non-native to the US...

So technically if they all died, that would actually be the most natural outcome.

If it's possible to clone sheep, is it possible to clone bees?

Trying to tell people this has been going on for some time now. China has to hand-pollinate which literally one bee has to be replaced by hundreds if not thousands of workers.

bee careful!

I bet you can't get done for bee slaughter just the same as glorious and supreme caitlyn Jenner can't get done for man slaughter hey?