It seems like this subreddit favors Russia and Putin and abhors Israel and Nettinyahoo. This may be valid, and it may not; the conspiracy is...

0  2015-10-01 by [deleted]



I see all kind of opinions here so the 'r/conspiracy is pro-X' usually doesn't make sense. It's only when brigades and shills invade that we see a dozen bait posts trying to paint a skewed facade on the sub.

That some here may now gloat a bit over his army making the Coalition look bad may be problematic but I don't see a blind pro-Putin lovefest.


you are smarter than the others but you arrive way too late for this sub, i would focus on saving the safe subs if i were you, they need your talent

First off, this is important: Ad hominem

I don't think many people here would actually defend Putin, the lifelong KGB agent, as a real "hero" of the people.

But what is heroic about him is his current opposition of the Western war machine. He's actually doing something about one of the matters that this entire sub revolves around.

At least myself, when I mention Putin in good light it is not venerating him personally but praising his stance or action. i.e. Most people aren't saying "Putin is a saint" but instead "Check out some true things that Putin said".

That's a good riposte to the OP's obvious strawman argument.

Well said.

I think what Putin and Russia are doing in Syria is nothing short of heroic. And what I mean by that is he is putting his middle finger in the face of the war machine. Starting fake wars and letting soldiers die for no other reason than profit is deplorable and he basically said I'll stop this shit right now...he had planes in the skies within a day and told NATO... "WERE COMING IN"

I dislike both Putin and Netinyahu.

one of his previous opponents was going to beat him in a recent election

Wait... whhat???


First off, you think Nemtsov was about to beat Putin?? Second off, you think Putin... fuck that, you think Nemtsov was about to beat Putin???

In what election? The last Presidential election was 2012. Nemtsov was murdered 2015. The next election is 2018.

Wow. Can't even get a basic lie right.

See, this right here is why much of Reddit is backing Putin. The west is flinging lies like monkeys fling shit, and they don't even make sense.


I can't imagine Putin gave one single fuck about the guy. His approval rating is like 85%, largely for leading the fight against the west.

And they caught the Chechen guy who killed Nemtsov. Somehow that's Putin's fault?

Do you see how you guys torpedo your own credibility? Wait.. are you secret Russians?


Looks, to me, like it's Russia's turn to be the "good guy". I don't know if that's artificial, or how long that'll last, but there you have it.


Homosexuals represent 19 percent of the population


My God you're funny...

Russia is doing something for the better of the world, and I'm on board with that.

What they do in Russia is all on them, and I'm not on board with any of that.

What I do know is that ISIS is stirring up shit, and the USA is not doing anything but aiding them, and giving them publicity.

They have been saying for almost a year that they are going to do something about it, and Russia finally steps up to address the problem at the UN, and quickly takes action against ISIS. I was surprised when I checked reddit today, to find that Russia has been bombing ISIS territory day and night.

I am on board with that. Controlled opposition or not, I really hope this stirs the shitpot for Obama admin.

Given my unbiased response, I feel there are a lot of Putin band wagoners, who are settling in the satisfaction they get from him taking action, who are strongly biased against Obama admin, and see past how he runs his own country.

That doesn't mean they are supporting Putin in ways of banning gays, or offing his opponents in elections. In fact, I don't see what either of those Russian matters have to do with bombing ISIS at all. If you have a problem with things like that, maybe you should take it up with your own country who has been shrouded in political mystery for ages. I don't know why you're here acting like everyone is defecting to Russia or something.

That is the tip of the iceberg regarding Putin...

Cite something. Where are you getting all this inside english from?

Im not a conspiracy theorist. Im here confused as to why the fuck anyone would pick Russia to be their "lesser evil"

Russia, you know... the place where they made being openly gay basically illegal.

the place where they made being openly gay basically illegal.

First off, if you're going to talk about another country, at least know what you are talking about. Being gay is not illegal in Russia. You will not go to jail for it. There is however a law about homosexuality and Pedophilia propaganda towards children. Listen with your own ears to Putin himself talking about it. We in the West are so brainwashed with pro Western propaganda. It's bloody ignorant.

its "basically" illegal to be "openly" gay.

You can't hold a meeting about the violence against gay people because it will be considered propagnada.

The fact that you think "the west" is this unified entity is insane. There is no western propaganda. Culture is different because that's how it develops

Just take a second to look at north and south korea. One son of russia one son of america.

its "basically" illegal to be "openly" gay.

Under the law, not it's not.

You can't hold a meeting about the violence against gay people because it will be considered propagnada.

Got a source/example for that? The law says propaganda towards children not adults.

The fact that you think "the west" is this unified entity is insane. There is no western propaganda. Culture is different because that's how it develops

You seem naive. There is a concerted effort by the main Western powers to paint East-Asia as evil commie fascist scum and an enemy to democracy. Which are lies, fear mongering and complete utter bullshit.


Russia is a very conservative country, with deep roots in the Orthodox church. It's not illegal to be gay, it's illegal to propagandize towards children, which I think it's a good law. As for gay people getting beaten up, sure you will have that but it will die down over time. Gay people used to get harassed and beat up in the US also. Now a days it's more acceptable.

I'm all for gay rights, but gay rights are the least of my concern. Is that really the only bad thing you can pin on Russia?

And you can say they control the media...but seriously, look at our country.

yea. In the USA. No one controls the media. Fox news MSN and CNN are just a bunch of competitive companies. You think anyone controls jackwads like Bill Orielly?

Does the media control E! is Bruce Jenner a false flag?

Is histroy channels nonstop ancient aliens reruns just the governments way of throwing off the sent of the real location of area 51?

Don't you realize nobody even watches TV? anyone who is anybody is watching youtube. You cant control that.

No idea what you are saying. Our news is almost entirely propaganda and completely controlled. There is an agenda behind everything.

Nope. You can relax in knowing our news isn't propaganda and isn't controlled. Is Anderson Cooper a government agent? Gretchen Carlson?

Not even russias news is the level control you talk about. They simply censor some stuff and make up crap like "soldiers went on vacation to ukraine to fight"

Even some censoring is bad.

You think / say Mafia and skip over Mossad.


Fuck Putin too. Fucking oligarch gangster asshole scumfuck.

That guy was not even the opposition leader and wasnt going to be elected, your point still stands. The money masters weave tangled webs.

But the way Putin is venerated here; well, frankly it's suspicious. He is in control of a massive empire which is largely ruled by a mafia criminal class.

Hold your thoughts there cowboy, you could equally be describing Obama or Cameron. The truth be told they all work for banking/energy interests.

Putin is not revered here but sometimes it's healthy to listen to supposed enemy voices. The conspiracy page has no allegiance to anyone but Putin makes for interesting geopolitical drama.

Besides, and given the last 15-20 years of US interfering and meddling in the middle east, who can really look at Vlad and say he is the real enemy?

Sometimes the biggest threat is the enemy within


Obama, Cameron and Nettinyahoo are painted as tyrants in here... I have never seen a piece that made Obama out to be a freedom supporting hero.

Well I'm in the UK and in all honesty and seriousness you would do really well to find anyone who sees Cameron as a hero. I can't really speak for America but our current leader is pretty much a hated figure wherever you go.


whilst all other world leaders are painted as tyrants in this subreddit.

All other world leaders?! That's not really true is it. Haven't Obama, Blair, Bush done many 'questionable things?'

Putin in no saint but non of the major leaders are.


I disagree with that. He's a quality speaker and has made some relevant points on Syria and ISIS. Points that show the hypocrisy of Obama and Cameron so why shouldn't those points be highlighted?

Rebuttals and counter arguments should be encouraged.

/r/conspiracy doesn't favour anyone.

The US government will not listen to its people or the UN. It took Putin and Russia to finally throw the bullshit of training "moderate rebels" into the National limelight.

Being an American this instance has been a conversation starter with family and friends to show the truth of the war on terror. Putin 60 minutes speech and UN address is enough to get people thinking for themselves about what we are doing in the middle east.

Yet we must stay active for propaganda from both sides, yet I'd rather support stabilizing Syria then looking for a way to remove Assad, preferably not through a war or coup, but dialogue with the people of Syria. Iraq and Libya proved that ousting a leader does not mean stability will come to these middle eastern nations.



the place where they made being openly gay basically illegal.

First off, if you're going to talk about another country, at least know what you are talking about. Being gay is not illegal in Russia. You will not go to jail for it. There is however a law about homosexuality and Pedophilia propaganda towards children. Listen with your own ears to Putin himself talking about it. We in the West are so brainwashed with pro Western propaganda. It's bloody ignorant.

I'm all for gay rights, but gay rights are the least of my concern. Is that really the only bad thing you can pin on Russia?

And you can say they control the media...but seriously, look at our country.