A brief introduction to shill software

149  2015-10-03 by [deleted]

Megaphone Desktop Tool Wiki

Collactive Wiki

Shoutlet Wiki


The company primarily targets nonprofit and advocacy groups, allowing them to mobilize their supporters through linking various social media. For example, the new technology lets groups send messages that include YouTube videos or news articles linked directly to online popularity sites like Digg, which can increase the material's visibility.

https://web.archive.org/web/20100330024930/http://collactive.com/partners (Active at least until 2013. This replaced Megaphone desktop. No idea what the replacement for this is)

Collactive is focused on licensing the Collactive Social Media Manager to give professionals an edge in today’s highly dynamic Web 2.0 environment.

Collactive enhances and expands the offering of:

PR Agencies
Advertising Agencies
Marketing Companies


Features like most-viewed, most-popular and most-emailed lists [like Reddit and Digg] democratize news and information, advocates say, letting consumers play a role in what's deemed worthy of others' attention, taking it out of the hands of an unseen editorial elite. Now, though, a diverse group of actors -- ranging from spyware makers to a venture-backed start-up -- is helping push specific videos, articles and photos to the top of those lists. Some of the Web sites targeted now are having to grapple with how to draw the line between user input and unacceptable manipulation.

I'm sure this is just scratching the surface...


The instant downvotes mean you must be on the right track, fucking shill scum.

Oh yeah. Follow New and you'll see interesting submissions killed with immediate and massive downvote brigades. It's very common.

Glad to see this one cracked through the shill barrier. Break on through...

Only after reports about it and my above post were ignored by the mods... Thanks, mods.

This should tell you shomething.

Great post, thanks for raising visibility on this important issue. It's not just reddit, this is happening all over the internet.

Oh wow. Thank you for this post.

X-post from /r/internetpr

There's tons of good info in that sub.

Thanks very much, I will take a look. I may not understand it all but....the knowledge this is all out there is enough support for an argument that we're being manipulated on so many levels by so many people.

/u/NutritionResearch has done a fantastic job with that sub.

I do wonder, sometimes, whether we "good guys" should be using these tools and techniques too. We operate under a perhaps naive assumption that just telling the truth and playing fair will win the day in the long run. Meanwhile, we're posting against brigades of deceivers, arguing with shills and their 10 alts,...

I dunno man.

Yeah, that's a good question. I mean there are countless forums through which people and certain groups meet and stay in contact. They certainly use tools as shown by OP. Or think of intelligence agencies. Just two links which show the techniques that are used to infiltrate, manipulate & more..

We should all be using this software for organizing government into the digital age. For connecting with our states and municipalities, our representatives. Ideally we could organize it to link voting records and to speak with constituents. It would hold all to accountability. This is why we use technology for subversive means. Because our crooks in offices globally don't want organisation to take place against their leadership and business practices.

The revolving door of business and government all but guarantees collusion against workers and citizens of any region.

Well that is a different frame, and I like it. It's the People's Government, not an insurgent group. We represent the will of the people. They are the terrorists.

This is literally true. Ain't that some shit.

Shills are crafty and they have nothing but time and an unhealthy obsession with infiltration. I'd have to assume that one of them would "infiltrate" our super secret anti-shill network and "expose it." Then, that will drown out all mentions of PR agencies using the software, and place full blame on us. They did the same thing with Russia. All they do is point out how there's so many "Putin-bots" after one NYT article claimed there was a measly 400 Russian shills- a drop in the bucket.

Could be used in other ways. Maybe just to organize, not vote brigade, and stuff like that.

Very true. Take this very subreddit, for example. Hell, I have no way to prove that I'm not a agent, let alone you. And when AI really gets cranking, what hope is there?

The other extreme is that each person should just do their own thing. If we're all aligned to truth, that will be our overarching marching order.

I just can't see how a disorganized mob can make any head-way against an organized machine. Seems like wishful thinking.

You should maybe try using evidence and logic in your arguments

A great example is that little thread you had about thyroid cancer where you were clearly demonstrated to not use evidence, logic or reasoning in your post

That's why conspiracy theorists aren't taken seriously. When you get debunked over and over again, people stop listening

I'm arguing with somebody who is using at least 5 alts and a brigade of at least 10, who uses naked personal attacks to "sway" the argument.


Jesus H fucking Christ if there was a machine powered by stupidity we could hook your retarded ass up to it and power the entire country for the next 3000 generations.

Oh and they just spun up a Top Minds thread.


And mods they ainnn saynnn shit

The ferocity with which I'm getting brigaded tells us the shills desperately don't want this information out. But the more they suppress it, the more attention it draws.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's a beautiful thing.

You have made no arguments against the information the poster presented clearly discretion and refuting your assertions

Yeah, there are dozens of shills with alts, posting misinformation. There's not way that you can be wrong about something, right? Must be the shills.

A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, false binary, black-and-white thinking, bifurcation, denying a conjunct, the either–or fallacy, fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, the fallacy of false choice, the fallacy of the false alternative, or the fallacy of the excluded middle) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option.


Any individual with even average intelligence must admit that shills exist. There are obviously many people who are not shills. There are also very likely hoards of individuals who have read shill rhetoric and have decided to spread it around, basically shilling for free.

Also, there's probably tons of shills who have alt accounts and use them to lessen the impact of the shill accusation by calling anyone and everyone they see shills so that it becomes an old, tired, and useless word. If I was a PR agency, this would be on the top of my to-do list, so this passes the "what would I do" test.

Fantastic response.

I agree with your first sentence.

I saw this dropping in rank, so I made sure to upvote it... Who would downvote this? Oh yeah... I know.

Makes sense. Cannot be this many dumb people around.

Shills are the cancer that are destroying reddit. And if you call them on it, your comment will be deleted by a certain mod whose name I won't say but rhymes with "FlovereignFlan".

My top comment up there was approved by Sov, as was the whole post...

"approved" how? Was it caught in a spam filter?

It was in the modlog, reported under god knows which rule and so was my comment which just happened to be the first one.

yepppppppp and lots of JIDF shills.

Can't this sub be set to an "invite only" type of thing, so only people who have a post history and one name per IP could get on?

I know it would be a mod nightmare at first but surely something can be done? Voat is getting noticed by JIDF as well...

It could be set to private, but then it loses all public visibility and becomes useless for informing the public. It could be set to submitters need to be approved, but then we're at the mercy of the mods. (pssst: I hate to tell you this, but...)

Wish there was some software that would ID shill comments and submissions.

RES tagging? That's specific to each person, though.

There may be a way to import "shill" tags from an external file:

The use would be that users keep a central list of known or suspected or known shills, then sync that list among ourselves, and auto-hide the shills. poof!

The downside is that most of the shilling effort is directed not at us, but at the lurker audience, largely made of casual users that probably won't have RES installed. And by us ignoring the shills, it grants them an uncontested stage before that audience.

Still, it might be worth doing. Or maybe worth considering, in some capacity, as a feature for a future Reddit clone.

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Wowz I gotta look into this

Gee, most of my downvoters are nowhere to be found once it becomes SATURDAY?! Who takes the day off from "work" on Saturdays?!

A lack of action can be just as telling as an action.

There's gotta be a shill database too. Like, to rebut certain arguments, they produce particular propaganda or manufactured "evidence". I keep seeing this again and again.

I'm currently arguing with somebody who is using at least 5 alts and a brigade of at least 10, who uses naked personal attacks to "sway" the argument.


Jesus H fucking Christ if there was a machine powered by stupidity we could hook your retarded ass up to it and power the entire country for the next 3000 generations.

Oh and they just spun up a Top Minds thread.


And mods they ainnn saynnn shit

The ferocity with which I'm getting brigaded tells us the shills desperately don't want this information out. But the more they suppress it, the more attention it draws.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's a beautiful thing.

80 votes and +16 for the submission. That puts the post quite far down the ranks (84th right now), and thus the comment voting patterns do not align with what I would expect to see. I'd say report for vote brigading. There must be at least 30 people there who should be banned.

I've reported a number of comments for personal attacks -- they're just using naked insults as a rhetorical device at this point -- but I'm not getting any response from the mods. Haven't been for several days now. Do I go straight to admin?

Gosh it's funny how mod behavior just did a complete 180 on me when I started exploring WTC nuclear demolition.

Based upon your recent postings I decided to go review your profile to see what kind of stuff you post. So to help clarify, my insult was an outburst which is obviously true as you continue to feel like you are in the right. As a side point, i also find it hilarious that you are happy to insult countless others but as soon as it's pointed at you, you cry to the mods.


For the next 2 minutes anyway. Tonight is a school night, back to work in the morning.


And I'm reporting you to your mother for being a crybaby

Well I reported for brigading. No response, and it's been several hours.

Reddit is broken. /r/conspiracy is becoming TopMinds.

Well, there is always the voat alternative. Get there before they preemptively try and take it over. I am one of the mods at v/911thuth. We are small but there are educated users there. The idiots see quickly that their shit doesn't stick there and move on. And the CSS is cool.

Voat. With the Star of David in the logo and Baphomet for a mascot.

Seems legit.

Could be used in other ways. Maybe just to organize, not vote brigade, and stuff like that.

Very true. Take this very subreddit, for example. Hell, I have no way to prove that I'm not a agent, let alone you. And when AI really gets cranking, what hope is there?

The other extreme is that each person should just do their own thing. If we're all aligned to truth, that will be our overarching marching order.

I just can't see how a disorganized mob can make any head-way against an organized machine. Seems like wishful thinking.

Oh yeah. Follow New and you'll see interesting submissions killed with immediate and massive downvote brigades. It's very common.

Glad to see this one cracked through the shill barrier. Break on through...