Any Bernie Sanders supporters out there worried about his safety?

9  2015-10-04 by [deleted]



i believe he's got protection from a higher order

I want to know what his real stance is on Israel.

He's a zionist. There's your answer, bro.

So glad all of reddit is voting for him. Maybe they can get the hatred of fat people banned irl too.


I know that I ran across a short little video of him at some Israel/zionist rally or something getting extremely upset at some people that were demonstrating and protesting against Israel. If you side with Israel to almost any extent, that really does not look good if it's "peace on Earth" that you're thinking about.

2 state solution

Break up the banks

lol, then why did he coward out from auditing the Central Bank (The Federal Reserve)? Sounds to me like he is a coward/deceiver, but then again, all of them are. So, I wont partake. Nothing but theatre.

Nothing but. Controlled opposition at best through and through.


Nothing but. Anyone thinking otherwise just isn't. Paying. Attention.

EDIT: Fucking coward. Deleting his butt-licking account because he got shown up to be a boot licker. Here you go. Take this with you as you continue to attempt to champion Bernie Sanders as a "for the people!" type of candidate.


Blaming others for not.paying.attention. is a lame excuse for...

I'm not blaming people for not paying attention. I'm simply saying that it seems most people aren't is all.

is a lame excuse for not doing what you can to inform others if you are actually right about things.

I don't pretend to be some "messiah paragon of truth and information!" but I do what I can to help and inform others of the little things that I know here and there. Sanders in all likelihood being little more than a stooge is one of those things I (occasionally) mention to others. The fervor of some people still stuck in the ferris wheel rigmarole of politics is so ardent, however, that sometimes many just don't listen or get it even if I do or anyone else does chime in and let it be known that 99.999% of the candidates in and around office are all compromised.

As such, I wouldn't say that I "don't inform others". I just realize that I'm not any sort of paragon of data. I'm a work in progress like pretty much all of us are. I go with where the evidence I've uncovered points, and although I try to do my due diligence and be intelligent, the fact of the matter is that I can certainly be wrong about some things - so I don't walk around trying to "spout proclamations for everyone to hear!" Na. I inform about the little I can, but it's still ultimately a "take it or leave it" kind of thing really.

Also, saying that and then not explaining what my attention is missing is lame as well.

Well, it's like this, man. Bernie Sanders is an Ashkenazi "Zionist first" Jew. Given this fact, it means he is in all likelihood also a sayanim...and given that fact, that lets you know a lot about where his loyalties lie...and, hint: It's not with the country that he's running for the presidency of.

Think about that for a moment. Think about the consequences of that for this country if he were to become president of the United States. You think Obama is bad? Well get ready...

That's like a little kid going "nyah, nyah, I know something you don't, and you're an idiot"

I hope you see now that that wasn't exactly what I was doing, bro. I wasn't being that nasty w/you. At all. I'm not thinking or feeling that in the least here.

I'm just providing some information is all. Cheers,


Yeah sorry if I'm coming across abrasive, just trying to punch some people in the stomach.

Yeah no worries, bro. I guess all I’m saying is that you might want to be just a little bit careful as to why exactly you’re wanting to punch some people in the stomach is all. I mean Sanders may a good guy. I don’t know. What I DO know, however, is that Zionism is a bad, baaad fucking plague of a filthy virus on the entire planet, and anyone who protects Zionism is someone who I would much sooner not have trying to push things forward in any country on this planet - let alone the U.S.

I'm still not convinced he's a zionist at all. His history shows nothing but integrity, fighting for the common man and not taking rich peoples money

I understand, but A) I did see that video of him totally protecting and siding with Zionism and getting really mad at people demonstrating against Israel. Also B) understand that, with Zionism and many (not all, but many) Ashkenazi Jews, things aren’t JUST about money…It’s about power. It’s about “conquering the goyim”. It’s about “ruling the dirty, vile masses and taking our rightful place as the leaders of humanity that we are!” kind of shit. Sounds insane, I know…but so do The Protocols also sound insane…and yet its tenets are exactly what Israel has been moving toward for many years now. As such, and again, anyone who sides with Israel seems to be an enemy of humanity…and Bernie sides with Israel. So that’s not a good thing…at all.

All this is to say that, for Zionists - especially sayanim Zionists as Sanders may very well be - there are certain things a lot more important than just money alone: Preserving Zionist tenets…even if it means coming across as a “humble, low paid politician that doesn’t except money from donors. Yeh! Let’s vote for him in office then!! Woohoo!” [famous last words of a citizenry]

Or is it just people jumping to conclusions?

For my part, I’m absolutely not jumping to conclusions. I’m basing my conclusions on valid observations and logic. If Sanders isn’t an “Israel first” Zionist, then great. However, I wouldn’t bet that he isn’t. That’s all I’m saying.


the only people who actually know the truth about things either take it too far into nutso land or are completely ineffective getting the word out.

Well, often the truth on this planet very much is nuts. Reminds me of a saying attributed to Friedrich Nietzche: Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad.

Similarly: And those who did not understand just how fucked up things on this planet were thought those that brought it to light were insane.

All it takes to dismiss folks in here is simple derision.

On one level, this would seem to be correct. On another level, however, when you use critical thinking, you can actually see past the initial derision that many initially come forward with. Part of the key to getting at the truth is to be a sufficiently critical thinker to be able to sift the wheat from the chaff - the truth from the lies, the signal from all the noise.

"HAHA, conspiracy theorist!" And everyone sinks back into their little hidey holes.

The weak ones very well might. The ones that are sufficiently strong of constitution don’t give in so quickly and will question the troll/derider.

For fucks sake, the whole banking thing isn't even a conspiracy.

…Really? You really think that? Wow. Do some research, bro. Seriously. A conspiracy involves two or more individuals colluding in secret for their benefit against that of another. The banking system is BY DEFINITION a conspiracy.

Presidents throughout history have been fighting them

No they haven’t. At all…Not even close actually. One president fought them many years ago and had an attempt on his life made…Another fought them…and actually got killed for his efforts. Most others simply towed the line and did as they were told by their money masters.

I want to punch all of you in the fucking throat, but in a nice way.

Gotta say though, seems so far like you’re the one who needs punching in the throat, however.

Bernie sides with Israel.

I'm not sure about that. He hasn't said anything formally.

As if he would? What? “Hey, everyone. I side with Israel. Just wanted ya’ll to know.” Come on, bro. It’s chess they’re playing here. Not checkers.

if he turns out to be a Zionist, what's changed? We're all fucked anyway.

…What? Did I really read that correctly? Are you literally saying here that it doesn’t matter if the POTUS is a Zionist or not? Wat? Wow.

You sure it’s other people that need kicking in the throat and stomach?

Certainly Clinton and all the valid Republicans are establishment. So, he's our only choice, and a good one at that if he's not Zionist.

Wow, man. You’re stuck in a left right only paradigm…and it’s not working.

Just think, all of you may be hurting your own cause if he's genuine (so good job folks,)

Not my “cause”. My cause has little to do with politics in the U.S. in general.

and if he's not, oh well, right back where we started, fucked.

You are, apparently REALLY that lost that you don’t realize just how much worse things would get if we OPENLY had “the United States of Israel” running the country. I mean I know this is pretty much already the case covertly, but if Zionism ruled the U.S. the way it does Israel, then you’d be seeing a LOT more Americans looking like Palestinians than you apparently have any idea about.

So, since things are so bad in our society, you ALL should be jumping at the chance for a real possible chance at change

And that has to do with THE PEOPLE, dude. You, me, all of us coming together INDEPENDENT of any fucking politician “leading the lemmings” like a fucking pied piper down the cliff of oblivion.

But, instead, people sit back and be defeatists because there's no chance at change. Sigh.

No, YOU’RE sitting back already defeated thinking that the way to fix anything is through voting on some fucking president puppet, when the REAL fix involves the people coming together and making the change that they/we wish the politicians would make for us.

Wake up, stop giving your power away, and realize that POTUS is going to do all of zero to fix things in this country.

He is no JFK.

They shouldn't be, or else they are fooling themselves as much as the American Left's very own Donald Trump is fooling them. Truth is, Bernie really isn't that radically different from the central banking status quo.

He's moved to block Audit the Fed in the senate. He has had anti-war protesters arrested outside of his office for denouncing his decision to vote for Hillary's husband's 'humanitarian bombing' of Kosovo. He also opposes open borders just as ravenously as Donald Trump does.

Look into his actual positions. Bernie alone presents little to no threat to central banking or all that much of the status quo. It's his supporters who are.

That's why his run is really so dangerous to establishment Democrat Hillary Clintonites. It's the people empowered by his run to think for themselves they are afraid of.


Do you really believe what you just said?

I think for mipbar, it's not so much solving the problem that matters as it is thinking he's part of the solution.

Therefore, Bernie is good, whether he's good or not, because it let mipbar think he was making a difference and standing up to the man.


Sorry man,I was just baffled by that statement. That's why I asked if you really believed it. I disagree. No ones waking up because of him. And the Fed audit is impossible to ignore. We disagree, that's fine


You're way too aggressive and presumptuous. That's why people don't exchange ideas with you. You come here expecting a bukkake of information from other people? There's just no point debating you! Cry whatever you want as a response! And, a plus, you think he'll "break the banks"... Ok dude! Be happy


Aaaaaaw, at least get me a tissue!!!!!

as if you think we have a choice

every president is either indoctrinated or assassinated

Heh, that wolf has you does he?

Surely your nervous energy could be put to better use, yes?

Paint the basement, give your dog a bath...



Hope you feel better, mi.

I was thinking about this a lot... there are thousands of people who are very rich and probably want to see him killed!

Like basically every bank owner, saudi oil industry and the arms industry aswell.

Let's hope for the best and he stayy safe because this is the only way they can stop him.

From my perspective, anybody that is focusing on politicians is party to the problem of the corruption in this country. You are investing into a club you dont belong to. This club uses clueless people to maintain power over you, why would you actively allow this election after election? Its a scam of the highest order and the best thing you can do is turn you back on that system and work toward investing your energy in things close to home with people you know you can trust. People in politics are caught in a machine that there is no escape from. They cant, and wont work to make things better for the people. The system was designed to empower foreign interests we are indebted to.


The system isnt going to change for one man, its built and exactley works as it should its not built for us. Also you are using terms they created and dont benefit the people. This whole system you are looking at, media, government society is a game to trick you into subscribing to a system that has no purpose other than to enrich foreign debtors. There are better ways to handle this by working in your community to bring about change.


If you understood that we are in debt to a foreign entity you would understand that things cannot change until we divest ourselves from fiat currency and that debt based system. The U.S government is their to extract wealth from the people due to a debt we made during the civil war. If you need some references I can provide them to you, but really you have been living under a lie, all of us have.


Dude its not going to happen, our government is created around this system of banking. The whole system works for it, everything that a politician does is because of it. You can't change a system on the same level it was created, To change something you build a new model that makes the preexisting one obsolete. That is how change will come, by people divesting from government, redirecting their energy toward creating small groups of individuals who work toward the common good.

You can't change a system of power who's foundations are designed to dis-empower your every move as you try to go about changing it. The system will force you out every single time. How many years has this been happening? 50? 100? you still do not get it? its like people have been brainwashed and the brainwashing moves from generation to generation. They have you convinced that if you work within their system that some day things will change. Im here to tell you that is a lie, you cannot change a system that was designed to exploit the people because you are playing in their game, not your own. Bernie is playing in a game that is not his own, I dont care how good he is its a waste of time, we are better off working on systems we control not using a frame work we dont control. Here I outline strategies that will actual work, but we have to start taking charge of self-government, not trying to represent ourselves by selecting someone to represent us. That is a fools way of doing things, it means we are to stupid or lazy to make our own change, and expect someone else to do it for us. That's just mentally insane. nobody, under the conditions we are living in is going to make that happen. All representation does it centralized power at the top waiting for the right person to get it to fuck it up. Its better if we are making changes as individuals in a decentralized society were power cant be centralized.


I never said we have to overthrow the government. I just said we need to put our energy where we can make a difference.

This is really hard for people who have invested their whole lives into society to understand. But please listen to what I am really saying and not what society tells you I am saying.

Changing you tactics, doesn't mean you are giving up. It just means that you know where your power lies and you dont try to convince yourself that you can make change with someone elses creation.

I run a website where I am trying to change this, but from a place of power, not from a place of weakness.

Please remember that you need to stop thinking in terms of what society says and start really thinking for yourself. Propaganda works really well at making people thing some of their ideas are there own when what really happens is it actually convinces you to take on ideas that dont benefit you. To continue a illusion that you are better off with the same system of government that has not change on iota in 100 years or more, eventually you have to stop banging your head against the wall and try something different.


You say try something different implying YOU have the answer, and I'm a deluded propagandized moron. Well, what's going to topple the government, sir?

Im sorry I didn't mean it that way. I just said that I dont think using our current system of government and politics is the answer, and I see a lot of people doing what society tells them works. Am I wrong for questioning that and making a point of it?

I also know that Bernie may be a Zionist in which case, oh well, we're fucked anyway, or I know that every last damn thing may not be a lie and he may actually accomplish breaking up the banks.

And if he does, are you going to feel like an ass? :D

I will apologies and feel like an ass :) But like a said it will never happen. The banks control this game, its not in their interest to allow it to change, short of a revolution. But all revolutions do is bring the same thing back in another form. That's the definition of a revolution. Like a revolution on a dial. We have to think about what these words we use mean. To me it just looks like another word created by the control system to empower people to think revolutions brings change when its just an illusion to make people feel that way while it allows more of the same.


Hey its an idea, maybe its not a good one, or maybe people dont want to do any work to make a better society independent of our existing government, but at least I am doing something to get people thinking differently. :D.

You ever watched WCW or NWO? This whole political thing in America, ITS THE EXACT SAME SHIT. If Bernie was a threat he'd already be dead.

Money will win. The Banksters always win.

The system isnt going to change for one man, its built and exactley works as it should its not built for us. Also you are using terms they created and dont benefit the people. This whole system you are looking at, media, government society is a game to trick you into subscribing to a system that has no purpose other than to enrich foreign debtors. There are better ways to handle this by working in your community to bring about change.