It seems to me the New World Order needs a common enemy in order for justification of its creation.

15  2015-10-05 by [deleted]



I don't know of anyone that is aware of the issues at hand that would suddenly revert to being unaware, for the sake of not upsetting the system that they have become aware of. That would be like the entire cast of The Matrix getting pissed at Morpheus and demanding to be put back in the Matrix, right after they learned the truth.

If people are getting upset with you and shutting you out, they might just be at odds with whatever you're selling. In other words, they might think that your view of the problems at hand is not as developed as it should be, and this makes you a suspicious person in their eyes. If you're so advanced in your analysis, you should have no problem understanding where the real power comes from, and how much of this illusion is to their benefit. I'll start ya off with a couple of pointers:

It's not lizards.

It's not the Vatican.

It's not even the U.S.A.

It's funny you mention the matrix. Perhaps you should watch it again. Morpheus specifically states that you cannot free a mind that is not ready to be unplugged. Also I do not believe in alien lizards taking over the world. The other two you mentioned are not the root but I do believe are proxies.

At the heart of the matter, in it's simplest form, the problem is... assholes. Psychopathic, predatory, motherfucking assholes. That they tend to be from one particular group more than any other need not be an issue. Exterminate the psychopaths, and you have your freedom.

They keep us entranced and jumping through hoops with rules and laws. Meanwhile they control military technology beyond our wildest dreams. I fear we will be the ones who are exterminated.

No they don't. You accept that. You accept that words, writing, and threats will control your thoughts and actions. It is simultaneously easy and difficult to just ignore them and do your own thing. It's a choice and always has been. Quit living in their illusion.

A majority of people follow the law. The rest end up in prison or dead.

Everybody ends up dead eventually. The majority of people can't follow their laws because a majority of people aren't educated on their laws. Wrap your head around it, you are consenting to their control. They need our consent. Withdraw the consent, defend your freedom. Being free isn't harming anyone so if you're threatened with violence or imprisoning for exercising your freedom you have two options. Give in and fear them or defend yourself and be free.

Now think about how this would change things if everyone could really comprehend this fundamental truth.

A majority of people know basic laws starting with the Ten Commandments. Everyone may end up dead eventually but there is a difference between murdered by the state for doing something they don't want you to do and living a long life. If people want to resist in longevity they must follow the rules at least somewhat.

Thinking this way is what keeps you afraid and on this site instead of out in real life enjoying it. Quit assuming to know what others are thinking. Find out what you yourself thinks.

I know what I think. Nim not on here to be afraid but to inform.

Inform of what?


Then sit back and enjoy the toasting. Me? I don't think it's "beyond our wildest dreams", this tech they control. Sure, it's neato... but it's not perfect, and it's hyped up to keep the civvies in line. Hell, their bunkers were built by some very disgruntled contractors, every single one of them. The Manhattan project was a tactical blunder. See if you can figure out why?

If I'm going to be killed off I'm not going anywhere without resistance. And in regards to military tech the entire reason for space exploration is for space weapons. The pentagon also happens to have put trillions of dollars into projects that are completely unknown. They are at least decades ahead technologically.

Meh, so what. If they have enough space based weapons to destroy us, they certainly aren't going to be phased by an attack from a fleshy little biped on the planet's surface, so I see no need to be concerned with that kind of battle.

Besides, it's not the civilian populace they need fear. It's those they think are stupid enough to man their keyboards and fight for the man in the first place. Their ship is sinking.

Their ship is sinking? They just passed the TPP and are ramping up war in the Middle East. I see the police state grow in America everyday. Meanwhile we are here on our keyboards dicking around in the matrix.

You don't see how after centuries of meticulous planning and schemes they are suddenly rushed and in a hurry?

Your free will is what's needed for their authority. Withdraw it.

Mores law is what is causing the acceleration. They want to keep up with the growth of tech.

Tech grows with the outside energy injected into it. It isn't a natural growth.

Listen to Ray kurzweil. He has interrelated moores law into biological evolution using the Cambrian explosion as an example.

You're missing the point. Growth in tech may follow some exponential law but it requires an energy to grow. The energy is being unnaturally directed towards tech. We provide that energy and thus draining ourselves for no useful purpose.

It is the sexually insecure who grow tech. Do you really think bill gates would get a lot of ladies in a true alpha male society?

To answer your question, no he wouldn't. Do you think there's any benefit for a modern society to be alpha beta structured?

Alphas behavior is critical for human evolution. The bill gates of the world are critical for tech evolution. Which do you want to see survive?

Shit! Lock and load! Get to your mech, Jox!

Does that make you feel better about the situation?

I feel just fine about any situation. I know that there will be no victory for those that decieve, provoke, and antagonize the very people that they are supposed to be protecting. I know that they will never be able to look into the eyes of their children, their lovers, their families. They will never earn the love they once had, nor will they ever have respect in any form again, from anyone that matters. There's a reason for those Ace cards, champ. Keep your bootlaces, we won't stop you.

These people don't operate through love but they only wish to win this fucked up game they conceived in the first place.

They want land. Land, toys, and slaves. They will have none of it, for long.

I wish I had your optimism .

I know who you're talking bout... I prefer parasitic assholes but yeah they're the root of the problem.

Tech grows with the outside energy injected into it. It isn't a natural growth.