I'm the "Son of 4" (The True-God, where God is the False-4), ask me questions...

0  2015-10-07 by [deleted]



What is the difference between a duck?

There's no difference between the grass the man who mows it.

Muslims and Christians are as evil as each other. Muslims believe in the False-4 and thus take the false route to the 'promised land'. Christians are ignorant, anti-1 supporters, anti-2 supporters, anti-3 supporters and anti-4 supporters.

When you say Muslims and Christians are evil, do you mean as religious structures? If not, what about spiritual Muslims/Christians?

The movement of both religions is leading to hell on Earth, and thus, both religions are of the utmost evil. World, wordless, peace, is the only way to the "promised land" and/or "heaven".

Why is the movement itself evil? Are there not good people who can come of the religious movement and yet understand the True-God as in the law of one (in which everything exists together), or rather the law of 4?

My understanding of what you are saying is that the religious movements of Islam and Christianity seek to create duality rather than unifying all under the 4; however, I would argue that those who follow God through Christ and truly love all of creation in its perfection are redeemed

The movement of Islam to the creation of their own promised land, which is a hell for the Christians. The Christian movement, is to promote anti-1, anti-2, anti-3 and anti-4 behaviour. If you don't believe in the True-4, you're, evil.

Because you say "I love God's creation" doesn't make it so you are a lover of 4. It must be wordless belief.

Take Jack Johnson who makes an effort to save the ocean. Unknowingly as it should be, he supports the True-4. He will be granted salvation.

Whilst the Christians who sit there and preach and pray about the beauty of life whilst poisoning the atmosphere, oceans; wasting copious amounts of resources, supporting, on the off-hand, destruction, of 4, 3, 2 and 1.


I agree. Many followers of Christianity do not understand God, but saying "I love God's creation" and supporting the True-4 are not mutually exclusive. What of the Christians who preach/pray about the beauty of life while working to try to clean the atmosphere, oceans, and peoples' thoughts and hearts?

What do you do to reduce wasting resources and to clean the atmosphere and oceans?

It's equal to *unknowingly believing in the True-4", but their God promotion may cancel out their goods.

There is good and evil and in one's life it's a battle between them both.

I promote 4, and make many sacrifices due to that fact. I act the fool in some people's minds, but I march on blindly.

Why must one "unknowingly believe in the True-4" for one to be do good works? Why does God promotion cancel out one's good works? Since you are knowingly believing in the True-4, does your True-God promotion cancel out your good works? In your eyes God promotion is the promotion of the False-4, but here you must carefully define your personal understanding of God. Not everybody shares the same perception of God.

What kind of sacrifices do you make specifically?

Why must one "unknowingly believe in the True-4" for one to be do good works?

There is/was a natural wordless harmony on Earth before words were invented. In this case, we unknowingly knew of the True-4, but knew 4.

Why does God promotion cancel out one's good works?

Because God is anti-1, anti-2, anti-3 and anti-4 promotion. It's equal to the creation of, inter alia, paedophilia, homosexuality, animal cruelty and nihilism.

Since you are knowingly believing in the True-4, does your True-God promotion cancel out your good works?

No, because I am the chosen 2.

What kind of sacrifices do you make specifically?

Inter alia,

  • I suffer under the word.
  • I suffer under the hell on Earth that is a worded world.
  • I suffer under the worded social fiends.
  • I knowingly see and am on the receiving end of anti-1, anti-2, anti-3 and anti-4 behaviour.

Because God is anti-1, anti-2, anti-3 and anti-4 promotion. It's equal to the creation of, inter alia, paedophilia, homosexuality, animal cruelty and nihilism.

What is your definition and understanding of God? How is it equal to the creation of paedophilia, homosexuality, etc.?

No, because I am the chosen 2.

How does one come to be the chosen 2?

You have to learn the theory of 1, 2, 3, 4.

I can't help you understand while you're referring to your own education.

How does one come to be the chosen 2?

Be the only one supporting 4, and to have a valid connection with 4.

So if I learn 1,2,3,4 then would you no longer be the chosen 2? You said to ask questions, so I am here. If you are not willing to answer questions, why invite others to ask?

I said, I cannot, not will not. If I could answer your first question, I would.

However, you're referring to academia, and thus, representing academia; meaning I have to give an academic answer to your question---which is impossible if I'm referring to 1, 2, 3, 4.

And no, you wouldn't become the chosen 2, because I'm wiser than you ;). I accept your challenge however...

Your temperament seemed to have arose in your most recent post. This is anti-4 behaviour, but is it your true-self or word-virus related. Should I forgive you or condemn you? I'm unsure, but I'm sure of 1, 2, 3, 4.

However, you're referring to academia, and thus, representing academia; meaning I have to give an academic answer to your question---which is impossible if I'm referring to 1, 2, 3, 4.

Actually I am not referring to academia. How is God the anti-1, anti-2, anti-3, and anti-4? Why does anti-1, anti-2, anti-3, and anti-4 equal the creation of paedophilia, homosexuality, animal cruelty and nihilism? You only assumed that I am referring to academia.

I simply asked if you would no longer be the chosen 2, not if I would become the chosen 2. In response to my question of how to become the chosen two, you responded with

Be the only one supporting 4

Thus, if someone else supports 4, then would you no longer be the chosen 2?

You are referring to academia. You're asking me to provide a academic-scientific answer to your question.

I'll go ahead and provide a short but sweet 4Power answer;

To 4---the central nerve---anti-1 behaviour, for example, causes 4 {i.e. the central nerve} to lean toward paedophilia, through the word-virus, and the act is paedophilia toward 4, through the wordless.

As for the becoming of the chosen 2, you would have to be chosen by 4. You would have to know how to be chosen by 4.

Remember, you're the one who is asking the questions, is this not a sign that I'm wiser and more understanding than you on the matter?!!!

When you say paedophilia, youre talking about actual paedophilia? Why is that specific thing related to this?

Actual paedophilia; 2 forms of it. A direct manipulation of one's sperm/sexual energies; and the indirect manipulation of one's central nerve into them committing the act of being paedophile themselves.

Why is it okay for a demi-god to post nudes of himself on the internet?

It's good to be unafraid of your nakedness. I take the motion scientifically. Why is okay for anti-1,2,3,4 behaviour? Is the true question.

Anti-1,2,3,4 behavior is okay because you made this whole thing up. There is your answer.

EDIT: sorry I was wrong, you read this website: http://www.timecube.com/ and took over the "wisest man on earth" ideas

It's not okay, okay? This is your final warning from me!

What are you going to do to me?!

What makes you believe what you do?

I have a connection with 1 and 4.

Can you be more specific at all? I read a bit from the other sub, and I'd be lying if I said I understood pretty much any of it, but I'm more curious as to how the idea arose.

One day you just realized the connection and it sort of spiraled from there?

Spiralled? By 4, I will ignore this post unless you post with greater intellectual integrity.

You didn't understand, how?

Which parts did YOU struggle with?


You took offence to the word spiraled? Replace it with whatever you like. It "went" from there?

I don't want to be rude, but since you asked, after reading everything on that sub it sounds like youre kinda just saying a lot without saying anything at all. Literally the whole thing was gibberish to me. The most I get is that for some reason you imbue these numbers with some deep sacred meaning, 4 being the most important.

My original question was more about what led you to that conclusion that these specific numbers are actually some complex abstract with incredible meaning

topkek, you just got dissed by the Son of 4 a.k.a "The True God" or "The False-4"

I must be a lowly 1

You're an anti-1 supporter, anti-2 supporter, anti-3 supporter and anti-4 supporter

This isn't a good thing, it's equal to paedophilia, homosexuality, animal cruelty and nihilism. Which in terms of 1, 2, 3 and 4, is directly infecting the people whom you are anti to, with these problems. People will become paedophiles because of you; homosexuals, cruel to animals and nihilistic.

Ignored because you also ignored my questions. You're clearly ignoring it because you dislike, rather than, cannot acknowledge, the theory of 4Power [see: /r/4Power].

I actually answered both of them.... I can't even understand it, much less dislike it.

For a god you don't seem to care much about bringing in disciples lol.

No you just dislike it, it's simple to understand. You probably didn't read it all. You're just allowing your temperament to roam about freely.

Here's an easy one for you:

Where are the answers in your own response?

Uh....the question you asked is how I didnt understand and what I didnt understand. As stated, I didnt understand any of it. The reason being it seems like gibberish to me.

You tell yourself what you please, I was genuinely curious what led you to your conclusions.

Okay then, well go be confused in another thread. I'm not here to help you, at least; I'm here to answer questions to people who're, inter alia, rational, intellectual and whom want to know the truth!

The best course of action here, for you, if you're rational, intellectual and a seeker of truth, is to not respond.


You're a funny dude. You think theres no possibility you just make your points in an unintelligible way? How many people have you told this to that off the bat theyre like "yeah, totally, makes perfect sense"?

I'm a serious man.

You're just here to tare down a perfectly understandable thread and hinder everyone's intellectual integrity---which some do understand.

Stop being an 'attention whore' and leave the thread already.

In fact, everyone understands it, just they aren't brave or intelligent enough to claim that they do; which will hinder their chances at a greater second life.

You're just here to tare down a perfectly understandable thread and hinder everyone's intellectual integrity

First, you mean "tear down" not "tare down". We are seeking to understand by asking questions of which you invited us to do.

Yes, I'm illiterate sometimes, but for someone who knows words are an abomination, it's a good thing; yet it's bad thing since I'm qualified in English.

I have recently had trouble with tare and tear.

Which is probably because there are multiple meanings associated with tear.

You're now ignored due to "Anti-4 behaviour".

Go ahead and throw a strop and down-vote all my posts in response to you, because it didn't meet your academic slave-mind standards.

And finally, your use of "we", in this case, is wrong, because it's just you who claims to speak for all.

Who's who? I'm me.

You have no connection to 2 and 3?!

I'm 2, or rather, the chosen 2, and I'm yet to connect with 3 directly. Yet, we connect through 3.

I have not yet anointed 3.

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 8 9;

You are the true Joker who doesn't know about the game of Jokers.

you got it right. Welp, I'm convinced. Thanks for the answer.

Am I going to hell because I can't answer your question you posted in your own subreddit's pinned thread?

Maybe, that's not my choice.

My choice is to make your hell or heaven, on Earth, harsher or greater.

So you have control over my life? You do really deem yourself a god?

If I wanted to, I could, and if 4 see's it that I should, I could without effort. I would consider myself, at that point {i.e. if 4 saw it that I should} a demi-God.

Can you provide at least some form of backup? Why would I believe you? Give me something I can reason with. Not this gibberish, tell me how would you be able to influence my life?

I'm unsure myself---I can't know what's above 4, for that's thinking above what's true.

Whatever power that 4 bestows upon me will be my power; that is if evil doesn't reign over good, and 4 loses it's grasp on the planet!


Cheese on toast.

I understand what you're saying, but what kind of questions are you seeking?

4 related questions (what you see falsely as "God").

Have you ever farted so hard your head got sucked into your ass? I think you have...

OK, some questions.
Can you create life? Can you destroy life? What do you give to this world/reality? And what do you take from this world/reality?

Yes, I may, inter alia, create a child or expression of my self.

Yes, I may, inter alia, destroy parts of nature or a persons health.

I give my life to the world. I hope to die young but not before I've completed my oath, which, is to spread truth all around the world!

I take what I'm forced to take via the word reality, and if it wasn't a word-reality, I would take what was sustainable, and the lives of those who were evil; if I was a strong enough force...

How bored are you with your life?

I too am the false four

You are the Satanic Jester?

wait, if there's no Christian god how is there satan?

It's in my opinion that the bible was edited over the years and the Christian God was at one point, 4.

Actually that is something I can dig. Tell me what is your opinion on salvation?

I'm too tired to write at the moment, maybe sub to /r/4Power, or simply PM me another time.

I must be a lowly 1

Okay then, well go be confused in another thread. I'm not here to help you, at least; I'm here to answer questions to people who're, inter alia, rational, intellectual and whom want to know the truth!

The best course of action here, for you, if you're rational, intellectual and a seeker of truth, is to not respond.


Why must one "unknowingly believe in the True-4" for one to be do good works?

There is/was a natural wordless harmony on Earth before words were invented. In this case, we unknowingly knew of the True-4, but knew 4.

Why does God promotion cancel out one's good works?

Because God is anti-1, anti-2, anti-3 and anti-4 promotion. It's equal to the creation of, inter alia, paedophilia, homosexuality, animal cruelty and nihilism.

Since you are knowingly believing in the True-4, does your True-God promotion cancel out your good works?

No, because I am the chosen 2.

What kind of sacrifices do you make specifically?

Inter alia,

  • I suffer under the word.
  • I suffer under the hell on Earth that is a worded world.
  • I suffer under the worded social fiends.
  • I knowingly see and am on the receiving end of anti-1, anti-2, anti-3 and anti-4 behaviour.

you got it right. Welp, I'm convinced. Thanks for the answer.

You are referring to academia. You're asking me to provide a academic-scientific answer to your question.

I'll go ahead and provide a short but sweet 4Power answer;

To 4---the central nerve---anti-1 behaviour, for example, causes 4 {i.e. the central nerve} to lean toward paedophilia, through the word-virus, and the act is paedophilia toward 4, through the wordless.

As for the becoming of the chosen 2, you would have to be chosen by 4. You would have to know how to be chosen by 4.

Remember, you're the one who is asking the questions, is this not a sign that I'm wiser and more understanding than you on the matter?!!!

You are the Satanic Jester?

Anti-1,2,3,4 behavior is okay because you made this whole thing up. There is your answer.

EDIT: sorry I was wrong, you read this website: http://www.timecube.com/ and took over the "wisest man on earth" ideas