4Power, Re-mastered.

1  2015-10-09 by [deleted]



How much weed are you smoking?

I've been off the drugs for a long time:

This anti-4 behaviour may result in me and others who read to get on drugs. Well done /u/Putin_loves_cats you're truly innocent, and deserve to be on planet Earth.

You're going to hell... You're going to hell...

You're going to hell... You're going to hell...

What is hell to you? Are we in hell right now, or is hell a place sinners go? If it's the former, it sure seems like it. So, it's kind of null and void.

You're hell-bound and you can go about saving yourself.

You didn't answer my question. What is hell to you?

The inability to think above 1, it happens in the next for those who were anti-4 in the current.

Those granted salvation will be able to think above 4; the ineffable in the current.

You're #1 is:

I would answer to 1, my unborn baby.

That's not very enlightened. If this journey is about self, you're #1 should be something quite different. Before you say, I'm going to hell, maybe you should contemplate if you are, for not seeking higher wisdom and being blind, rather than projecting on others your lack of enlightenment.

You are already in hell and you do not even realize it. I pity you, for you will never reach higher enlightenment. Maybe in the next life you will learn, but maybe you will be a druggy whore. May take a few life cycles.....

Yeah right.

I'd really be here if my Fathers numero uno was something other than his unborn child.

I'd really be here if my Fathers numero uno was something other than his unborn child.

You have so much to learn. I suggest, rather than trying to preach to others, you actually seek self enlightenment. You are not wise, you are a fool who cannot even see past your own rules. Let alone, abide by them. You are self projecting on others because you feel inadequate and are lost in this world. I pity you.

You don't know what wisdom is...

You have not the wisdom to advocate for it.

I'm enlightened, and am always being enlightened, but unlike you, it's not by my self---it's through nature, and, via the central nerve.

You don't know what wisdom is...

According to you? From reading your posts, you are far from it.

You have not the wisdom to advocate for it.

Because I comment back to you?

I'm enlightened

Says you... I'm not seeing it, according to your posts/rules/theories.

and am always being enlightened

Not sure about that..

via the central nerve.

Did your father (the one who cared "numero uno" about you, unborn) give you that central nerve, or did his father give him that nerve to give to you? How far do you want to go back? His father's father's father?

All in all, like I said. You are not wise or enlightened, you are a fool (hopefully), mentally unstable at the worse (I'm sorry if you are).

What's wisdom?

My father and mother created me.

I'm a fool sometimes, at least I'm not afraid of my foolish side.

I'm also an intellectual, and sometimes it scares me.

That is the first humble comment I've ever seen you say. Good luck mate. We are all on a journey (we are all children in this universe).

Thanks for your support.

For your own benefit, worship 4, for you've been evil for too long; and that's still me being humble.

I don't mean to make your temperament arise, but it's important, for you, that you worship 4; not God, not winning world war III--and most definitely not academia.

who the fuck cares and thus isn't a conspiracy.

Yes it is.

How is it a conspiracy?

  • All academia is stupidity.
  • You are a paedophile, homosexual, selves-abuser and nihilist. In the direct and indirect sense.
  • God is the false-4, whilst 4 is the true-God.
  • It's the theory of everything, that's hidden, from the public eyes.
  • And more.

•All academia is stupidity.

All academia is not stupid. There is a legitimate need for math, science, comprehensive reading skills, etc.

•You are a paedophile, homosexual, selves-abuser and nihilist. In the direct and indirect sense.

That contrived blanket statement does not apply to all.

•It's the theory of everything, that's hidden, from the public eyes.

There is no silver bullet theory of everything. Regardless, none of that speculation proves there is a conspiracy.

The theory of everything isn't a 'silver bullet', it's the ineffable truth.

A theory of everything would be something difficult and eternal... Not something you can lay back and say, "I know it all".

1, 2, 3, 4 is eternal and difficult, yet we, being wise animals need only 4 to understand almost anything; not academia, which teaches us only 1---which is 1/4 of our total intelligence; and this was through rotary education that in the beginning we all but a few repented.

Remember when you repeatedly wrote down the letter 'a' and the rest of the alphabet? That is the foundation to all your knowledge, rather than a wordless central nerve...

We are rote-educated so much it had become a part of us {i.e. a word-virus}, we rote-educate ourselves, our families, and we rote-educate other people---implemented by rotary academia.

Worship of 1, only, equates to anti-1, 2, 3, 4 behaviour.

There is a legitimate need for our species to continue if we want our children to experience life on the planet. This isn't a planet for adults to have fun, it's a planet for reproduction and survival.

Academic, math, science, language, are all against this notion. It's death education that will, and is, leading to the extinction of our species and 'hell on Earth' {i.e. a habitat we struggle to live in; world war III approaches; waste product is amounting to a habitat where we are forced to be cannibalistic in; and to infinity}

That statement does apply except you're referring to academia, whereas I'm referring to the truth.

Would we be able to have this conversation if it weren't for what I was able to learn through academia?

We wouldn't need to; it wouldn't be as in depth, sure...

But it wouldn't need to be.

Your lust for knowledge is a sin that will come back around to hurt you, or future generations.

In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time. First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days. The bible time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much evil feed from it's wrong. No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

When Do Teenagers Die? Adults Eat Teenagers Alive, No Record Of Their Death. Father Son Image, Not Gods. Every Man Born Of Woman. Belly-Button Is the Signature Of Your Personal Creator - The Pastor Told His Flock That God Created All Of Them - Truth Was That They All had Mama Made Belly Buttons, Church Was Full Of Liars. Earth Has 4 Days In Same 24 Hrs., 1 Day God Was Wrong. Try Belly-Button Logic. No God Knows About 4 Days, It Is Evil To Ignore 4 Days. Do You Know ?

I am a Knower of 4 corner simultaneous 24 hour Days that occur within a single 4 corner rotation of Earth. Till You KNOW 4 Simultaneous Days Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth You Don't Deserve To Live On Earth Americans are actually RETARDED from Religious Academia taught ONEism -upon an Earth of opposite poles, covered by Mama Hole and Papa Pole pulsating opposite sexes. The ONEist educated with their flawed 1 eye perspective (opposite eyes overlay) Cyclops mentality, inflicts static non pulsating logos as a fictitious queer same sex transformation. It Is The Absolute Verifiable Truth & Proven Fact That Your Belly-Button Signature Ties To Viviparous Mama. Life is pulsing opposite mirror Pairs, Death is ONEness of Godism.

Ignoring 4 Corner Earth Days will Destroy Evil Humanity. Renounce Pale QueerGod ONEist maths IMITATION of meta-fractal trans-reflection and Embrace the truth of hyperdimensional TIMECUBE!

My theory is accredited by the theory of Timecube, but it's a stand-alone theory.


In this word-world's social societies, there are many cases of vocal-stimuli dampening; which, inter alia, lessen one's intellectual integrity and manipulate their sexual energies. People who commit such acts are classed by the central nerve {i.e. consciousness; 4} as paedophiles; in western social society, there is an abundance of repetitive or rote-paedophilia, and thus an abundance of paedophiles.

Paedophilia, directly and indirectly; the direct paedophilia is the manipulation of ones sexual energies {i.e. sperm } and the indirect paedophilia is the influence to commit the activity through manipulation of the central nerve {i.e. 4}.

It's anti-1 behaviour.

Subscribe to /r/4Power for updates on anti-1, anti-2, anti-3 and anti-4 behaviour.

A lion may roar or whimper.

-Shannon Green.

An example: a response I may get to this thread: /u/5arge "Shannon Green talks in circles like a crazy person."

This would affect vocal-stimuli (the secondary stimuli to consciousness) of everyone who reads, causing them to read my words with a dampened after-effect. The braver and intelligent, would bypass this effect.

More word salad... You use a whole bunch of big words and string them together in meaningless "sentences".

How is it a conspiracy?