Fuck the TPP. On November 1st, lets dedicate the day to staying off the grid and refraining from using any services offered by the corporations backing this evil legislation.

164  2015-10-10 by [deleted]



THIS fucking US Government has forced the Middle Class to pay a greater percentage of their real income than their freeloading leaders and their artificially rich friends.

THIS fucking US Government requires common people to pay 35% nearly 45% of their lifelong personal wealth after factoring in forced costs of mandated insurance.

THIS fucking US Government regards corporations as first-class-citizens while relegating its common humans to a despicably increased burden and slanted playing field.

THIS fucking US Government of the corporations, for the corporations, with laws and regulations by the corporations, has produced a system of societal immolation, destruction of the family unit, incentivised divorce, excessive taxation, forced payments, mandatory paperwork and filing.

THIS fucking US Government has created a system of corporate exploitation and slavery devoid of small businesses and devoid of freedom!!

Only the 1st? I'm starting today and ending never. Boycott shitty companies for life.


Can you point out an instance where this technique has ever worked?

The Montgomery Bus Boycott for one.

The key is getting enough people to do it. You already see where consumers do have power just in how products change in stores (every day, more and more organic stuff in grocery stores despite the insane amount of cash pumped into PR and public disinformation campaigns to keep consumers from buying), something like this could really work so long as you a) have a message/demand b) rope enough people in.

At this point anything is worth a shot. I just don't like the idea of surrendering without a fight

One day means nothing. The only protest worthwhile would be to abstain completely until demands are met. Otherwise, one day of protest is just a pathetic demonstration of how dependent you really are on the system.

You don't have to abstain from the internet entirely to form an effective protest. It's just a means of communications. Go delete your facebook profile, google account, amazon and whatever other internet corporation services you use. Find open source alternatives and organize those around you to move to these new platforms.

Boycotting physical goods is more difficult and expensive, but can be done. Consumerism is a social disease in western countries. It's a byproduct of the inherent greed of human nature, so very hard to combat in an age of such abundance. An informed person could easily stop shopping at walmart for example, but try going to one and convincing people to stop shopping there. It will be an exercise in futility.

Why not the fifth?

I-I'm going to Wal-mart on the fifth...

Damnit billy, we already decided on the 1st!

Who'd backing this apart from Disney?

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The zombies don't do boycotts. If they did we could change the world overnight.

November 1st, I won't buy a damn thing in support.

Can't, got a midterm on the 2nd.

Yeah. this is the worst part. The only way to truly rebel is to be homeless.

Like, I like the idea of forgoing a cell phone so as to not have fuckers eavesdropping. Problem is, cell phones are no longer optional. Employers pretty much demand that you have one. My job requires me to use windows- at home, I don't have an office computer. I can't report my work and get paid without having a windows computer at home and unfortunately I can't afford to have one computer solely dedicated to reporting my daily tasks and another for personal/private use.

Run linux. And run WINE on linux for work related things. When done use linux.


Fair point.

Amazing how perfectly set up it is, isn't it? Once you rebel, you're labeled the crazy one.


Fair point.