Remember this thread from the other day when a user asked why TPP posts never hit number 1 on this sub? There were a few people in that thread with really new accounts who said things like "I personally don't care..." and "I'm sick of hearing about it..." Just letting you guys know!!

148  2015-10-12 by [deleted]

Right after I pointed this out, the comment tree I was on was downvoted and hidden.

Weird stuff going on in this subreddit...


Probably not hard to code a bot that creates accounts and posts generic comments and downvotes things.

I have personally seen the same word-for-word comments before on different posts about the same topic. And not highly upvoted comments either, which is just karma whoring. It's like they've got canned responses ready to use for the internet PR people, or simply being done by a bot. Just think: there is an entire industry devoted to this stuff now. There always was marketing and advertising. Now it's gone into the Internet world where bots and shills can pretend to be a person, and get better at it every day.

Yeah I hate to say it, but its beginning to look like reddit needs some good captcha.

I don't doubt this one bit. Try submitting an unflattering TPP article on one of the heavily censored subs like /r/worldnews and see what happens.

people need their cat pictures

the new defending campain here on reddit is users spamming this threads with:

  • anti-tpp people dont have arguments.

  • there are more for tpp/tipp than agaisnt

It's hard to have an argument when the contact is secret. The corporations behind it are just going to throw money at congress to pass it. So, yeah we're fucked.

It's propaganda. This has been going on for atleast a year on Reddit. Literally everyone should know about this at this point. Even the owners of Reddit are in on it, because they have shrill mods in every important fourm. Their not just gonna let a free fourm exist.

ah interesting!!

sick of hearing about this
