Everything is a Rich Man's Trick is posted to /r/documentaries. Commenter arrives to belittle any who would seriously consider it. Later he admits to working for intelligence agencies.

27  2015-10-14 by [deleted]


Here's the thread where the guy, the initial commenter, says "yes, I have [worked for intelligence agencies]".


Best part? The guy has been a redditor for two whole days.

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He doesn't admit to working for the CIA. It sounds like he is saying yes to studying geopolitics. Three questions were asked, and he wasn't very clear.

That documentary is a joke. The section on JFK is laughably absurd.

That documentary is a joke.

Do explain.

The narrator states for a fact that 8 shooters in 4 separate locations fired 16 shots at the limo.

Seriously, that's completely nonsensical.

It also embraces the body alteration nonsense, the faked Zapruder film, and actually suggests that Tippett was shot so that his corpse could be used as a stand-in for Kennedy's at the autopsy.

Anyone with even the most basic understanding of the case would immediately dismiss this documentary as complete hogwash.

Are you a native born American?


Thanks for answering, now I can ignore your opinions about my countries history with confidence. :)

Uhm, it should be said that the narrator/writer of the film is a British man.


Yeah. Just sayin', it's just as xenophobic for a non-US citizen to call all Americans stupid as it is for a US citizen to only trust information about the US given by Americans. We're all on this planet together.

Well I get where you're coming from but personally I've always been skeptical of Germans claiming expert knowledge of African tribal culture. Or an Irish sociologist being an expert on Peruvian daily customs and beliefs. What I'm saying is a Pakistani who claims to be an expert on native American tribal life is weird. I trust it more from the actual people who lived and understand the nuanced and subtle cultural traditions and why taboos and norms are why they are and not just what they are.

... Germans (historically, Romans) have been in and out of Africa for a long time. If an Irishmen lived in Peru for a decade, he'd have a decade more experience with that culture than I.

I understand it's strange, but still. It's all well and good to find out where your sources are getting their info and who they are themselves, but try to avoid making blanket statements about any culture or people. I promise you there are Germans who know more about US history than I ever will. Likewise, there are Americans who know more about German history than many German citizens.

We live in a very, very small world these days.

What I'm saying is, knowing something and living something is very different. You could memorize every word in a driving manual and recite and sentence without giving it a thought but if you've never been behind the wheel you don't know how to drive.

Sure. Don't knock it til you've tried it. But there are thousands of British citizens who've lived in America.

You won't win in a debate of "is it okay to generalize people en masse by the culture they're apart of". It is not. It's simple as that.

I'm not debating with you. I'm telling you that I don't agree with you and why. There's no argument to win here for you because it's not within your power to convince me of something I personally hold as truth. For every non native expert with information there are thousands of natives with firsthand lifelong immersion that will give me a much richer kind of information than an asshole with a superiority complex and a parchment ever could. I live in the real world where as you live in the land of make believe. Non natives anywhere have a very different experience from natives and that is objective reality, not some scholars opinion.

Right, because Americans are certainly the most educated lot.

Right, because Americans are certainly the most educated lot.

Says the Brit... Lol

Nope, sorry. Not English.

Let's try again. What other cultures do you think are beneath you?

Hey dipshit, you're the one who posted about Americans not being known for intelligence. And according to you, your grandfather is British. No cultures are beneath me but your posts are...

Where did I say my grandfather is British?

It seems you lack very basic reading comprehension skills son.

Grandfather father in law, I don't really give a shit and you're boring me so meh.

Try some remedial reading courses, you might save yourself from looking like a donkey next time.


This is a foolish outlook, friend.

Whether or not in this instance the other dude is right doesn't matter. They have access to the exact same information as you.

And besides, nationalism doesn't exist anymore anyway.

I've considered your stupid opinion... He doesn't have access to the exact same information. I have years of cultural and societal norms that he lacks. Oh and nationalism does exist dipshit it's just being undermined.

This is the internet. The only information you have that we wouldn't would perhaps be some television specials they ran when you were a dopey kid.

Unless you were there and watched it happen, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say you weren't.
