TIL There was another whistleblower 100 years ago named Philip Snowden.

61  2015-10-15 by [deleted]



Old school snowden blew the whiste on the military industrial complex before it even had a name.

all psyops draw from something already in print/ very old. edward snowden is limited hang out. always will be always has been,

I don't know if it's a psyops or just a coincidence. I've been ruminating on this half the day among other things. I know when I looked into the origin of the surname snowden, it's actually from snowdon, north yorkshire and fairly common.

And whistleblower is not an uncommon thing, apparently it happens a lot. I made a casual list of public figure 'friends of 911 truth' and discoverd there were at least 5 intelligence agency whistleblowers on that list including Drake, Lindauer, and Sibel Edmonds directly related to 9/11 activities.

I guess my point is that it's highly likely this is a coincidence (like 50-50 chance), although because we like conspiracies we have a bit of a bias towards believing in 'shadowy forces undermining our cooperative good nature with psyops and lies'. We wouldn't be wrong for having that opinion. Ther'es a litany of chicanery that they need to own up to, or rather, the rest of our culture does, more specifically.

I don't think he's a psyop only because of his name - I thought this about him from very early on. there are a lot of clues:

the way CNN and world media pummeled his story on everybody right away while real whistle blowers's stories are so suppressed.

the time frame - he did not have time to read a fraction of the files he stole and doesn't even claim to have read them - yet he stole them "knowing" they needed to be public knowledge.

his bio had some major timing issues as well, he broke both legs to leave military and then got a job as a security guard - basically the next day.

if you watch the documentary about him - he's always telling us he is being followed but we never see evidence of it. he is selling his own story. it's a scripted performance, guarantee you.

It creates an atmosphere were people don't feel free to share subversive ideas. After all the NSA/CIA/FBI are listening and watching your every move. Reminds me of the change from pantheism to monotheism. Suddenly there's an all seeing, all knowing god who watches your every move and judges you from on high. You'd best behave!

That's it. Stop the revolution before it starts

If I had a nickel for every coincidence...

And I know that doesn't prove anything, but they sure do seem to stack up.

huh wow

Same guy. Time traveler.