American Revolution Pt.II
13 2015-10-16 by edward117
Why hasn't it happened? We're lied to constantly, yet us Americans don't change, we just don't get it. Time and time again we get leaks of these agendas that they want to force feed us with and we take it like infants. No one is motivated, so many inconsistencies in the media yet all we do is make a video or comment (pretty ironic considering thats exactly what I'm doing.)
If we could all just band together against the government and change this, make it right, but we need to change quickly, we need to make a better world for our children, for us.
Vos enim in libertatem
Edit: Thank you to /u/romek_himself for this great link:
2 eve--- 2015-10-16
You organize, I'll attend
5 edward117 2015-10-16
There's only so much a 17 year old can do.
2 airiu 2015-10-16
18 year old checking in, these guys have been at it a lot longer than us so I think our generation might have to ignore them and do it ourselves.
3 edward117 2015-10-16
I agree.
1 Medderick 2015-10-16
17 year old here too, I consider us the "internet generation" because we grew up side by side with the infancy of the internet. Unlimited information available at our finger tips yet so many of us don't use it to its full advantage. I know our generation will definitely have an impact on the future of the of humanity without a doubt, once we're a bit older and can organize certain events; we can definitely change the outcome of whatever all of this is leading up to.
2 edward117 2015-10-16
I just hope that we aren't too late. The older 'awake' generation isn't going to do anything. It's up to us, but the amount of young 'awake' people is sadly low as hell. All this Tech yet we don't turn it into weapons. Our government has! Why haven't all the rest of us done it?
Edit: and by young i mean 30 and under
1 omenofdread 2015-10-16
The weapons of control have proven too effective. Get people to stop watching sports ball, engaging in "netflix and chill", and playing mindless videogames for hours and then you'll already have won.
1 maLiciouzz 2015-10-16
sheeit i play video games for hours and still care about where my future is headed. i just live in an okay sized hick town where maybe one person agrees with any of this. but there will probably be a time where everyone becomes pissed off. i can see it
2 Romek_himself 2015-10-16
november 14-18 in washington dc - anti tpp/ttip
1 theBullshitFlag 2015-10-16
It's the "band together" part that is the problem. We can't even get most of us to vote. The system seems to have been designed to have us not band together. Unless it is around some meaningless issue du jour every four years at election time.
No one is going to give up comfort for liberty until it hurts. By then there won't be any liberty left to have.
3 drewshaver 2015-10-16
Divide and conquer is an age old strategy. Elections are all about blaming the other party about shit instead of trying to discuss real solutions.
1 edward117 2015-10-16
I guess that's the truth that I've failed to realize.
1 5arge 2015-10-16
The Revolution had rich, powerful, and influential men leading it. That is why it succeeded. When wealthy people are betrayed by our government, you'll see something happen.
1 maLiciouzz 2015-10-16
yeah dude when shit hits the fan alot more people will become aware.
1 HS_00 2015-10-16
The wealthy agree with you wholeheartedly, which is why we now have an Orwellian police state.
1 Antiseed117 2015-10-16
As soon as we organize we will be labled domestic terrorist and it'll be waco, Texas all over again.
1 papipapichulo 2015-10-16
I'm gonna challenge you if you don't mind
Lied to by who and about what?
Please be specific
Is there a better time to be an American than right now?
Why? Some of us actually like our world and the governmental democratic process.
What's there to change and change to what?
Be specific
The world has been getting better I agree
1 edward117 2015-10-16
Nice challenge... but uh i have to finish an essay and so far its badass. I'll get back to you when i feel like it, or when i care enough to write as much as you (not ANY time soon)
1 papipapichulo 2015-10-16
Don't worry I don't expect you to
1 edward117 2015-10-16
Like the name haha
1 papipapichulo 2015-10-16
1 edward117 2015-10-16
Your username, its funny.
1 papipapichulo 2015-10-16
So I'm guessing you don't have a rebuttal to anything I said
1 edward117 2015-10-16
I stated that and then you acknowledged it. Anything else?
1 papipapichulo 2015-10-16
Lol typical conspiracy person
Can never back up their assertions
1 120z8t 2015-10-16
There are consequences of revolution. For the US, a revolution with would take the US of the stage as being the sole global super power. That void will be filled by China or Russia. Other countries that do not like the US may see a revolution in the US as the perfect time to declare war and invade. If the government is successfully over thrown , chances are high that a dictator and/or much worse government would come to power. international use of USD would most likely end.
Basically a revolution would over be very bad for the people of the US and thing woulds most likely be much worse after and would take decades to fix the damage done during the revolution.
That is why there has not been one. There will not be one until things are 1000 times worse then they are now.
1 edward117 2015-10-16
It's just a viewpoint of mine. I don't mean that we should overthrow the government. I mean we need to change the government. We supposedly run it because after all we are under a 'democracy'
1 120z8t 2015-10-16
Changes to government will always be slow and the attempts to make changes must be made at the right time. The right time can be figured out by what the political climate looks like, who is in office, what resent events have taken place and what issues are the top topics of the time.
1 edward117 2015-10-16
My point is. We should be running this. Not them. Us. Its our choice, thats how things used to be, thats when people like you and i were free.
1 120z8t 2015-10-16
Not really. The US has always operated in the same way. The people elect officials to take action/represent the people. We do not and have never had a direct democracy.
The main problem today is that so few vote and so few people donate to campaigns. Also so few people try to reach out and contact their representatives. The politicians are only going to represent those that participate in the system. Right now we have big business as the main financiers and main group of people trying to get a word in with those in government, this is why so many politicians are representing them over the people. The system is not broke it is that the people are not doing their duty to their country and getting involved in the election and political Processes.
0 FreedomIsYouAndMe 2015-10-16
You can probably in part blame Edward Snowden.
2 edward117 2015-10-16
Nice username
0 carenots 2015-10-16
Americans are complacent idiots...
1 edward117 2015-10-16
Don't know if you were directing that to me or the other "asleep" Americans.
2 [deleted] 2015-10-16
2 edward117 2015-10-16
Fucking A. I love this comment, thanks for your 2 cents man. Appreciate it.
1 Romek_himself 2015-10-16
in america is soon a big protest too against tpp/ttip in washington DC - when i remember right its november 14-18th
how comes me as a german know this and you guys not? we have here germans which will fly to this protest to suppourt you guys. make it viral and come too ...
2 edward117 2015-10-16
Our media literally hides everything. It's hard to find information now. Weird considering we're at the pinnacle of information sharing. In all honesty i didn't even hear about that.
1 Romek_himself 2015-10-16
than dont count on media ... share info the old way ... big revolution had no google, facebook, internet ...
1 edward117 2015-10-16
This is the New Revolution, we'll change the way things are done. I'll still believe in that.
1 maLiciouzz 2015-10-16
agreed people are not informed about A WHOLE lot of stuff. and if youre a conspiracy theorist you must be insane or a terrorist
1 [deleted] 2015-10-16
1 Romek_himself 2015-10-16
thats no reason to stop to do anything against ... when the government has to censor things than they know they are wrong and are criminals
2 edward117 2015-10-16
Our media literally hides everything. It's hard to find information now. Weird considering we're at the pinnacle of information sharing. In all honesty i didn't even hear about that.