"It is when people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains." - [founding father] Patrick Henry

23  2015-10-17 by [deleted]


Yep! No tyrants ever in the Middle East or Europe...wait a minute...


I'm sure you can figure it out ;)

Which God? #edgy

Is there more to the quote? Or is it just to prop up religion.

Is there more to the quote? Or is it just to prop up religion.

I'm not sure what your ideas on religion or God are; as for myself, in this context I don't feel my view's are relevant. Rather, I submitted this quote [in it's entirety] because it is from one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.


So...no conspiracy?

Do you presume to know the demographics within the conspiracy subreddit? I feel this falls under that umbrella, sorry it doesn't meet your standards.

Sure, but when you leave it open to interpretation, it shows laziness on your part. Be a part of our community and help us understand why you posted this.

EDIT: Nice edit to get rid of your personal attack!

The Founding Fathers' ideals and accomplishments are often venerated, perhaps rightfully so. Regardless, a faith in God was integral to their movement. I feel this is an interesting point, and is conspicuously missing when citing aspects of the American Revolution.

Because our founding fathers feared religion more than they revered God. Jefferson was an avid blasphemer. Washington gave up going to church in protest. Neither appeared to be atheist, though Jefferson was often accused of it by rivals.

Also, the faith aspect is heavily portrayed by some (at least in Texas), and may be a more regional exclusion rather than nationwide.

Going to church and singing hymns has nothing to do with God or religion. Those that think so have never actually tried to understand the belief that they claim to have.

There are many quotes from multiple founding fathers regarding the dangers of a powerful organized religion. And Washington did stop going after a lifetime of Anglican/Episcopalian membership. I didn't say he gave up his faith, but rather his association with the religion.

Are you refuting the point of this submission, that faith in God was central to the Founding Father's principles?

I was demonstrating that I did know the difference between attending church and having faith.

Jefferson is the only one of the Founding Fathers one could reasonably assume to be atheist, but it is just as likely that he enjoyed blasphemy just for the sake of angering large institutions (as there was not a political entity of any kind he didn't try to take down a peg). Either way, I would argue that it was not central to Jefferson's principals. It is possible that is the case with Madison as well, as the two were very close in views, though I am still learning more about Madison.

The majority seemed to be Deists, believing in some form of higher power, but having broken with Christianity for various reasons.

I didn't think so...

Didn't think what? Also, my previous comment being downvoted is the kind of shit I was talking about earlier. It is on topic, allows for the possibility of multiple interpretations, was respectful, and provided relevant information. If someone wants proof of any of the claims I made there, I will gladly provide it, but don't just downvote something because it conflicts with your existing perceptions.

This is the fucking conspiracy thread. It should be embracing new information that counters "common knowledge."

EDIT: This was downvoted when all it said was "didn't think what?" which was an extremely valid response to the above post.

I just downvoted you again whiner. Here is a tip, stop worrying about who downvotes you, stop crying...

Instead, focus on the content sir.

Says the person who didn't answer my question and has consistently disregarded all content I've contributed. I'm done with you.

u/Kkolbe tried to post a rant on the athiest subreddit, dismissing and talkiing trash about this submission and the OP (me).

THEN, HE IMMEDIATELY STARTED UPVOTING HIS POST WITH ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS. The athiest subreddit caught it and removed his submission.

kckolbe 3 minutes ago

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It's because religion leads to war and thus must be cast aside for human to be free and live peacefully.

religion leads to war

There is no doubt that can be true, but the statement is reductionist and disingenuous.

Have you ever heard of oil wars? They've been a big thing for awhile.

Have you ever heard of opium wars? That's happening too.

Have you ever heard of wars over land? That has historical precedence...

Again, the original point of this submission is to point out the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers couldn't have occurred without a faith in God, it was primary to their aim. This fact is often 'omitted' by users today.

Personally, I feel that we are being sold this idea of religious wars happening so that we hopefully don't find out that the wars are really being fought for resources, drugs, and land. Even though people were taught (or used to be taught) that most wars in history were over material wealth, they choose to believe modern wars are being fought for ideological reasons. It's a bunch of bollocks.

I definitely feel that this is the case in Yemen. All of the early attacks were over resource areas or involved huge ransoms. Additionally, both the President and the main "rebel" group were both Zaidi Shia. Now that Saudi and Iran are heavily involved, it has become more Sunni vs Shia, but that was not the initial case.

Wars only happen because of religion, resources and land.

Kind of makes this news story more relevant:

They tell of an experiment which “claims to be able to make Christians no longer believe in God and make Britons open their arms to migrants.” How’s it done? “Using a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation” researchers can “safely shut down certain groups of neurones” in the brain.

It seems to have worked. Volunteers were coaxed into having their brains zapped by giant magnets. And, lo! “Belief in God was reduced almost by a third, while participants became 28.5 per cent less bothered by immigration numbers.”

Yes, but which God? The Demiurge perhaps?

Just a practical statement of fact: a nation that rejects religion is doomed. It has no spiritual center, and it decays and self-destructs very quickly. We are seeing it happen to America right now.

Based on your racist comments, you must hide behind religion yourself.

Patrick Henry was not a Mason. That is refreshing.

Religious indoctrination is one of the most pervasive forms of enslavement ever devised by humans. "God" is a fabrication created by the elite to better control you.

So completely untrue. We all have a Creator. We are not here right now, talking to each other over the internet by a complete and incredible mistake. We all have a purpose and plan. I do agree with you that religion has been used to enslave populations, but God is absolutely not a fabrication by the elites.

I don't need elites, or religion to communicate with my Creator. To say it's a fabrication, is to say that we're all here by a complete and utter mistake, which is just not reality.

It says in the old testament that we are all gods. Jesus quotes hebrew law when people try to stone him for blasphemy. "Ye are gods."

OP is just downvoting every opinion that doesn't glorify faith.


Numbers speak for themselves. Your arguments are vague and unsupported, and ALL comments disagreeing have met with downvotes.

Numbers speak for themselves.

I'm sorry you feel I am, "downvoting every opinion that doesn't glorify faith". As a result of this, it seems you view this dialogue as scored with bias... Obviously, your comments have been unfairly scored; your ideas are brilliant, they should be upvoted and number one right?

What is much more likely, is my suggestions are sapient, and being upvoted for their merit.

Also, I appreciate you u/MurrueLaFlaga, for pointing out the ridiculous nature of u/kckolbe's comments. Aren't we allowed to vote? Isn't that part of what makes Reddit great?

All I can disagree with is that it is part of what did make Reddit great. Now, it seems, shadowbanning, vote manipulation, and outright banning of "shocking and offensive material" is the norm on Reddit. Thankfully, it isn't always that way on /r/conspiracy and the other subs I frequent (I can't deal with the default subs). Votes are designed to imply merit, as you correctly stated.

You have absolutely no way to prove that the OP has been downvoting every comment they disagree with, and you seem to be ignoring that other users are in here, also downvoting some comments because those comments have less than zero as their score, which requires more than one downvote.

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