Genes, Memes and Beans, an Authoritarian conspiracy hypothesis

5  2015-10-18 by 911bodysnatchers322

I noticed a trend in this country since I was old enough to notice it. It's that this country has become extremely authoritarian. And I believe it's dangerous. In fact, it may be the most dangerous thing in the entire world. Glenn Greenwald of The Gurdian oulined exactly why that is--using the example of the famous Milgram Experiment in which >70% of volunteers asked to shock another person did so simply due to blind obedienc--in his 2012 article "Authoritarian Followers: The Temptations and Perils of Blind Obedience to Authority". Expert Psychology professor Philip Zimbardo further elaborates the psychology of authoritarianism in an exasperatedly time-limited TED conference, "The Psychology of Evil".

In trying to get to the bottom of why there are so many more authoritarians in my country now, and to formulate something akin to at least a rudimentary conspiracy shower thought posing as a hypothesis, I had to first define what Authoritarianism is and what kind of pattern I'm seeing.

In seeking the definition, I found Bob Altmeyer's excellent treatise on the very subject within the context of social psychology, The Authoritarians (free pdf download). This website gives you the TLDR; version, discussing the authoritarian personality. Essentially, Altmeyer, culling the best research in this field, demonstrates the triad of correlated traits, authoritarians, conservatism and religiousness, and he discusses a war game scenario in which the authoritarians basically got everyone killed, an observation that was easily repeated; how authoritarians operate and behave in different situations.

After that book, I did a deep dive into 9/11 truth. As my uname suggests 911bodysnatchers322, I believe--yes--that secret societies were behind 9/11 that it was an inside job and that anyone that doesn't see this has imo been "bodysnatched". Fast forward through hundreds of 9/11 truth videos, and I see a trend emerge.

It's that the people who most consider NIST's report a closed book are also right wing authoritarians (RWAs). There are, however, many democrats and so called liberals defending the establishment story of 9/11 as well, and that defies the correlation of conservatism / religiosity. A notable liberal outlier is Bill Maher, of whom I'm a mixed-bag fan oscillating rapidly between rofl and stfu. In Maher's particular case, it could be argued that his aggressive atheism and anti-religiosity / shaming of religious people itself is simply another kind of religiousness foisted upon others as fact. So, I believe authoritarianism and religousness has to do with an unwavering belief one has about being 'correct' in their view that they close off all other options. In other words, this trait reveals a close-mindedness taken to an extremist degree.

As I watched these 9/11 videos, in particular the flurry of guerilla truth calls into C-SPAN with jerky-boy style crank calling to ask elected officials about building 7, I had a realization that many elected officials questioned with few exceptions (at the beginning) would give the presentation of being receptive, but then would immediately fast-switch back to their original establishment-preserving position with a generally glib, dismissive, condescending, obstinate, or arrogant-while-simultaneously-antiintellectual response. I realized in this that they were all saying the same thing, to paraphrase: "I listen to people but I've already decided scientists already told us what happened, and I am going with that."

I wanted to know why. Why there are so many people who aren't capable of even seeing the bad logic of 9/11--an adjacent building 7 with no structural damage and no fires inside it fell due to fire. It's not even much of a mental stretch to see the logic--of believing building 7 could fall due to fire--go up in smoke much like the fires roughly 60 stories above and hundreds of feet away, in a completely different building!

All these establishment-defending people went through the same college education I did. Many also took the same chemistry and physics with calculus classes I took. I feel like this is well beyond cognitive dissonance of building 7 (not to mention so many other problems with 9/11 generally): I can only conclude that their defenses are a demonstration of people giving up their opinion to authorities, a hierarchical "diffusion of personal responsibility" in tacit approval for the conventional mass opinion. And the reason for such a close adherence, unwavering application of these social behaviors is an extreme sense of social fear: a fear of being placed in an outgroup--something terrifying to the Authoritarian personality. For the authoritarian to be labeled "conspiracy theorist"--they might just die on the spot.

Changing gears, in the last decade and a half, I've been criticized for having my position. It's as difficult for them to believe that I could be such a resistant "conspiracy theorist" to the offical story as I find it difficult for them to mindlessly believe in the official conspiracy. I look around me, and unless I'm on reddit, I'm an army of one. I'm far outnumbered by authoritarians, but strangely: it only strengthens my resolve.

I find myself on /r/911truth and on youtube videos fighting off hoards of people--be they tool, troll or templar--who use the weaponized meme, "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" like a cudgel. This is a very interesting trend, because these people are using a meme of a falsehood held up as the truth. In other words, they are using this ironic and sarcastic meme to prove that 911 truth people don't know anything about science, by using something that is literally incorrect due to science. Jet fuel, in fact, cannot melt steel beams. The only possible way jet fuel could melt steel is if it were placed inside a crucible with oxygen jets blown into it rapidly for hours--as this is how a foundry works. And yet on 9/11 it's well accepted that the jet fuel flashed around the building, ignited and burned up within the first 10 minutes, and that the fire that continued was from the contents therein, achieving a max of 600F as evidenced by the black smoke.

So people are holding up this meme and using it as a blackjack to "insult, deride and disarm" the 9/11 truth people, whom they consider to be right-wing conspiracy theory tin foil hat wearing lunatics. They use this meme to appropriate a science they don't even understand, and then use it as a bullying tool to discredit other people with a poseur's dilletante understanding of acutal science. In essence, their authoritarianism has become the cudgel of the New American Anti-intellectual.

Not only can jet fuel not melt steel beams because of the mismatch of melting temperatures (try melting ice with dry ice), but there's a complete misunderstanding of the high thermal conductivity of metals--making the steel structure in the WTC buildings a 'massive heat sink' not unlike the fins on a computer CPU heatsink per the 2nd law of thermodynamics (nutshell: heat moves outward); and the latent heat of fusion or enthalpy of fusion--which is the additional heat required to convert a solid to a liquid (in this case steel) was unmet by a very large degree. Yet there was molten steel present. Lots of it. It's the case of the missing joules, and the 9/11 commission's explanation could not possibly account for all of that 'missing heat'.

Thwack! But "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams". Got it. You don't get science. Clearly.

It did not used to be this way. I used to not be this way--argumentative, angry, subversive. I've been polarized, and so have they. In fact, in college, I was surrounded by misfits and outcasts and it was not a selection bias--it was the 90s. Where did the genx people go? Well, into families, into jobs, they coalesced and disappeared. Now they are part of the establishment. Now they are supporting the 9/11 narrative. I began to wonder if baby-products had something to do with people becoming authoritarians, or if somehow the need for security for the new family made someone a republican. I don't think so.

But still this trend is coming from somewhere. I started to wonder if the personality had some chemical, genetic or epigenetic basis. I did a casual search for authoritarianism as it related to genetics and sure enough I discovered that there was a statistically significant genetic basis for authoritarianism triad personality, and that genes affect our political beliefs..

When a journalist says 'genes' I assume them to mean 'genes' that can become altered or activated; as in epigenetics; not mutations. Although mutations are another thing, usually they will kill you or give you a weird disease or cancer, since we've yet to see them confer upon any person in history superpowers. (Lance armstrong was roided not super).

I have started to wonder if there's something in the food, some kind of environmental factors that could have altered people's personalities by gene expression to lead to high authoritarianism. I thought to think to myself: if I were a republican with billions, and I wanted to influence things and TV wasn't enough, what else could I do using science to make people more controllable through high RWA traits?

Spray chemtrails of a substance over a population that activates authoritarian genes and therefore expresses higher jingoism in said population? Engineer a virus to do the same? How to deliver it? Vaccine programs? Gmo food? STDs? Mosquitos? Complex Microwave signals or biotuned-EM radiation? Low level nuclear exposure?

Obviously the speculation ranges from batshit to more batshit, but something is obviously going on. I cannot be alone in thinking this.

What are your thoughts /r/conspiracy?


Glenn Greenwald has a very interesting talk that touches on what you're talking about. Glenn is not a full blown conspiracy theorist but he's very much aware of the propaganda that's put out by the mass media.

One example that shows how blind the West is was that of the case of the Iranian-American journalist who was captured under suspicion of spying in Iran. Of course there was an immediate outburst of angry people talking about how Iran was such a backwashed country that they would actually capture a journalist. How could a country be so evil as to detain a journalist. She was in jail for a total of three months and was released on lack of evidence.

At the same time the U.S. was holding 20 journalists in Guantanamo Bay. One of them was a journalist and photographer from the Middle East (I can't find his exact name as of now). He was captured around 9/11 and spent the next 6 years in solitary confinement at Guantanamo. No court hearing, no lawyers nothing. When he was released the whole Middle East celebrated; we never even heard of the guy.

We in the West have no freaking clue how much we are hated by the rest of the world. In Obama's time he's bombed six different countries into chaos. They hate us with a passion and for all the right reasons. If you go outside the West you'll hear the people say the exact things we are talking about here. They hate the West because we're killing their people. And with the propaganda we're being shoved down our throats we think we're the good guys. We are led to believe that al-Qaeda attacked the U.S. because they "hate our freedom". How can anyone be this gullible? If the Middle East had anything to do with it they did it because they sought revenge.

EDIT: here's the link to Glenn's talk: 1 hour and 30 mins long but worth the watch

EDIT2: the journalist I was talking about was Sami al-Hajj. Has anyone here heard of him through the mass media? No because we're the most propagandized part of the world.

Ah yes his Baphomet (bafflement) talk. I concur it's a great talk. Thanks for putting the link.

I find myself on /r/911truth and on youtube videos fighting off hoards of people--be they tool, troll or templar--who use the weaponized meme, "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" like a cudgel. This is a very interesting trend, because these people are using a meme of a falsehood held up as the truth. In other words, they are using this ironic and sarcastic meme to prove that 911 truth people don't know anything about science, by using something that is literally incorrect due to science.

I wasn't really a "truther" back in the days, I was a kid who liked to debate people when they were wrong (relevant xkcd) and I knew a lot about conspiracy theories because I liked to entertain the thoughts - in an ironic, self-aware, academic, distanced sort of way. I just hated it when ignorant nonsense was "debunked" with more ignorant nonsense.

So Pepperidge farm remembers that before NISTs report came out, "jet fuel melted the steel beams" was THE answer you got when you asked why the Twins fell. Why? Because it was circulated by experts, repeated by main stream media and gobbled up by laypeople again and again and again. 90000 gallons of jet fuel were in the building, they said, and it melted all the steel, of course they came down! Nevermind that only ~ 90000 L fit into a Boeing 767-200, nevermind that it was most likely not fully fueled, nevermind most of it went up in the fireballs, nevermind that the rest burned off within minutes, nevermind that more fuel does not mean higher temperature. The jet fuel melted the steel beams, the experts said so. There was a time even when the "pools of molten metal" were cited as proof - the very pools of molten metal that now are only "hearsay", and unreliable "eyewitness testimony", and of which no photographic evidence exists. Fuel-rich kerosene pool fires can't liquefy iron-carbon alloys, the truthers said, and repeated at nauseam, quoting from the NIST report even when it was still fresh, and a young generation of truthers now wonders how in hell this simple truth became a "meme", and are upset because the hivemind is making fun about their movement by anticipating their arguments.

In light of that, the questions run much deeper. If from this day on the government, experts and MSM circulated that Bush did 9/11 - how long would it need to become a "fact" you are not allowed to question except on /r/conspiracy?


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All of those are good points. Especially the point you made about 'melting steel beams' being the original explanation to the progressive collapse (pancake) theory. But I do believe we have pictures of the molten steel. We have molten metal leaking out of the side of buildings. We know it's molten-something, and it can only be glass, metal or rock (lava), and metal is the thing that melts like that at temperatures lower than molten glass, so it's a safe bet.

We have pictures taken by the cleanup crew of glowing orange metal being pulled from the wreackage over a week later. I do not know how those are not taken into account--seeing those images in 2002 (and the burned up cars) made me a truther upon witness. It made me shocked and angry, then I found myself in a terrible post 911 world. If I had a time machine, I'd have immigrated to costa rica in 2001 or something because basically fuck this country--it's not the ideals, its the bodysnatched. But here I am, still fighting to redeem it, with all of you here on conspiracy and 911truth.

We have pictures taken by the cleanup crew of glowing orange metal being pulled from the wreackage over a week later.

I know which one you mean. Its genesis is under too much dispute - Ideological Turing test forces me to abandon it unless corroborated. For example by the skunk works rescue robots. Also, teams went into the basement, even with film crews.

There should be tons of footage. There should be tons of slag chunks of metal, of any form or size. This is the best we've got.

//edit: used wrong word.

Also, you have to understand that there is a dedicated "9/11 Liar's Movement" online that works in two ways. First, they simply attack 9/11 truthers using the standard slurs: "Conspiracy theorist" etc.

Then, you have the disinformation, people like Judith Wood of Clemsen University who come up with obviously nonsense "theories" like "space beams" and the like, meant to associate 9/11 truth with whacky nonsense.

It's been 14 years - a lot of their stuff is still online. Go to a website, like, say, and go read threads about 9/11 from 2004-2006 or so. You can easily detect a pattern of specific posters attacking truthers.

Really, this would make a great study for someone researching propaganda online.

I didn't know she was from Clemson University. It's a well respected engineering school. But that doesn't mean she's right (or wrong). I don't know enough about her stuff except she claims there were energy weapons used. What's her research look like and how has it been debunked and by whom?

If she's who I think she is, it's tecnnically a plausible idea--satellites. If you consider how a medical cyberknife or gamma knife works, it's basically an 'array of discrete radiation emitters' that are aimed such that their beams converge at a specific point to destroy cancer. The reason for the array is that they can treat people with brain cancers without damaging the tissue surrounding the cancer, because the incident beams are too weak to cause damage upon ingress. SImilarly, one could imagine that if you aimed a bunch of satellites onto a point and sent specifically tuned beams of electromagnetic energy (tuned to the mechanical resonance frequency of the steel), it could heat up the steel, much like a microwave. So one would have to verify 1 mechanical resonance of that grade of steel used in wtc, 2. if that the satellites in orbit are capable of operating in that range and with what maximum energy output, 3. what amount of unused time / redundant satelites would be able to operate in this scenario unnoticed or without causig a massive interruption of various services. My point is it's implausible but not non-feasible

You forgot endocrine disruptors. Dudes got no balls anymore. It's a chemical castration paired with all these bullshit feminist memes put out. It ain't no accident we've got Bruce jenners growing titties.

You forgot about the porn angle--all the shemale porn that's out now, especially the neo-lebensborn occultist sissy hypno compilations

Shit they've been making she male hermaphrodite "art" for millennia. They love that shit.

"Authoritarianism" is kind of a bullshit concept. It was dreamed up by extremely anti-European Jews who wanted to find a way to pathologize normal European people. So they wrote a book, mostly based on completely discredited Freudian theories, that European men who loved their families and held "conservative" social views were actually "authoritarians" which made them ... wait for it ... hate Jews.

The book was titled "The Authoritarian Personality" and it's a shame that people still cite these wholly discredited ideas, which were essentially a racist attack on European (i.e., White) men.

As for 9/11 ... let me tell you, as a "9/11 survivor" myself (I witnessed the entire thing up close and personal) ... the resistance people have to 9/11 truth is sort of the great mystery of my life I'm still trying to figure out.

Essentially, if you control the mass media, you control the public mind. You just slander truthers as "conspiracy theorists" and nutjobs and most people won't want to be involved in them. Interestingly, the left assumed 9/11 truthers are "right wingers" but the right considers them "left wingers."

Really, they are both. For instance, Richard Gage of AE911Truth said that he was a typical "Reagan Republican," and Steven Jones described himself as a typical "conservative Republican." Hollywood celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell are obviously "liberals" and a lot of early truthers were essentially anti-Bush.

But you would be surprised at how anti-truth a lot of the left is - this is partially because the left wing movements in America tend to be led by Jews. I have noticed that Jews tend to be extremely anti-9/11 truth, I think because they realize that Israel was very much involved and 9/11 was "good for Israel."

You have Jewish celebrities like Jon Stewart (Liebowitz) and Bill Maher who have constantly and viciously slandered the truth movement. Celebrity leftist Noam Chomsky has attacked the 9/11 truth movement in extremely dishonest ways, and progressive hero Amy Goodman of Democracy Now infamously refused to confront 9/11 in her media.

I didn't know about Amy Goodman. Hmm. Going to have to look into that.

But generally I disagree with what you are saying--many things in fact. Authoritarianism is a real phenomenon, and let me demonstrate it for you: you're stupid and weird. Many sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, policitians throughout history completely disagree with you. See what I just did? I used my authoritarianism powers to discredit your opinion. I put you in an outgroup.

I agree with you about "if you control the mass media". The cia did all this manchurian candidate experimentation with lsd, torture / abuse, rape, psychotronics, even the occult (remote viewing, oobes, magic ritual experiments--under MKOFTEN) and dolphin communication (John c Lilly) in the 60s under umbrella project MKULTRA and they found the most powerful mind control tool was the television. So they turned in all their tricks for 'cia hollywood liaisons' like alleged agent Ben Affleck.

Also, I'm a liberal and I'm not a 9/11 truth person simply to be anti-bush. That is preposterous. There are over a hundred scientific reasons I'm against 9/11 and none have anything to do with Bush. In fact, I think Cheney was behind it and it's possible bush was a manchurian candidate, but no one talks about that because like 911 being in any small way not true to the official story is preposterous. If you look at the rapid cognitive decline of bush video, you'll see he either had latent brain damage or some external agent was greatly affecting his mental, verbal ability and ability to express complex ideas during the latter part of his administration, when he was absolutely very capable of doing so as a governor.

The whole mention of jew thing is just. It's tiring man. It's always with the jews.

It's my opinon that the whole jew phenomenon is part of a larger thing and that they are blamed for everything and they can take it. If you study the history of freemasonry, and if these 'world doctrine' documents like albert pikes' letter are true, then it's the international freemason networks that run things--theyv'e infiltrated every national and international org and it's been their plan for WW3 to stage an event that they would blame on radicalized islam and if discovered would appear to be a mossad operation, when really it's a cheney operation run by the rothschilds. Yes I know they are jews, but I don't like to hear this anti-semitic wholesale 'it's the jews' without specifically naming who specifically is responsible. I say this because I imagine that in israel there are people not unlike us who are similarly oppressed like we are by the fascism of their elitist security industrial complex and deep state intelligence networks who are perennially exporting terror everywhere on their behalf. When you come right down to it, whether the original world war document was real or a fraud (like how protocols of elders of zion were real or a fraud), its entirely possible the protocols were put out as a false flag document to implicate jews in everything, thus causing both ww2 and ww3 if you think about it. And if it's a fraud after all, it could be part of a plan to expand israel after all--like many have said it is (what's happening in Syria / ISIS & Russians right now).

It's hard to sort this out, because freemasons based on their kabbalistic roots have been characterized as strong zionists; but they've also been characterized as luciferian alchemist templars who want to reclaim the temple of solomon from the judaists. In this way, it's really unclear where their motivations lie; zionism in freemasonry could be a trojan horse waiting for the right time to flip the last coin in a game of othello, taking the whole board. Guess we'll just have to find out, at the escaton.

If you look at the rapid cognitive decline of bush video, you'll see he either had latent brain damage or some external agent was greatly affecting his mental, verbal ability and ability to express complex ideas during the latter part of his administration, when he was absolutely very capable of doing so as a governor.

Yeah, he had a stroke.

Remember how he "choked on a pretzel?" That was a cover story for his stroke.

Decades of heavy drinking can do that to you.

Nice write-up.

And I suspect Jacks doesn't mean that every person of jewish descent is responsible for 9/11 and the coverup.

But there is Dominik Suter, and the b thing, and Urban Moving Systems, and the five dancing Israelis, and the mainstream media, not to mention the PNAC neocons, Dov Zakheim, Larry Silverstein and others---there is complicity of some within the jewish community. And you can cover your eyes and plug your ears if you want to, in an attempt to ignore these facts...but ignore is the root of ignorance.

Jacks doesn't mean that every person of jewish descent is responsible for 9/11 and the coverup.

Obviously. But there is a such thing as the Jewish community and we can make observations about that community. The Jews that were involved in 9/11 are obviously a tiny, tiny, tiny minority - obviously.

People are simply afraid to discuss Jewish power precisely because they are powerful. You'll notice people can talk about "White Southerners" all day long, slander them in every way, and get kudos from the left. You can talk about "Muslims" and get kudos from the right.

But say anything at all not worshipful about the Jewish community and it's OMG HITLERANTISEEEMITE!!1.

Or, you get what 911bodysnatcher is doing - "oh, poor Jews, it's so tiring how everyone always says bad things about Jews" - which is false. Essentially, discussion of Jewish power is CENSORED in modern America.

Just look what happened to Mearshimer and Walt, authors of the Israel Lobby. These were two totally mainstream intellectuals discussing AIPAC, and what do you know, the Usual Suspects start screaming ANTISEEEMITE!

At some point you just have to have the courage to ignore some shrieking Jew fanatic and tell the truth.

But there is Dominik Suter, and the b thing, and Urban Moving Systems, and the five dancing Israelis, and the mainstream media, not to mention the PNAC neocons, Dov Zakheim, Larry Silverstein and others---there is complicity of some within the jewish community.

I get that. For example, "anti-semitism, it's a trick, we always use it". Also you forgot the sith lord Henry Kissinger and his history

oh yeah look up what Susan Lindauer said about Amy Goodman.

Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky - these people are the epitome of "controlled opposition."

The whole mention of jew thing is just. It's tiring man. It's always with the jews.

I'm sorry that facts make you feel bad. If you don't like what Jews are doing, and what the Jewish culture turns out - take it up with them.

I didn't write a bullshit book based on psuedo-science meant to defame an entire ethnic group - that would be Jews.

Take it up with them.

No trust me I get what you mean and I'll look into those things--esp gatekeeper amy goodman. That is disappointing too, I like her. I'm just now come to terms about noam chomsky.

I generally agree with you but I am of the belief not that Israeli jews are not these blameless folks, but rather much like we are, complicit in participating in a shitty dominator culture that is making the world bad. I have had some friends that were Jewish in america and they are asking the same questions we are--mainly, wtf are the israelis up to. My jewish friend in 2002 pointed out the dancing israelis and was pissed off and scared, and started investigating financial instruments destroyed on 9/11, formulating a hypothesis that it was a big crime.

So I dont' think there's an ethnic hivemind is my point. I think there are competing secret socieites operating in each other's countries but like competitive businesses, some times they work together and sometimes they work against each other and it's difficult to sort it all out.

freemasons based on their kabbalistic roots have been characterized as strong zionists; but they've also been characterized as luciferian alchemist templars

Yeah, it's hilarious the contortions people will go through to avoid facing the facts about Jewish culture. You have to come up with all sorts of crazy nonsense about "freemasons" and the "kaballah" and all that crap.

The reality is much more simple: culture, ethnicity, and a cult-like mentality.

But you can't handle the truth because you're afraid of criticizing Jews.

Ah well, you can lead a horse to water.

It's not nonsense. Freemasons are alchemists, it's very cut and dry. That's what the VITRIOL is all about in their contemplation room ("Visita Interiora Terræ Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem", an alchemic motto that can be roughly translated as "Visit the interior of the earth and [by] purifying [yourself] you will find the hidden stone".) Alchemy has roots in egyptian hermeticism and kabbala via pan west asian mystery cults. The templars were closet alchemists, and had cobbled together mystic traditions from alexandrian egypt, greece and jerusalem. Triangles were both sacred and rational.

Freemasons are alchemists

Alchemy doesn't actually exist; it's superstition.

The Pentagon - do we not know how to defend it, 39 minutes after two planes crash into the two tallest buildings in NYC?

That right there was the litmus test of critical reasoning.

The weaponized meme, "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" is what is called a Thought-terminating cliché. (In case you haven't seen this before)

Dammit I love this kind of stuff. It's orwell's newspeak. Thank you. Its like spiraling-in on all these social psychological concepts that mess up peoples minds.

I swear we are up against some very skillful technosorcerors who are using social psychology, art and the media as weapons against us.

No trust me I get what you mean and I'll look into those things--esp gatekeeper amy goodman. That is disappointing too, I like her. I'm just now come to terms about noam chomsky.

I generally agree with you but I am of the belief not that Israeli jews are not these blameless folks, but rather much like we are, complicit in participating in a shitty dominator culture that is making the world bad. I have had some friends that were Jewish in america and they are asking the same questions we are--mainly, wtf are the israelis up to. My jewish friend in 2002 pointed out the dancing israelis and was pissed off and scared, and started investigating financial instruments destroyed on 9/11, formulating a hypothesis that it was a big crime.

So I dont' think there's an ethnic hivemind is my point. I think there are competing secret socieites operating in each other's countries but like competitive businesses, some times they work together and sometimes they work against each other and it's difficult to sort it all out.