Shills beware. What you are doing is illegal. Amazon targets 1,114 'fake reviewers' in Seattle lawsuit. It says its brand reputation is being damaged by "false, misleading and inauthentic" reviews paid for by sellers seeking to improve the appeal of their products.

139  2015-10-18 by [deleted]


So, I guess /r/worldnews will be shut down.

You listening Monsanto?

Good luck suing all of China.

The difference is that Amazon wasn't getting paid by their shill account holders. Reddit admins on the other hand...

Haha, no comments yet. Fucking shills don't wanna show their faces today, lol.

Clearly shills don't exist. They are the boogeyman for butt-hurt internet users just like gang-stalking doesn't exist because everyone who is gang-stalked is schizophrenic. Hope I cleared that up for you.

Source: sarcasm

Welcome to the Internet...

Where having multiple identities isn't a mental condition, you are just a shill from 4chan.

Sunday is usually a day off for shills

tl;dr: Anyone who disagrees with me better watch out!

If I had a penny for every time I've been called a shill.... I'd be richer than what Monsanto/Coca-Cola/the government/etc pay me (which is $0.00).

Dammit, the fake /r/amazonreviews are one of the best things about the site!

Finally Reddit is useful for something. That shit is hilarious.

Lol, only matters when the shills are effecting the profit of corporations. God bless the USA

this reviewing is a big business ... this guys go throught amazon sites and look for products with not many reviews than they call the product company and offer to write reviews for money ...

its a growing business ... most reviews you see on amazon is paid for

I always ignore positive feedback and go straight to the negative. If there aren't many or their reasons are unimportant to me, then I know the product is alright. If however there are lots of negatives that make sense, no amount of positives can make me buy anything.

"false, misleading and inauthentic" reviews

i.e., "multiple identity fraud".

vocaPASS™ gives anyone the ability to add voice biometric account security -- to any existing USER+PASS login -- with an optional one user one voice service (i.e., ensures no duplicate identities).

Just sayin' -- Amazon would drastically reduce account fraud if that installed vocaPASS.

Amazon can suck my fucking dick. They're hypocrites. They own the IMDb boards, which are completely fucking dominated by Zionist shills. They've done nothing about that shit for years.

Lawsuits do not dictate what is legal and what is not. They're predicted on damages. Not legality. Losing a lawsuit doesn't mean you're a criminal, nor can it result in being incarcerated. See the civil lawsuit which found OJ Simpson liable for the two murders he was criminally acquitted for. They proved he murdered two people, in that civil lawsuit. All he had to do was pay the families damages.

I've been called a shill. I've never received a dime from anyone to comment. I simply disagree with you and enjoy doing so. I don't see why that's hard to understand.

I simply disagree

Do you even know why or you just jealous of others?

Why would I be jealous?

Most people are jealous of something without knowing, thus the reason they don't like something.


My personal motivations are chiefly entertainment. I enjoy contrarian discussions and see little reason to talk with people that I already agree with about how great we all are for agreeing.

Not even sure how to respond. People here are just trying to inform the shills that the game is up! This sub is on to their shenanigans of disinformation distraction actions. Its time to give up!

Apparently this sub does want to talk only with people who already agree about how great you all are for agreeing.

That's not true and you know it.

You can accuse me of being motivated by jealousy. Why am I not allowed to point out that by dismissing dissenters as shills, this sub is deliberately drawing a line between those who belong (those who agree with a particular theory), and those who don't?

Drawing a line? Someone is just pointing out facts so others can understand what is happening. We need to remember that everyone is not on the same level of knowledge and understanding of the online world along with the deception that happens within it. Life is a consistent learning process.

BTW, Im not accessing you of anything.

It's simple: Emotions. People who cannot accept others organically disagree with them are emotionally attached to their theories and ideas. Which is all well and good - passion isn't a bad thing - it's just not at all scientific or evidence in the least.

What I really don't understand is how people can't realize that if the purpose of a shill is to derail a topic towards their own ends, then the number one thing they can do to achieve that is (ironically) call someone a shill and write their ideas off entirely, without inspection or consideration. The best is when they preach about the free exchange of ideas while simultaneously ignoring any they deem to have come from a "shill".

It's a pure ad hominem attack. It serves to do nothing but derail a conversation.

I'm not arguing shills don't exist. What I'm arguing is that it's irrelevant. If their argument stands up to reason and evidence, what does it matter where it came from? If it doesn't, then their argument can be shown to be flawed, regardless of their paycheck.

The shill stands on the argument, the argument doesn't stand on the shill. Just like anyone else. Knock the argument out, not the shill. Address the argument in debates, not the person.

Wouldn't a shill be able to manipulate the votes? That means they can hide opinions, or make idiotic opinions appear to be the consensus, which does actually convince some people if they are crowd followers. They probably tweak the votes a bit so as not to be very obvious (I know you're probably going to ask "but why aren't my comments upvoted to a thousand then?)

Totally irrelevant, huh? What's the point of saying it's irrelevant? Why are you apologizing for public relations?

Also, wouldn't a shill be skilled in the art of deceiving people using logical fallacies? Why are you pro logical fallacy?

It seems really strange that people would come in here and say this doesn't matter.

Interesting to see the posters who have appeared to disagree

Personally I do look at downvoted comments. I don't see them as being censored.

I usually don't downvote people, particularly not with the intent of hiding their comments, only for rudeness or poor logic.

What I do find interesting is this idea of this sub being populated with shills, of it being brigaded, just because people are expressing their dissent.

Of course it seems really strange to you. Conspiracists thrive on coincidences and connections regardless of evidence.

You're convinced, so I'm not going to try to refute your "points". I'll simply point out you didn't address mine at all.

This post gets 1 star.

As a fully certified shill let me tell you I am not worried at all. We get full legal cover (Jewish lawyers of course) along with incredibly generous bonus packages dependant on how many sheeple we can mislead.

I'm made 200 shekels last month, although it was the anniversary of 9/11 so we were all working overtime.


My personal motivations are chiefly entertainment. I enjoy contrarian discussions and see little reason to talk with people that I already agree with about how great we all are for agreeing.

Drawing a line? Someone is just pointing out facts so others can understand what is happening. We need to remember that everyone is not on the same level of knowledge and understanding of the online world along with the deception that happens within it. Life is a consistent learning process.

BTW, Im not accessing you of anything.