JEB, pulling a trick from his brother GW and Dick Cheney, is now trying to gin up nuclear warhead fears to beat Donald Trump. JEB is so desperate its sad.

56  2015-10-18 by qaaqa


Comments are turned off on the blog page, go figure.

The way that narrative is framed is very dangerous.

Saying Trump is a threat with nuclear codes because he stands to stop illegal invasions, while Jeb is talking about INVADING THE MIDDLE EAST, because as well know if you can't get it right the first three times, you have to do it again and see if the result is different.


long range nuclear weapons are as much a hoax as the moon landing, whenever anybody talks about sending nuclear missiles - you can rest assured it's all talk.

uh, what?

research it, once you look into it you will see it too.

Do you have an actual source or are you just trolling?

nothing like being asking if I'm trolling to make we want to further engage with somebody.

I mean I've researched just about every conspiracy out there, and have been a part of this sub since it was under 40k subscribers. And I've never heard of ballistic missiles being a scam.

Like, I can see you being serious, but I can also see someone trying to troll by saying something like that.

apparently you haven't researched this one, but with your skills of research you must have honed over the years I'm sure you can get to the bottom of it without my help.

you can not justify insulting me while also asking for more information. no go.

but - you can start with researching if long range nuclear missiles have ever actually been used on any legitimate target ever. (not just - oh we tested it but nobody but our own military can corroborate - still yeah - it works - why would we lie?)

there is much more to research about how many lies and propaganda deceptions surround nuclear weapons - but recognizing they have never been used in long range capacity is a good starting ground to go deeper into understanding that they are a scare tactic fairy tale.

consider how cray cray north Korea is and how much they want to bomb us, do you really think if the technology to send missiles across an ocean existed they would not have gotten their hands on it by now with all their alleged hacking? it's all a bluff. it's always a bluff, when they threaten it and when we threaten it, our gov just speaks in a different tone - so we don't pick up on that it's a bluff. but long range nuclear missiles are a bluff no matter who is threatening to use them - or saying - be afraid - somebody else is going to use them on us. the technology simply does not exist, if you really look into the proposed physics of it - it's a joke.

forget missiles for a moment - & ask yourself if any object has ever flown unmanned across an ocean? you'd think if the technology existed to fly an object unmanned from one shore to another - there would be some real life example of it somewhere, anywhere. even a drone can't go remotely that far a distance,

I can see what you are saying, and in the 60's and 70's it probably was bullshit to a large degree, example of this would be Russia trying to build silo in Cuba during missle crisis. Today however, I would say that they are probably a fact

thanks. - if you look at the nuclear test footage they showed American people back in the 60's you can see it's super fake. camera angles that make no sense - clear deceptive edits, etc,

I do not think they are a fact today. I see no reason thy secretly came up with the technology when lying about having it was working out for them,

but --- guess it's a behind door # one thing -- how to know?


sure - short range missiles are as effective as ever.

And if it isnt talk then none of it matters anyway.