5 accounts I have made on Pro-israel topics have been deleted by istagram

0  2015-10-19 by [deleted]

Look up how many hash tag #fuckisrael, #fuckjews, anti israel etc's there are. Thousands. Along with thousands of fuck israel, free Palestine accounts dedicated to lying and propaganda made to spread hatred about israel. Lies, for example like showing screen shots of videos of Israelis killing a terrorist that just before being killed , stabbed or harmed the Israeli soldiers in some way. Or another one I saw of a terrorist that ran over a couple Israelis and was shot and killed, but they only show the dead palestinian with a stupid caption that said "this is the real israel. They have no regard for human life"...or, the boy that was shot and "left to bleed out to death" by "savage israelis that have no regard for human life"...yet the boy stabbed and killed two israeli soldiers..not only that..ISRAEL SAVED THE BOY AND BROUGHT HIM TO A JEWISH HOSPITAL! or, the picture they posted of the dead terrorist dressed in a PRESS disguise saying he was innocent and israelis killed him, but the video clearly shows hposts asing and stabbing an israeli soldier when he gets the moment. this infuriated me. There is literally something like 5 anti Palestine accounts. I know it is wrong to spread hate, but I made 3 accounts that did say fuck Palestine, but only THREE times in 3 posts out of all three of those accounts but they were inside the picture I posted. The other two i made sure not to say "fuck palestine" or post a picture that said "keep calm and fuck palestine". That last one is what i posted in the first three. I know its wrong. I would like to add, nearly every single one of these thousands of fuck israel free Palestine pages it says fuck Israel in every one. Look it up. Anyway. So I instead of lying, and just posting hateful Shit I decided to post factual information from reliable websites. I posted pictures from the israel defense force blog. These are not exaggerated nor lies at all. All facts, and not hateful at all. Why are my accounts being deleted? It it outrageous. There is THOUSANDS of anti israel, yet 3, 4...maybe 10 anti whatever the fuck. Edit: an example of what they do. I am not doing this, I am exposing this on these accounts. As well as what you see below. What is wrong with that? I don't get the mindset that no matter what - israel is wrong. Its disgusting.https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/21/ff/5c/21ff5c787ae644eb3bcc5b2f48773f5a.jpg



Wow, even the hospitals in Israel are segregated! Apartheid much?

Oh, you're just hilarious aren't you....like borat says.... "NOTT!"

Good job Instagram, finally some organization that doest automatically suck the Zionist pole. If you love Israel so much, go live there, traitor. Take some dual citizen lawmakers with you. I hope you all fly Malaysian Airlines to the holy land.


So you post from "idfblog.com" and that's truth about their enemies? Let's say it is true. Would you spend millions on shit to help your people when its just going to get blown the fuck up? Your logic is baffling.

Lol, it is true. Fucking google it. Its hard to argue you with you when you dont believe anything, even when its smacked in your face. I have relatives in israel as well. Its not little known israel has given millions of dollars in aid, as well has hundreds and thousands of tons of concrete, food, water, and gasoline to Palestine. Hundreds of trucks full, as a matter of fact.

I do not believe anything that comes out of the IDF nor do I believe any military propaganda, no matter the country.

So be it - I respect your opinion.

So you dont believe even when you show you these? I'll try to get links to or get screen shots somehow but idk how to link them to this.. But here is the PRESS terrorist i was talking about. http://www.vosizneias.com/assets/uploads/news_photos/thumbnails/700_w7anuwdjza9yr3dpbk7pzk8azhakpq89.jpg

Here is another guy that the accounts say Israelis killed and was innocent. There are photos of the press guy just laying there dead with the soldiers pointing guns at him, and same with this. If you have been researching this issue, doubt it.. You probably have seen this video. But here is the image. They are just talking and out of nowhere he lunges at the soldier with a knife. http://i1.wp.com/www.jewishpress.com/wp-content/uploads/Arab-Stabbing-Border-Policeman.jpg?w=477

Failing to see your point. I get it, you are Jewish (Your own words). Shit is fucked in the ME, but Zionism is making it much worse. I care for all people, Jews and Arabs alike. The State of Israel is in the wrong here. You can call me whatever names you want, but it doesn't matter, Israel is in the wrong. Let Ron Paul explain it to you.

Lol, your fucking blind man. If you fail to see my point even after I post evidence, I have no reason to keep going. You are a fucking jackass.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.

Seriously? You're just experiencing what it's like being pro-Palestinian on Reddit. If I had to guess, I'd say that instagram has real humanitarian moderators. Are you really so arrogant to think these attacks by Palestinians are wholly unjustified and without cause? You guys have stink trucks full of a chemical warfare agent that you spray on entire Palestinian neighbourhoods.

Jewish "settlers" encroach into Palestinian lands with full government approval and support. IDF have been known to shoot children dead for doing nothing more than throwing rocks. Entire blocks are levelled by military bombardment. Embargoes on thousands of goods keep Palestine on the perpetual brink of collapse. Looking from the outside in, it's looks like slow genocide.

I think what makes it so appalling is just how well Jews understand what it's like to be so heavily oppressed, yet you've become everything you say you hate in the quest for Jewish sepremacy in the holy lands. You loathe the actions of the Nazi regime, but you emulate them.

Since the creation of Israel in occupied Palestine, how many Jews have died by the hands of the Palestinians? Now, how many Palestinians have been killed by Jews? Put them on a scale, weigh them, and step out of the box and examine the situation and it couldn't be any clearer who the real oppressor is- Judaism..

So you question everything else and make conspiracy theories....those are palestinians undercover! They're Arabs! They're anti israel trying to act like rabbis to get support! 😂 I dont support zionism either. Here ya go https://youtu.be/Rc9v5gLXP4w

You said it yourself. The reason why Palestine is so angry is because of Zionism.

Not going to listen to the propaganda video made by banksters.

https://youtu.be/tnYeVIasUqA start at 1:30. Proof , credible for you because you love fox news that palestinians do ALL OF THIS. every single one of you are wrong 😂

Oh, really? So it makes them kill innocent Israelis? Certain ones of course. Just like some Jews kill innocents. So they hate and make thousands upon thousands of lies on Instagram accounts dedicated to racism against jews? How does this have anything to do with my post BTW?

It is forbidden to kill a person or to steal land.

These people aren't real Jews.

This man explains it https://youtu.be/w7nfkTRZ0qw

Saying they are Palestinians dressed up as Jews is rude to the real Jews that stand against Zionism.

Lol, shut the fuck up dude you're a sheep. Go support terrorists. Go to Palestine and watch how fast they kill you because youre american. You're supporting that 😂😂😂

I couldn't go to Palestine without having to enter through IsraHELL.

These asswipes deliberately destroyed the USS Liberty and blackmailed President Johnson.

Oh yeah. And I don't think the leader of Palestine and hundreds of thousands of palestinians changing "DEATH TO AMERICA! DEATH TO ISRAEL!" can easily be faked...........

They hate America for aiding Israel. Is that so hard to understand?

For the same reason most of the middle east hates us. Not for our views, but what we have done with war in the middle east and occupation.


The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXS3vW47mOE&index=4&list=FL0Hm4q6tfSPGWomB_VUKjdg

I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHl1JnQoIWQ&index=7&list=FL0Hm4q6tfSPGWomB_VUKjdg

Even ISIS Propaganda quotes this Ex-CIA because America has a real misunderstanding on why these people hate us.

The youtube comments on that video chanting "Nuke palestine and wipe it off the map long live mighty Israel" don't seem much better.

i have seen this on instagram and some activist pages. it is not necessarily that these people are ignorant, more so that they just happened to not know because the media posts conflicting stories supporting both sides often leaving the other to look bad. i guess I could see the amount of posts perpetuating it though.. nice post.

Oh, you're just hilarious aren't you....like borat says.... "NOTT!"