Why are the mods not more fact oriented on this sub?

0  2015-10-24 by [deleted]



Part of being an adult is figuring out, on your own, what's truth and what isn't. Adults don't need someone else to tell them what the truth is. No one can tell you what the truth is. It takes time and effort to discern truth and falsehood, as well it taking a willingness to be wrong sometimes...or a lot of times.

So no, we don't needs mods to tell us what's truthful/factual and what isn't.


I hate ever saying this to anyone, but based on this please-discipline-me-daddy comment and your misuse of the word "literally," maybe you're not ready for /r/conspiracy yet?

We'll still be here when you're ready.

The maturity you lack yet are so intent on imparting upon people screams out with every comment you make, you're not wise enough in your years if that's a topic fresh on your mind in a forum about politics. I'm not gonna entertain any further mentioning of it, because it's hypocritical to preach that I produce something of value and instead you choose to attack my literacy.

As far as I knew, literally still meant metaphorically, and nothing he said was illegible, it just made no sense, so I don't really see what your angle is on this. It's weird whatever you're doing here man, I guess you're just masturbating your own sense of self righteousness.

If you want the point in your court, you can have it if it means you'll drop this to be honest.

SMH, do you not realize you just proved my point with this angry, insulting comment?

Anyway, we're here when you're ready. Good luck.


Well, hope you feel better, anyway, after unleashing on us over here and can find that special community that deletes the topics that you find so distressing.

Yeah, honestly, I'm swinging this shillelagh around just decimating this community, I'm here to silence all the things I hate to see so I can only see what I want to see because I'm a poorly created bond villain with nothing but bad intentions.

I don't think you got my point. But good luck, like I said.

Rule 10. Removed.

Do you want to tell you what to watch on TV too? You might watch a stupid program unless someone guides you.

That's where you're going.

You're literally talking nonsense. What I decide to watch has nothing to do with expecting A+B=C when facts are at hand. You're the type of person to mosy through and try and impart knowledge on people where it absolutely isn't needed, comparing apples to durian.

So far, the pitiful responses speak volumes regarding the level of sense users on this sub can have. There are a lot of people who bring fantastic information to us, but what you're contributing to this here is null.

Rather than make this about me and what you think I do or don't add, perhaps it would serve you and others better to add content to this sub that improves it.

Or you could just keep critiquing and be exactly the same as those you're complaining about.

I contribute whatever I can with the limited knowledge I have on the things I know

I do the same.

Carry on.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.

It's weird that you say:

This is the biggest sub on Reddit that provides the level of freedom of information that it does

and also:

I feel like the mods will just allow any wacky theory to be submitted, some of it with no basis whatsoever.

You can't get a place where the first statement is true if information is being actively pruned for what is "real fact." (What is "real fact" anyway?)

This is a sub for conspiracy theories as well as conspiracy facts as well as a place for people who are conspiracy-minded to comment on what's going on or has gone on in our world.

I guess I just hoped the community would be more interested in finding answers to things. It seems as though all of you are more intent on turning at your own, and picking your own fantasy story to accept. I can't tell if I am not conveying my point accurately, or if there is just a lot of unnecessary bullheadedness going on.

In the example of 9/11, I'd want to know what EXACTLY happened to the towers, where the thermite was placed, rather than believing that 9/11 was conducted by terrorists, because there is no scientific EVIDENCE OR FACT behind the official story, but there is evidence pointing otherwise.

I don't think you're conveying your point accurately, it seems to be pretty accusatory without providing value.

If you don't like the content here, how about providing better content? Would be a lot more effective in making the sub a better place, and would certainly provide better discussion, than insulting us with generic complaints.

If you don't like the content here, how about providing better content?

generic complaints

You've confirmed for me, you're just misunderstanding. I've addressed this in previous comments on this thread, you guys are pretty vulturous. Honestly the fact you perceive the input I made here as an attack on the quality of this sub and not in it's genuine interest is pretty baffling.

You're complaining that mods don't delete posts here and stifle discussion and then getting all angry when people tell you why they don't want this in their community.

That's not attacking you, that's making an observation.

Like I said, maybe you're not ready for a non-censored spot to talk (and not sure why you can't just ignore the theories you don't like and allow others to live their lives and discuss what they please?), but maybe you will be soon, and we'll be here when you are.

Who dictates what's real facts and what isn't? Seems like you are advocating censorship.

What do you mean? Data, numbers? Courts dictate fact every day. I am in no way advocating censorship, I'm not saying ban or delete these posts, I'm suggesting as a community we take more initiative in the promotion of actual truth to grow the credibility of this sub for the rest of reddit and bring attention to these things.

I really want there to be a way to organize and filter this sub but I kind of think that the mods would need to be like those 'Lone Gunmen' guys from the old X-Files TV show to cover the vast array of wild stuff that passes through each day.

I am personally skeptical about 99.99% of the stuff that gets posted here but how could a mod properly call BS on these subjects when the people who post seem to be so convinced that they are true, and they often come packed with a mountain of counter-arguments and pseudo-science to help back up their position.

It's like Art Bell and his position that he will never turn away callers no matter how outlandish they might seem.. He just does his best to keep the ship floating and for the sake of entertainment he has no desire to try and steer it or dictate where it's going.

What makes a fact? What makes for evidence? What makes a cops word matter more than yours?

Going by your logic, nothing is fact;nothing is evidence, everything is just lies and hearsay.

Facts are facts, just like science is facts. Do you not want valid information in this sub?

Scientific mathematical proof is a fact but even in that there are rounding errors. Facts are facts aren't facts those who write the history books have won the wars and the sheeps minds. Do you want critical thinking? You have to do that yourself.


No shill here my mind is wide open as I have seen the prophecy and now I am free. It's all made up it's all make believe.

Pretty sure this user must be a refugee from /r/topmindsofreddit or something, don't take it personally. You can't have a conversation without him flipping out and calling you a shill.

Rule 10. Removed.

This sub is chock full of valid and valuable information. But again, this is a sub for conspiracy theories as well as fact and discussion. We are always going to talk theory, because that's what conspiracy theories are - theories.

Absolutely, and those people deserve the praise for providing it for us, especially when it ripples onto other subs like WorldNews.

We depend upon users to use the big electronic superhighway in order to verify whether another user is blowing hot air. Requiring mods to act as some arbiter on controversial issues would give them the appearance of ruling from authority. That's not the mind set we want our friends to have in this subreddit.

If another person told you or others what was permitted or right/wrong then this place would be no different from anywhere else. Here we want you to determine what is true or false through your own self actualization.

Yeah, I definitely agree with that, I suppose it's hard, it's just wild how many people can be on board for something ie Engineers for 9/11 in finding information and seeking genuine truth, and then you'e just got groups intent on spooking eachother with sensational nonsense and fish stories.

Just because you aren't interested in specific content doesn't mean this can't be a meeting place for individuals seeking that content.

It seems kind of egotistical to say that your specific interests are more valid than another individuals. Especially when both of you discuss your content in a forum designated for fringe discussions.

As much as I personally do not like certain subjects being discussed on this forum I also believe that censoring specific subjects is a slippery slope.

I apologize if it seems that way, I don't mean things relevant to me, I just mean current events in politics or relevant to things currently.

The UFO thing is a small example, and hardly the issue, it's when people bring in alternative media with quotes and information that is essentially just some guys' blog. This sub is for CONSPIRACY as a whole, but that doesn't mean that we can't employ a scientific level of scrutiny with the information that gets posted here.

I guess I'm just bitching, it's just I hate wasting my time with some posts. You realize what you're reading is bullshit and then you question the authors' motives, like why would some fully functioning adult get off to making up some political jargon for viewership? It's like making a fetish of politics, it's so cancerous.

And why would the guy who read it in turn take it as fact and post it here, I don't know, it's just baffling to me, I'm sorry.

Yeah I do realize I was sort of critical about something sort of controversial for some people, I definitely had genuine intentions but I can see how this post seems insulting to some.

not insulting. but it doesn't help. its just another metashitpost. in a sea of other shitpost and trolls.

I agree. Also lots of trolls here go unchecked.

I guess I just hoped the community would be more interested in finding answers to things. It seems as though all of you are more intent on turning at your own, and picking your own fantasy story to accept. I can't tell if I am not conveying my point accurately, or if there is just a lot of unnecessary bullheadedness going on.

In the example of 9/11, I'd want to know what EXACTLY happened to the towers, where the thermite was placed, rather than believing that 9/11 was conducted by terrorists, because there is no scientific EVIDENCE OR FACT behind the official story, but there is evidence pointing otherwise.