Secret Knowledge: The 6 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved

107  2015-10-24 by [deleted]



Appendix A. The Illusion of Truth

Truth has become a touchy subject in our culture, and we’ve been programmed to believe that ‘the‘ truth comes from the demigods of media, celebrity, and government. If the TV declares something to be true, then we are heretics to believe otherwise.

In order to maintain order, the powers that be depend our acquiescence to their version of the truth. While independent thinkers and journalists continually blow holes in the official versions of reality, the illusion of truth is so very powerful that it takes a serious personal upheaval to shun the cognitive dissonance needed to function in a society that openly chases false realities.

This is a wonderful Revolutionary Pamphlet. I suggest someone format this in a pleasing foldable-pritable form for distribution sometime. Excellent breakdown of our societal ill's OP is tagged as a "MIND CHAIN BREAKER"

It resonated with me as well. Perhaps I'll take a crack of making something that is more visually impactful as that is what my profession is.

Becoming tired of making meaningless ads promoting products.

With OPs permission of course.


You are 100% deserving of the flair man you did a fantastic job i've already distributed it to people i know through email.

Absolutely not. If you take a person who was brainwashed for their entire life, then dump all this on them. They will never accept it. Unless you say:- try this instead...

Have some emotional intelligence

Preaching to the choir is a real issue with stuff like this . People can't, or won't handle the truth. But that does not mean don't try.

Quite well written..


Double plus good look; thank you for the link. Looking forward to finding future articles written in a similar style.

  1. The Illusion of Scarcity. (For example, diamonds are the most common "precious gem" on Earth. And zero point energy exists.)

Great post

"Truth has become a touchy subject in our culture, and we’ve been programmed to believe that ‘the‘ truth comes from the demigods of media, celebrity, and government. If the TV declares something to be true, then we are heretics to believe otherwise."

this is my favorite part

  1. The Illusion of Separateness On a strategic level, the tactic of divide and conquer is standard operating procedure for authoritarians and invading armies, but the illusion of separateness runs even deeper than this. We are programmed to believe that as individuals we are in competition with everyone and everything around us, including our neighbors and even mother nature. Us vs. them to the extreme. This flatly denies the truth that life on this planet is infinitely inter-connected. Without clean air, clean water, healthy soil, and a vibrant global sense of community we cannot survive here. While the illusion of separateness comforts us by gratifying the ego and and offering a sense of control, in reality it only serves to enslave and isolate us.

Edit: dunno why it says "1"... It's illusion #6

Edit 2: sooooo... This was already suggested a day ago. Sorry and please disregard

The illusion of God...

6) individual lives matter. Doesn't matter where you are in the wealth pyramid, all individuals can be replaced. Higher up you go the more constrained you are.

The illusion of self


.6 The Illusion of Separateness

On a strategic level, the tactic of divide and conquer is standard operating procedure for authoritarians and invading armies, but the illusion of separateness runs even deeper than this.

We are programmed to believe that as individuals we are in competition with everyone and everything around us, including our neighbors and even mother nature. Us vs. them to the extreme. This flatly denies the truth that life on this planet is infinitely inter-connected. Without clean air, clean water, healthy soil, and a vibrant global sense of community we cannot survive here.

While the illusion of separateness comforts us by gratifying the ego and and offering a sense of control, in reality it only serves to enslave and isolate us.


Truth be told you got me.

I'm gonna guess truth #6 is that we are not alone in the universe

6: illusion that there's one more unknown holding us back

Mind blown

No one?

Without posting a solution or alternative for each of these problems you leave people feeling lost and confused as opposed to giving new direction and purpose.

Look, a tornado....

I disagree. This is about recognizing methods of propaganda and control that affect your ability to think and feel for yourself.

What to 'do' only matters if people are able to understand and think for themselves; that itself is a solution.

Yeah, we've got problem and reaction, but no solution! C'mon!

And these are some extremely ancient deceptions. Most can be traced back to the dawn of agriculture.


What happened to number 4

6) there are no rules. It is all a matter of dominance. Being wealthy, old money means that you have the family history to assert your dominance.

id say its more confusion of those things than illusion. The only real freedom in in Jesus Christ.

What a tragically short-sighted viewpoint.

Authority worship reinforced by religion, that's why governments back religions, it strengthens control over people who are afraid to lead and instead want to be led.

i didnt mention religion

Yeah who do you think wrote the Bible? Men forming a religion

Print a book, rake in trillions upon trillions by acting as the mediator between God and man. They're profiting off from guilt. Given to you through primal desires which you are told are sins.

I guess the real tragedy is that we could yell this from the highest point on earth at the top of our lungs and society would hang us for it.

I want to break into your reality and shake you like the infant you are.

You can't.