Showerthought: the elites encourage only social rights campaigns where it is people verses people (feminism) and rarely support campaigns where it is people verses the government. When they do, it is usually a tiny minority wanting something that doesn't have an economic cost (gay marriage)

279  2015-10-25 by Fuckyousantorum

what do you think? Does this stand up to scrutiny?


Absolutely. "Divide and conquer" is the name of the game. "Unite and rise against" doesn't sound as appealing to them unless, like you pointed out, that small group uniting ends up helping to divide and conquer down the road. They only report on things that are useful to their agenda. They only support things that are useful to their agenda. Agenda agenda agenda. Agenda.

Edit: UN Agenda 2030.

That's the entire purpose behind Cultural Marxism. Drive a wedge between all peoples who would naturally adhere as a strong community. Feminism, gay rights, multiculturalism, white guilt, and anti-masculinity are all products of these psychopaths.


The way I see it is they only give a little so that you keep thinking there is freedom.

When the gay marriage thing happened, it gave everybody a false sense of hope. And I mean everybody was sucked in!

I'm glad gay people can marry or whatever, but it was a complete distraction from the TPP.

I'm gay and while marriage is cool I hate that equal rights could be used to distract from selfish policies. Its the cognitive dissonance that gets me- one day they are bombing and droning and the next they are celebrating love and equality. Messed. up.

It's cool that you have that perspective. I definitely support equal rights for all people. I agree with you that it should not overshadow what else is going on

I've read a bit about how the prominent homosexuals at the head of the gay marriage movement didn't actually want the rights, they wanted to destroy the institution of marriage because they hate heterosexuals. Lots of the louder ones in leftist movements are virulent psychopaths.

I don't know about that. But I have met gay people in the movement who are activists. Their cause is their religion and they will crush anyone who stands in the way of them meeting their objectives. Some are not nice people. There are a lot more people who are normal and want rights for equality purposes.

I think you are onto something.

It's weaponizing activism and turning it against the crowd in order to insulate the establishment from any kind of real critique. I believe any critique of government is met with 'soft opposition'--the rabbling of opinions until the information overload becomes either repellant, boring or akin to 'analysis paralysis' whose only solution is learned helplessness or 'keep calm and carry on'.

For example, both the Tea party and Occupy movements failed by having too many competing tropes and no 'unified voice or concern', likely by embedded agents. I believe this type of subversion is part of what adam curtis calls 'non linear warfare' in an ongoing culture war whose purpose is to create competing controversies to confound and confabulate, shape shift and trick the past, which itself leads to apathy and 'oh dear ism'.

The 9/11 truth movement is succumbing to this as well, as we speak. This is why everyone needs to get behind the most damning and irrefutable evidence (thermite) and amplify it unflappably until social pressure forces a real dialogue.

The 9/11 truth movement is succumbing to this as well, as we speak. This is why everyone needs to get behind the most damning and irrefutable evidence (thermite) and amplify it unflappably until social pressure forces a real dialogue.

Sorry, but I strongly disagree with this sentiment.

I'm open-minded to thermite but I'm open-minded to other possibilities as well.

Two things I know for sure.

  1. We don't know all the details.
  2. We do know what we were told is a lie.

2 Is what we need to unite on. Positive claims demand burden of proof. Evidence that refutes their claims is what matters more than evidence that supports alternative theories.

For example, WTC 7 defying the laws of physics.

THAT is the sort of thing that proves they are lying. The onus is not on you to prove that they used thermite until you assert that they did. Once you accept burden of proof, you've really just regressed in the debate.


A new investigation.

Nothing less.


That is a very astute observation.

That is why they relentlessly play "identity politics" instead of talking about ideas. Humans, like basically every social animal, have a base instinct to value our tribe over others. If they can stoke this instinct, and link it to personal politics, then we will fight each other forever over meaningless bullshit.

Look at "Democrats" and "Republicans." People say, "I AM a Democrat," and not, "I vote Democrat." The latter statement requires a "because," where you then have to talk about ideas and policies. But the former doesn't; they're saying, "I'm a member of this tribe," with an implied, "Fuck the other tribes."

In a nutshell: the elites are using tribalism as a tool to divide and conquer.

And if you point this out, you're a racist.

And sports are pushed to keep people in this mindset

And when there is a movement interested in challenging economic classism and corportism, it is immediately hijacked and brought to the extreme of the political spectrum, losing centrist and bipartisan support and turning the movement into something incoherent. This happened after the earliest instances of the tea-party, and even worse with the occupy movement, which quickly descended into a melting pot of radical post-modern garbage.

Right before our eyes.

The wealthy have been using divisive propaganda to manipulate the lower classes for decades. Republican/Democrat, white/black, Christian/atheist, red/blue state, etc, etc. One of the rich man's greatest fear is a 5 million membered crowd, consisting of whites, blacks, liberals and conservatives, showing up in DC and screaming for the restoration of democracy.

Republican/Democrat, white/black, Christian/atheist, red/blue state, etc, etc. One of the rich man's greatest fear is a 5 million membered crowd, consisting of whites, blacks, liberals and conservatives

LOL - as you can see, exactly what I said.

The reality is the "wealthy" want all people "united" into one big consumer "proletariat."

Racial consciousness, family clans, social organizations - those all get in the way of corporate rule.

So that's why the corporations promote "anti-racism" feminism, individualism, "non-conformity" (which is actually conformity) etc.

Left wingers are the shock troops of the elites.

Hey, unrelated but I just thought I'd let you know, starting your argument with "LOL" doesn't add to its persuasiveness, it makes you look like a 12 year old who just found the internet.

Yes, pretty much.

Feminism and gay marriage doesn't help the average person and they sure don't threaten the power of the state or the corporations.

Social Justice Warriors are an important part of the System. The fact that left-wingers think they are "fighting the man" - when in fact they are fighting to prop up the "man" - is what makes them useful idiots, as opposed to just idiots.

Republicans are led by their brains, liberals are led by their hearts.

Republicans are led by their brains, liberals are led by their hearts envy.

Republicans are lead by rich people's money.

Liberals are led by rich people's money too, they just don't like to admit it.

No. Not accurate

The part about the Republicans being led by their brains may not be accurate, but the part about liberals being led by envy sure as hell is.

Now you're doubly wrong


Absolutely agree. Moreover they engineer such movements and overstate their importance

Spot on. Use social issues on the populace and keep them busy fighting each other while the elites do as they please.

I mean...why on earth would they openly encourage something that weakened their power? They need people believing that they're an unstoppable monolith, if people began banding together and strengthened the social and moral fiber of the citizenry, then that would directly threaten their very power structure. They ALWAYS work to keep us divided... feminism vs men rights activists, blacks vs whites, americans vs illegal immigrants, gun rights activists vs gun control advocates, republican vs democrat, liberal vs conservative... NEVER would they advocate for citizens vs elites/government because we outnumber them by probably about 1,000,000 to 1. Half of their battle is controlling perception, as long as they keep the TV's on and the grocery store shelves stocked, they'll never have to worry about an uprising because people are way too fucking complacent.

Feminism was funded by the Rockefellers.

No need for the 'Showerthought' label we are mostly adults here and not some meme-ers. But nonetheless you have a sound argument OP.

It's Reddit-friendly clickbait.

Blacklivesmatter is fake. It's controlled by the Koch brothers and zionist jews. Sandy Hook was fake. No pictures of Lanza at the school which was torn down and workers under NDA. Boston Bombing was fake as fuck. Private security wearing Kraft hats 3 meters from ground zero then they walk off 10 minutes before blast. Russia knew about Tamerlan Tsaernaev for over a year, but the FBI didn't do shit cuz he was their asset. Fake Prosthetics with no blood. Fake government, giving you fake choices of who to vote for. Do you want to vote for the billionaire capitalist? the jew socialist? Or maybe the woman fascist?

Blacklivesmatter is fake. It's controlled by the Koch brothers and zionist jews

LOL - the Koch brothers have NOTHING to do with #BlackLivesMatter.

It's George Soros, the liberal, left wing Democrat, that is funding #BlackLivesMatter.

I mean, do facts matter AT ALL to you people?

George Soros... the zionist jew?

Facts just get in the way of the narrative duh


sorry I was using my phone.

Social rights campaigns only work on NWO agendas, they give lazy people the illusion of grassroots power, and demobilize the masses because they think that 'the system is working'

Don't you know? There are no conspiracies! Only systemic bad incentives for rich people to get rich and poor get poorer. Your conspiracy theory is just the 1% trying to make you skeptical of government which would solve everything if we would just try it.

I agree but we need honest people in government too.

Wow /r/conspiracy is starting to get smarter.

Totally agree. The gender/race and other political controversies are like a whack-a-mole toy which distracts us from the real world politics and agendas that are happening. Once the dust settles the laws are already past, everyone is disappointed and feels silly. Rinse and repeat.

It's not the full story but I mostly agree. These little social allowances keep us distracted and convince many people that we're actually making progress. is a good short story illustrating it.

No. The elites encourage "moderate" and "center" types of social movements on the left, because the left has been the only successful opposition to the will of the elites.

We live in a civilization that is ruled by the tyranny of the "center". This is successful because capitalism is a tool of complicity as much as it is a tool of exploitation and tyranny.

To contemplate and to act on radical, leftist ideas is to first admit to the blood on your own hands living in the American empire.

The government is made up of people who believe in certain things (worldview) and they spend time and energy promoting that worldview as correct or even righteous. And they convince the vast majority that things as they are the best that they can be.

The elites aren't stupid, they do their best to ensure the people are. And most people in the West are ok with it because they don't want to actually acknowledge their responsibility for all the misery they cause in the world.

It's as if they have a US Department of Social Retardation (ie: Ministry of Truth), wherein they--as value opponents--proactively create centrist movements in order to lead them, giving activist participants some propaganda activism-bait (call this activismbation), such that they can rabble about various issues. This all serves, of course, to to waste participants' time. Each failed movement moves the timeline along, while egregiousness persists in secret, but otherwise resets the timer on people's willingness to participate, eventually causing--through observing the status quo maintaning end result of their activity--learned helplessness.

Btw there are no liberals any more. I think the boundaries have dissolved and now people just have bags of competing values. Am I still a liberal if I think everyone should carry a gun concealed but also believe in universal health care and higher minimum wage and that drugs should be all decriminalized? That would make me a right wing gun nut drug libertarian socialist. What part of that makes sense?

I'm not a liberal. I'm a radical leftist. Liberalism has failed the biosphere and the human species.

Well put. The Canadian Liberal party isn't left in the slightest, and frankly, I'm kindof offended that they claim it.

How did it ever get to one party is for gun rights the other against, one party against abortion the other allowing? Issues so neatly divided. Like if you are for guns you're automatically against abortion. It's just so far from reality.

the left has been the only successful opposition to the will of the elites.

bullshit, you lefties love government more than you do your own mommies.

The opposition in this sub is the government. We don't care if you love guns and abortions or if you love social medicine, peace and fairness (you know commie shit). Get right with what we're talking about here. Both right and left are opposed to specific things our government is doing--namely: secrecy/no transparency, mass surveillance, destroying rights (like guns), expensive (we pay) covert geopolitics (conspracies).

Liberals are not opposed to your gun rights. That is a canard used by the establishment to create this very same confusion we're talkign about. Everyone supports background checks. Liberals just don't have guns because they are smart enough to read statistics saying guns in the house end up killing owner, or johnny not burglars. How the owner? Because if a burgler enters your home, owner finds out posthumously it was the police.

Work with these issues or go to /r/conspiratard

dammit I just realized something. I fed the trolls.

liberals don't have guns because they're smart enough to read statistics saying that guns in the house end up killing the owner

Or too dumb to understand what personal responsibility and training are...

Get the fuck outta here, pontificating at me as if you know something. I take issue with the above poster's inference that the left are the only ones who 'successfully oppose the will of the elite'. I take issue with that. And if you don't like it, you can pretty much fuck off. Ok?

"We the people"

No, lefties take small d democracy seriously. Organized social movements are the only thing that change politics and social reality, violent and non-violent.

Radical right-wingers prize individuality and individual action over common struggle. Hence their inability to successfully change anything unless they get the backing of the elites (see Tea Party).

All the organized social movements are corrupt and co-opted, and us 'radical right wingers' do trust our friends and family, which have much stronger bonds than ad-hoc civil disobedience. Don't get me wrong, civil disobedience is sorely needed here, but we just differ on the prescription.

Feminism and queer rights both fight the oppression of a patriarchal facist gov. These movements as a whole call for the end of capitalism, state violence, etc. But the revolutionary ideas are often stomped out, with the powers to be co-opting tiny things like gay marriage. Gay marriage is straight and cis people trying to get queer folks to assimilate into thier nuclear family schema. So I see what you are saying but dont overlook how absolutely oppressive it is for women, and queer people, and people of color to boot. We fight the same common enemy but he'll no you won't hear about actual woman's issues, queer issues, or race issues on main stream media... most of reddit news included too.

Well put. The Canadian Liberal party isn't left in the slightest, and frankly, I'm kindof offended that they claim it.