Is the House of Saud in the crosshairs? I keep seeing anti-Saudi Arabia stories ...

55  2015-10-26 by [deleted]



Well here's your problem... Bad title. House of Saud and Saudi Arabia are two different things.

Is the house of Saud in the crosshairs? no. They'll get on planes and fly to an island and enjoy their planned exile.

Will the area known as Saudi Arabia be scapegoated for 9/11? Yes. They're going to get de-stabilized just like Iraq, Syria, Libya...

It's only called Saudi Arabia because it is ruled by The House of Saud. Once they're out of power, that changes.

It's not impossible for a whole royal family to go missing. It's happened more than once in history already.

Let's say that bloodlines really are the seat of power in this reality. And those that hold the most power are those with royal bloodlines. Wouldn't you want to remove other royals from the picture?

When the US went after Hussein they also went after his family members. When Ghaddafi was overthrown 3 of his sons were killed in the operation. Or how about Anwar al-Awalaki? His son was targeted as well.

I think if the House of Saud crumbles you will start seeing family members disappearing.

Estimates put the family at >10,000 members, although all the wealth is among 1500 or so.

Would be pretty significant to see them all disappear.


Why would they want to rule a desert that's been emptied of its oil???

Why do the Jews want Israel? It's where they are from.

It looks like it but it could just be down to the painfull irony of their recent UN human rights council appointment.

I am a journalist with The Free Thought Project, and I have made some of these observations. The US/Saudi alliance exposes the hypocrisy of the US government unlike just about any other subject. The people are just now starting to realize it and that is why you see so many alternative news outlets covering it. The MSM continues to ignore it but the alternative media has figured this out.

According to Benjamin Fulfords Intel, they're on the run as their living the life off oil reserves built on the petrodollar are coming to an end

Fulford doesn't have any intel.

They may have outlived their usage. The iranians with a market size of 90m peeps and adopting technology transfer much faster is much more exciting.

More like they stopped paying the Newhouse family to scrub their negative press. Those shitbergs deserve every bit of shit that's about to rain down upon them...have no sympathy for those scum.

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