Did you know you can buy 1000 reddit upvotes for $400?

2525  2015-10-27 by magnora7

Check out sites like this: http://www.redditsecrets.com/buy-reddit-upvotes

and this: https://www.fiverr.com/gigs/reddit/#page=1

and this: http://www.buyredditvotes.us/buy-reddit-votes

And then realize why certain posts have such a disproportionate amount of upvotes, and why others have a disproporationate amount of downvotes and get brigaded.

Reddit is Mainstream Media. Votes, and even comments and comment votes, can be bought from PR agencies. If you're a big company, you just hire them to do all the work for you, it's much cheaper than traditional advertising. They call it "native advertising", where they rig comment threads to promote a certain product or narrative. It can also be used by the government and by other groups interested in influencing public discourse in an inexpensive manner. This needs to be common knowledge.


That's rather expensive, considering for that price you can 500k youtube views

You'd get far more visibility by being on the frontpage of the #9 website on the US internet, than you would getting a bunch of extra youtube views, imo

YouTube is #4...

But you'd still probably get buried in Youtube, whereas on Reddit you'll be the first thing somebody sees upon coming here

Not if they post your YouTube video to reddit. Then it could be a double "win"

Being on the front page of reddit is a huge deal compared to a minor search hit boost on youtube. Much better value for the money.

Absolutely, considering being on the front page would get your youtube video lots of real views which can turn into shares on twitter and facebook. Depending on the video, you could possibly even turn a profit.

you know those prank videos where the whole comment section is filled with people going 'wow i hate douches like these people and their 'pranks' ' but somehow it manages to make it to the front page? yeah.

Spoiler: Those are all staged.

Except where they're not. Anyway, they all suck.

So this thread just showed everyone reading it how to game the system.

Thanks guys :]

I bet this deal isn't available for just anybody or it is censored and some topics would not be allowed

Hey, even a high class whore will eat ass for the right $$$.

No it did not. Sharing Reddit anti bot system would.

Bit exactly sure how the monetization if YouTube videos works but pay for upvotes to get your channel's video on the front page, get thousands of views, break even or profit?

I think you'd get half a million views or more by getting on the front page or more. Reddit has over 5 million unique visitors every day. Seems well worth the $1600 or so it would take if to get there, if you were advertising.

Have to be a good video so it'd survive the comments section most people, myself included, check first on most links.

Unless they seed the comment section with fake comments praising the video, and then give those fake comments fake upvotes. And then do that several times to make a whole thread. It's extra effort, but some companies do it to prevent against what you just said

Because you fuckin autistic kids love quick comedy to entertain your small brain .

Edit : sorry

Why are you even here?

Why are you there?


Edit: his comment changed, my response remains the same though.


It really depends on what you're looking for. Reddit's audience is one of the lowest quality on the web. If you happen to be an ad driven content site, for example, Reddit is basically useless (ad block, etc.).

If your goal is ad revenue, you wouldn't be spending money on views

Yeah you would, if those views will generate clicks for your ads. Certain audiences generate a lot of clicks for ads, thus a lot of revenue. And yes, I do work in digital marketing, and yes we will, under the right circumstances, spend money on views.

That's interesting. So there are times when you can put in $x and get >$x in return? Wouldn't that generate infinite money? Why does Youtube/advertisers allow that kind of abuse?

I am not even sure how to respond..........

With an answer? The topics related to your proffesion, so you seemed like the right person to ask

Right, but some questions are so baffling it's hard to respond.

Let's look at your statement: put in $x and get >$x in return. Congrats, you understand the most basic principle of business.

You get that if you buy views on social media, you're hoping it "goes viral", right? So if I buy advertising on Facebook (or whatever social media network) I am hoping it will jump start an article, webpage, video, whatever, that attracts a lot of traffic.

Perhaps I didn't make that explicit, but it should be obvious. Yes, it is possible to invest in articles, and to see them get traction, but it is reasonably hard to do, at least while producing a solid profit that makes it worth your time.

Doing so with reddit would be next to impossible because the traffic is of such low quality.

I guess if you could guarantee gaining traction with every article you could create an infinite loop of money.

Alright, thanks. I was missing the jump start part, so that clears things up.

Oh, I dunno, I think there are more than a few subs on this site containing people dimwitted enough to actually click on ads.

So if you have 800 bucks you could just do both...

But the new shitty algorithm means you'll be on the front page for weeks...

Not if you default to "hot" for your front page load.

Source: I am on reddit.

Stuck on a broken front page for 12+ hours

i had often wondered for example how in the news threads certain articles stay on the front page so long or even get there in the first place. do you think they can buy there way on to f/p?

the new longer lasting stayfresh algorithm

the new longer lasting stayfresh Allgorithm



My grandson was showing me a video on The YouTube of someone named Bruno Mars and he had over one billion views.

Imagine that!

This is working on the assumption that they browse /r/all, which a lot of users do not.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought people without accounts see the default subs, not /r/all?

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2015, still not using a personalized front page ^

YouTube doesn't rank you based on views, they rank videos based on signals - time of engagement, likes/dislikes, comments. If a video gets 5k views, but each viewer leaves after one second - it is going to hurt your ranking rather than help it.

I was comparing 1k upvotes to 500k views on the assumption that both services are using "real" profiles and giving "proper" service given the $400 pricetag.

1200 for 3000 upvotes and front page status as a native advertisement that can reach a ton of people and appear genuine to the vast majority is well worth it when u compare a couple grand to a tv advertisement during a prime time show

screw grammar and punctuation

If you play free games on your phone or facebook a lot of them will give you an extra life or whatever if you watch a video right to the end, I imagine those systems are tied up in this..

A YouTube "view" is at least 30 seconds, I believe.

Hes talking about Reddit..

You're shadowbanned unfortunately.

How do I get un-shadowbanned??

You'll need to message the reddit admins and ask them what you did and if you can get a second chance.

who are you talking to? I don't see anyone...

Aquilon97 and his comment is approved, you should be able to see it.


it was a joke...


Must have had a beer or two more than I thought...

Why is he shadow banned?

Not sure, only the admins can give out shadowbans so as a mod I don't have any way of finding out.

But is said video going to be the front video on site 4?

...ok, so?

That wasn't obvious? Being on top of the #4 website is better than being on top of the #9.

Youtube is also #3 worldwide. Reddit doesn't even break into the top 25.

500k views won't get you to the top of youtube. But a few thousand upvotes will get you to the frontpage of reddit. It's better bang for the buck

It will get you to the top of SEO, which is what you want if you're doing YouTube right.

Yeah, but lazy journalists and aggregator sites rip articles right off the front page of Reddit on a regular (like they used to do and maybe sometimes still do with Fark) - so it's double/triple/quadruple/xxx bang for your buck.

Many sites also do the same with popular YouTube videos, bud. The same shit happens, except YouTube does reach more people worldwide.

You get way more exposure on reddit's frontpage. That's fucking obvious.

No, you don't. There are waaaaayyy more people on YouTube.

Yes, but you don't get featured on the frontpage of youtube, is the difference. You don't get as many views

YouTube has longevity that Reddit doesn't. You get featured on the front page of Reddit and for a day there's hype. You get to the top of YT's search for whatever your video's subject and you're likely to stay there. You'll never get the numbers on Reddit that you'll get on YT. Source: A large portion of Reddit's content is literally from YT.

But that still requires people to actively search for your YouTube video which would cut a lot of exposure, however if you get something big enough on reddit it is literally front page of the site.


That's my point. Reddit will blast you with exposure for a short bit, but YT will hang on for as long as your content is relevant and even beyond that.

Ah, gotcha. That's true, that does give YT some more value.

Not to mention sometimes lazy journalists just recycle popular Reddit posts into 'news' articles. So two PR birds with one stone. Kinda cheap when you think about it that way...

Like Buzzfeed?

Yep. Though they've been using the pageviews from their crap content and quizzes to actually do some pretty good longer form reporting recently.

They get a lot of flak for their content mill approach to pageviews, but it may be that they've found a way to actually fund themselves such that they can report honestly on sacred cow subjects without worrying about sponsors pulling support...because people are ALWAYS gonna click for the garbage and quizzes and selling ads won't be a problem in an environment like that.

Yeah, even just last night my mate was reading me a Lad Bible article taken straight from Reddit, I get linked to the likes all the time

What's # 9? Reddit?

Surprise. India loves reddit

we love everything ;)

like rape!

Gang Rape - and Cows

And spitting indoors!

They do that - yuck!!!

Rape made me show you this!

dont worry safe to view


LOL! Great to find another progressive #Sanders supporter who loves to make racist jokes AND rape jokes! Watch out feminists and #blacklivesmatter activists, the REAL progressives are in town and they are all WHITE MEN!

Don't try to act like India doesn't have a bad rape problem, no country that considers castration as a viable punishment doesn't have an epidemic already

India doesn't uniquely have a rape problem, but of course it does, as does most if not every country. The United States has a rape problem, Mexico has a rape problem, France has a rape problem, Russia has a rape problem, the land currently controlled by ISIS has a rape problem. Don't act like these kinds of jokes don't play off of racist stereotypes and simultaneously function to make it seem like the west doesn't have rape problems/culture/whatever you wish to call it.

India has a bigger problem with it and refused to help until things started getting real bad, is rape a big problem in the US? Yeah, but it's not racist to point out that our rape statistics are .1% of our population reporting rape while in India it's about to go over 1% (and that's only reported rapes). I'm not saying the West doesn't have a rape problem, but indias problem is tenfold and only recently were there big changes in their justice system.

I don't recall it being racist to give reported facts and comparisons to ou problem

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics you can argue that the statistics cover only the reported cases !!

i dont like to fight over it !! but i would like to educate you that India problem is not rape

we have poverty, child marriage, illegal drugs, education, pollution, corruption, mafia, cast, minority, bull shit judicial system, politcal parties who doesnt know they dont have a say on how India is booming, LGBT issues, equality, divorce laws, and rape is not as bad or often it sounds but I guess you have not been to India or you know how India works or how big is india and how many langauges we speak and we have high level of tolerance and like to be in debate which brings good improvement to soceity (thou our politics are screwed up, we as a nation do live and like to bring peace to the world)

Media is power hungry and likes to cause sensation every now and then and then carry on with their work !! it is them who formed a illogical image on worlds mind that all INDIA love to rape and hate women and we look women as sexual object

believe me i am not offended by your question!! i have travelled to japan and now in Europe !! i usally get questions about rape !!

I can tell you all men who are cultured and educated and they do respect women and dont involve in stuffs like these.. as you know not all in the country have the same idea about life hence there are some drunk fucks who does stuff like that and our media telecasts them for next 5 days and then tehy usally forgot and then cover the story of how our PM changed his Facebook picture and media doesnt give a fuck about the rape victims after that !!

so most of the media who has links with other country media publishes them and all you read is in newspapers is all Indian guy does after waking up is rape !!!

but sorry we dont we are nice warm people !! and we love technologies we love food and we breathe air

i am not offended by the remark !! relax and take some herbs :)

The United States doesn't have a "rape problem". Our rapists stand trial and are sent to prison.

As far as I can tell the best resources available tell us that roughly 3% of rapists are imprisoned. This is from RAINN, but squares with the US Department of Justice statistics(because it is based on them). Actually, it may be generous, as the DOJ claims that rape is reported to police less often than RAINN claims (35 and 40 percent, respectively).

Where are you getting your information from?

Yeah, bro totally. When it comes to rape the US might as well be Saudi Arabia. Pssst, your sheltered is showing.

Where did I say that?

Can't you wait more than a minute before spamming me with messages and PMs?

So you'll compare us to ISIS but Saudi Arabia is too far? WTF?

A list is not a comparison. See: things I would have trouble lifting 1. an airplane 2. my apartment 3. 4 full grown men at once 4. the contents of the library of science 5. every computer I have ever typed at.

Help me out: what is the comparison?

Aye bae

lol why bae thou?


I eat beef for breakfast and I am Christian and not all Indias are Hindu who worship cow !!

and there are plenty of atheist in India who eat beef !!

Are you trying to curry favor?

This guy asking the real questions.

I doubt $400 is expensive to the corporations, agencies, etc... that actually purchase these things.

That's so dirt cheap compared to a billboard or a TV spot, and it probably reaches just as many people.

Do you know how much is to get on the Billboard?

Usually around $600/month

Actually a lot cheaper than I expected.

I think most billboards cost a couple hundred a month to rent, and ones in decent locations probably run in the thousands

So $400 for 1 comment isn't exactly dirt cheap is it...

Typically you'd have a billboard much longer than a month, and the frontpage of reddit is going to get way more interested views than a billboard ever will. It's a great value, there's no two ways around it

A $400 ad budget would get so much more views on almost any other online service. This is highway robbery

10000 upvotes for 4k is a drop in the hat for marketing budgets

The phrase is "drop in the bucket." Come on bro, it's not rocket appliances.

That's just what the bucket manufacturers want you to think.

Well that's funny, because that sounds just like what someone from the hat lobby would say!

That guitarist Buckethead, is he a double agent?

You're implying he's not?

Look, all I am saying is Buckethead advertises for both buckets AND the Colonel. Wake up, people, break the conditioning!

Hey! You keep your bucket away from my thermostat!


And how does Bobs buckets make such great buckets? Am I right?

drops are actually quite plentiful, the drop cartels carefully control the supply to keep demand high

I may not have the quote down. But I do have something you'll never have.

my grade 11

Can you give me a bit of credjudice, okay? At least I didn't fail my grade 10 yet.

A drop in the ocean - is the correct saying

Well, yeah - maybe if you're a huge corponation.

A bowl in a China shop would be more appropriate.

Most people learn sayings through denial and error.

I love you

I'm married, does that matter? Wait, you'd do that for me?

No. and Maybe?

Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?!

it's not rocket appliances.

lol... funny =P

Why fix whats broken?

He didn't say it was too much money for anyone to pay for it, he said you could get much more exposure for the same amount of money.

Unidan wasn't banned for vote-manipulation, he was banned for counterfeiting.

what is counterfeiting?

Creating unauthorized currency

he tried to pass off a stack of jackdaws as crows. Fortunately the fakes were easy to spot.

You deserve more upvotes.

You could always buy him some!!

Sssh, not in public. We need to first meet in the dark web. I got my vr headset ready, let me know when you are.

I just stabbed my HDMI cable into the back of my neck. What now?

Now you surf them electron waves cyberwarrior!

500K views on a motorized video would reel in 500$ though. Sounds a bit backwards

If you paid 400 dollars to get 500 dollars you would literally be getting 100 dollars. It's a very sound business decision.

It would be backwards for the view providers, though. Surely they could milk this process themselves instead of selling it to other people?

How would that be backwards?

You pay a company 400 bucks to get you 500k views, they make 400 bucks, youtube then pays you 500 bucks. You just made 100 bucks net and you will go back to them again spend another 400 bucks to get another 500k views and another 500 bucks, now you have 200 in net profits.

Rince and repeat.

If they just post the videos on their own, they can get 500$ instead of 400$ per video.


The reason they pay for 400 bucks to get the 500k views is because they wouldn't get 500k views on their own. If they could get 500k views on their own then yes, it would be best to simply post it. But it is rare and few and far between to have that many natural views on a video that isn't viral or on a highly subscribed channel.

No, the contradiction falls on the provider of the views. If they just make their own random ass videos and shill them up, they will be making 100% of the profit from monetization, as opposed to 80%.

The problem we had in our conversation is that I reference "they" as the shills, but you interpreted "they" as the people paying to get their videos viewed. That's my mistake for not clarifying.

Well, that clears that up, I retract my previous meme.

Thanks. Yes if the shills simply did their own videos that would be smart.

I laughed my ass off at the meme, his expression is cold as fuck. Definitely saving it.

Can you buy facebook likes?

Yes, easy

Purchasable youtube views are nothing but an aesthetic really. The views will be counted but won't get the video any real exposure, unlike reddit, where from it's inception to this day there still aren't any attempts to prevent content with fake upvotes reaching the frontpage.


$400 is nothing for getting your business on the front page of a top 10 website.

It makes sense that views are cheaper than upvotes, since viewing doesn't necessarily signify that they enjoyed it. It's also relative, since YouTube is a bigger site than reddit, so lower numbers have less of an impact on visibility. One thousand upvotes is enough to get on the front page of reddit, but 1k views is not nearly enough to matter on YouTube.

Come again?

Yes, but Reddit is a very influential platform, and you just need about 5k upvotes to make the frontpage. On youtube you need many millions if the person isn't interested in your subject to show on his feed. It's probably even or even cheaper. Remember the upvotes themselves are useless if not to influence outers.


Trickier to build Reddit bot farm than YouTube view farm.

Here in my garage

How? YouTube advertising is not that cheap that I've seen.


How much do you charge?

That's 2.5 cents.

More like 40 cents, which is kind of a lot if you think about it.

Seriously, every single one of your votes and comments has a value of around 40 cents. That's pretty cool. That shows how valuable your input to public opinion really is. If you vote on 100 things, that like generating a value of $40 worth of information.

I think people seriously undervalue the power of their own comments and votes.

Suckle my danglies, advertisers
Mmm, that felt like 40 cents well wasted to me.

This comment is now worth $8.40

Would you like to pay by cash or check?


fitty cent, please

should we put it on ebay ?

Depends on the opinion.

That just goes to show how utterly worthless faith-based fiat has become.

power comes from mass influx into one one variable. 100 in one post is a lot. 100 in 100 posts is not worth as much. you need a spike to start getting more attention

You're shadowbanned unfortunately.

I can read his post just fine

Yep, that's because I approved it.

ah, ok, thanks

It's just his two cents

It means that my karma net worth is around 12k. Feels good man.

Dang. I could write a bot to do this no problem. 40 cents each?!? Those idiots are either hiring third-world people to do it manually or can't find a programmer without scruples.

or reddit devs are not retards and will block obvious bots. Jesus man, think before you talk!

Wouldn't be obvious. It's not hard. I've done similar things in a non-evil manner.

I wrote crawlers for my previous job :) Some sites that don't have 1% of reddit traffic had some safeguards against that kind of thing. I'm sure that if you make a 1000 accounts that upvote from the same IP, you'll get blocked/shadowbanned. That's the bare minimum they have done. After that I don't know how sophisticated they got, but you'd need at least

a) proxies. To make the project scalable you'd need to actually buy them.

b) bot maintainers(devs)

c) people to write the posts(ie. PR)


It's really not that easy.

Proxies are easy to come by, LUA scripting isn't that difficult, as the legions of 12-year olds out there using it constantly shows, this can be done on the cheap via something similar to Mechanical Turk, or alternatively, a modified Cleverbot, un-necessary if you're only in it to spread misinformation or otherwise manipulate public opinion.

that's the dumbest shit I've read all week

Dude, it isn't so dumb, considering how many Russian "troll houses" have been doing this exact thing for ages (let alone their counterparts in Israel, the UK and the USA).

Hell, even spammers do similar things, raking in millions while doing so and clogging up forums, email, and everything else.




Simply searching for the topic "fake reviews" (of which can fall under what we're talking about), brings up 127,000,000 results in Google, including a 1st page link to an article on Wikihow on how to discern fake reviews and fake reviewers.

This kind of thing is old hat, what is becoming more difficult is combating people who do this sort of thing, with methods evolving constantly to bypass filtering and other roadblocks.

the troll houses are a completely different thing. I was referring to the idea for the Mechanical Turk ???? wtf build a robot to click it???, I don't see how cleverbot is relevant in any way, as it is just a gimmick, and we are only talking about votes here; and finally as I said free proxies are not scalable - they are not reliable & cant handle large traffic. No comment on the 12 year olds.

Using Mechanical Turk or similar service to cheaply pay for people to post whatever message it is you're trying to send out, is what I was talking about - cost is low, output is high, and you don't need to have expensive staff on hand - essentially removing one of the larger barriers to this sort of thing happening, which is cost.

As for the bots, it isn't as far-fetched as you think, as they are even being used to write news articles nowadays. These aren't the dumb bots of old, where they can only post pre-programmed responses or gibberish from a dictionary file - several modern bots have passed the Turing Test. Now, consider bots like this being purposely set up to create posts on social media, review sites, up/down vote on sites like Slashdot or Reddit, etc, and you can see why this can be more of an issue than it first appears to be.

The proxy issue is one that is complicated, with legit proxy machines and services being as you described (there are paid proxy services that do scale well, but they can run up costs very quickly). What happens if some group decides to use malware of some sort to create a zombie army of proxy machines for the use of vote manipulation or posting propaganda on social media instead of penis enlargement spam or DDoS attacks?

The comment I made about the 12-year olds and scripting was just from my observation how easy such things have become even for non-technical users nowadays - where you have software like Minecraft and the like easily and readily teach those very skills to a large number of people, many of whom don't even know or care that is what they are learning to do. I can only imagine how this kind of thing can be actively used as a training tool, to train low-paid "grunts" to write scripts for just about any purpose (good or otherwise).

Wish I got 40 cents for every downvote!

best I can do is an actual downvote.

It's the thought that counts.

They are only udeful in bulk so its hard to value a single vote.

Tree fiddy

Ten Fiddy

Just buy me lunch.

Guess who just got banned from posting in this subreddit? This guy

Thanks for unbanning me

You unbanned yourself by agreeing to follow the rules!

But you're welcome! I did push the little green button.

Wait, I'm still drinking my first coffee. What happened here?

I made a post that got super derailed. Then I made a post calling out these people as likely being shills. Then I got banned for it. Then I had to ask to get unbanned and promise never to call out a shill or make any accusations toward any user on this subreddit ever again, basically. But I got my account back.

If you really want the down and dirty, check out these comments that explain it: https://www.reddit.com/r/POLITIC/comments/3qf6as/of_these_4_conspiracies_which_is_the_most/

Reddit.. You were the chosen one.. Supposed to bring balance to the Internet, not destroy it!

My own opinion is calling people shills is fucking lazy and detrimental to the sub.

If you cant argue against someone without literally saying "You are wrong because you are paid to be here" then you dont understand your arguments and need to better defend them.

You should be able to simply and without aggression make your points and defend them regardless of what the other commenters are doing. When you start calling people shills you will sound

ITT: Shills. Sorry I even tried, geez.

This is weak and sounds like whining. I dont mean to offend but all these fucking people bitching about shills would be more productive if they learned how to debate properly.

Calling people shills can also be accurate and true, because there are some people who relentlessly push opinions and don't listen to counter-arguments and vote manipulate threads to make them appear certain ways. There are actual people who work for PR firms to manipulate reddit, and it's not a rare thing either. Of course it is good to be able to defend your point logically, but we should also have the ability to call out people who are obviously not interested in discussion or logic and are only around to derail threads and push narratives. People who likely work for PR firms.

can also be accurate and true

Definitely, I wouldnt even argue this fact.

The number of people called a shill vs the amount of people actually paid to push that point is very different.

9/10 the person being shutdown with shill accusations is just a dude with a differing opinion than yours. Its poor dialogue to casually throw out that shill word, it means your arguments are weak or you cant explain them.

Even if the person you are arguing with is a legit shill you lose nothing by clearly explaining your points. You wont change their minds but for people on the fence looking into that discussion from a 3rd party will.

Its your responsibility to spread truth without getting frustrated and calling everyone who disagrees with shill.

These trolls don't respond to reason and logic. You can defend your point all day, they will just talk over you and continue spreading garbage. That's why it's a problem in the first place

These trolls don't respond to reason and logic.

They aren't the focus, only the observers. A debate isn't always about changing your opponents mind it's about the viewing public that is witnessing this debate because they choose to.

This is a topic (whatever it is) that interests them enough to learn more about it. You do then a disservice with shill calling because you can't explain the truth to a person manipulating it or to the mistaken casual observer.

So I'm not saying shills aren't real but that nothing beneficial comes from these which hunts and we should focus on spreading truth as priority number 1

Calling people shills can also be accurate and true, because there are some people who relentlessly push opinions and don't listen to counter-arguments and vote manipulate threads to make them appear certain ways.

This doesn't make someone a shill.

There are actual people who work for PR firms to manipulate reddit, and it's not a rare thing either.

Citation needed

Of course it is good to be able to defend your point logically, but we should also have the ability to call out people who are obviously not interested in discussion or logic and are only around to derail threads and push narratives.

Calling someone a shill in no way adds to a logical defense of your own point. There are plenty of people who will absolutely defend their beliefs, be it 9/11 was a controlled demolition or Monsanto is a great company, regardless of the proof provided. This does not mean that they are being paid to hold this view point.

People who likely work for PR firms.

Again, a citation would be needed for this. Also, just because there may be PR people using reddit to further an agenda for their company, this in no way proves that everyone who refuses to back down in an argument are paid shills. Calling someone a shill without any proof is where the real issue lies. Almost no-one who frequents this sub would ever be against someone being called out as a shill if proof were included.

Look at Joshua RyneGoldberg and the JIDF on r/isconspiracyracist

There are actual people who work for PR firms to manipulate reddit, and it's not a rare thing either.

Citation needed

No, its literally not needed, its common knowledge. That's what this whole post is about.

It might not be a proper citation, but I've worked for a pr group before which did manipulate votes/posts.

Reddit is all about advertising though

No shit.

Doesnt mean you should use shill accusations to shut people up.

If you cant debate your point then go away, dont jump to shill when running into people who dont agree with you.

But there are actually paid shills, and it should be OK to call them out for what they are.

I wouldn't argue that. My only point being that most shills are just people who don't agree, but a few are here to purposely manipulate.

Calling people a shill is like saying that you give up. You won't change their minds but with proper presentation of your facts and your point you can change the minds of those people seeing your dialogue.

im getting pretty sick of being called a shill on youtube videos. Im not paid to disagree with you, it just so happens I cam across your ludacris statements and felt the need to point out some facts contrary. 100% no shill

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If people want karma that bad I'll sell my account for half that price.

You can, actually. There's a whole market for buying old accounts and recycling them in to shill accounts. That way they look more legitimate.

Selling my account. $3.50

Yes. That explains how some clear shills have old accounts.

Tons more info:


Damn, the market value of my account is almost $70? If I knew that I would have made a bunch of accounts years ago and shitposted my way to 30k karma

Dude I could have made a shit ton of accounts and carefully posted dick pics for so much money

Most of my comment karma is from dick pics

I love my account but am dying to know the value. How did you find out?

Was in the link that OP posted:


Some dude is paying $70 for accounts over 3 years old with at least 30k karma. I'd say with the mileage you have on yours it might be closer to $100?

So I can't retire.

Never too late to start your retirement fund!

The shitpost accounts aren't worth as much, they want ones that look legit and normal as possible.

A normal reddit account is filled with shitposts.

It's all relative

Maybe yours are

fuck this is why gaming community's have gone to such shit with meme overload lately, isn't it?

Damn 70$ for my karma. WhO woulda guessed.

/u/GallowBoob must be worth a million bucks.

Nope. Because everyone knows who he is. Any attempt to shill would be noticed by reddit detectives.


is a lotta karma...

Same thing happened on Myspace. Accounts with lower account IDs would show up higher on the show all friends list. Companies would buy up the super low numbers for high price do their brand would be at the top of everyone's friend list after they redesigned the user account.

My dad made a cool $10k on an account with an ID under 15,000.

Woo hoo I'm worth about $65. I'm RICH!

Hey, my account is worth over $70.

Now, lemme see - that works out to about 0.003 cents an hour over my redditing career.

I'm wealthy!

I knew this shit was an investment

Shit, I could retire on my 8 year old account.

You bitches can have mine for free.

Do people sell Facebook accounts?

I'll take it....shit, I may get a free pizza out of this comment

I know fb sites like ifls sold for a pretty penny.

God damn you Loch Ness Monster!

This account will take up valuable shelf space and plus I gotta get it repainted and put a frame on it. I'm taking all the risk here. Best I can do is $1.25.

Reminds me of Troll Farmer from the show Blacklist. Essentially he has hundreds of accounts on social media including Reddit and, with the help of his co-conspirators, creates fake diversions in the news (earthquakes, outbreaks, shootings, etc) to manipulate stock prices, divert police from heists, etc. It was creepy to watch as it could very easily happen.

It DOES happen...where do you think they got the idea to put it in the show from.

I was really hoping the writers came up with the idea on their own...

Some people have actually been successfully prosecuted for manipulating markets like that, although it has mostly come from going in financial internet forums and making false statements to try to sway large quantities of serious investors.

I seem to recall a guy getting busted for doing some shit with twitter not that long ago as well.

Hmm, I wonder what mine would be worth...

If you ever sell it let me know, I'd be interested to watch what happens to it after it's sold

And what would stop you from commenting on anything they posted saying that you sold them that account?

Nobody would believe you. Because 2 can play at that game. Try calling someone out as a shill on reddit....... go on....

Your favorite rule in all of reddit, I wonder why

Does an account with more karma actually mean amything?

Yeah, it's less likely to be picked out by the filter because it is an established account. It also lends credibility if they use it to shill because people can go back through the comment history and see a diverse range of posts for a long time going back. That sort of credibility is worth a lot to a shill which is why they pay so much for good accounts

This is for manipulating public opinion, it's not for karma.

Some people just want the karma tho... when your online life is more important than your real life you invest in your online life.

Yeah no

Wow and 2nd life are what I'm referring to

People do not pay 100s of dollars for reddit karma, I'm sorry but it's an absurd theory.

Make sure to edit a few past posts into horribly racist rants. Just for kicks.

I consult for several major ad agencies, and let me tell you, the "viral" stuff usually includes massive amounts of fake views and likes. A big agency owns a whole botnet that they can use to manipulate all social media platforms.

When I consult for major labels, there are interns creating hundreds of fake accounts on reddit and other music discussion forums and boards to start discussions. This has been going on since the early days of MySpace, nothing new here.

out them

He would, if he weren't lying and unemployed

This is common all over the internet on many boards. Even YouTube and Facebook.

True, and voat and GLP and 8chan and 4chan

4chan? Do they hire autists to respond with rare pepes in lieu of a voting system?

What's up with voat?

all the fatpeoplehate people got pushed over there, and the super racist subs too, and now it's extremely rightist and has a lot of garbage and shilling content, it's almost as bad as reddit but to the right instead of the left.

I haven't noticed this at all, but I don't subscribe to any racist subs.

It's not confined to certain subs

how the hell do you manipulate a thread on a *chan? does one autist fucking bump the thread whenever it goes off the front page or something?

sometimes i do feel I've been 'talked' into clicking a random link. 20 years on the internet can make one rather trusting of others in such a 'harmless' environment as an aggregated news/social platform.

I should sell fake internet points.

Money is just fake digits in a computer. Trade one fake for another.

Give me some of your fake digits in a computer then.

Give me some of your Karma first

I would if I could.

3edgy5me? 3edgy5me.

That, or, show me the person that funded their retirement with karma so I can give a shit about reddit.


LOST_IT_ALL_IN_THE_MARKET (now a can collector) has big karma, he's trading it for dogecoin.

Except one can be used for goods and services

I'll bet my account for a can of beans you are wrong.

Be careful of selling them though, or end up like the 1400+ organizations/people that Amazon is suing for posting fake reviews.

just post a few "Bernie Sanders is Great" posts in /politics.

Or anything positive about Netflix or Uber.

Or "Bill Gates is Not Great" posts anywhere.


Been here 8 years, I've watched the whole site slowly go down in flames. Things used to be so good about 5 years ago.. oh well. Another site will come along eventually and the cycle will start anew. Although I hope the new site has the capability for the community to label shills for easy detection, because that's really what's ruining voat and reddit

It syad ur account is only 7 months old?!?!

It's like my 7th account

What... Why?

I got shadowbanned sitewide several separate times because of things I said in /r/worldnews that the mods/admins didn't like.

These fucking sites are most likely run by Reddit ITSELF.

No. They're obviously run by advertising companies, since the purpose is advertising. This type of thing exists for every big website, not just reddit.

How much for 1000 downvotes?

Aboot tree fiddy

PROVE IT. Somebody please pay for this to get 1000 reddit upvotes and prove that you did it (by sharing your receipt, etc).

PROVE IT. Somebody please pay for this to get 1000 reddit upvotes and prove that you did it (by sharing your receipt, etc).

$400 is a healthy chunk of change for one guy to pay to prove this point.

Maybe a launch Kickstarter campaign?

They sell smaller packages too, like 100 upvotes. You could start a subreddit with no one in it, make one post, and give it a hundred upvotes for $40 or something. That'd prove it more cheaply, but it wouldn't be as exciting.

I'd be really hilarious to buy like 8000 votes and have the top #1 post of the week, and make it be just a picture of a receipt of buying 8000 votes. I would have a laughing fit if I saw that

I doubt they would agree to either of those plans because they would draw attention to the accounts giving the upvotes.

Yeah true, you might have to trick the ad agency a bit. Maybe you could have them host a picture file and get it to the front page, and then at the last minute change the picture at that URL to a picture of the receipt, after the votes are in and you're on the front page.

Which would logically be deleted by the mods/admins for vote manipulation. Even if it was considered fair game, a system like this may have an inside man modding on some of the popular subreddits. All in all people do not want to believe that they are susceptible to propaganda because it makes us feel less intelligent. It doesn't bother me that propaganda innovates like this because it is natural.

There's certainly some inside admins that condone this, that's been clear for a while now. These things come to the surface but aren't dealt with by the admins, which shows their true colors. It's most profitable for them to let the votes be manipulated as much as is believable.

This is crazy because the possibilities are endless. Say company upvotes picture of some propaganda BS. Then pays for comment about some BS about company is so great and nice to employees "trust me I'm real". And the "ole reddit hug of death" AKA tons of advertising and propaganda BS Fed to people who think they're above it. Lmao.


That's why everyone once in a while you will see a comment thread of a frontpage post that is absolutely bipolar. Like half the comments are extremely one way and the other half in reaction are like "ugh, can you believe all the insane comments in here?". It's because the insane comments are all planted and voted in to position, but then real people's comments leak through. Sometimes they leak through too much and they just give up trying to do damage control, and then you wind up with a thread that completely hates the OP, and you see vote percentages below 90% (after thousands of fake 100% upvotes, mind you) which means people really don't want it there.

Keep an eye out and you'll start seeing this battle between PR and real people all the time. Adds a whole new dimension to comment threads.

Have you seen any clues or ways to determine whether an account is a "PR" account, or fake account. Like what they vote on, or how they speak?

This a good guide: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

But basically, I look for people who don't really listen to what you are saying and just keep repeatedly pushing a narrative. People strongly pushing absurd topics to make the subreddit look bad, like flat earth, cern portals, or what have you.

It usually the kind of conversation where every step of the way they are trying to undermine you and your point. There's no desire for consensus building or working out logic, it's just a literal script a lot of times that they type from.

And if you ever happen to call one out, they almost always say "What, so everyone who disagrees with you is a shill?" which is an obvious strawman, but it works often enough that they keep using it.

And again, you cannot argue or change these people's minds. They will engage you, but only to make you look bad. And they gang up on you and pat each other on the back and upvote each other.

And lastly, you can look at their comment history. If you see them pushing tons of ridiculous narratives and lots of negative comments combined with the other things above, that's a pretty close lock. In the end, it's really more about tone than anything else. These people are not interested in anything other than shoving their ideas and talking points (that are often on a bullet point list for them) down everyones throats.

It's subtle, but it's often noticeable. Not always, but often.

I post a bit whenever I see Russian / Chinese news pop up, get random down votes ( nothing huge ) but enough to hide it at times. Typically its when I'm slightly critical of what they post, positive feedback pretty much gets up votes in them. (Post in stuff about Russia because I speak it badly and in Chinese things as I speak to people in China daily).

Just post it in the comments...

That is well worth crowdfunding, if anybody actually does this don't use your main account if you like it...

I would fund this. And I'm broke. Lets do it



I'll throw $100 down on it.

I'm in.

I would love to see that.

Looks like the post just passed 1000 upvotes.

Someone should step forward and claim their prize of $4 reddit gold!

If i had money to blow on up votes would I really be sitting here readimg about paying money for upvotes.

Yeah probably.

Nothing to prove. Its common knowledge. Places like thwarriorforums you can higher people to game reddit for you.

Certain groups have become very skilled in using these techniques to further their interests.

It only seems natural that it would spin-off as a for-profit venture at some point.

I would love an example of an actual Reddit post where this has happened..

I'd guess we see several on the front page every day. You know, the weird ones that have no comments, or that just aren't that interesting but have some advertising in them and have 4000 upvotes?

Obligatory /r/hailcorporate mention.

There is a famous post on a mcdonalds sign and a taco bell sign on /r/funny that had made it to the front page with 2k upvotes and only 20 comments.

Throw a dart at the front page. Be sure it's a suction dart.

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Jesus christ who the hell would have enough free time enough money and not enough of a life to buy upvotes? The only exception to this is corporations and the government.

which is exactly why the frontpage is garbage now. They also censor out and downvote stuff they don't like, so all the anti-military and anti-corporation posts basically vanished forever in the mainstream subs too. It creates a biased echo chamber

This guy gets it

A company thats saving money from normal advertising.

I would love it if the page had a " companies that have used our product"

It's probably like a burlesque house, they don't exactly talk about who their clients are. Clients don't want themselves to be known.

that's why i would love if they did it.

The dollar is crashing. Invest in upvotes!

Or you can post your butthole (if you're female) and get 1000 upvotes for the low, low price of your dignity.


That whole shy thing's good for another 500 upvotes, easy. :D

Guys quit meme-ing in a serious thread

I wonder what Hasbara's reddit budget is? Gotta be 6 figures.

They probably have a special deal that gives them a big discount

How much can I get for stickying something in a 5mil+ user subreddit? That's got to be worth at least $5,000.

Well now I know that /r/technology should be avoided. Thanks for letting us know.

Oh goodness. You can't see my dripping sarcasm here? You don't think that would set off very obvious alarms with people, seeing a link stickied to the top?

/r/conspiracy seems to be onto you

Depends on how long the sticky is for, but yeah it's probably worth a fair chunk of change


I like it. There's probably all sorts of "wars" going on like this over the front page content. I wonder if a PR org has ever taken over the comment thread of another PR org and derailed it. I bet it happens a lot and explains why in general the comments are so angry and combative in a lot of threads.

You can also pay for instagram likes. Crazy.

no wonder everyone was 'happy' about the netflix price raise :P

and then comments like 'if everyone is happy about the price increase, must be a real good company'

dont get me wrong i like netflix, but that just seemed very staged.

Nice try, Netflix.

Heckuva a bargain for that kind of exposure.

$400 around here will get your business listed in a local paper, on a half page, that might get seen my 10,000 people.

Yeah, a front page post could easily be seen by half a million people. That's huge.

So THAT'S how I become one of the cool kids! I buy my way in.

They call it "native advertising", where they rig comment threads to promote a certain product or narrative.

Named after the American natives...

The advertisers use every part of reddit, they let nothing go to waste, just like the Native Americans with the buffalo.

ok I laughed.

I've linked to that redditsecrets before. And to online shill houses like Liveworld. People just don't want to see- and still jokingly call for the tin foil right in front of the smoking gun.

I really fucking hate people sometimes.

Why the fuck would you pay $400 for upvotes.

Companies do, to advertise to get their stuff on the front page.

The military does, to put out pro-military and pro-government propaganda.

It's for PR, not because people like karma

That makes much more sense. Thank you.

No prob

I buy endorsements on LinkedIn.

You need to buy endorsements? I thought the deal with LinkedIn is people you haven't worked with in years endorse you for things they've never seen you do and can't legitimately vouch for.

At least, that's my experience. My endorsed skills are hilarious. I mean, I have them, but most of the people who've endorsed me wouldn't be able to tell whether I was good at them or not...

Since I started doing it. I get way more profile views. Problem is, the people I work with don't use LinkedIn, so why not?

Which is why I don't participate in endorsements. How more people don't realize it's a flawed system is beyond me.

I've been thinking about putting COBOL on mine to see which of my old HR directors endorses me for it.

And brigade voting is "illegal"? Hmpf.

Has anyone from r/conspiracy tried to game the system to get attention of this to the front page? For example, creating a clever gif or pic that mocks these websites posted to r/funny or r/gifs so that people who don't know they are bing sold things at least learn about the existence of websites like www.redditsecrets.com?

Or... maybe just post to r/news and buy 4000 votes...

That's funny, how do I know that this post was not purchased to promote fiverr and buyredditvotes? I mean $400 dollars is nothing. Just only provide places where to get them, but no actually sources of it being used anywhere, except this post. great job in promoting.

Please... someone buy my votes off of me.

At these exchange rates I have about 97,000$ worth of comment karma.

Please, my kids are hungry because I reddit all day

I'll give you about tree fiddy.

I told everyone about this years ago.

Lots of people have. I've been talking about it for years too. More and more people are catching on though, which is nice.

Check out /r/DocHopper. You'll see I've spearheaded many movements on Reddit, and have suffered the consequences.

Nice, haha. I've had that happen to me before too. Here's my sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/deletenothing/

These people are really fucking dedicated. Just 2 days ago actually someone created an account for the sole purpose of using my quotes against me: /u/krestythebrown

Wear it like a badge of honor. The fact they're spending so much time and effort just on one person, really shows that you're throwing a wrench in to their gears and they're worried.

Good going, man.

that's pretty expensive! compared to sites that do similar things on Twitter/FB...I guess the Reddit upvote is worth more. Interesting

Way way over priced.

so this post is currently worth 600 dollars?

Kind of a stretch to say that, but yeah something close to that.

You paid good money, glad it was worth it.

You can save 39 cents by buying 40 of the 25 vote starter packs, $399.60

This is so meta

Next thing we learn, reddit commenters are really just sofisticated chat bots

/r/subredditsimulator is already half way there... haha

Why are upvotes worth money?

because you can get half a million views of your picture if it makes the front page, and it takes upvotes to get there. If you're a company who wants to advertise their product, half a million is a lot of views, especially just for spending a mere $1600.

I didn't realize people were advertising stuff here, but I guess that's an immature view; people advertise stuff everywhere...

The #9 trafficked website on American Internet, with a cost to guerrilla advertise that's pretty much 1% the cost of mass media ads (radio, television, Facebook etc)...... If corporations were not advertising here their marketing directors should be fired.

I never thought about it, but it makes perfect sense...

I'll do it for $375.

Yeah, like some with 250 comments but 4000+ upvotes

Apparently, OP is a cheap son of a bitch.


He probably meant link karma..

No fucking shit. Reddit Karma is visibility, and the stupidest trash makes front page all the time.

So you paid $400 to get this to the front page didnt you!?!

OP surely is using these websites to boost his post. Kill the scum! I am buying 1000 downvotes just for this post


News flash, you can buy ANYTHING if you have the money.

Everything except unconditional love

You can buy my own personal approval of whatever way you are for only half of that. And for a nominal fee, I'll convince others. No guarantees.

I thought this was already common knowledge, does anyone posting in this thread seriously think that corporations and politicians wouldnt bother tapping into and actively manipulating this community for personal gain? Do you seriously think they dont buy and influence threads to promote their own brand or ideas? Be wary my friends, of anything thats tied to big money or anything of prominence in society. Its far to easy to fake an entire movement these days. Where do you think the term astro turfing orginates from? Never let shit you see on sites like these ever seriously influence you without multiple independent sources and your own critical thinking to guide you. Against that they have no defense.

How much for 1000 downvotes?

Can anyone with knowledge tell me how this would work? I imagine an agency would need 1000s of accounts, all created and used by one individual IP address, and would need to add the vote at random, non suspicious times to make it look legit. How does it all work, PR gurus, and what of Reddits inbuilt anti cheating measures?

So THAT'S how pro-Israeli posts in r/worldnews make the front page.

Yup, and why the comments are so weird and divisive in those threads

I wouldn't pay more than a buck 380

If this gets to 1000 upvotes, I'm quitting Reddit. Seriously.

It's now at 1,233. Adios.

I'll sell them for $350

I'm very nearly 10 years old. What am I worth?

Not being rude but how did you reddit so long and get so little karma? I've lost at least three accounts with more karma over the years.

I guess I lurk more than comment. And I never really fitted the average demographic: not male, not a teen, not American. Not geeky either.

How do you lose an account?

Ah fair enough, I'm not a teen American but the rest might be true :/
You lose an account by being an idiot troll, saying the wrong things in a default sub, pissing off power moderators, I'm sure there's more. I've calmed down a bit these days haha.

Have one for free.

1000 upvotes for $400? Christ, you're overpaying.

What do you think is a good rate?

$15/hr. Even assuming you don't bother to automate the process, it doesn't take three 8-hour work days of clicking to get to 1000 upvotes.

You're forgetting the thousand individual accounts with separate IPs. There's no way on earth paying someone 15/hour would get the job done.

But if you were a Corp or industry you would eventually just in house the whole thing at a higher initial cost.

You're forgetting the thousand individual accounts with separate IPs.

Not really. You can have multiple accounts running from one IP address. I've made a few throw-aways. It's quick and easy, and RES even supports quick-switch between them. There's a limit before someone might flag you, sure. But there's also TOR and other IP-spoofing software that, once set up, renders your 1000 different accounts pretty much indistinguishable from a 1000 real users.

Not sure what you're waiting for then, sounds like you could be a millionaire within year end.

Crazy that reddit hasn't already thought of this /s

I don't think anyone becomes a millionaire by working a $15/hr job faking upvotes.

You just said with no effort you could produce 1000 up votes on content. The thread is about a company selling that service for $400 a pop.

Company spend multiple millions on ad campaigns that are hardly as effective as a couple front page reddit spots. If you could easily get them to the front page, you'll be rich. Get on it bro, it's so totes easy. Here, I'll give you the instructions:

Not really. You can have multiple accounts running from one IP address. I've made a few throw-aways. It's quick and easy, and RES even supports quick-switch between them. There's a limit before someone might flag you, sure. But there's also TOR and other IP-spoofing software that, once set up, renders your 1000 different accounts pretty much indistinguishable from a 1000 real users.

You just said with no effort you could produce 1000 up votes on content.

I didn't say any such thing.

U wot m8

This is what ruined DIGG.com , huffpoo and many other left wing and right wing sites started buying their way to the front page with nothing but propaganda and it destroyed the site , but they didn't care it drove page hits to them and when they were finished they just walked away and started using Reddit as their new whore

This is not what "native advertising" refers to. In native ads, publishers are paid to create and/or run content in support of a brand's goals. Vote manipulation may be real, but unless you are alleging that Reddit is making $$$ off of it, it's not native advertising.

Of course you can, probably also on ebay. You can also buy Youtube subscribers and whatever else.

This is nothing new and anyone buying 1000s of upvotes is going to get their account shadowbanned and nuked by the admins/reddit anti-spam filter. It would be a complete waste of $.

LOL nice try guy who buys upvotes

run along lil conspiritard, adults are talking here.


Congrats, you just saved over 400 bucks

I've used one of these sites before and it was a scam. It was also like the top result on Google. Be careful.

Just buy a VPN and you can easily upvote your comment/post at least 10 times which will increase it's visibility!

$400 is steep as hell, I'm sure you can get it for less than that.

I get that shit for free!

I wish I could sell my karma for money like that

The underlying question of conspiracy: did this thread pay for the upvotes?

WHY???? I can see buying Twitter followers. But why upvotes?

to get to the front page where half a million people will see your advertisement, that's why

Oh...right. I wasn't thinking of that angle. I was just thinking of schlubbs like myself. My SO has something like 150,000 karma points.

to manipulate public opinion

look worldnews ...

or look in movies ... all the upcoming hollywood blockbusters get 3-5 bullshit threads and are upvoted in no time with 1000-3000 upvotes

This works really well on reddit.

Ideas filtered through reddit that are absurd and false slowly show up on the rest of the internet a few years later as totally standard. It's amazing.

a late night post: upvotes on reddit definately has some value, som does youtube views (which is probably easier to monetize - by that i mean calculate into money). to calculate the "real" value of upvotes, just see the average number of upvotes per "reddit gold" purchase, and divide it on the cost of said reddit gold. bam the worth of an upvote. how to purchase an upvote however, thats another story, then you would need to see how many accounts one person (working at a minimum acceptable wage) could: create, comment create a post, comment on it a post, log out per hour (*8). then calculate the number of posts that can be made every hour, then divid it on the amount of money you pay said worker or program - purchase and upgrading to keep eventual account deletion also in concideration and development of innovation included

I did not know. I'm about to read into it, but if reddit is selling this service then they can burn to hell. What better way of drowning out all the good content than upvoting trash to the topic using large amounts of money

I don't know if reddit is selling the service directly, but I sometimes think they turn their back and don't look if the brigading/rigging is done covertly enough. I think it's more just people creating botnets and leasing those out to the highest bidder, and reddit admins kind of look the other way

its not really reddit ... its PR-Companys

and this is not a reddit-only problem

you can buy votes everyhwere ... facebook, Amazon-reviews and so on

its a big business

It's funny because while they can up vote content, if it's shitty or doesn't belong, it will be flagged countless times and downvoted to hell. We should offer our own services to competitive competition and sell down votes for half the price and donate our earnings to a nonprofit charity that's close to making a ground breaking advancement in medicine. It would kill these upvote selling companies fast!

Hmm... Buy a PS4 or 1,000 upvotes how to decide

400 bucks for just 1000? Jesus thats a lot

Holy shit I'm in the wrong business!


That is VERY interesting, believe it or not, i think I have found such an account. At least I found a very peculiar account. It is 5 days old, has 3 or 4 posts (most with negative upvote), but pretty much exactly 900 karma (comment karma) and a really strange username a long string of numbers. I just wanted to start a thread about it, askingn wtf is going on there, when I stumbled across this thread. Here is a screenshot :


or I have found an account that is creating upvotes for others, and with the posts he/she/it is starting to make it look leggit

Speaking of Vote Brigading: https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/3qh2a4/senate_passes_cisa/cwfj853

I wonder how long people will allow themselves to be pushed around. All that fluoride in the drinking water has made everyone so ignorant, gullible and apathetic.

People need to realize that no one is going to fight this war for them; And that is what it is going to take. A real, blood and guts, war, right here in the United States. And until that war is fought, and won, we will continue to be herded towards the Apocalypse, like a bunch of dumb cattle.

Every day more and more of our rights are being taken away, without any fight, which will eventually result in the inability TO fight. So, once we finally realize how bad things are, it will be too late to do anything about it.

They will continue to poison us in our food, water and air. They will continue to lie to us about everything, including our true history and our relationship with the rest of the universe. They will continue to deceive us about our own abilities.

It is important that we feel powerless. This news is going to make you feel one of two ways, either hopeless or enraged. People are becoming less and less enraged. They are hoping that trend continues until they can do whatever they want and there is no more opposition.

Perhaps then they will stop with the election charades and admit the fact that they have manipulated the system to only allow those of certain bloodlines to achieve any amount of success. The deck has been stacked against us. They have been given information that has been withheld from us. Much of it resides in The Vatican and The Middle East today; Scrolls, tomes, tablets, crystal with information that could free 7.5 billion slaves. That's why it's so important to keep it secret. Knowledge is power, and power is relative.

CISA is just one more way that power is being taken away from the masses so it can be maintained by the few. They control everything you see, hear, taste, feel, and think. They bombard you with propaganda and mindless entertainment 24/7. They tell you that every day is better than the one before. They tell you that people are living longer. They tell you lie after lie. They tell you that if anyone tries to tell you the truth, they're the enemy. So, they keep you stupid. Because that's how control works. They take away your right to say anything factual, which is why this post will most likely be censored.

They want to control the flow of information. And that is what CISA is about. They want to be able to keep you stupid in order to better enslave you. It's not about the money. They create the money. From nothing. It's not real. They are not as enamored with it as you are.

What they want is power. Land and power. But mostly, power. They want you to be their slaves, because just like every "ruler" going back to Sumeria and Babylon, they believe they are Gods. Literally Gods here on Earth; Descendants of Lucifer/Enki/Enlil/Jesus/Yahweh/Allah/Mohammed/Isis/Ra/El. Placed here on this Earth to rule by divine right.
You will never be able to "vote" one of your own in. Votes are a lot of theater. That's why it's so important that they are secret, and you should never talk about who you are voting for. Heaven forbid the people should realize that the majority lost again.

You're not going to vote your way out of this mess. You're not going to be able to negotiate your way out. They have taken their throne by murder and deceit, and they are not going to give it up while they are still breathing. They have been working on this for hundreds of thousands of years. Literally. They are not going to stop because their servants outvoted them. You can believe that.

You have two options. You can watch this planet be destroyed and taken over by a bunch of serpents, or you can stand up and fight. Fight for your life, and fight for your freedom. Your freedom of thought. Your freedom of mind. Because that is where the shackles are attached. The only thing that is keeping you from rising up is the belief that you could win. It's simply your will. They've taken it away from you, but they haven't changed the odds. They are still overwhelmingly in your favor. That is the truth. There are 7.5 billion of you. There barely 300 of them. You need to stop fighting for them, and start fighting for yourselves, together, against them. That is all it takes.

All hope is not lost. All you need to do is start eating organic food, and filtering your water with Reverse Osmosis. Turn off the television. Take the batteries out of your phones. You'll see your mood changes. Your entire outlook changes. You won't feel so lazy any more. You will start to see the bullshit for what it is and eventually you'll put an end to it.

Soon you will see that you are ALL in violent agreement with one another. The Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Scientists, Scientologists, Raëlians. You are all right. They are all different ways of explaining the same phenomena. You just need to stop thinking that you are right and everyone else is wrong. You're all right. You're all on the same side. You've all been manipulated to divide amongst yourselves. That is why these things were created. And they were all created by the same people. Religion, Feminism, the Left-Right Paradigm, etc etc etc. They are all very clever ways to get you to turn against each other, rather than the people who are doing you the real harm. Hopefully you realize this soon, stop causing each other harm, and stand up together for your rights.

Edit1: (Funny how this post went from 0 to +5 in about 3 minutes, before the vote brigade came. I sense some angry serpents. )

Edit2: Whoa, LOTS of angry serpents. Or, at least lots of accounts. Right, Abe? ;-)

Edit3: Everyone should be asking themselves, why did the JIDF need to vote-brigade this post? Don't let them manipulate you into being a part of what you perceive to be as "the crowd". Don't become a part of the hive mind. -20 Karma on this post, doesn't represent the will of the masses. It represents the manipulation power of the serpents.

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This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans

No, this helps the JIDF with their vote brigades, while preventing anyone else from doing the same.

This is like the USA crying out about the use of chemical weapons, while they dump them all over the planet.

"Guys, don't do what we're doing! It's a travesty!"

You're not wrong.

The original text from the post you linked has been [removed]. What was it you said?

Of course reddit is gamed. Any place on the internet with a large enough audience will be used as a method to influence people.

You said your magnora7 account is banned from posting in this subreddit. Did you get a message saying why?

Original Text:

I submitted this, look at the votes and comments, it immediately got eaten alive by PR management to bury legitimate discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/3qf0ee/lets_have_a_community_discussion_of_these_4/

Then I submitted this to point out the problem, and it was removed because of rule 10: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/3qf4yb/shills_on_this_subreddit_kill_posts_that_talk/

All in the last hour. I dislike how you can't even use the s-word on this subreddit, even when it is obviously true.

I just wanted this to be documented so everyone can see how compromised this subreddit is, and the means by which certain topics are silenced, by drowning them out with garbage posts and votes.

Message about ban:

[–]from Flytape [M] to /r/conspiracy/ sent 2 minutes ago https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/2878zz/ever_wondered_if_reddit_is_censored_the_gig_is_up/ The sad part is that I remember you well and like you. But now you've turned on this sub.

Ok, but I think the comment flytape made in the deleted thread makes sense:

Because certain people become ultra-OCD-obsessed that every user they talk to who doesn't align with their world views and opinions with a perfect eclipse is the dreaded "shill".

Before this rule was enforced the act of "calling out shills" did more damage to the continuity of conversation than any shill could ever hope to do. In fact I suspect the "actual shills" more frequently started witch hunts against shills to disrupt the entire sub, than they actually had to shill for anything.

You are applying the shill label to an awful lot of people just because they don't agree with you. I can only speak with absolute certainty about myself. No one pays me to post and I have no intention of deceiving anyone.

I don't just call people who disagree with me the s-word. I only use it when I legitimately think it is the case. There are actually PR agencies on reddit who have hired people who influence threads, as evidenced by the original post. It should be OK to call these people out for what they are.

Yes, of course there are PR agencies, as well as government agencies plying their trade anywhere there are groups of people to be influenced.

But making the determination about which users are engaging in this behavior requires some discernment. You appear to be using a shotgun method which is hitting a whole swath of people. I know for certain this approach has resulted in a false positive because you have applied this label to me (of course I have no way to prove this to you absolutely).

I think it is ok to call people out, but you had better do some investigation so you can present a case. Simply labeling everyone who makes a comment that doesn't fit your view of a subject a shill only discredits you.

Sure, you seem much more reasonable and I regret calling you that now. But they often work in groups and it's not the first time I've had this happen. So out of the 6 people I called out, maybe only 5 of them were. Sorry about that.

You say you don't call people shills just because they disagree with you, but then admit that you called six different people shills today alone.

They work in groups, it was the same group of people in both threads. Plus some of those people I have a long history with and have more evidence than just that one thread.

It doesn't matter, I can believe that any group of people who disagree with me are "shills" but not only does it not make it true, I should be able to discuss issues based on the merit of the argument.

On that I disagree...yes...we should be able to discuss the merits of the issues, but often you are dealing with professional who have studied the issue anf the psychology much more than you (they get paid to do it) and have a strategy to derail your argument, even having multiple posters attacking you from different angles...

If your argument is "well, it isn't fair because they're smarter than me" then maybe pass the ball, chief.

No amount of psychological trickery is going to beat someone determined to tackle an issue one point at a time.

When in doubt: deconstruct the argument and work it down piece by piece.

I'm not just haphazardly calling anyone who disagrees with me the s-word. I'm simply calling out people who work at PR firms to manipulate reddit comment sections and votes. It's a real thing that happens, and it should be OK to call those people out.

You don't know that the people you call out work at "PR firms"

You're just accusing them of such with no actual evidence to back it up.

There's plenty of evidence, like pushing bullshit theories that are obviously false to dilute the quality of posts and conversations, to drive people away. That's a telltale sign, along with ignoring what people say and being deliberately agitating. It's not just wild guessing, there are plenty of obvious signs.

There are "signs" that are obvious to you, but you offer no evidence-- only your opinion.

I can get attacked on all sides in a thread by anti-semites who can't distinguish Isreal's policies from Jewish people at large, but I don't think they're hired guns by a PR firm. Nor would I have any evidence if I believed that.

It's possible to be disagreed with by many people at once without it being the result of a PR firm.

Sure, you seem much more reasonable and I regret calling you that now.

So you were wrong? This is why shill/troll accusations are against the rules here. You can not be sure, and people like you have a history of pulling the trigger on calling someone a shill way too fast. Hence the rule!

We have much more open and honest conversations when we forbid ourselves from taking the easy way out of discussing an idea we don't agree with. Aka calling the other user a shill and writing them off.

Now please come to terms with this and agree to follow the rules, appeal your ban on magnora7 and agree to stop the shill accusations or I'll be forced to report your accounts for ban evasion.

Please don't ban me for this /u/FlyTape, but what happens when multiple (unrelated) users call the same user out for obvious shilling, shouldn't this account for something?

At what point do you say enough is enough, the community obviously thinks the person is shilling, so at what point would you ban that user?

What makes it obvious? What's your evidence? It's incredibly rare that any user is "obviously" a shill, and a tiny percentage of those called out for it even reassemble one.

Report it to mod mail.

Fair enough. I'm a little weary of mod mails being leaked into other private subs, but if this is the only way to do it, then so be it.

I actually agree with your analysis. You are spot on, sorry to see you got banned for it.

Thanks, I think what I really got banned for was using the s-word, it can be easily construed as a "personal attack" apparently, even if it seems overwhelmingly true based on evidence. So I guess I will just avoid using that word and call them "social media PR influencers" or something else less emotional. I've also been banned from worldnews several different times for using the s-word. I think it's just not allowed on reddit because it's too on-the-nose.

Well, when the shoe fits....I know of another user who got banned for calling that same exact user out, so it's not just you who thinks it.

wow! it's just a simple python script. only hard part would be creating the accounts, which I guess you could pay one of those indian companies that charge 5cents an hour to do that for you.

sounds like easy money.

but I guess the bigger question is why? does it really matter if something has upvotes?

I think the bigger market is the downvote... A downvote could control immediate information. An upvote still has to pass the human bullshit test to get somewhere as bots can only help so much. Also many redditors will notice patterns. So I'd gather they should really be charging $800 for down votes. Then one can control the flow of content.

Buy reddit downvotes for double the price? Huh. Interesting concept.

More upvotes = frontpage = more eyes

Россия может тратить свои деньги на глупые вещи, как покупка голосов, но это не спасет их.

HAHAHAHA! You know what's up.

Мое судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей.

now i want some acid. thanks!


Okay :)

Most of them don't stick due to a Reddit filter. Source: a friend of a friend

Probably depends on how good the service you use is. The good ones have a different IP address for every vote.

What a waste of fucking money, what kind of person does something like that?

companies and organizations who want to advertise

It's not for the karma, it's to get thousands of views by being on the front page

No but I'm sure Secretary Clinton is well aware

Hmm. That might be a business model worth pursuing. Seems easy enough to code. Only trick seems to be registering enough accounts to cycle through. That and it's probably against Reddit's ToS...

I think the IP spoofing would be the hardest part, each account has to vote with a different IP address for reddit to not detect it, I think. And it's definitely against the ToS

buying private proxies in bulk isn't that expensive, you can assign an IP for every account and run the bots to vote random stuff for credibility, and even comment by copy-pasting one of the buried comments with a slight change (misspelling some words for example)... you'll still need to pass the captcha while it's possible to pass by code it'll actually be more time effecient to register the 1000 account manually (making the bot fill everything and you cycle through captchas). after all that is done you can let the bots upvote individual posts of your choosing.

not a lot of work when you think of the profit. 1 average programmer can do this easily.

Ninja-edit: now that i think about it, you can replace the creating of accounts by cracking some accounts.

This post has way to many up-votes for being such a shitpost. Bro, are you making multiple accounts or did ya pay for up-votes? Also i shill all day long in this subreddit so back off my turf. Seriously though this post is horrible and you're paranoid.

Seems as though the Democrats have rather deep pockets then.

Didn't the State Department, when Hillary Clinton was at the helm, pay something like $500k for Facebook Likes??? What a collossal effing waste of taxpayer funds. Who CARES how many Likes a government agency has on Facebook, ffs?

What kind of twat buys upvotes

advertisers, to get to the front page

You think bernie sanders submissions get to the frontpage everyday by accident?

As the years go on, you'll be seeing a lot more pro-cop, pro-government, ads, etc submissions on the frontpage and less real user submissions.

Imagine how much money they're going to make after the RNC and DNC next summer. Why anyone would take political posts in mainstream subs seriously is beyond me.

Well damn then

I wish we could all pool a couple bucks and buy tens of thousands of up votes for this post.

you have NOT seen israel ones...

Everything is for sale.

That explains the viral Applebys marketing campaign thats been going on.

For whatever reason you cannot buy this on fivver.

someone should spend $400 to give this thread 1000 upvotes

Are you a native advertiser that is blowing the whistle?

As someone who markets on reddit from time to time on other accounts, don't ever purchase one of these packages, the anti spam algos will pick up on it quickly and shadowban your account rendering it useless.

I noticed that the only posts that get almost instantly downvoted on /r/StormComing are stories on Fukushima. I have been wondering about that for a while now.

Also, broadly across reddit, most stories about the effects of climate change- same thing. I was really starting to wonder if that many people were actually that stupid.

trie some anti-israel in worldnews

or anti-vaccine

or anti-monsanto

you can see it live

I'm selling 100 upvotes for a buck. and i sucj your penis too


How do you write a comment karma farming bot? Sounds complicated

always wondered how some news in Worldnews jump up with 5000 upvotes and no comments in first minutes

and i bet from this 9 million reddit users are like 75% bots or voting accounts ...

edit: just look on worldnews right now ... you can clearly see whats bought and what not ... everything with more than 2000 upvotes is just propaganda bullshit

Did OP just spend $800?

On the subject of getting stuff to the front page, I consider it a goal/hobby, for certain topics populist , for me its about knowing the audience and what time they will be infront of their computers, so for a good worldnews story, with 2000+ upvotes, I would try to upload it at 6am GMT (with a good title of course), knowing that the Brits will read it on the way to work, then this will get it into the 400+ vote zone which will suck in the NYC commuters on the East coast when they wake up, so by the time it gets to LA morning time it will be just under 1800+ votes. Have you noticed how the Times of Delhi is also popular on reddit? lots of middleclass Indians are using social media and they are using the same english language platforms as us, and soon I am sure that India will could be the big upvote karma farm, however I cant be bothered to recalculate my schedule for them.

I put stuff on the front page for LOLs with my own brainpower and rationale behind it, however some people would boast of that and put it down on their CV/resume for that dream PR job.

I know this comment is buried, but it's meant for OP.

I've unsubscribed from /r/news and /r/politics and more recently /r/worldnews and many other related subs a long time ago as they became obviously gamed/controlled. I don't even go back to check on them anymore. I'm not going to lie though, with so many opinions and every stupid person having one, it's not particularly easy to tell who (beside the mods) are actively participating in the gaming versus who isn't aware. Those comments read very similarly.

Now, if you want to see who buys upvotes and what the potential purchasees look like just to get a handle on the mechanism, I think that the most obvious sub that's in my current array is /r/comics . There are so many comic artists out there - and plenty that are quite popular for good reasons and deserve every upvote that they get. And plenty who are pretty decent and get almost nothing at all. So someone having 4000 upvotes isn't unreasonable - see lunar baboon - but rising is often correlated with having previous success at rising rather than individual talent.

But an increasing number of the comics that make the front page are super ordinary, while some gems are buried. While that's always going to happen, and I acknowledge my own perspective being further and further away from the main stream of funny, there appear to be some patterns. Once you have, say 100 upvotes in the first hour, you're already in the tops few of /r/comics and likely heading to the front of /r/all. Once on the front page, people continue to upvote - since people have the hive mind to promote what others already like. And it would be easier to hide additional manipulated votes at that point.

So if you want to see what I think is the manipulation mechanism in action, look for a comic with no comments and 100 to 300 upvotes in the first two hours. That indicates popularity with no participation (which makes this sub different from the political stuff which gets insta-comments). You'll also want to see comics that are posted right around 8am - which is prime rising time. These guys know what they're doing to get the highest rise early and stay on the front page all day long.

And then look at some of the work that gets 2 to 5 votes, and you'll realize that the quality is often quite similar.

And if you can find these upvoters on the above comment, then perhaps you can profile what a 'bought' link looks like.

Optimistic me says that maybe reddit can learn to shut it out. Pessimistic me says that Reddit can learn to harness the $$ potential for their short term profit and long-term site detriment.

Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing.

Unfortunately reddit has made it clear they're not interested in shutting out this type of business, because it is profitable. Reddit is primarily and advertising platform at this point, and that's not going to change. Reddit is going the same was as digg.com, it's just a matter of time now.

Thank you for this submission. It's something I think many of us are aware of, but something that has taken us slowly and that many people pretend doesn't exist.

I read this yesterday, but the stupid Bro comic currently #1 is what made me revisit. The comments are fairly negative on it, too, showing that it clearly isn't full-Reddit opinion. Of course there are a few 'defenders' of why it's top in comics as well, which I'm sure is convenient. Yet there it sits, naked for all to see.

I think the main issue right now is that there isn't a decent competing platform like Reddit was to Digg, back when Digg tanked. Voat still sucks in slowness. Mostly what I do is just get news elsewhere again.

I've just devolved into the subreddits, reading stories about some sort of specialty or another. The backbone system is still a good one, but the gaming and the moderation of the big subs has put the writing on the wall.

Great points.

Voat sucks not only in slowness though, but it has decayed very quickly in the same way it took reddit years to decay. This kind of troll-rot has become a popular tactic to destroy social media sites, and unless proper counter-measures are put in place in the news sites, they're going to keep failing, each faster than the last.

Here's a fixed link, yours doesn't work: https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/3qjqpy/bro_fight_oc/

Whoops, I tried to np the link, per the bot, but I screwed it up.

But you're right. The only thing really holding voat together in any way is reddit hate and calling out current issues. Of course, I remember how we used to make fun of how terrible digg was too.

So funny addendum to this story. I reported the comic for 'Vote Manipulation' not expecting much, after I wrote this out. Came back a couple hours later and it was gone.

Feeling positive :)

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OK. WHO spent $800 to upvote this post?

This is why you get a Reddit account, disable subs, and only sub your specifics or niche interests. About all Reddit is good for now

ill sell you one reddit upvote for a quid mate.


Yeah, no one is saying you can buy votes from reddit. We are talking about that grey market. I don't think it's very risky because most people don't even know it's happening. One of those open secret sorts of deals.

How sad. "Guerrilla Marketing" is pathetic.

When I was in College, I was out and about reading on a nice fall day, the "red bull team" approaches me, and gives me a free red bull, only catch--I have to drink it now, where I was--on a bench in the heart of campus, 5 minutes before classes get out and thousands of people will see me studiously reading and enjoying a red bull. As, magically, was most other folks reading outside that day. I accepted, red bull was like $4 a can on campus. But I felt a little sad inside. A few years later, I'm out with some, friends at a bar in Brooklyn, and this woman in her mid to late 20s, comes up to me, and says she is a brand rep for Pabst, and offers to buy all my drinks, if I switch to Pabst Blue ribbon. She didn't offer my friends-which really offended my now wife--but I said fuck it, why not, as I was about $50 into my cups. And that's how Pabst became the "hipster beer." (Although smart money says more Tecate is sold in "cool" BROOKLYN than any other cheap brew). Free beer and liquor make the corporate sponsored parties of the world go round. Fuck, now I could go for some free red bull...lol. But, in all seriousness, I've never started to buy stuff I was asked to advertise, or that is too aggressively advertised to me. As a non-traditional media consumer, I will get stuck watching the same movie trailer or car ad a dozen times a day...the over exposure makes me not want to watch shit (fuck you OJ Simpson mini-series). Dave Chappelle was spot on when he was talking about Coke vs. Pepsi.

I do wish Dave Chappelle was making funny videos, I'd up vote them for free.

It's not a conspiracy, it's vote manipulation and can get you banned lol

Fiverr is already in trouble for selling fake amazon reviews, this shouldn't help their cause

Upvoting can backfire. For example I rarely look at the upvoted posts on this subreddit. Because it's often just "sheeple" bait. Another layer of smoke for the masses.

This explains all the pro-vaccine bs, pro GMOs, etc. etc....

Does this mean we can't trust anyone?

Without a doubt this sub has seen a pretty dramatic shift to Russian propagandists. This sub has more critical thinkers in it then just about any other place on Reddit, and I find it very hard to believe that magically, users here are organically loosing their ability to critically examine information, and blindly accept Russian propaganda on its face.

There are several users here who could post a link that only says Russia is great, America is bad, that will get 150+ upvotes. That's not organic, and likely the result of paid up votes.


your statements aren't manipulative propaganda in themselves

No, they are actually just my opinion. I'm not being paid to disseminate my opinion, or paying to buy up votes to disseminate my opinion, that's the difference.


Relax, anyone with a brain knows he is stating his opinion.


It seems like the definition of propaganda depends solely upon whether you agree with the statement.


I'm confident there are objective facts that can be observed and agreed by both.

LOL you must be new here.


What I'm saying is that this sub will shock you with how little anyone can agree on what you consider to be objective reality.


There are people on this sub who argue passionately over whether 9/11 was caused by thermite, mini-nukes, hologram planes, or missiles. Whether it was orchestrated by the Mossad, Bush/Saudis, or aliens.

Yes, yes it is propaganda. The people of Ukraine stopped rioting when the "neo-Nazi thugs" took power, and in fact the same "neo-Nazi thugs" actually disbanded the police special forces group as one of their first acts of power. How could the United States engineer a take over when there's a 1 million+ young Ukrainians on the street demanding the Russian backed president leave?

It's still my opinion though, and it is backed up by facts. Look at the number of RT, Sputnik, and other Russian government controlled "news" outlets that make it to the front page of this sub every day. Increasingly more and more. Just pay attention.


So you agree that Russia invaded Ukraine then?


But a majority of Ukranians didn't want that to happen. Maybe in Crimea, but every Ukrainian I've ever spoken with in real life, wants to be a part of Europe, not Russia. So this is going against the will of the Ukrainian people, but yet it's ok with you?


You're drinking the Kool-Aide my friend. The facts (other then disseminated by the Russian government themselves) just don't jive with what you're saying.


You've been unable to demonstrate that the US engineered and put in the neo-nazi's, as opposed to the Ukrainian people themselves either. funny that.


Vic Nuland is a diplomat. Of course the United States, as any country is going to want to influence who comes to power. The fact remains the rioting and demonstrations stopped in Kiev, even after this tape was released. The people of Ukraine are obviously ok with this.


That's all you have for that?


You're pretty transparent too there bud. I'm not openly defending Nazis, I'm openly defending the right of the Ukrainian people to determine who they want in power, even if it isn't a Russian backed president which you are defending, which is against the will of the Ukrainian people.

I guess you're technically right about this. I guess what I defined propaganda as, is being disseminated by a government themselves, RT, Sputnik, etc.


I believe you are wrong and the fact is more that US media has shown to have less than zero credibility, while Russians (e.g. Putin) at least are telling truths that resonate with the facts and prior actions.

When it comes to US policy, and US actions, yes, I'll give you that they are more willing to call it like it is, but when it comes to actions they are doing, like Ukraine, then no, I don't agree with you. The Ukrainian revolution was a revolution of young Ukranians revolting against the Russian backed president. I personally spoke with more then 7 of them this summer, who had all taken jobs in the United States over the summer.

They all wanted to be a part of Europe. This was completely organic at the beginning, but yet Russia propagates that these young people were simply pawns for the west. That's just not the case, and no Russian government "news" outlet ever reported anything like the truth when it came to Ukraine.

The news media in Russia is run by the Russian government, for the Russian government, to further the agenda of the Russian government, period. Look at what Sibel Edmonds said about RT.

EDIT: Actually here's what she said:

However, believe me or not, RT can be as bad as any US mainstream media. It has its own agenda, objectives, spin... I quit accepting invitations to their program about ... a year ago.


Every takeover in this fashion has one of these to legitimize it.

How is it a takeover when there's 1 million+ Ukrainians on the street demanding it?


It looks like most of the other people in that room are supportive of him, yes.


So what? If that's what the people of Kiev wanted, then who am I to judge? The term Nazi's have been given a bad name by Zionists. They are mostly ultra-nationalistic and not violent.


I defended the people's right of self-determination in Ukraine, nothing more.


especially even if those people are neonazis. got it.

I might have found out yesterday...


So that's how the jews potraid as good people make it to the frontpage

I always thought it was quite weird I got so many downvotes for saying Pyrex Plate shattered and cut me badly when I removed from a Microwave.

I think it's a pretty common occurrence and everyone knows Pyrex isn't what it was anymore, I'm pretty sure the only people motivated to down vote such a comment are Pyrex themselves. It was honestly a real occurrence by the way I needed stitches.

be careful what you say about Pyrex in public; they've agents everywhere.

You joke but unless Pyrex fanboys are a real thing it really looks like the company is actually paying people to shush up these stories.

There are people getting seriously injured because of this company now and to be honest deaths wouldn't surprise me in the least the stuffs downright dangerous and not fit for purpose.

Basically they went from a company with a good product to a company that makes completely dangerous junk that shatters sharp glass like a bomb.

Apparently, World Kitchen, LLC has been heavily engaging social media for its Pyrex products since at least 2011.

As a scientist, I think it's criminal to take a brand that was once synonymous with its composition (a high quality borosilicate glass) and replace it, while maintaining the same branding with a product with very poor thermal resilience.

For what it's worth, I have only had good experiences with my Anchor Hocking glass products, though nearly all US-manufactured glass bakeware, regardless of manufacturer, is tempered soda-lime-glass.

How is this news? It's fairly well known.

It's not well known

....... Great argument... It's fairly well known within people who know a little bit about the Internet. You can buy upvotes and Twitter followers, favorites, retweets. Facebook likes, YouTube views, fake app reviews. The list go on. It might not be common knowledge but is fairly well known and your assumption it is some kind of conspiracy is very naive.

I work in marketing and have been approached by companies offering these services to the start-up I work for. These types of services are utilized in many fields by lazy marketers who don't know how to grow an audience.

It's not an argument, it's a fact. Most people don't know about this. That's why it has 2000 upvotes.

Well I'm not even going to touch such an annoyingly ignorant comment.

You work in the industry and you're surprised people don't know things from your industry? Maybe you have a biased view? Nah, that can't be it, I'm just an idiot who got 2000 upvotes for talking about something everyone already knows, that must be it


Rule 8. No memes. Removed.

How is this news?

This isn't /r/news. It's /r/conspiracy.

I doubt this will work very well. Obvious advertising won't work because it will probably get downvoted ten times more than it will get actually upvoted.


I'll throw $100 down on it.

They sell smaller packages too, like 100 upvotes. You could start a subreddit with no one in it, make one post, and give it a hundred upvotes for $40 or something. That'd prove it more cheaply, but it wouldn't be as exciting.

I'd be really hilarious to buy like 8000 votes and have the top #1 post of the week, and make it be just a picture of a receipt of buying 8000 votes. I would have a laughing fit if I saw that

Yes. That explains how some clear shills have old accounts.

Damn 70$ for my karma. WhO woulda guessed.

Obligatory /r/hailcorporate mention.

Not if they post your YouTube video to reddit. Then it could be a double "win"

I'll give you about tree fiddy.

I made a post that got super derailed. Then I made a post calling out these people as likely being shills. Then I got banned for it. Then I had to ask to get unbanned and promise never to call out a shill or make any accusations toward any user on this subreddit ever again, basically. But I got my account back.

If you really want the down and dirty, check out these comments that explain it: https://www.reddit.com/r/POLITIC/comments/3qf6as/of_these_4_conspiracies_which_is_the_most/

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Woo hoo I'm worth about $65. I'm RICH!

Been here 8 years, I've watched the whole site slowly go down in flames. Things used to be so good about 5 years ago.. oh well. Another site will come along eventually and the cycle will start anew. Although I hope the new site has the capability for the community to label shills for easy detection, because that's really what's ruining voat and reddit

No prob

My own opinion is calling people shills is fucking lazy and detrimental to the sub.

If you cant argue against someone without literally saying "You are wrong because you are paid to be here" then you dont understand your arguments and need to better defend them.

You should be able to simply and without aggression make your points and defend them regardless of what the other commenters are doing. When you start calling people shills you will sound

ITT: Shills. Sorry I even tried, geez.

This is weak and sounds like whining. I dont mean to offend but all these fucking people bitching about shills would be more productive if they learned how to debate properly.

i had often wondered for example how in the news threads certain articles stay on the front page so long or even get there in the first place. do you think they can buy there way on to f/p?

I was really hoping the writers came up with the idea on their own...

advertisers, to get to the front page

$15/hr. Even assuming you don't bother to automate the process, it doesn't take three 8-hour work days of clicking to get to 1000 upvotes.

Damn, the market value of my account is almost $70? If I knew that I would have made a bunch of accounts years ago and shitposted my way to 30k karma

A list is not a comparison. See: things I would have trouble lifting 1. an airplane 2. my apartment 3. 4 full grown men at once 4. the contents of the library of science 5. every computer I have ever typed at.

Help me out: what is the comparison?

Same thing happened on Myspace. Accounts with lower account IDs would show up higher on the show all friends list. Companies would buy up the super low numbers for high price do their brand would be at the top of everyone's friend list after they redesigned the user account.

My dad made a cool $10k on an account with an ID under 15,000.

The phrase is "drop in the bucket." Come on bro, it's not rocket appliances.

But the new shitty algorithm means you'll be on the front page for weeks...

the new longer lasting stayfresh algorithm

This is working on the assumption that they browse /r/all, which a lot of users do not.

How would that be backwards?

You pay a company 400 bucks to get you 500k views, they make 400 bucks, youtube then pays you 500 bucks. You just made 100 bucks net and you will go back to them again spend another 400 bucks to get another 500k views and another 500 bucks, now you have 200 in net profits.

Rince and repeat.

Hey, my account is worth over $70.

Now, lemme see - that works out to about 0.003 cents an hour over my redditing career.

I'm wealthy!

You think bernie sanders submissions get to the frontpage everyday by accident?

As the years go on, you'll be seeing a lot more pro-cop, pro-government, ads, etc submissions on the frontpage and less real user submissions.

Stuck on a broken front page for 12+ hours


Not sure what you're waiting for then, sounds like you could be a millionaire within year end.

Crazy that reddit hasn't already thought of this /s

My grandson was showing me a video on The YouTube of someone named Bruno Mars and he had over one billion views.

Imagine that!

Like Buzzfeed?

I knew this shit was an investment

These fucking sites are most likely run by Reddit ITSELF.

No. They're obviously run by advertising companies, since the purpose is advertising. This type of thing exists for every big website, not just reddit.

Hey, even a high class whore will eat ass for the right $$$.

Yeah, even just last night my mate was reading me a Lad Bible article taken straight from Reddit, I get linked to the likes all the time

be careful what you say about Pyrex in public; they've agents everywhere.

Reddit.. You were the chosen one.. Supposed to bring balance to the Internet, not destroy it!

Shit, I could retire on my 8 year old account.

2015, still not using a personalized front page ^

It's not well known

This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans

No, this helps the JIDF with their vote brigades, while preventing anyone else from doing the same.

This is like the USA crying out about the use of chemical weapons, while they dump them all over the planet.

"Guys, don't do what we're doing! It's a travesty!"

How is this news?

This isn't /r/news. It's /r/conspiracy.