Predictions for 2017

66  2015-10-27 by [deleted]



Hey OP, this was posted 2 days ago in /r/nosleep. Is this really your own story? It was also re-posted yesterday with the same formatting you've used in your post here.

Your comment should be at the top, but this sub will believe anything.

but his comment is at the top..., which makes YOUR comment technically false.

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After many suggestions I decided to post here as many people thought it wasn't a personal experience.

So, do you admit to being deleted /user/TigersOfDetroit who submitted the original post to /r/nosleep?

Cached version of user TigersOfDetroit - Lots of submissions to /r/WritingPrompts/ I see. It seems this user has a knack for fiction writing.

I don't know if this makes me happy or sad but thanks.

I figured if I do this all publicly my chances of disappearing is slim.

I figured if I do this all publicly my chances of disappearing is slim.

What's that supposed to mean?

Which one is it? Of the 11 song which one?

OP hasn't posted any original tracks, only re-posts (like re-tweets.)

Correct, I decided to share it here under this alias. Getting into the music industry seems to be the quickest and easiest way to gain the influence of the public.

I'm working with a few friends to record samples of what I remember, it's funny how much the music and art industry will play in this over the years.

Getting into the music industry seems to be the quickest and easiest way to gain the influence of the public.

I'm working with a few friends to record samples of what I remember, it's funny how much the music and art industry will play in this over the years.

Huh? What does that have to do with the fact that it looks like you're an avid fiction writer when you're /user/TigersOfDetroit, you then delete /user/TigersOfDetroit to remove evidence of you being a fiction writer, then you post this story to /r/conspiracy under a different username?

I'm sorry, I don't believe you saw any of this during lucid dreams, but from your conscious imagination. All evidence points to you being an attention-seeking troll.

The only thing interesting here is what your inspiration may have been for trolling /r/conspiracy. Why not just come clean and admit these are just some predictions you have, rather than making it an elaborate, fictional lucid dream story?

It's definitely something I've been experiencing for a while during lucid dreams. Posting in /r/conspiracy was the best choice for future discussion and reference, you'll understand in a few months.

"Bob, you're moving? Is everything okay"

"Guy on Reddit had a pretty convincing dream about the collapse of America as we know it. Better safe than sorry. Taking the wife and kids to Buenos Aires"

"You don't even speak Spanish, Bob"

Bob should move to Australia instead.

Bob's not a bright man.


Bob Belcher obviously

You make jokes, but I've seen stuff in dreams I would have never imagined would have come true, to actually come true.

You have a subconscious, and it has access to the future

The nature article says that your brain makes decisions a few seconds before you're aware of the decisions, that's a far cry from being able to see what happens miles away, and years into the future.

The brain knowing a decision 3-7 seconds before you are even aware of the decision says alot, that's just the tip of the ice burg

It says allot about the nature of consciousness, but not about the ability to predict wider events.

Not too many people access they're subconscious though. I've only accessed a part of it and remember past lives even though I used never believe in that, and seen things come true years later. Its not linear though

Oh, so you're batshit. Gotcha.

No, I'd say batshit are those that believe this life is all there is

This sub cracks me up. You see people be all "hurt durr magic man in the sky ain't real" but then they eat shit like this wholesale. The only reason I'm subscribed is to watch how crazy y'all are

Learn some thousand year old Buddhist meditations on accessing your subconscious and the Oneness that's waiting to be discovered within you, only then would we be able to talk from the same place

I meditate every day. But not in some attempt to access the world or indulge in hoodoo. It's just mindfulness and learning how yourself interacts with the world at large.

Mindfulness is just one aspect of meditation. You can practice mindfulness you're whole life and never access subconscious or oneness or source of love, etc

That's because time isn't linear

We've got our very own Nostradamus right here on /r/conspiracy. Very interesting OP.

More like Edward Cayce, Nostradamus wrote too much in riddle form

Well giving a long Star Wars spoiler is the best way to prove legitimacy the quickest

What are some key things that happen in the movie?

Enter John Titor Joke Here.

But in all seriousness, there is some valid hypothesis about time travel through lucid dreaming floating around in some of the more seedier parts of the internet. I don't doubt your experience, simply because I have no reason not to. But this reads like numerous other people who have come out over the last decade claiming the same things.

For example, the Alien Races book alleges that in 2017 we will see the beginning, and in 2022 we will see the beginning of the end unless we all change.

Michael Jackson said before he died we had 10 years to change or we will lose everything. He died in 2009 so 2017 would be within that 10 years.

The talk of weather, nuclear war, intervention with russia and china was all laid out for us by John Titor, though he claimed a civil war would start in America sometime around 2015.

Perhaps you just tapped into the collective consciousness that has been around for a while now, and downloaded it?

Music sticks the most in these experiences, I am starting to believe in this "universal consciousness" theory. I'm just trying to figure out if this will help or if it's all just vivid dreams I somehow experience with consistency and specifics.

OP, next time you lucid dream, see if you can find the source of the dream/dreamer, where is it all coming from, keep going deeper.

I lost the ability to lucid dream, but when I was in my teens, i learned how to go to sleep while lucid dreaming, and enter a dream within the dream, and started question where its all coming from and started entering into Oneness that would remain upon waking up. Boy do I got some stories to tell

Well, tell them.

A.I. sexbots, no more marriage, enlightenment via technology, mars colonized, fusion, war between earth factions and a highly civilized mars colony, genetically modified humans, chimeras, organs on demand, matrix tech, consciousness transfers, body transfers, people living in VR realities, A.I. programming A.I., portals opened to other dimensions, worm hole tech, quantum communication instantaneous over unlimited distances, various movements against all this stuff, socialism, much more

What year do you think post scarcity hits?

Never got that far. As far as I got there were countries that were attempting said state, with anti-groups, and crapitalism/elitism fighting tooth and nail for control. I saw gmo diseases coming created by population control agendas, A.I.wars, just as much scary bad shit as well as good shit that will lead to post scarcity

Checking out now

Is that post legit? Wow!!!

It is! I'm not as adept as you at lucid dreaming but I'd like to learn how I could be.


Practice, write down every dream when you wake up, tell your subconscious every night before going to sleep that its going to happen, remember so trigger like a red ball or woman in a red dress, as your trigger to make you conscious, Google "dream yoga techniques" and get practicing. My 1st one came about within 3 weeks and then 2-3 months after that it was every night

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There is a difference between astral projecting, and lucid dreaming.

If you dreams were in color you were in the astral which generally occurs in the moments before you enter REM sleep. Which would explain why you couldn't control it.

If it was lucid, it would be in black and white and lucid generally occurs in the moments after you enter REM sleep but you have trained yourself to stay coherent enough to allow your mind to wander.

I'm no expert, but I dabble. Got really good at it too.

please share more info about these hypothesis

Marking a spot and putting some cash on the panthers. Ty

man, i'm a new england fan through and through. if i see ONE thing from this come true though, i'm putting money on the panthers hahaha.

Many of these predictions are very specific so it should quickly become obvious whether there is any accuracy in it.

Just quoting here to make sure it isn't changed:

"The Carolina Panthers win Superbowl 50 over the Patriots." (February 7th, 2016)

"The 2015 Best Picture Oscar is The Revenant. Star Wars 7 is nominated, though." (February 28th, 2016)

The deadline for general entry into the Academy is Dec 2 2015.

Star Wars comes out December 18th so would not be eligible Same with The Reverant, it comes out on 12/25/2015 so both would have to be in the 2017 category based upon submission rules on the Academy website.

I thought pre-screenings or whatever, advanced copies, were allowed in order to be considered for the previous year if you're close enough. Not arguing, just curious. I thought that's how some big movies were ending up on torrent sites in 1080p and whatnot, while and even before they were in the theaters?

You could quite possibly be correct. Most likely are correct

In all honesty I just did a quick look through their submission deadlines out of curiosity.

As stated by the Oscars academy in Rule 3, point 1, "The required Los Angeles County qualifying run (described in Rule Two Paragraph 2) must begin between January 1, 2015, and midnight of December 31, 2015."

I believe both The Reverant and Star Wars will qualify for Oscar consideration in 2015. In fact it is a strategy to release for Christmas and have lots of buzz to win an Oscar.

He specifically mentions Pacific Hurricane Terry as being worse than Patricia. Terry as a named storm would have to happen before December 32, 2015. Plus a hurricane can not be affected by human action. If there is a hurricane Terry in the next two months even stronger then Patricia (the strongest storm ever recorded in the western hemisphere to date) than he will have convinced me to start preparing in earnest. Then if the 2016 Atlantic season has a Hurricane Joquim beating up Hispaniole I am on a plane to New Zealand!

Re-read it. Pacific Hurricane Terry in late 2015 and Atlantic Hurricane Ian in 2016 are the ones to watch for. If BOTH happen as he predicts ... holy living f#+k!

I'm heading to new Zealand if either one happens...

His predictions have very specific short term benchmarks. Just a few months will determine his bullshit level.

Just to point out, the names are pre-picked through 2020 so that part is not that big of a deal. Now, if the details of each are correct that would be much more difficult.

Yes of course the names are picked way in advance. But not which ones are going to be huge and devastating. Naming Terry and Ian specifically makes the point.

Dec. 32?

Typo. Could not find an edit button on the phone app.

I don't plan my fear panics that far out.

I guess channeling is about worn out, so now we have "lucid dreaming."

two very different things

Yeah lucid dreaming is a real thing but channeling the future and dreaming the future, lucid or not, both don't happen.

I'm actually relieved at your prediction ... compared to this other one:

The election of 2016 is thrown into the House of Representatives in an "Election of 1824" scenario because no candidate receives the minimum threshold of 270 electoral votes. Although the House of Representatives is Republican-controlled, the GOP vote is split between third-party ticket Trump/Cruz & "establishment" ticket Carson/Bush. Democratic ticket Bernie/Hillary "wins" with the most votes of the three, but it is disputed because a narrow plurality of the country voted Republican: in effect, a reversal of Bush vs. Gore, because the popular vote is narrowly Republican, but the Supreme Court declares Bernie/Hillary the winner.

But on 11/9, a few days after the election, a worldwide international terror attack (the "International 9/11") strikes with simultaneous downings of commercial airliners (using the "400 Benghazi surface-to-air missiles") in 12 international cities, plus a nuclear "dirty bomb" attack on LAX that contaminates a thirty-mile zone ("TMZ"). There is a mystery air-bombing of the "Twin Towers" (twin temples) on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, allegedly "ushering in the Antichrist" according to Christian eschatology. Trump, Cruz & Carson are killed in the attacks, along with many celebrities and public figures & politicians. "Bush kept us safe!" Cheney declares on FOX News. "The Obama Era has come home to roost!"

The 11/9 attacks continue for 9 days including terror attacks in all 50 states with bioweapons including Anthrax & Bubonic Plague. When the attacks first strike, Obama has a fatal heart attack on the golf course & Biden is sworn-in as president. Arrangements are quickly made to insert Hillary as VP (as Ford was made Nixon's VP without an election), and within days, Biden steps down to let Hillary take over as president ala Gerald Ford.

Reddit's /r/conspiracy subreddit is locked-down allegedly due to "accurate predictions of dates, places and times of attack" but, in reality, posts about an "Oliver North Iranian arms network developed as the real operational objective of Iran-Contra" are the target, and vanish as the subreddit is quickly reopened and "gamed" with JTRIG armies of reactionary dissent claiming Obama's Koran has been found & demanding "a U.S. military coup to intervene against Democrats."

The California attacks create a "Hollywood coup" and "reversal of political allegiances" as "liberals" and "former liberals" declare they are "coming out of the closet as Republicans" despite glaring suspicions from Cheney's "predictions" of the attacks. Economic chaos from the shutdown of the commercial air industry results in trucking industry shutdowns of major freeways & a new "Bonus Army" descending on the Washington D.C. mall by early December.

The FBI immediately claims ISIS is responsible for the attacks as they begin on 11/9, but it is quickly claimed that Iran is the state-sponsor of the attacks, and several Iranian hardliners step forward to claim responsibility. Republicans accuse Hillary of staging a coup, and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan orders simultaneous hearings for impeachment against Hillary AND the initiation of a new HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) to investigate ISIS sleeper cells in U.S. cities.

Rumors of Bernie stepping down as president before he is even sworn-in end when Sanders dies of a heart attack, dividing the Democratic party further as Sanders supporters accuse Hillary of pressuring Sanders, if not literally ordering the assassination. Hillary appears to have very little, if any, support as she is sworn-in as President on January 20, 2017, and on April 4, 2017, in the middle of a GOP walkout of Congress, during an "emergency session" being held by Hillary, "two disgruntled USAF infiltrator Lone Gunmen" crash their plane into the Capitol Dome (which is currently being renovated by the same company that "renovated" the exact 6 floors, and ONLY those 6 floors, of WTC-1 that were struck: Turner Construction), killing all national-level Democrats: a military coup in disguise as the Pentagon declares a state of emergency, and Cheney's COG (Continuity of Government operations) go into effect; Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is sworn-in as "Emergency President" by John Roberts at midnight on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

The Operation Falcon roundups & domestic assassinations begin, the Pentagon/intelligence community purges begin, the HUAC-2 showtrials of "Al Qaeda/ISIS conspirators within the government" begin, the appointment of an "emergency handpicked Congress" begins, the shutdown of Twitter, the roundups of "dissidents" in sports stadiums across the U.S., the new checkpoints established to enter and leave major cities, the "temporary" injunctions against "free press spreading Al Qaeda/ISIS code words" by "moles within the media", sweep through the U.S. in April & May of 2017.

There is a New Madrid fault earthquake, and a California earthquake, and a strange global event involving a burst of radiation from a distant celestial collision which is interpreted by many in the world as a religious sign. Amidst the U.S. military coup & several government coups among Western nations (a simultaneous "decapitation of Leftist heads-of-state"), there are mass-executions of protesters & mass-conversions of religious believers following the celestial sign.

The D.C. Mall "Bonus Army" encampment becomes a July 2015 Tianenmen Square-style massacre of protesters on the National Mall, and the U.S. military begins emergency operations against Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador & Bolivia. WW3 begins over Syria in October, wiping out billions of lives but mostly in the U.S., Russia & China and eventually throughout the Northern Hemisphere by contamination. But within days of the "overnight war" there is a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) from the sun eliminating all life in the Southern Hemisphere and temporarily destroying parts of the upper atmosphere; radiation contaminates all food stocks worldwide including in bunkers. Electromagnetic effects render electronics, including batteries, inoperable. The immediate melting of Antarctica destabilizes the axis and orbit of the Earth, raises sea-levels, and creates tsunamis. The additional sea-level rise affects undersea tectonic plates which collapses several, and entire nations disappear into the sea, including Japan, Norway, Sweden, and Finland; California is gone into the sea. This is followed by a 9-year nuclear winter and worldwide famine.

Where is this from?

Nightmare fuel brought to you the Denver airport's Reddit account. Fuck.

RemindMe! 1 year

Messaging you on 2016-10-27 22:34:12 UTC to remind you of this.

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hey man, this all sounds kinda plausible to me...i want to know that part that you think will strain your credibility! PM me if you want. i'm interested.

He says: "Retaliation starts, and much of the urban centers of the west coast are wiped out." and then doesn't want to say anymore. I think he saw some new religious figure/movement.

I think it is alien intervention to stop a full on Nuclear War.

Will Carson Palmer be the QB for Arizona or nah?

Hopefully, I've been rooting for the Cardinals for a while. My friends keep making fun of them :c

keep watch over those predictions then i guess. Time will tell

I do not believe Iran has the capability to make nukes. I like the Super Bowl predictions I'm gonna remember those

Think of how easily it would be for Israel to make it look like Iran did it, then giving them the green light to launch their own...

I think Iran already has them. These talks could be just a front in trying to dissuade them from using them now.

think of how easy it would be for anyone to just buy a nuke or any other wmd on the black market. pretty sure russia would gladly sell or even give them a nuke from their stockpile.

why would they do that? a destabilized world is worth it for a few bucks?

"Order from Chaos" - but if you openly create the chaos, who will trust you to bring order? That's where puppet states come in.

Any stock tips?

He said "commodities" (oil, ores) ?

Yeah, don't invest in them. It's in the post.

Nice fanfiction bro.

This is... oddly plausible. But only so likely.

If Terry is supposed to be a powerful one, we have 3 more fizzly storms that have to occur in between before we hit it. And the hurricane season really has only 33 days left in it.

edit: Does anyone have any more "comprehensive" predictions for the next few years? I'm kind of having fun reading these.

After your experience, would you recommend lucid dreaming to others?

You believe you have seen the future, do you think it is the only possible future or could it change? Obviously there are paradoxical problems here if you could personally take some action to prevent something that you saw from occurring.

You'd be amazed at how once the fire starts, you notice that there was tinder everywhere the whole time.

Yes, panic spreads quickly as soon as certain things are threatened. Runs on grocery stores that occur during relatively minor emergencies can be extrapolated into what would occur if the supply chain did not resume operation in a couple of days. If people's source of food, water or fuel becomes uncertain society can change very quickly.

You've made some pretty specific predictions, I would have to rethink my opinions on a few things if they came true.

Yes, mainly because it stripped me of my ego in the beginning. Your subconscious can be very frightening and enlightening as well.

Most of my dreams have been FAR in the future and I usually meet with the same 3 or 4 individuals. Now that I've been experiencing years instead of decades or centuries all of this is coming together. It's something I may be working on turning into a novel with the help of some people I've met on WP.

From what I understand this is the outcome, I haven't had any inconsistencies yet. What amazes me the most is the 30's and 40's. The color purple is very important, fracking ruins the planet "for the greater good" and becomes as common as the military units on every corner. I don't want to go to far into it yet but what we learn in this period changes technology and spirituality. This new front becomes the common man's firearm to resist widespread control, so much that it becomes a stalemate for decades, possibly into 2100.

Did you see the spirituality machines you hook your consciousness and body into? I saw those around 2035

PM me for specifics on that.

When a fire starts to burn, right, and it starts to spread

She gon' bring that attitude home

Who don't wanna do nothing with it, like

-Disclosure, 2013

Entertaining post and I have marked it as saved. The only problem is I don't know how to recall a saved post.

Any of these predictions are possible but that doesn't mean I am completely buying in to your vision of the future. What song is Kanye using for his song you never end? You could probably hum it in to a recording and post it on soundcloud or something.

I found this along a similar line sometime last year and it's also pretty entertaining.

Thanks for the reply!

but what about timelines? is it possible that what you've experienced is just one possible timeline?

i ask because, i'm hoping someone else will appear to run for POTUS, should that occur, then everything changes.

edit: but i'm copying your info -- just to see what happens.

edit: i hope you're BS'ing & wrong, if you're sincere, i'd suggest keeping this to yourself, 'cuz if anything you've said comes true, people will be beating a path to your door & you know who the 'bad guys' are.

You've still got that copy ?, seems OP deleted it all

They're the least of my worries.

Guys... the other night I had a precognitive dream. They really do happen.

I dreamt that I was in my house, and I saw that my sister had gone to SkyTop orchard (about 50 miles away) and gotten some apples. A crate of them was sitting on the counter.

It was an extremely vivid dream. Very memorable.

About ten days later, I eating something in the kitchen, and I noticed a plastic bag of apples on the counter that said "SkyTop Orchards." I had a WTF moment and asked my mom when my sister got the apples. She said "two days ago." She got these apples after I had the dream. There's no chance that I heard her say she would go to skytop before I had this dream. I hardly ever talk to my sister, and I always wear earplugs around the house. It really was a precognitive dream.

I've also met a man who has had a very detailed precognitive dream as well. These things happen. I'm sure of it. I'll definitely save this post.

Feb. 7th is the superbowl and the Panthers are 5% to win it at the moment. Glad we can have something to check immediately, although 5% of the time, this event happens anyway.

Panthers and Patriots are 2 of the 5 undefeated NFL teams at 6 Wins- 0 Loss.


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Tell me about Star Wars!

All I'm going to say is Luke is lost. PM me for specific questions.

That much is obvious. Make a public post with a huge spoiler tag outlining the entire plot, as well as the results of major sports games, if you want to quickly and easily prove credibility.

any advice to someone in the California desert?

Tell us about the reprive in the action. What comes next?

this. how does it all end?

He'll yeah Carolina Panthers Baby before I die. Thank you for this I am now getting prepared.

RemindMe! 2 years

Given the parameters of what you are predicting, I cannot imagine that any other candidate would act differently as president. The stage has already been set within the escalation in Syria. Once Iran gets involved, and if they use nukes or are set up to use nukes (e.g., someone nukes and blames Iran via propaganda/lies), you're going to have escalation. The stage is already set. Unless you've got a white dove in the white house, you're not going to have any other outcome from that chess move. And given the candidates we've got (Trump vs. Clinton most likely), there are no white doves in the running. Except instead of saying, "we came, we saw, he died," Hillary would say, "we came, we nuked, you die."

Thanks for sharing your experiences. Given what's happening in Syria, I feel like we're already on the brink of WW3, just that no one is ready to call it that. Thanks, Obama.

In fairness, the problems in Syria started with the gulf war in the 1980's, the middle east is not a place to mess with, they don't have the organised political structures that the west does, and it is more of a strongest wins mentality. The current intervention situation is no doubt made worse by military intervention however, especially now that Russia is involved.

What happens to gun laws OP?

lose everything

I saved. Curious to see what goes on in the next couple of years. Please put a copyright to the Kanye tunes; I hate that arrogant fuck.

You are shadowbanned my man.

RemindMe! 1 year

You won't like New Zealand mate, weed still isn't legal here....yet.

This is total bullshit and I'm calling you out on it. I have been lucid dreaming since I was a child which is what initially got me interested in dreams. I have conducted thousands of sleep studies professionally since early 2003 after finishing my degree in sleep study. "Time dialation" is not possible in the context you are putting it. For anyone who has studied even the basics of dreams and how your brain functions while dreaming would know that this is a complete and out right lie. You could have dreamt of "the future" but as I stated earlier time dialation is not possible for long term periods. If your brain was even capable of keeping you in a dream for "years" as you percieved them in the "dream world" (which it's not) it would have caused permanent brain damage and your perception of time and reality would be skewed. People who aren't educated about dreams may fall for this but those of us who are know that you're just calling attention to yourself and pretending you have some sort of precognitve ability. I have met literally hundreds of people like you who claim to be able to stay in dreams for longer than possible and claim to have future predictions that always turn out false. You are tricking these people into believing you with open-ended statements and using "general-speak" which means most of these outcomes could technically be possible based on what we already know about the world. You are not psychic, you do not have precognitive abilities and you are blatantly lying to yourself and everyone on this subreddit. When your "predictions" turn out false and you have hopefully matured a bit more I hope that you are able to come to terms with who you actually are instead of parading around like a false psychic.

Note: a dead giveaway is that you said you didn't want to "spoil" the new Starwars movie for us. I doubt you would be able to give a detailed summary of the movie and tell us about scenes that only someone who would have seen the movie would remember. Plus the fact that you contradict yourself multiple times in your own post (which has been archived), which you will undoubtedly edit to make it seem more believable after seeing comments like this.

He'll spoil elections and world wars but won't talk about a movie

Most people won't give two shits if they're told about this war or that election, but you ruin their movie and they'll come in the night with torch and pitchfork

Have you seen FanTheories after a new blockbuster comes out? "But I put spoiler in the title!" "I couldn't be bothered to read that bit, asshole!"

The thing that freaks me out most is that I also had a dream where the Panthers had won this years Super Bowl. Definitely betting a few bucks on them in the near future

I guess people won't be headed Californee-way.

One who studies channeling would know that there are infinite "futures" and you are seeing but one of infinite potentials. No one can accurately predict what will happen because of this.

And people wonder why the credibility of this sub is non-existent.

If you live near Santiago, Chile, be wary of tectonic activity in early-mid 2016.

Mate, we are wary if earthquakes every other week down here.

OP is a lying bundle of sticks. Don't even bother reading his trash repost.

Sounds like...the darkest timeline

Tell me the new Star Wars movies were good at least...

I guess we will have to see then...

What if Iran already has nuclear weapons and these "talks" are really us just figuring out, that they've had them for awhile? The Unite States would never admit to not knowing sooner and they call them "talks" to keep the public from panicking. They are a front to dissuade Iran from using nuclear weapons at the moment.

This is interesting to say the least but this could be nothing more but... a dream, with terrible things that are happening in the world today it would be no wonder for people to have such dreams, thoughts and educated guesses. If true, ALL "predictions" that you shared here can be obtained by other practical means and with some "connections". If even a few major events or information that have high monitor priority on the internet in your original post could be even remotely accurate or are kept secret by governments or others i honestly don't see how your post can be on the internet for more then 24 hours maybe even less...

I got few event checks i would like to test out, nothing major but they are soon and random yet easily accessible to most...

  • Barclays ATP World Tour Finals 2015 at The O2 on 15-22 November 2015 - Who are the final four, then who is in the finals, then who won in the finals ?

  • League of Legends World Championship 2015 finals is on Saturday 31 2015 - What is the final score and who wins ?

  • By google what will be USD to EURO exchange rate on December 01 2015 ?

That future does not truly exist until it does yet it is ever changing and never certain, the absolute opposite goes for the past... the only thing that matters is The Present in our Perception.

All of those things could've happened last week and I wouldn't have had a clue what they were. Who looks up and remembers daily exchange rates??

"until Iran uses, completely by surprise, nuclear weapons."

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm out! nice try!

So, this has already been pointed out as fake... BUT... Anyway.

Anyone from this sub would realize that Iran not only doesn't have nukes, but they can't. An enemy of TPTB able to create a nuke without them noticing? I mean, like actually noticing, not propaganda wise.

Automatic red flag right there.

There will be no nuclear anything. Relax.
Source: MAN

If you're an American or live in Europe, move to one of the following countries

Baghdad gets nuked but no need to warn people living in the Middle East.

All Americans, Canadians, Australians, British, Irish, French, Italians, and French should avoid being in southeast Asia in 2017.

But it's ok for everybody else to be there? Who cares about the Welsh, or the people who actually live in Southeast Asia.

Who cares about the Welsh

Technically they are British

According to whom? Besides, you're just talking around my point. How about Germans or Austrians or Portuguese people? Or, ya know, the people who live in these future wastelands?

According to whom?

Well they are a part of Great Britain...

Besides, you're just talking around my point. How about Germans or Austrians or Portuguese people? Or, ya know, the people who live in these future wastelands?

Yes, I was doing that.

Well they are a part of Great Britain...

And Ireland is part of the British Isles, but try telling an Irish person they're British...

Haha that would end in a fight

According to whom?

Everyone who lives in Wales... Or England... Or Scotland...

It's "The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", so no, Ireland aren't part of Britain, though they are part of the British Isles - the two are different things. Wales, England, and Scotland are "British", and the Irish are just Irish.

That's awesome.

None of this will happen because it's impossible to see the future but thanks for the entertaining read! I really did enjoy it.

So, how can you deem it impossible ? i smell contraddiction

Not like i believe this, but i will stick to "i can't know for sure, so does he"

its impossible because of quantum physics. at least to our current understanding. (you cant know impuls and position of a particle at the same time)

I don't really think we know all the ways the universe work. I didn't say he was on to something anyway. It's about authenticity. If any of what he says happen ( i doubt, but, as i said, who knows ), then that part is authentic, no matter if coincidence or not. All i'm saying is that you can't say "impossibile" before 2017. Before that, there is just "quite highly improbable". Only past is certain.. it's just probability theory.

totally agree, but these things are so principle that i think something like foreseeing the future is just not possible. but what can a human mind know?

Quantum states correspond directly to probability. Given our exact geo-political/socio-economical state, some outcomes are more likely than others.

lol, you cant compare socio-economic things with quantum mechanics.

I appreciate the long post and effort at predicting the future. I find most of your predictions pretty normal guesses from recent past events however. That makes their value as a 'prediction' much less. Generally, in my experience, people faking it try to piece together current information and predict highly likely outcomes. People who really see the future state something completely unknown that nobody thinks is even possible. I could go through your predictions one by one but I've already wasted enough time on this. Coming from a Reddit account 1 month old makes it pretty meaningless to me personally.

The shit you guys will upvote...

Well they are a part of Great Britain...

And Ireland is part of the British Isles, but try telling an Irish person they're British...

It says allot about the nature of consciousness, but not about the ability to predict wider events.

That much is obvious. Make a public post with a huge spoiler tag outlining the entire plot, as well as the results of major sports games, if you want to quickly and easily prove credibility.

All of those things could've happened last week and I wouldn't have had a clue what they were. Who looks up and remembers daily exchange rates??

I'm heading to new Zealand if either one happens...