The Massive Censorship and Scam of YouTube RED

46  2015-10-30 by natavism

Don't think I've seen too much about this, so here goes:

YouTube is a great source for information and it's about to be put behind a pay wall, where "objectionable" or "controversial" material will surely wither and die.

This is an aggressive step up from the bullshit "copyright infringement" bans that are currently in place.

Vinny Eastwood has had his channel taken away, many other truther channels won't survive behind the paywall.

I'm hoping another video sharing site will surface, but in the mean time, what happens? I've heard people talking about jumping to vimeo.

YouTube is currently a giant dynamic community and once the paywall comes up, all the weird little channels will wither and die. This will effectively scatter the many video making truthers that are there... where will they go?

It also appears the /r/conspiracy has been under attack lately, perhaps in conjunction with this YouTube change. There are appear to be more posts submitted per hour (spam) - and many posts are obviously heavily brigaded and downvoted - there have been several posts by moderators on this topic in the past few days.



Why will fringe channels no longer survive?

There is no pay wall, all red does is remove ads and provide a google music subscription. This is to provide revenue to the "click baiters" who lose funding due to those who use browser add-ons like adblocker.

I don't expect there to be a massive change right away, but they're changing part of the way they monetize their service, and I believe this will eventually give them an excuse to take down controversial / fringe material. A few of the truther type channels I subscribe to have already reported negative consequences from this change going back a couple weeks, which was made in preparation for the YouTube red switch over as I understand it.

You can bypass the paywall to access the you tube red directly by typing in your browser


I think we'll see a lot more startups on Patreon if it does happen, though. And if it's a big enough problem, there will be room for competition.

Sounds to me like you don't understand how Red works. If you pay $10 a month you get Play Music as well as ad free YouTube. How exactly does that translate to censorship?

YouTube is changing the way they monetize their content, so under the new model we will eventually see less fringe material and less unpopular opinion. Won't happen instantly but over time. Why are people always so rude over the internet?!

They aren't changing the way they monetize. They are adding another form of monetization. YouTube will never go behind a pay wall. It would kill the site. Google knows that.

So, how, why, when?

You say very confidently that they will get rid of fringe content, but you are just making a logical jump without making a whole lot of sense tbh

That's really strange, although I'm pretty sure you can overwrite a video with a new upload, so no magic.

I believe you can change a title, but as far as I know there's no "swapping" of videos.

no links, outrageous claims


nice comment!

The claims really aren't outrageous. It is an announced program. Many content creators have also been talking about youtube ad revenue dropping dramatically recently due to a change in the way ads are allocated.

no links, outrageous claims.


nice comment!

The claims really aren't outrageous. It is an announced program. Many content creators have also been talking about youtube ad revenue dropping dramatically recently due to a change in the way ads are allocated.

I think we'll see a lot more startups on Patreon if it does happen, though. And if it's a big enough problem, there will be room for competition.