Timelapse of the Sun proves the Flat Earth [20:00]

0  2015-11-02 by natavism


[2:45] Clear timelapse of the Sun sweeping across the sky in a circular motion

[3:45] ISS footage showing a CGI sunset

[5:00] Explaining the tilt of the Sun (the alleged 23.4 degree angle)

[6:00] Timelapse from Alaska showing the motion of the circling Sun

[8:30] Ground level camera compared to 1 mile off the ground

[10:35] Timeanddate.com exercise in flat Earth perspective

[12:00] Timelapse of sunset proves the flat Earth

[13:30] Various timelapses of the locally illuminating Sun

[15:30] Footage of the horizon fading slowly out of view. This proves the flat Earth - on a spinning ball the horizon would fade evenly.

[17:45] Other examples of local illumination

[19:10] de Eard is flat

Lots of bonus chemtrail in this btw :)

edit:IFERS Flat Earth FAQ


I have seriously seen/heard some off the reservation, bought the farm, flew the coupe, government is listening to my brain waves crazy shit in my day fella, but this takes the cake. My mouth is literally hanging open at just how tinfoil hat this stuff is. I'm totally flabbergasted.

I like this sub. I come here because, who knows, maybe some stuff is close to reality. I'm unsubbing right now because this is the brand of crazy that gets other people labeled insane. And I don't mean the funny kind of insane that you call your friends. I mean padded room, soft foods, muzzle and med insane.

I do not work for NASA but I can easily take measurements that prove the earth is round just off of the stars and the motions of the sun and planets. This isn't rocket science, this is just plain old math that you can do with an astrolabe, pencil and paper. You can buy a telescope and look at the other round planets in our solar system. I mean, don't trust nasa for all I care; but take some actual measurements with actual equipment and do some actual math before you call an assertion like this science.

Gravity works at 9.8m/ss everywhere. I mean come on.

What happens if I walk to the edge lol. No one has ever seen the edge before? Does NASA show up and use one of those things from MIB to erase your memory while they move you to the other side lol.

What keeps this magic floating disk from crushing into a sphere like literally every other body we have ever seen in space with any comparable mass?

Why is the earth's shadow round on the moon? We aren't tidally locked to it, so why then no matter where you are on earth when you look up you see a round shadow on the moon?

If you go out on the ocean (and I used to work on sea fairing ships) you can look at the horizon and see the mast of another ship before you see the actual ship...because its beyond the curvature of the earth...

If you go up in a plane you can clearly see the curvature lol I mean come on man this isn't even grade school stuff this is Galilean shit I mean holy crap.

I bet you get laughed at a lot?

Don't unsub, it almost feels like that could be one of its aims.

Right? That is some seriously far out shit


Read up on that and maybe you'll get it :)

lol you banned me from your sub, too bad you cant b& me here

edit: and I did, I read through about half the links on that page earlier just totally dumbfounded that you people exist. There is so much BS there its not even funny, and its actually a little scary. Have you just never been in a plane, or out in the ocean before?

edit 2: and I just read the part about the plane's windows being curved. So I'm going to go ahead and answer for you: maybe you've been in a passenger jet but you've clearly never been in a light airplane. I'll save you the trouble, many of them have totally flat windows and you can still see the curvature of earth. Go rent a ride in one and look at it for yourself.

Must suck to have to resort to trolling and brigades to have to argue against someone, especially when it's something you would think would be so easy to prove. Next time we meet I bet you'll be using a different name too. Have a nice day :)

Lol brigade? Yes, I command an army of reddit, quiver before me /s

I honestly don't care enough to sign out and back in. This conversation was doomed from the start

the earth is flat.

de Eard is flat

Yeah, that about says everything I need to know about you and your ridiculous fantasies.

I am not a believer in the "Flat Earth" theory at the present time. As well, I take issue with several points in the presented video. However, I am always willing to approach subjects, when presented with potentially "new" evidence related to it, with an open mind, and judge it based solely on its own merits in relation to known evidence on the given subject. Approaching it in any other manner is a disservice to yourself more than anything else.

As a result of that, when one decides the best course of action in response to a newly presented set of data is to attack the character of the presenter of the set of information based on the way they chose to word a tiny portion of accompanying text rather than the evidence within the dataset, it only reflects poorly on one's self.

As an incredibly smart man of many talents and of great wisdom once said, "Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in."

I really appreciate your point here. I truly have to agree, it's unwise to just believe the earth is round because you've always been told that. But there are super easy, scientifically replicable experiments that consistently show the earth is round. Explain the shape of the shadow during an eclipse if the earth is flat. OP is insane.


But at what point can we stop lending credence to this absurd notion? You know as well as I do that this sub as been inundated as of late with flat earthers. In the beginning yes, approaching the subject with an open mind then doing the research and finally countering with facts was my preferred method. But how long must we keep that up? After doing the same research and countering with the same hard facts time and time again to no avail, why must we keep treating the subject as if it hasn't been proved already?

I've tried providing these flat earthers with video proof. They respond with "It must be fake". I've tried providing them with simple experiments they can reenact themselves that will recreate the results proving a spherical earth. They respond with "Nope, it's fake".

So exactly how long do we have to keep treating their cockamamie ideas with same rational thought that we lend to other subjects when this one has been so definitively proven to be... well... bullshit!?

Well said. Btw, flat earth started making sense to me when I realized the space deceptions (NASA and other space agencies are lying to us). When you factor that in, things will start to make sense. Just a heads up to you or anyone else willing to look into flat earth

It makes sense when I only look at the things that confirm what I already believe


Nope, I never believed in flat earth..... I was one of ya'll that believes everything in this world is as they say it is.

Nice logical fallacy you just committed there!

Since you are smarter than me, enlighten me which fallacy you are referring to.

I'd love an opportunity to teach!

I was one of ya'll (sic) that believes everything in this world is as they say it is.

Why did you say that?

I'd love an opportunity to teach!

Thank you. Now on to the lesson.

Why did you say that?

I was one of those people who believed what main stream media says about things, for example take 9/11, to be largely true. I believed the official story for a long time until I did the research for myself, then I realized that the official story can in no way be true and anyone who researched the topic would agree, and most people who do, did. Anyway, yeah I was one of those people. What's difficult to understand about that?

Who believes everything "is as they say it is". Was there a user present that said they believed everything "is as they say it is", or did you bring that up unprovoked because you needed an opponent that'd make your view look correct?

Yes there was a user present that said that. My brother was sitting right next to me and he said that. Moreover, lots of them peeps are everywhere, they scoff at those "conspiracy theorists" for being sceptical and all. Last I checked, lots of people still watch BBC/CNN/FOX etc.

Trust me, i don't need to create any new fictitious opponents to prove a point lol... most of the world (including you) disagrees with me anyway!

Where have I said that I disagree with you?

Do you not?

Depends on what the topic is. This post was about Flat Earth and I don't know your opinion on it. Just that you felt the need to assure people that you think for yourself.

You aren't a very good teacher though.

Why do you think that?

Ugh, cause you taught me nothing. Anyway i lost all context for why we are having this conversation. But how has your day been so far?

cause you taught me nothing

Because the lesson isn't over. You kids are so impatient these days...

Anyway i lost all context for why we are having this conversation

Feel free to re-read the beginning; I haven't deleted my comments. You kids and your short attention spans...

Anyway, my day has been alright so far. Yours?

Not bad thank you.

So would you like to answer my last question or you just gonna run away?

No. Were you supposed to teach me something?

We started off teaching why your comment utilized a logical fallacy. Would you wish to learn why or will you detract and rant about other stuff again?

lol i dont have all day so I would appreciate it if you got to the point. Otherwise forget it.

So impatient...

Anyway, your comment that I called you out on us know as "tu quoque". It means that you attempted to avoid criticism by turning it around on the "accuser".

And now you know! :)

Appreciate the effort, but I don't think that is the right application of tu quoqe. I said "I used to be like one of those people who believed what the msm said, and have changed my opinion since." Maybe you misread or misinterpreted.

Zero'd out again - must be on to something :)

Or just on something.

If it were bad content it wouldn't sit at zero exactly. It would fluctuate and go negative. This is being managed to minimize visibility. If it started going negative it would show up on controversial.

Posts don't go negative, only comments do. With only 31% upvoted, I assure you it would be well in the negatives because it's bad content.

cats out of the bag on this, moon landing is a hoax, mars rover was a particularly lame hoax, space is a joke and NASA is a clown show full of freemason liars.

Time to wake up guys, you wanna talk conspiracy, you want to be "anti-globalists" well here is the real conspiracy: we do not live on a giant globe spinning through space faster than a speeding bullet.

Ugh, cause you taught me nothing. Anyway i lost all context for why we are having this conversation. But how has your day been so far?